【音乐欣赏】《Wrong》 - Far Out / Emilia Ali

2023-11-22 20:59

本文主要是介绍【音乐欣赏】《Wrong》 - Far Out / Emilia Ali,希望对大家解决编程问题提供一定的参考价值,需要的开发者们随着小编来一起学习吧!


作者:Far Out / Emilia Ali

 1 [00:16.03]Ride body on mine
 2 [00:18.07]Griping your waist as I was on
 3 [00:20.11]The back of your bike
 4 [00:21.87]Whipping round the corner
 5 [00:23.67]Holding onto you, you never let me fall
 6 [00:29.34]Like that time
 7 [00:31.47]You drove through the night
 8 [00:32.87]When the distance killed me
 9 [00:34.70]Looked me dead in the eyes
10 [00:36.54]Told me not to worry
11 [00:38.00]Holding onto you, I thought we had it all
12 [00:43.00]But I was wrong
13 [00:44.91]I see it in your face from a mile away
14 [00:48.87]Feel it in my veins when you say her name
15 [00:52.13]My picture on your wall flipped the other way but still I stay
16 [00:57.97]I know it’s wrong
17 [01:03.94]I’m just a shadow in your sheets
18 [01:05.55]I don’t be long
19 [01:10.75]Cause you’re lying through your teeth, you got me
20 [01:14.16]Shackled in your chains, losing at your game, screaming out your name, cause I like the pain
21 [01:19.99]I know it’s wrong
22 [01:25.40]But it still feels right to me
23 [01:28.88]Called an hour ago
24 [01:30.83]Left a message at the tone
25 [01:33.29]You shoulda been home
26 [01:34.66]I bet you’re probably not alone
27 [01:36.61]You really thought I didn’t know?
28 [01:42.15]Cause you still hold
29 [01:43.88]My body so close
30 [01:45.31]Making promises you know
31 [01:47.32]You’ve already broke
32 [01:49.04]You say you’ll love me and we’ll stay
33 [01:51.49]Together until we’re grey and old
34 [01:55.36]But your hearts so cold
35 [01:57.60]I see it in your face from a mile away, mile away
36 [02:01.61]Feel it in my veins when you say her name, say her name
37 [02:05.06]My picture on your wall flipped the other way but still I stay
38 [02:11.08]I know it’s wrong
39 [02:16.07]I’m just a shadow in your sheets
40 [02:18.56]I don’t be long
41 [02:23.61]Cause you’re lying through your teeth, you got me
42 [02:27.16]Shackled in your chains, losing at your game, screaming out your name, cause I like the pain
43 [02:32.66]I know it’s wrong
44 [02:38.21]But it still feels right to me
45 [02:41.48]Shackled in your chains, losing at your game, screaming out your name
46 [02:48.54]Shackled in your chains, screaming out your name
47 [02:52.88]But it still feels right to me
48 [by:Lenient_]



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