


Are you looking for gift ideas for bloggers, designers, developers, or just a more technically savvy friend? Ideally, you would want to choose a gift that is useful for your loved ones. In this article, we have hand-picked the best holiday gift ideas for bloggers, designers, and developers.

您是在为博主,设计师,开发人员还是更精通技术的朋友寻找礼物创意? 理想情况下,您希望选择对亲人有用的礼物。 在本文中,我们为博客,设计师和开发人员精心挑选了最佳的节日礼物创意。

Amazing holiday gift ideas for bloggers, designers, and developers
1. Airpods (1. Airpods)


Airpods are wireless Bluetooth earbuds made by Apple for their newer iPhones. These are extremely nice and compact which makes it excellent for travels. The microphone feature is surprisingly good for handling calls while traveling. Airpods are an excellent gift item for anyone but specially your tech savvy friends.

Airpods是Apple为新款iPhone生产的无线蓝牙耳塞。 这些都非常小巧紧凑,非常适合旅行。 麦克风功能非常适合在旅途中处理通话。 对于那些精通技术的朋友而言,Airpods无疑是送给任何人的绝佳礼品。

2. Logitech BRIO网络摄像头 (2. Logitech BRIO Webcam)

Logitech BRIO Webcam

Logitech BRIO Webcam is an ultra HD 4K capable webcam with easy to clip mount that works on any computer. The video quality is superb and works really well even in low light. It is perfect for video conferencing, Skype calls, or live streaming. For the security conscious folks, it comes with built-in security cap so there is no need to tape your webcam lens.

Logitech BRIO网络摄像头是具有超高清4K功能的网络摄像头,可轻松安装在任何计算机上。 视频质量极佳,即使在弱光下也能正常工作。 它是视频会议,Skype通话或实时流媒体的完美选择。 对于注重安全性的人们来说,它带有内置的安全帽,因此无需使用摄像头镜头。

This is an excellent gift for bloggers, developers, and designers.


3. R2-D2应用启用的Droid (3. R2-D2 App-Enabled Droid)

R2 D2 Droid

This app enabled R2 D2 Droid is a great gift for Star Wars fans out there. It comes with authentic movements, which are controlled by the app. Equipped with LED lights and built-in speakers, R2 D2 is the perfect companion to binge watch Star Wars saga. For the young programmers, R2 D2 is fully programmable, and you can run your own commands to modify its behavior.

启用此应用的R2 D2 Droid是向《星球大战》粉丝献上的绝佳礼物。 它带有真实的动作,由应用程序控制。 配备LED灯和内置扬声器,R2 D2是狂热观看《星球大战》传奇的完美伴侣。 对于年轻的程序员,R2 D2是完全可编程的,您可以运行自己的命令来修改其行为。

4. DJI Mavic Pro 2 (4. DJI Mavic Pro 2)

DJI Mavic Pro 2

Drones are the ultimate toy for anyone interested in technology, photography, and computers. This DJI Quadcopter is the best drone camera on the market. It is a state of the art machine that combines cutting-edge engineering, technology, and photography. Ultra HD 4K camera, extended flight time, and a wide range of accessories make it the perfect gift.

无人机是对技术,摄影和计算机感兴趣的任何人的终极玩具。 这款DJI Quadcopter是市场上最好的无人机相机。 这是一台最先进的机器,集尖端工程,技术和摄影于一身。 超高清4K摄像机,更长的飞行时间以及各种附件使其成为完美的礼物。

5.戴尔USB 3.0 Ultra HD / 4K三重显示坞站 (5. Dell USB 3.0 Ultra HD/4K Triple Display Docking Station)

Dell Display Docking Station

This awesome device by Dell connects a laptop to up to three additional monitors, various external devices and the Internet with a single cable. It is a must-have accessory for users who use their laptops particularly MacBooks with external monitors. Newer MacBook models only come with USB 3.0 ports, so this docking station makes it easier to connect Macbook with multiple displays and external devices.

戴尔的这款出色设备可通过一根电缆将笔记本电脑连接至最多三台额外的显示器,各种外部设备和Internet。 对于使用笔记本电脑(尤其是带有外部显示器的MacBooks)的用户来说,它是必不可少的配件。 较新的MacBook型号仅带有USB 3.0端口,因此,该扩展坞使连接Macbook与多台显示器和外部设备的操作变得更加容易。

6. Herman Miller Embody主席 (6. Herman Miller Embody Chair)

Herman Miller Embody Chair

Sitting for hours each day can be very bad for an individual’s health. Herman Millar Embody Chair is designed to enhance health, improve focus, and provide ergonomic support for people who sit more than 4 hours a day.

每天坐几个小时对一个人的健康非常不利。 Herman Millar Embody座椅旨在提高健康度,改善注意力并为每天坐4个小时以上的人提供人体工程学支持。

While it’s expensive, our founder Syed Balkhi swears it’s the best chair in the market, and the price is totally justified.

尽管价格昂贵,但我们的创始人Syed Balkhi发誓它是市场上最好的椅子,而且价格绝对合理。

This chair comes in various styles and colors. It is a great gift for bloggers, developers, designers who work from home and spend the large part of their day working on computers.

这把椅子有各种各样的样式和颜色。 对于在家工作的博客作者,开发人员,设计师来说,这是一个很棒的礼物,他们大部分时间都在计算机上工作。

7. SmartDesk (7. SmartDesk)


Even with the best chair, prolonged sitting can tire you out. Standing desks like SmartDesk allow you to break the habit, keep healthy, and remain productive throughout the day. It is fully electric and easily adjustable up to a height of 51 inches.

即使拥有最好的椅子,长时间坐着也会使您疲惫。 诸如SmartDesk之类的站立式办公桌可让您改变习惯,保持健康并全天保持生产力。 它是完全电动的,可轻松调节至51英寸的高度。

8. KINGOM 7储物箱 (8. KINGOM 7 Storage Compartments)

KINGOM 7 Storage Compartments

KINGOM’s Storage Compartments is a beautiful desk organizer made of high-quality PU leather with stiched detailing. It has 6 divided compartments to organize pen/pencil, scissors, remote control, cell phone, cards, and more. It also has a small-notched supply drawer, which pulls out to hold 4 by 4.5-inch notepads.

KINGOM的储物格是一个漂亮的办公桌整理器,它由高品质PU皮革制成,并带有高挑细节。 它有6个分隔的隔间,可组织笔/铅笔,剪刀,遥控器,手机,卡片等。 它还有一个带槽的小抽屉,可拉出以容纳4个4.5英寸的记事本。

9.星际迷航蓝牙手操器 (9. Star Trek Bluetooth Communicator)

Star Trek Communicator

For all those Trekkies out there, this communicator device is highly accurate and created from 3D scans of the last known hero prop. It is fully functional and easily pairs with any Bluetooth compatible mobile phone. You can use the classic flip action to answer calls on the device. It also includes 20 authentic voice clips and Star Trek: Original Series communicator sound effects.

对于所有在那里的跋涉,此通讯器设备都是高度精确的,并且是通过对最后一个已知英雄道具的3D扫描创建的。 它功能齐全,可轻松与任何兼容蓝牙的手机配对。 您可以使用经典的翻页操作来接听设备上的呼叫。 它还包括20个真实的语音剪辑和《星际迷航:原始系列》通讯器音效。

10. Bose QuietComfort 35系列II (10. Bose QuietComfort 35 Series II)

Bose QuietComfort

Headphones help many bloggers and developers work more efficiently. Bose’s QuietComfort comes with three levels of noise cancellation for better listening experience in any environment. It has built-in Alexa voice controls, noise deducting microphones, and hassle-free Bluetooth pairing.

耳机可帮助许多博客作者和开发人员更有效地工作。 Bose的QuietComfort具备三级噪音消除功能,可在任何环境下提供更好的聆听体验。 它具有内置的Alexa语音控件,降噪麦克风和无忧的蓝牙配对。

This is one of the best and most comfortable headphones in the market. It will make an excellent present for anyone who travels or works remotely.

这是市场上最好,最舒适的耳机之一。 对于任何旅行或远程工作的人来说,这都是一个绝佳的礼物。

11. iRobot Roomba (11. iRobot Roomba)

iRobot Roomba

iRobot Roomba is a robot vacuum cleaner that roams around your house vacuuming the surfaces. It comes with WiFi connectivity, intelligent sensors to find its way around, accepts voice commands via Alexa and Google Assistant. It can run for 90 minutes and then it automatically finds its docking station to recharge itself.

iRobot Roomba是一种机器人吸尘器,可在您的房屋周围漫游,以吸尘表面。 它具有WiFi连接,智能传感器,可以找到解决方案,并通过Alexa和Google Assistant接受语音命令。 它可以运行90分钟,然后自动找到其坞站进行充电。

12. Avantree Bamboo移动坞站 (12. Avantree Bamboo Mobile Docking Station)

Avantree Bamboo Mobile Docking Station

Avantree Bamboo Mobile Docking station is a 10 port and 100W docking / charging station for multiple devices. It has a QuickCharge 3.0 port for faster charging, USB C port, and 8 smart USB ports. It has a safe adapter that you can plug into a wall socket and charge all your devices at once.

Avantree Bamboo移动坞站是10端口和100W坞站/充电站,可用于多个设备。 它具有用于快速充电的QuickCharge 3.0端口,USB C端口和8个智能USB端口。 它具有一个安全的适配器,您可以将其插入墙上的插座并立即为所有设备充电。

13. Facebook Live工具包 (13. Facebook Live Kit)

Facebook Live and videos shot in selfie mode are great for creating highly engaging content. If your loved ones are doing Facebook Live videos using their phones, then they will love these gifts.

Facebook Live和以自拍模式拍摄的视频非常适合创建引人入胜的内容。 如果您的亲人正在使用手机制作Facebook Live视频,那么他们会喜欢这些礼物。

GripTight GorillaPod Stand PRO

GripTight GorillaPod支架PRO

GripTight GorillaPod Stand PRO

GripTight GorillaPod stand is a multi-functional tripod for cell phones. It works with any smartphone and its adjustable legs can be used to attach it to any surface. It is a must-have accessory for any video makers or photography enthusiasts.

GripTight GorillaPod支架是用于手机的多功能三脚架。 它可与任何智能手机配合使用,其可调节支脚可用于将其固定在任何表面上。 它是任何视频制作者或摄影爱好者必不可少的配件。

CamKix Wireless Camera Shutter Remote Control


CamKix Wireless Camera Shutter Remote Control

CamKix’s wireless camera shutter allows you to easily operate camera shutter on your phone with this Bluetooth remote control. It works with all mobile phones and comes with a wrist wrap so you don’t lose it while making videos.

CamKix的无线相机快门使您可以使用此蓝牙遥控器轻松地在手机上操作相机快门。 它适用于所有手机,并带有腕带,因此您在制作视频时不会丢失它。

QIAYA Selfie Light Ring


QIAYA Selfie Light Ring

This USB chargeable selfie light ring adds that perfect lighting your selfie and videos are missing. It attaches to any smartphone and is designed to optimally lighten up your face.

这款USB可充电的自拍灯环可为您的自拍和视频丢失提供完美的照明。 它可以连接到任何智能手机,并且可以最佳地减轻您的脸庞。

14. WPBeginner产品系列 (14. WPBeginner Family of Products)

WPBeginner Family of Products

WPBeginner family of products include some of the internet’s most popular tools that help small businesses grow and compete with the big guys.


  • OptinMonster – Helps website owners convert visitors into customers and subscribers.OptinMonster –帮助网站所有者将访问者转换为客户和订户。
  • WPForms – the best form builder for WordPress.
  • WPForms – WordPress的最佳表单生成器 。
  • MonsterInsights – Learn where website visitors are coming from and what they do on your website.MonsterInsights –了解网站访问者来自何处以及他们在您网站上的工作。
  • SeedProd – Easily show a beautiful maintenance mode or coming soon page on your website.SeedProd –在您的网站上轻松显示漂亮的维护模式或即将发布的页面。
赛义德书架上的书 (Books From Syed’s Shelf)

Books are the kind of gift that keeps giving. Here are some of the books from our founder and CEO Syed Balkhi’s bookshelf.

书是不断赠送的礼物。 以下是我们的创始人兼首席执行官Syed Balkhi的书架上的一些书。

15.詹姆斯·克莱尔的原子习性 (15. Atomic Habits by James Clear)

Atomic Habits by James Clear

Changing habits is an issue that we all struggle with. In this book, author James Clear offers a proven framework for improving just a little bit every day. The author of the book is one of the world’s leading experts on habit formation. In this book, he describes practical strategies that will teach you exactly how to form good habits and break bad ones.

改变习惯是我们所有人都在努力的问题。 在这本书中,作者James Clear提供了一个行之有效的框架,用于每天进行一点点改进。 该书的作者是习惯养成方面的世界领先专家之一。 在这本书中,他描述了实用的策略,这些策略将教会您确切的养成习惯和坏习惯的养成方法。

16. Sprint:如何在短短五天内解决重大问题并测试新想法作者:Jake Knapp (16. Sprint: How to Solve Big Problems and Test New Ideas in Just Five Days by Jake Knapp)


Problem-solving is what most entrepreneurs do to grow their business every day. Sprint offers a transformative formula for testing ideas that work. It is an excellent read for startups, bloggers, developers, and almost any individual or organization that wants to grow fast without crashing.

解决问题是大多数企业家每天发展业务所要做的。 Sprint为测试可行的想法提供了一种变革性的公式。 对于初创公司,博客作者,开发人员以及几乎任何想要快速成长而不会崩溃的个人或组织来说,这是一本优秀的读物。

17.杰夫·斯玛特和兰迪街的人 (17. Who by Geoff Smart and Randy Street)

Who by Geoff Smart and Randy Street

Hiring people for your business is a challenge. In this book, author Geoff Smart and Randy Street provide a simple, practical, and effective solution to hiring successfully. It makes a excellent gift for startup founders, entrepreneurs, and small business owners.

为您的业务聘用人员是一个挑战。 在这本书中,作者Geoff Smart和Randy Street为成功招聘提供了一种简单,实用和有效的解决方案。 它是给初创公司创始人,企业家和小型企业老板的绝佳礼物。

18.牵引力:吉诺·威克曼(Gino Wickman)掌握您的业务 (18. Traction: Get a Grip on Your Business by Gino Wickman)

Traction: Get a Grip on Your Business by Gino Wickman

As businesses grow they tend to fall under similar problems. Traction explains The Entrepreneurial Operating System®, a practical method used by more than 2,000 companies for achieving business success and avoiding common mistakes.

随着业务的增长,它们往往会遇到类似的问题。 Traction解释了Entrepreneurial OperatingSystem®,这是一种由2,000多家公司用于实现业务成功和避免常见错误的实用方法。

19. Mohnish Pabrai的Dhandho投资者 (19. The Dhandho Investor by Mohnish Pabrai)

The Dhandho Investor by Mohnish Pabrai

Want to invest your money smartly? The Dhandho Investor explains the Dhandho capital allocation framework used by the business savvy Patels from India and presents how they can be applied successfully to the stock market.

想聪明地投资你的钱吗? Dhandho投资者介绍了印度精通业务的Patel使用的Dhandho资本分配框架,并介绍了如何将其成功应用于股票市场。

We hope this article helped you find some good holiday gift ideas for bloggers and developers. You may also want to see our guide on how to start a WordPress blog with step by step instructions.

我们希望本文能帮助您为博客作者和开发人员找到一些不错的节日礼物想法。 您可能还想查看有关如何启动WordPress博客的指南,并提供分步说明。

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

如果您喜欢这篇文章,请订阅我们的YouTube频道 WordPress视频教程。 您也可以在Twitter和Facebook上找到我们。






本文以商业化应用推荐为例,告诉我们不懂推荐算法的产品,也能从产品侧出发, 设计出一款不错的推荐系统。 相信很多新手产品,看到算法二字,多是懵圈的。 什么排序算法、最短路径等都是相对传统的算法(注:传统是指科班出身的产品都会接触过)。但对于推荐算法,多数产品对着网上搜到的资源,都会无从下手。特别当某些推荐算法 和 “AI”扯上关系后,更是加大了理解的难度。 但,不了解推荐算法,就无法做推荐系


学习内容源自「软件设计师」 上午题 #1 计算机系统_哔哩哔哩_bilibili 目录 1.1.1 计算机系统硬件基本组成 1.1.2 中央处理单元 1.CPU 的功能 1)运算器 2)控制器 RISC && CISC 流水线控制 存储器  Cache 中断 输入输出IO控制方式 程序查询方式 中断驱动方式 直接存储器方式(DMA)  ​编辑 总线 ​编辑


在当今的创意设计与数字内容生产领域,图形工作站以其强大的计算能力、专业的图形处理能力和稳定的系统性能,成为了众多设计师、动画师、视频编辑师等创意工作者的必备工具。 设计团队面临资源有限,比如只有一台高性能电脑时,如何高效地让七人同时流畅地进行设计工作,便成为了一个亟待解决的问题。 一、硬件升级与配置 1.高性能处理器(CPU):选择多核、高线程的处理器,例如Intel的至强系列或AMD的Ry


文章目录 前言资料获取设计介绍功能介绍设计清单具体实现截图参考文献设计获取 前言 💗博主介绍:✌全网粉丝10W+,CSDN特邀作者、博客专家、CSDN新星计划导师,一名热衷于单片机技术探索与分享的博主、专注于 精通51/STM32/MSP430/AVR等单片机设计 主要对象是咱们电子相关专业的大学生,希望您们都共创辉煌!✌💗 👇🏻 精彩专栏 推荐订阅👇🏻 单片机

系统架构设计师: 信息安全技术

简简单单 Online zuozuo: 简简单单 Online zuozuo 简简单单 Online zuozuo 简简单单 Online zuozuo 简简单单 Online zuozuo :本心、输入输出、结果 简简单单 Online zuozuo : 文章目录 系统架构设计师: 信息安全技术前言信息安全的基本要素:信息安全的范围:安全措施的目标:访问控制技术要素:访问控制包括:等保


目录 1 项目介绍2 项目截图3 核心代码3.1 Controller3.2 Service3.3 Dao3.4 application.yml3.5 SpringbootApplication3.5 Vue 4 数据库表设计5 文档参考6 计算机毕设选题推荐7 源码获取 1 项目介绍 博主个人介绍:CSDN认证博客专家,CSDN平台Java领域优质创作者,全网30w+


文章目录 前言资料获取设计介绍功能介绍程序代码部分参考 设计清单具体实现截图参考文献设计获取 前言 💗博主介绍:✌全网粉丝10W+,CSDN特邀作者、博客专家、CSDN新星计划导师,一名热衷于单片机技术探索与分享的博主、专注于 精通51/STM32/MSP430/AVR等单片机设计 主要对象是咱们电子相关专业的大学生,希望您们都共创辉煌!✌💗 👇🏻 精彩专栏 推荐订


读《Spring技术内幕》第二版,计文柯著。 如果我们要简要地描述Spring的设计⽬标,可以这么说,Spring为开发者提供的是⼀个⼀站式的轻量级应⽤开发框架(平台)。 作为平台,Spring抽象了我们在 许多应⽤开发中遇到的共性问题;同时,作为⼀个轻量级的应⽤开发框架,Spring和传统的J2EE开发相⽐,有其⾃⾝的特点。 通过这些⾃⾝的特点,Spring充分体现了它的设计理念:在


AIPaperGPT,论文写作神器~ 大家都准备开题报告了吗?研究方法部分是不是已经让你头疼到抓狂? 别急,这可是大多数人都会遇到的难题!尤其是研究方法设计这一块,选定性还是定量,怎么搞才能符合老师的要求? 每次到这儿,头脑一片空白。 好消息是,现在AI工具火得一塌糊涂,比如ChatGPT,居然能帮你在研究方法这块儿上出点主意。是不


本文来自七八点联合IT橘子和车库咖啡的一系列关于设计公司股权结构的讲座。 主讲人何德文: 在公司发展的不同阶段,创业者都会面临公司股权架构设计问题: 1.合伙人合伙创业第一天,就会面临股权架构设计问题(合伙人股权设计); 2.公司早期要引入天使资金,会面临股权架构设计问题(天使融资); 3.公司有三五十号人,要激励中层管理与重要技术人员和公司长期走下去,会面临股权架构设计问题(员工股权激