
2023-11-22 09:20


When you’re in a meeting, on the train, or have muted your phone for some other reason, vibrations can let you know when you receive a call. But with Vybe, you can create unique vibration patterns for contacts so you’ll know who’s calling without the need to look at your phone.

当您在开会中,在火车上或由于其他原因使手机静音时,振动会在您接到电话时通知您。 但是,借助Vybe ,您可以为联系人创建独特的振动模式,从而无需看手机就能知道谁在打电话。

Switching your phone to silent mode is great if you want to avoid distraction or don’t want to disturb others. Knowing that your device will vibrate if someone calls means that you’re safe to leave it in your pocket and not have to check it every couple of minutes.

如果您想避免分心或不想打扰其他人,则将手机切换到静音模式非常有用。 知道有人打电话时您的设备会振动,这意味着您可以安全地将其放在口袋中,而不必每隔几分钟检查一次。

But when your phone vibrates, there is no way to differentiate between an important call that you need to take, a spam call, or a call from a friend. All this changes with Vybe. This free tool can be used to create unique vibration patterns for different contacts so you can tell who is calling without having to reach into your pocket.

但是,当手机振动时,无法区分需要拨打的重要电话,垃圾邮件电话或朋友的电话。 所有这些都随着Vybe改变。 这个免费的工具可用于为不同的联系人创建独特的振动模式,因此您不必伸手就能知道谁在打电话。

Grab yourself a copy of the app from Google Play and swipe through the introductory guide. You will find yourself presented with a basic recording view not dissimilar to a voice recording app.

从Google Play获取该应用的副本,然后在入门指南中滑动。 您会发现自己拥有基本的录音视图,与语音录音应用没什么不同。

Tap the red record button to start configuring your first vibration pattern. Use the main circular button to tap out the vibration you’d like to use – you can tap out Morse code, percussive patterns, or whatever else takes your fancy.

点击红色的录制按钮开始配置您的第一个振动模式。 使用圆形的主按钮可以敲出您想要使用的振动-您可以敲出摩尔斯电码,敲击模式或其他您喜欢的东西。

Check how a vibration sounds – or feels – by hitting the record button, which has now turned into a play button. If you’re not happy with what you have created, tap the refresh button to start again, or save those you like by tapping the disk icon.

通过点击“录音”按钮(现在已变成“播放”按钮)来检查振动的声音或感觉。 如果您对创建的内容不满意,请点击“刷新”按钮以重新开始,或者通过点击磁盘图标来保存所需的内容。

Although Vybe is all about creating easily identifiable vibration patterns for individual callers, you can also use the app to change the default vibration for incoming calls and text messages. To do this, just tap the call or SMS buttons at the top of the app. Should you do this and then change your mind, head to the Settings section and clear the Default options.

尽管Vybe旨在为每个呼叫者创建易于识别的振动模式,但您也可以使用该应用程序更改来电和短信的默认振动。 为此,只需点击应用顶部的通话或短信按钮。 如果要这样做,然后改变主意,请转到“设置”部分,然后清除“默认”选项。

But the point of Vybe is to assign different vibrations to each contact, or type of contact. Having recorded a pattern you like, tap the Add Contact button to the lower right of the screen and then select the contact or contacts for which the current vibration should be used.

但是Vybe的重点是为每个触点或触点类型分配不同的振动。 录制完所需的图案后,点击屏幕右下方的“添加接触点”按钮,然后选择应使用当前振动的一个或多个接触点。

Tap the circle button followed by ‘Apply to call’ or ‘Apply to SMS’. It’s worth noting that the Settings menu can be used to quickly invert the selection, which is handy if you want to select a large number of contacts without too much tapping.

点击圆圈按钮,然后点击“适用于通话”或“适用于短信”。 值得注意的是,可以使用“设置”菜单快速反转选择,如果您想选择大量的联系人而无需点击太多,这非常方便。

Vibration patterns can be managed by tapping the button to the lower left of the app screen. From here you can delete any patterns that are no longer needed, playback those that have been retained as well as load them in to the app when they are ready to be assigned to contacts.

可以通过点击应用程序屏幕左下方的按钮来管理振动模式。 在这里,您可以删除不再需要的任何模式,播放保留的模式,并在准备好分配给联系人时将其加载到应用程序中。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/141237/how-to-create-unique-vibration-ringtones-for-contacts-with-vybe/




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