
2023-11-21 08:41


请大家选用Siwen的XNote,真的相当好用哦, www.siwen.com

Siwen XNote 3.2
      XNote was created to give you an easy and fun way to create virtual sticky notes on your computer's desktop, but it support the Internet and a wide variety of other features. XNote helps you manage your notes, send them instantly to friends, set alarms, digit pen. XNote's primary aim is still to provide an easy way to create beautiful notes; through all its features, we hope it is always fun to use.

Siwen XNote 3.2
Siwen XNote Screenshot

Siwen XNote description

Siwen XNote 3.2 Especial Features

Attach files. That way important document or picture.

Set alarms. You can set notes to appear at specific times to remind you of important events.

Customize your notes. With Siwen XNote, you can change the color, background image, transparent mode and texture of your notes.

Record voice. You can record a voice attach in Siwen XNote.

Digital pen. With Siwen XNote you can free draw at note board.

Net send and accept. You can send and accept a note from your friends.

Note manager. By note manager you can delete, show, hide, print, search, export or import notes.


XNote will give you an easy and funny way of creating virtual sticky notes on the desktop of your computer, and besides, it even supports the network transfer and other exciting features.

Siwen XNote 3.2 Especial Features

Network Transport:
You can send notes to one contactor or some contactors at the same time. You can also receive notes from your contactors.
It's much easier than using email if your computer can recognize the IP Address of their computers.
If your contactor haven't installed the XNote, don't worry, the content of the note will be send to your contactor by the Windows Messager which is installed when the windows is installed by default.

Attach files:
It could attach any type of files, include document, picture, executable files... So it's quite easy for you to put your note and its related files together.
And the Attachments can also be sent to your contactors.

Set alarms:
Notes can be set to appear at specific times to remind you of important events. And a sound can be added to enhence the alarm.

Notes can be changed into different colors, and may have background images. Transparent mode and texture may make your note more beautiful.

Record voice:
A voice can be recorded and attached to a note.

Digital pen:
Any Painting can be made via your mouse on the note board. It's as easy as MS Paint.

Note manager:
Notes can be deleted, shown, hidden, grouped and exported/imported in the NoteManager.
And in the right click menu of each note, all the above operation except importing can be executed on the single note.

XNote will help you manage your messages and notes, and share them with your friends. It will do lot of help to your work and life.





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