博客将包括:对四轴原理的理解+算法的研究+对MWC算法的解读与修改。 (MWC程序解读以MultiWii_1_8版本为主,因为版本越高,外设越多,代码越多。我们先只看核心代码。)
- //http://diydrones.com/profiles/blogs/705844:BlogPost:38393
- #define channumber 4 //How many channels have your radio?
- int value[channumber];
- void setup()
- {
- Serial.begin(57600); //Serial Begin
- pinMode(3, INPUT); //Pin 3 as input
- }
- void loop()
- {
- while(pulseIn(3, LOW) < 5000){} //Wait for the beginning of the frame同步帧长度肯定大于5ms,而其他帧的低电平时间肯定小于5ms。
- for(int x=0; x<=channumber-1; x++)//Loop to store all the channel position
- {
- value[x]=pulseIn(3, LOW);
- }
- for(int x=0; x<=channumber-1; x++)//Loop to print and clear all the channel readings
- {
- Serial.print(value[x]); //Print the value
- Serial.print(" ");
- value[x]=0; //Clear the value afeter is printed
- }
- Serial.println(""); //Start a new line
- }
#define channumber 4 //How many channels have your radio?
int value[channumber];void setup()
{Serial.begin(57600); //Serial BeginpinMode(3, INPUT); //Pin 3 as input
void loop()
{while(pulseIn(3, LOW) < 5000){} //Wait for the beginning of the frame同步帧长度肯定大于5ms,而其他帧的低电平时间肯定小于5ms。for(int x=0; x<=channumber-1; x++)//Loop to store all the channel position{value[x]=pulseIn(3, LOW);}for(int x=0; x<=channumber-1; x++)//Loop to print and clear all the channel readings{Serial.print(value[x]); //Print the valueSerial.print(" ");value[x]=0; //Clear the value afeter is printed}Serial.println(""); //Start a new line
1. (默认)一般PPM信号(也就是接收机对PPM信号帧处理后分到各个接口上去的),一般接收机都是这种。
2. 串口PPM信号,也就是没对信号帧分解的原始信号,例如上面代码解码的就是。
假设我们以Arduino pro mini为核心板制作四轴,并且使用SERIAL_SUM_PPM方式接收(例如蓝牙)。黑色为保留的代码,红色为可删除的多余代码。
volatile uint16_t rcPinValue[8] = {1500,1500,1500,1500,1500,1500,1500,1500}; // interval [1000;2000]
static int16_t rcData4Values[8][4]; //滤波时候使用,存储最近次channel值。
static int16_t rcDataMean[8] ;
static uint8_t rcChannel[8] = {SERIAL_SUM_PPM};//SERIAL_SUM_PPM在config文件中定义,为接收模式定义
volatile uint16_t rcValue[8] = {1500,1500,1500,1500,1500,1500,1500,1500}; // interval [1000;2000]
// Configure each rc pin for PCINT
void configureReceiver() {
#if !defined(SERIAL_SUM_PPM) && !defined(SPEKTRUM)
for (uint8_t chan = 0; chan < 8; chan++)
for (uint8_t a = 0; a < 4; a++)
rcData4Values[chan][a] = 1500; //we initiate the default value of each channel. If there is no RC receiver connected, we will see those values
#if defined(PROMINI)
// PCINT activated only for specific pin inside [D0-D7] , [D2 D4 D5 D6 D7] for this multicopter
PORTD = (1<<2) | (1<<4) | (1<<5) | (1<<6) | (1<<7); //enable internal pull ups on the PINs of PORTD (no high impedence PINs)
PCMSK2 |= (1<<2) | (1<<4) | (1<<5) | (1<<6) | (1<<7);
PCICR = 1<<2; // PCINT activated only for the port dealing with [D0-D7] PINs
#if defined(MEGA)
// PCINT activated only for specific pin inside [A8-A15]
DDRK = 0; // defined PORTK as a digital port ([A8-A15] are consired as digital PINs and not analogical)
PORTK = (1<<0) | (1<<1) | (1<<2) | (1<<3) | (1<<4) | (1<<5) | (1<<6) | (1<<7); //enable internal pull ups on the PINs of PORTK
PCMSK2 |= (1<<0) | (1<<1) | (1<<2) | (1<<3) | (1<<4) | (1<<5) | (1<<6) | (1<<7);
PCICR = 1<<2; // PCINT activated only for PORTK dealing with [A8-A15] PINs
#if defined(SERIAL_SUM_PPM)
PPM_PIN_INTERRUPT //在def文件中定义,为attachInterrupt(0, rxInt, RISING); //PIN 0设置0口中断,产生中断时触发rxInt()函数。
#if defined (SPEKTRUM)
#if !defined(SERIAL_SUM_PPM) && !defined(SPEKTRUM)
ISR(PCINT2_vect) { //this ISR is common to every receiver channel, it is call everytime a change state occurs on a digital pin [D2-D7]
uint8_t mask;
uint8_t pin;
uint16_t cTime,dTime;
static uint16_t edgeTime[8];
static uint8_t PCintLast;
#if defined(PROMINI)
pin = PIND; // PIND indicates the state of each PIN for the arduino port dealing with [D0-D7] digital pins (8 bits variable)
#if defined(MEGA)
pin = PINK; // PINK indicates the state of each PIN for the arduino port dealing with [A8-A15] digital pins (8 bits variable)
mask = pin ^ PCintLast; // doing a ^ between the current interruption and the last one indicates wich pin changed
sei(); // re enable other interrupts at this point, the rest of this interrupt is not so time critical and can be interrupted safely
PCintLast = pin; // we memorize the current state of all PINs [D0-D7]
cTime = micros(); // micros() return a uint32_t, but it is not usefull to keep the whole bits => we keep only 16 bits
// mask is pins [D0-D7] that have changed // the principle is the same on the MEGA for PORTK and [A8-A15] PINs
// chan = pin sequence of the port. chan begins at D2 and ends at D7
if (mask & 1<<2) //indicates the bit 2 of the arduino port [D0-D7], that is to say digital pin 2, if 1 => this pin has just changed
if (!(pin & 1<<2)) { //indicates if the bit 2 of the arduino port [D0-D7] is not at a high state (so that we match here only descending PPM pulse)
dTime = cTime-edgeTime[2]; if (900<dTime && dTime<2200) rcPinValue[2] = dTime; // just a verification: the value must be in the range [1000;2000] + some margin
} else edgeTime[2] = cTime; // if the bit 2 of the arduino port [D0-D7] is at a high state (ascending PPM pulse), we memorize the time
if (mask & 1<<4) //same principle for other channels // avoiding a for() is more than twice faster, and it's important to minimize execution time in ISR
if (!(pin & 1<<4)) {
dTime = cTime-edgeTime[4]; if (900<dTime && dTime<2200) rcPinValue[4] = dTime;
} else edgeTime[4] = cTime;
if (mask & 1<<5)
if (!(pin & 1<<5)) {
dTime = cTime-edgeTime[5]; if (900<dTime && dTime<2200) rcPinValue[5] = dTime;
} else edgeTime[5] = cTime;
if (mask & 1<<6)
if (!(pin & 1<<6)) {
dTime = cTime-edgeTime[6]; if (900<dTime && dTime<2200) rcPinValue[6] = dTime;
} else edgeTime[6] = cTime;
if (mask & 1<<7)
if (!(pin & 1<<7)) {
dTime = cTime-edgeTime[7]; if (900<dTime && dTime<2200) rcPinValue[7] = dTime;
} else edgeTime[7] = cTime;
#if defined(MEGA)
if (mask & 1<<0)
if (!(pin & 1<<0)) {
dTime = cTime-edgeTime[0]; if (900<dTime && dTime<2200) rcPinValue[0] = dTime;
} else edgeTime[0] = cTime;
if (mask & 1<<1)
if (!(pin & 1<<1)) {
dTime = cTime-edgeTime[1]; if (900<dTime && dTime<2200) rcPinValue[1] = dTime;
} else edgeTime[1] = cTime;
if (mask & 1<<3)
if (!(pin & 1<<3)) {
dTime = cTime-edgeTime[3]; if (900<dTime && dTime<2200) rcPinValue[3] = dTime;
} else edgeTime[3] = cTime;
#if defined(FAILSAFE)
if (mask & 1<<THROTTLEPIN) { // If pulse present on THROTTLE pin (independent from ardu version), clear FailSafe counter - added by MIS
if(failsafeCnt > 20) failsafeCnt -= 20; else failsafeCnt = 0; }
#if defined(SERIAL_SUM_PPM)
void rxInt() {
uint16_t now,diff;
static uint16_t last = 0;
static uint8_t chan = 0;
now = micros();
diff = now - last; //获得每个channel时间
last = now;
if(diff>3000) chan = 0; //接收到同步帧
else {
if(900<diff && diff<2200 && chan<8 ) { //Only if the signal is between these values it is valid, otherwise the failsafe counter should move up 1ms~2ms
rcValue[chan] = diff;
#if defined(FAILSAFE)//掉电保护
if(failsafeCnt > 20) failsafeCnt -= 20; else failsafeCnt = 0; // clear FailSafe counter - added by MIS //incompatible to quadroppm
#if defined(SPEKTRUM)
uint16_t readRawRC(uint8_t chan) {
uint16_t data;
uint8_t oldSREG;
cli(); // Let's disable interrupts
data = rcPinValue[pinRcChannel[chan]]; // Let's copy the data Atomically
data = rcValue[rcChannel[chan]];
sei();// Let's enable the interrupts
#if defined(PROMINI) && !defined(SERIAL_SUM_PPM)
if (chan>4) return 1500;
return data; // We return the value correctly copied when the IRQ's where disabled
void computeRC() {
static uint8_t rc4ValuesIndex = 0;
uint8_t chan,a;
for (chan = 0; chan < 8; chan++) {
rcData4Values[chan][rc4ValuesIndex%4] = readRawRC(chan);//rcData4Values[chan][]保存最近四次chan信道的数据
rcDataMean[chan] = 0;
for (a=0;a<4;a++) rcDataMean[chan] += rcData4Values[chan][a];
rcDataMean[chan]= (rcDataMean[chan]+2)/4;//求取最近4次chan信道值的平均值
if ( rcDataMean[chan] < rcData[chan] -3) rcData[chan] = rcDataMean[chan]+2;
if ( rcDataMean[chan] > rcData[chan] +3) rcData[chan] = rcDataMean[chan]-2;//并没有直接将rcDataMean[chan]赋值给rcData[chan],而是慢慢修正rcData[chan]的值,稳定性更高。rcData[8]在主文件里面定义。
rxInt() 接收PPM帧信号,将每个信道的数据存储到rcValue[chan]里面,之后可以用readRawRC(chan)函数在关闭中断时候准确读出每个信道的值,再用computeRC()函数对每个信道取最近4次值,之后计算平均值,并依此修正 rcData[chan]。可见rcData[chan]为我们最终要修改的值,也是后面的控制算法使用的值。
二、我对main loop()主程序的分析
四、旋转矩阵求坐标解析 五、计算俯仰角度的依据文件
void computeIMU () { uint8_t axis;
static int16_t gyroADCprevious[3] = {0,0,0};
int16_t gyroADCp[3];
int16_t gyroADCinter[3];
static uint32_t timeInterleave = 0;
//we separate the 2 situations because reading gyro values with a gyro only setup can be acchieved at a higher rate
//gyro+nunchuk: we must wait for a quite high delay betwwen 2 reads to get both WM+ and Nunchuk data. It works with 3ms
//gyro only: the delay to read 2 consecutive values can be reduced to only 0.65ms
#if defined(NUNCHUCK)//定义NUNCHUCK(一种硬件设备)执行下面的
while((micros()-timeInterleave)<INTERLEAVING_DELAY) //interleaving delay between 2 consecutive reads
getEstimatedAttitude(); // computation time must last less than one interleaving delay
while((micros()-timeInterleave)<INTERLEAVING_DELAY) //interleaving delay between 2 consecutive reads
while(f.NUNCHUKDATA) ACC_getADC(); // For this interleaving reading, we must have a gyro update at this point (less delay)
for (axis = 0; axis < 3; axis++) {
// empirical, we take a weighted value of the current and the previous values
// /4 is to average 4 values, note: overflow is not possible for WMP gyro here
gyroData[axis] = (gyroADC[axis]*3+gyroADCprevious[axis])/4;
gyroADCprevious[axis] = gyroADC[axis]; }
#if ACC//……………………………………………………….① ACC_getADC();//获得加计的ADC值
#if GYRO
for (axis = 0; axis < 3; axis++)
gyroADCp[axis] = gyroADC[axis];
if ((micros()-timeInterleave)>650) {
annex650_overrun_count++;//运行时间超时 并进行计数
else {
while((micros()-timeInterleave)<650) //empirical, interleaving delay between 2 consecutive reads //当运行时间不足650ms时 依据验证 进行2次连续的读内部延时 }
#if GYRO
for (axis = 0; axis < 3; axis++) {//陀螺仪的值求平均
gyroADCinter[axis] = gyroADC[axis]+gyroADCp[axis];
// empirical, we take a weighted value of the current and the previous values
gyroData[axis] = (gyroADCinter[axis]+gyroADCprevious[axis])/3;
gyroADCprevious[axis] = gyroADCinter[axis]/2;
if (!ACC) accADC[axis]=0; }
#if defined(GYRO_SMOOTHING)
static int16_t gyroSmooth[3] = {0,0,0};//静态变量设置 第一次运行时进行初始化,以后保留前次值再更新。
for (axis = 0; axis < 3; axis++) {
gyroData[axis] = (int16_t) ( ( (int32_t)((int32_t)gyroSmooth[axis] * (conf.Smoothing[axis]-1) )+gyroData[axis]+1 ) / conf.Smoothing[axis]);//陀螺仪数据平滑滤波 gyroSmooth[axis] = gyroData[axis]; }
#elif defined(TRI)//假如定义为三脚机
static int16_t gyroYawSmooth = 0;
gyroData[YAW] = (gyroYawSmooth*2+gyroData[YAW])/3;
gyroYawSmooth = gyroData[YAW]; #endif }
// **************************************************
// Simplified IMU based on "Complementary Filter"//基于互补滤波简化的IMU计算 // Inspired by 创新来自于http://starlino.com/imu_guide.html //
// adapted by 改编来自于ziss_dm : http://www.multiwii.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=8&t=198 //
// The following ideas was used in this project://后面的网站知识将要用在这个工程里面 // 1) Rotation matrix旋转矩阵:http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rotation_matrix // 2) Small-angle approximation小角度近似算法
: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Small-angle_approximation // 3) C. Hastings approximation for atan2() //antan2的近似算法 // 4) Optimization tricks优化:http://www.hackersdelight.org/ //
// Currently Magnetometer uses separate CF which is used only // for heading approximation.//磁力计 用于近似定向 //
1. computeIMU ():提供给外的接口函数,也是传感器处理的总函数;
2. getEstimatedAttitude():获取估算的姿态,主要处理ACC、Gyro和Mag传感器数据;
void computeIMU () {
uint8_t axis;
static int16_t gyroADCprevious[3] = {0,0,0};
int16_t gyroADCp[3];
int16_t gyroADCinter[3];
static int16_t lastAccADC[3] = {0,0,0};
static uint32_t timeInterleave = 0;
static int16_t gyroYawSmooth = 0;
//we separate the 2 situations because reading gyro values with a gyro only setup can be acchieved at a higher rate
//gyro+nunchuk: we must wait for a quite high delay betwwen 2 reads to get both WM+ and Nunchuk data. It works with 3ms
//gyro only: the delay to read 2 consecutive values can be reduced to only 0.65ms
if (!ACC && nunchuk) {
while((micros()-timeInterleave)<INTERLEAVING_DELAY) ; //interleaving delay between 2 consecutive reads
getEstimatedAttitude(); // computation time must last less than one interleaving delay
#if BARO
while((micros()-timeInterleave)<INTERLEAVING_DELAY) ; //interleaving delay between 2 consecutive reads
while(WMP_getRawADC() != 1) ; // For this interleaving reading, we must have a gyro update at this point (less delay)
for (axis = 0; axis < 3; axis++) {
// empirical, we take a weighted value of the current and the previous values
// /4 is to average 4 values, note: overflow is not possible for WMP gyro here
gyroData[axis] = (gyroADC[axis]*3+gyroADCprevious[axis]+2)/4;
gyroADCprevious[axis] = gyroADC[axis];
} else {
if (ACC) {
ACC_getADC(); //有加速度传感器
getEstimatedAttitude(); //估算姿态
if (BARO) getEstimatedAltitude(); //有气压传感器,估算高度
if (GYRO) Gyro_getADC(); else WMP_getRawADC();
for (axis = 0; axis < 3; axis++)
gyroADCp[axis] = gyroADC[axis]; //将从Sensors传来的数据保存
annexCode(); //此函数代码后续再做探讨
while((micros()-timeInterleave)<650) ; //empirical, interleaving delay between 2 consecutive reads //给annexCode(); 运行时间
if (GYRO) Gyro_getADC(); else WMP_getRawADC();
for (axis = 0; axis < 3; axis++) {
gyroADCinter[axis] = gyroADC[axis]+gyroADCp[axis];
// empirical, we take a weighted value of the current and the previous values
gyroData[axis] = (gyroADCinter[axis]+gyroADCprevious[axis]+1)/3; //对最近三次的Gyro数据取平均值
gyroADCprevious[axis] = gyroADCinter[axis]/2;
if (!ACC) accADC[axis]=0;
#if defined(TRI)
gyroData[YAW] = (gyroYawSmooth*2+gyroData[YAW]+1)/3;
gyroYawSmooth = gyroData[YAW];
// **************************************************
// Simplified IMU based on "Complementary Filter"
// Inspired by http://starlino.com/imu_guide.html
// adapted by ziss_dm : http://wbb.multiwii.com/viewtopic.php?f=8&t=198
// The following ideas was used in this project:
// 1) Rotation matrix: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rotation_matrix
// 2) Small-angle approximation: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Small-angle_approximation
// 3) C. Hastings approximation for atan2()
// 4) Optimization tricks: http://www.hackersdelight.org/
// Currently Magnetometer uses separate CF which is used only
// for heading approximation.
// Last Modified: 19/04/2011
// Version: V1.1
// **************************************************
//****** advanced users settings *******************
/* Set the Low Pass Filter factor for ACC */
/* Increasing this value would reduce ACC noise (visible in GUI), but would increase ACC lag time*/
/* Comment this if you do not want filter at all.*/
/* Default WMC value: 8*/
#define ACC_LPF_FACTOR 8
/* Set the Low Pass Filter factor for Magnetometer */
/* Increasing this value would reduce Magnetometer noise (not visible in GUI), but would increase Magnetometer lag time*/
/* Comment this if you do not want filter at all.*/
/* Default WMC value: n/a*/
//#define MG_LPF_FACTOR 4
/* Set the Gyro Weight for Gyro/Acc complementary filter */
/* Increasing this value would reduce and delay Acc influence on the output of the filter*/
/* Default WMC value: 300*/
#define GYR_CMPF_FACTOR 310.0f
/* Set the Gyro Weight for Gyro/Magnetometer complementary filter */
/* Increasing this value would reduce and delay Magnetometer influence on the output of the filter*/
/* Default WMC value: n/a*/
#define GYR_CMPFM_FACTOR 200.0f
//****** end of advanced users settings *************
#define INV_GYR_CMPF_FACTOR (1.0f / (GYR_CMPF_FACTOR + 1.0f))
#define INV_GYR_CMPFM_FACTOR (1.0f / (GYR_CMPFM_FACTOR + 1.0f))
#if GYRO
#define GYRO_SCALE ((2000.0f * PI)/((32767.0f / 4.0f ) * 180.0f * 1000000.0f) * 1.155f)
// +-2000/sec deg scale
//#define GYRO_SCALE ((200.0f * PI)/((32768.0f / 5.0f / 4.0f ) * 180.0f * 1000000.0f) * 1.5f)
// +- 200/sec deg scale
// 1.5 is emperical, not sure what it means
// should be in rad/sec
#define GYRO_SCALE (1.0f/200e6f)
// empirical, depends on WMP on IDG datasheet, tied of deg/ms sensibility
// !!!!should be adjusted to the rad/sec
// Small angle approximation
#define ssin(val) (val)
#define scos(val) 1.0f
typedef struct {
float X;
float Y;
float Z;
} t_fp_vector_def;
typedef union {
float A[3];
t_fp_vector_def V;
} t_fp_vector;
int16_t _atan2(float y, float x){ //坐标(x,y)与x轴形成的角度
#define fp_is_neg(val) ((((byte*)&val)[3] & 0x80) != 0)
float z = y / x;
int16_t zi = abs(int16_t(z * 100));
int8_t y_neg = fp_is_neg(y);
if ( zi < 100 ){
if (zi > 10)
z = z / (1.0f + 0.28f * z * z);
if (fp_is_neg(x)) {
if (y_neg) z -= PI;
else z += PI;
} else {
z = (PI / 2.0f) - z / (z * z + 0.28f);
if (y_neg) z -= PI;
z *= (180.0f / PI * 10);
return z;
void getEstimatedAttitude(){ //估计姿态
uint8_t axis;
uint16_t accLim, accMag = 0;
static t_fp_vector EstG = {0,0,300};
static t_fp_vector EstM = {0,0,300};
float scale, deltaGyroAngle;
static int16_t mgSmooth[3]; //projection of smoothed and normalized magnetic vector on x/y/z axis, as measured by magnetometer
static uint16_t previousT;
uint16_t currentT;
currentT = micros();
scale = (currentT - previousT) * GYRO_SCALE;
previousT = currentT;
// Initialization
for (axis = 0; axis < 3; axis++) {
#if defined(ACC_LPF_FACTOR)
// accSmooth[axis] = (accSmooth[axis] * (ACC_LPF_FACTOR - 1) + accADC[axis]) / ACC_LPF_FACTOR; // LPF for ACC values
accSmooth[axis] =(accSmooth[axis]*7+accADC[axis]+4)>>3;
#define ACC_VALUE accSmooth[axis]
accSmooth[axis] = accADC[axis]; //对ACC数据进行滤波
#define ACC_VALUE accADC[axis]
accMag += (ACC_VALUE * 10 / acc_1G) * (ACC_VALUE * 10 / acc_1G); //788 // 加速度的数量级 ax*ax+ay*ay+az*az
#if MAG //对MAG进行滤波处理
#if defined(MG_LPF_FACTOR)
mgSmooth[axis] = (mgSmooth[axis] * (MG_LPF_FACTOR - 1) + magADC[axis]) / MG_LPF_FACTOR; // LPF for Magnetometer values
#define MAG_VALUE mgSmooth[axis]
#define MAG_VALUE magADC[axis]
//根据Gyro数据算出angle[Roll] 和 angle[Pitch]
// Rotate Estimated vector(s), ROLL
deltaGyroAngle = gyroADC[ROLL] * scale;
EstG.V.Z = scos(deltaGyroAngle) * EstG.V.Z - ssin(deltaGyroAngle) * EstG.V.X;
EstG.V.X = ssin(deltaGyroAngle) * EstG.V.Z + scos(deltaGyroAngle) * EstG.V.X;
#if MAG
EstM.V.Z = scos(deltaGyroAngle) * EstM.V.Z - ssin(deltaGyroAngle) * EstM.V.X;
EstM.V.X = ssin(deltaGyroAngle) * EstM.V.Z + scos(deltaGyroAngle) * EstM.V.X;
// Rotate Estimated vector(s), PITCH
deltaGyroAngle = gyroADC[PITCH] * scale;
EstG.V.Y = scos(deltaGyroAngle) * EstG.V.Y + ssin(deltaGyroAngle) * EstG.V.Z;
EstG.V.Z = -ssin(deltaGyroAngle) * EstG.V.Y + scos(deltaGyroAngle) * EstG.V.Z;
#if MAG
EstM.V.Y = scos(deltaGyroAngle) * EstM.V.Y + ssin(deltaGyroAngle) * EstM.V.Z;
EstM.V.Z = -ssin(deltaGyroAngle) * EstM.V.Y + scos(deltaGyroAngle) * EstM.V.Z;
// Rotate Estimated vector(s), YAW
deltaGyroAngle = gyroADC[YAW] * scale;
EstG.V.X = scos(deltaGyroAngle) * EstG.V.X - ssin(deltaGyroAngle) * EstG.V.Y;
EstG.V.Y = ssin(deltaGyroAngle) * EstG.V.X + scos(deltaGyroAngle) * EstG.V.Y;
#if MAG
EstM.V.X = scos(deltaGyroAngle) * EstM.V.X - ssin(deltaGyroAngle) * EstM.V.Y;
EstM.V.Y = ssin(deltaGyroAngle) * EstM.V.X + scos(deltaGyroAngle) * EstM.V.Y;
// Apply complimentary filter (Gyro drift correction)
// If accel magnitude >1.4G or <0.6G and ACC vector outside of the limit range => we neutralize the effect of accelerometers in the angle estimation.
// To do that, we just skip filter, as EstV already rotated by Gyro
accLim = acc_1G*4/10;
if ( ( 36 < accMag && accMag < 196 ) || ( abs(accSmooth[ROLL])<accLim && abs(accSmooth[PITCH])<accLim ) ) {
for (axis = 0; axis < 3; axis++)
// Attitude of the estimated vector
angle[ROLL] = _atan2(EstG.V.X, EstG.V.Z) ;
angle[PITCH] = _atan2(EstG.V.Y, EstG.V.Z) ;
#if MAG //对磁场数据进行处理,定向功能
// Apply complimentary filter (Gyro drift correction)
for (axis = 0; axis < 3; axis++)
// Attitude of the cross product vector GxM
heading = _atan2(EstG.V.Z * EstM.V.X - EstG.V.X * EstM.V.Z, EstG.V.Y * EstM.V.Z - EstG.V.Z * EstM.V.Y) / 10;
float InvSqrt (float x){
int32_t i;
float f;
} conv;
conv.f = x;
conv.i = 0x5f3759df - (conv.i >> 1);
return 0.5f * conv.f * (3.0f - x * conv.f * conv.f);
int32_t isq(int32_t x){return x * x;}
#define UPDATE_INTERVAL 25000 // 40hz update rate (20hz LPF on acc)
#define INIT_DELAY 4000000 // 4 sec initialization delay
#define Kp1 0.55f // PI observer velocity gain
#define Kp2 1.0f // PI observer position gain
#define Ki 0.001f // PI observer integral gain (bias cancellation)
#define dt (UPDATE_INTERVAL / 1000000.0f)
void getEstimatedAltitude(){
static uint8_t inited = 0;
static float AltErrorI = 0.0f;
static float AccScale = 0.0f;
static uint32_t DeadLine = INIT_DELAY;
float AltError;
float InstAcc = 0.0f;
float Delta;
if (currentTime < DeadLine) return;
DeadLine = currentTime + UPDATE_INTERVAL;
// Soft start
if (!inited) {
inited = 1;
EstAlt = BaroAlt;
EstVelocity = 0.0f;
AltErrorI = 0.0f;
AccScale = (9.80665f / acc_1G);
// Estimation Error
AltError = BaroAlt - EstAlt;
AltErrorI += AltError;
// Gravity vector correction and projection to the local Z
InstAcc = (accADC[YAW] * (1 - acc_1G * InvSqrt(isq(accADC[ROLL]) + isq(accADC[PITCH]) + isq(accADC[YAW])))) * AccScale + (Ki) * AltErrorI;
// Integrators
Delta = InstAcc * dt + (Kp1 * dt) * AltError;
EstAlt += ((EstVelocity + Delta * 0.5f) * dt + (Kp2 * dt) * AltError);
EstVelocity += Delta;
1. EstG.A[i]和EstM.A[i]用于ACC和MAG的数据融合和滤波,但其实根本没有起作用;
3. 。。。
Sensors 传感器操作(MWC)
1. 主要支持:ACC(加速度计)、Gyro(陀螺仪)、Mag(电磁传感器)、Baro(气压传感器)
2. gyroADC[3],
BaroAlt //分别存放传感器读取的数据。
void Acc_getADC () { //获取accADC[3]
void ACC_init() {
acc_1G = 256; //这是 加速度的精度,1g时候对应的数值。不同传感器数据不同。
void Gyro_getADC () {
void Gyro_init() {
void Mag_getADC() {
void Mag_init() {
void Baro_update() {
void Baro_init() {
void initSensors() {
if (ACC) ACC_init();
if (GYRO) Gyro_init();
if (MAG) Mag_init();
if (BARO) Baro_init();
将ROLL/PITCH/YAW 变为 -500~500范围,将THROTTLE变为1000~2000范围。
1. 先定义lookup函数,用于映射,在EEPROM中;
2. 根据接收的PPM信号进行映射,处理到相应的数据范围。
- /************************************************************************************/
- /************************************************************************************/
- //set lookup
- rcRate8 = 90;
- rcExpo8 = 65;
- for(i=0;i<5;i++) {
- lookupPitchRollRC[i] = (1526+rcExpo8*(i*i-15))*i*(int32_t)rcRate8/1192;
- }
- //Motor maxthrottle
- /* this is the maximum value for the ESCs at full power, this value can be increased up to 2000 */
- #define MAXTHROTTLE 1850
- //Motor minthrottle
- /* Set the minimum throttle command sent to the ESC (Electronic Speed Controller)
- This is the minimum value that allow motors to run at a idle speed */
- //#define MINTHROTTLE 1300 // for Turnigy Plush ESCs 10A
- //#define MINTHROTTLE 1120 // for Super Simple ESCs 10A
- //#define MINTHROTTLE 1064 // special ESC (simonk)
- //#define MINTHROTTLE 1050 // for brushed ESCs like ladybird
- #define MINTHROTTLE 1150 // (*) (**)
- thrMid8 = 50;
- thrExpo8 = 0;
- for(i=0;i<11;i++) {
- int16_t tmp = 10*i-thrMid8;
- uint8_t y = 1;
- if (tmp>0) y = 100-thrMid8;
- if (tmp<0) y = thrMid8;
- lookupThrottleRC[i] = 10*thrMid8 + tmp*( 100-thrExpo8+(int32_t)thrExpo8*(tmp*tmp)/(y*y) )/10; // [0;1000]
- lookupThrottleRC[i] = MINTHROTTLE + (int32_t)(MAXTHROTTLE-MINTHROTTLE)* lookupThrottleRC[i]/1000; // [0;1000] -> [MINTHROTTLE;MAXTHROTTLE]
- }
- /************************************************************************************/
- /************************************************************************************/
- #define MIDRC 1500
- uint16_t tmp,tmp2;
- uint8_t axis,prop1,prop2;
- dynThrPID = 0;
- // PITCH & ROLL only dynamic PID adjustemnt, depending on throttle value
- prop2 = 128; // prop2 was 100, is 128 now
- if (rcData[THROTTLE]>1500) { // breakpoint is fix: 1500
- if (rcData[THROTTLE]<2000) {
- prop2 -= ((uint16_t)dynThrPID*(rcData[THROTTLE]-1500)>>9); // /512 instead of /500
- } else {
- prop2 -= dynThrPID;
- }
- }
- for(axis=0;axis<3;axis++) {
- tmp = min(abs(rcData[axis]-MIDRC),500);
- if(axis!=2) { //ROLL & PITCH
- tmp2 = tmp>>7; // 500/128 = 3.9 => range [0;3]
- rcCommand[axis] = lookupPitchRollRC[tmp2] + ((tmp-(tmp2<<7)) * (lookupPitchRollRC[tmp2+1]-lookupPitchRollRC[tmp2])>>7);
- prop1 = 128-((uint16_t)conf.rollPitchRate*tmp>>9); // prop1 was 100, is 128 now -- and /512 instead of /500
- prop1 = (uint16_t)prop1*prop2>>7; // prop1: max is 128 prop2: max is 128 result prop1: max is 128
- dynP8[axis] = (uint16_t)conf.pid[axis].P8*prop1>>7; // was /100, is /128 now
- dynD8[axis] = (uint16_t)conf.pid[axis].D8*prop1>>7; // was /100, is /128 now
- } else { // YAW
- rcCommand[axis] = tmp;
- }
- if (rcData[axis]<MIDRC) rcCommand[axis] = -rcCommand[axis]; //-500 ~ 500
- }
- tmp = constrain(rcData[THROTTLE],MINCHECK,2000);
- tmp = (uint32_t)(tmp-MINCHECK)*2559/(2000-MINCHECK); // [MINCHECK;2000] -> [0;2559]
- tmp2 = tmp/256; // range [0;9]
- rcCommand[THROTTLE] = lookupThrottleRC[tmp2] + (tmp-tmp2*256) * (lookupThrottleRC[tmp2+1]-lookupThrottleRC[tmp2]) / 256; // [0;2559] -> expo -> [MINTHROTTLE;MAXTHROTTLE]
//set lookuprcRate8 = 90;
rcExpo8 = 65;
for(i=0;i<5;i++) {lookupPitchRollRC[i] = (1526+rcExpo8*(i*i-15))*i*(int32_t)rcRate8/1192;
}//Motor maxthrottle
/* this is the maximum value for the ESCs at full power, this value can be increased up to 2000 */#define MAXTHROTTLE 1850
//Motor minthrottle /* Set the minimum throttle command sent to the ESC (Electronic Speed Controller)This is the minimum value that allow motors to run at a idle speed *///#define MINTHROTTLE 1300 // for Turnigy Plush ESCs 10A//#define MINTHROTTLE 1120 // for Super Simple ESCs 10A//#define MINTHROTTLE 1064 // special ESC (simonk)//#define MINTHROTTLE 1050 // for brushed ESCs like ladybird#define MINTHROTTLE 1150 // (*) (**)
thrMid8 = 50;
thrExpo8 = 0;
for(i=0;i<11;i++) {int16_t tmp = 10*i-thrMid8;uint8_t y = 1;if (tmp>0) y = 100-thrMid8;if (tmp<0) y = thrMid8;lookupThrottleRC[i] = 10*thrMid8 + tmp*( 100-thrExpo8+(int32_t)thrExpo8*(tmp*tmp)/(y*y) )/10; // [0;1000]lookupThrottleRC[i] = MINTHROTTLE + (int32_t)(MAXTHROTTLE-MINTHROTTLE)* lookupThrottleRC[i]/1000; // [0;1000] -> [MINTHROTTLE;MAXTHROTTLE]
#define MIDRC 1500uint16_t tmp,tmp2;uint8_t axis,prop1,prop2;dynThrPID = 0;// PITCH & ROLL only dynamic PID adjustemnt, depending on throttle valueprop2 = 128; // prop2 was 100, is 128 nowif (rcData[THROTTLE]>1500) { // breakpoint is fix: 1500if (rcData[THROTTLE]<2000) {prop2 -= ((uint16_t)dynThrPID*(rcData[THROTTLE]-1500)>>9); // /512 instead of /500} else {prop2 -= dynThrPID;}}for(axis=0;axis<3;axis++) {tmp = min(abs(rcData[axis]-MIDRC),500);if(axis!=2) { //ROLL & PITCHtmp2 = tmp>>7; // 500/128 = 3.9 => range [0;3]rcCommand[axis] = lookupPitchRollRC[tmp2] + ((tmp-(tmp2<<7)) * (lookupPitchRollRC[tmp2+1]-lookupPitchRollRC[tmp2])>>7);prop1 = 128-((uint16_t)conf.rollPitchRate*tmp>>9); // prop1 was 100, is 128 now -- and /512 instead of /500prop1 = (uint16_t)prop1*prop2>>7; // prop1: max is 128 prop2: max is 128 result prop1: max is 128dynP8[axis] = (uint16_t)conf.pid[axis].P8*prop1>>7; // was /100, is /128 nowdynD8[axis] = (uint16_t)conf.pid[axis].D8*prop1>>7; // was /100, is /128 now} else { // YAWrcCommand[axis] = tmp;}if (rcData[axis]<MIDRC) rcCommand[axis] = -rcCommand[axis]; //-500 ~ 500}tmp = constrain(rcData[THROTTLE],MINCHECK,2000);tmp = (uint32_t)(tmp-MINCHECK)*2559/(2000-MINCHECK); // [MINCHECK;2000] -> [0;2559]tmp2 = tmp/256; // range [0;9]rcCommand[THROTTLE] = lookupThrottleRC[tmp2] + (tmp-tmp2*256) * (lookupThrottleRC[tmp2+1]-lookupThrottleRC[tmp2]) / 256; // [0;2559] -> expo -> [MINTHROTTLE;MAXTHROTTLE]
- %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%set lookup%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
- %Roll/Pitch
- rcRate = 90;
- rcExpo = 65;
- lookupPitchRollRC=[0 0 0 0 0 0];
- for i=1:1:5 %1~5
- lookupPitchRollRC(i) = (1526+rcExpo*((i-1)*(i-1)-15))*(i-1)*rcRate/1192;
- end;
- plot(lookupPitchRollRC,'r');
- hold on;
- stem(lookupPitchRollRC,'r');
- %Throttle
- thrMid = 50;
- thrExpo = 0;
- lookupThrottleRC=[0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0];
- for i=1:1:11 %1~11
- tmp = 10*(i-1)-thrMid;
- y = 1;
- if (tmp>0)
- y = 100-thrMid;
- end
- if (tmp<0)
- y = thrMid;
- end
- lookupThrottleRC(i) = 10*thrMid + tmp*( 100-thrExpo+thrExpo*(tmp*tmp)/(y*y) )/10; % [0;1000]
- lookupThrottleRC(i) = MINTHROTTLE + (MAXTHROTTLE-MINTHROTTLE)* lookupThrottleRC(i)/1000; % [0;1000] -> [MINTHROTTLE;MAXTHROTTLE]
- end
- plot(lookupThrottleRC,'b');
- stem(lookupThrottleRC,'b');
- hold off;
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%set lookup%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
rcRate = 90;
rcExpo = 65;
lookupPitchRollRC=[0 0 0 0 0 0];
for i=1:1:5 %1~5lookupPitchRollRC(i) = (1526+rcExpo*((i-1)*(i-1)-15))*(i-1)*rcRate/1192;
hold on;
thrMid = 50;
thrExpo = 0;
lookupThrottleRC=[0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0];
for i=1:1:11 %1~11tmp = 10*(i-1)-thrMid;y = 1;if (tmp>0) y = 100-thrMid;endif (tmp<0) y = thrMid;endlookupThrottleRC(i) = 10*thrMid + tmp*( 100-thrExpo+thrExpo*(tmp*tmp)/(y*y) )/10; % [0;1000]lookupThrottleRC(i) = MINTHROTTLE + (MAXTHROTTLE-MINTHROTTLE)* lookupThrottleRC(i)/1000; % [0;1000] -> [MINTHROTTLE;MAXTHROTTLE]
hold off;
somehow... why the blue beyond it's ... 或许roll和pitch需要constrain一下。不管了,呵呵~
- %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%rcCommand%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
- MIDRC = 1500;
- dynThrPID = 0;
- MINCHECK = 1150;
- %ROLL and PITCH //rcData -> rcCommand
- rcData = 1000:1:2000;
- tmp = min(abs(rcData-MIDRC),500);
- tmp_t =floor(tmp/128); % 500/128 = 3.9 => range [0;3]
- rcCommand_RO_PI = lookupPitchRollRC(tmp_t+1) + ((tmp-(tmp_t/128)).*(lookupPitchRollRC(tmp_t+2)-lookupPitchRollRC(tmp_t+1))/128); %0~500
- for j=1:length(rcData)
- if (rcData(j)<MIDRC)
- rcCommand_RO_PI(j) = -rcCommand_RO_PI(j); %-500 ~ 500 //when rcData<MIDRC is '-'
- end
- end
- plot(rcData,rcCommand_RO_PI,'b');
- hold on;
- %YAW //rcData -> rcCommand
- rcCommand_YA = tmp;
- for j=1:length(rcData)
- if (rcData(j)<MIDRC)
- rcCommand_YA(j) = -rcCommand_YA(j); %-500 ~ 500 //when rcData<MIDRC is '-'
- end
- end
- plot(rcData,rcCommand_YA,'r');
- %THROTTLE //rcData -> rcCommand
- THROTTLE_tmp = max(rcData,MINCHECK); %[MINCHECK,2000]
- THROTTLE_tmp =(THROTTLE_tmp-MINCHECK)*2559/(2000-MINCHECK); % [MINCHECK;2000] -> [0;2559]
- THROTTLE_tmp_t = floor(THROTTLE_tmp/256); % range [0;9]
- rcCommand_TH = lookupThrottleRC(THROTTLE_tmp_t+1) + (THROTTLE_tmp-THROTTLE_tmp_t*256).*(lookupThrottleRC(THROTTLE_tmp_t+2)-lookupThrottleRC(THROTTLE_tmp_t+1))/256; % [0;2559] -> expo -> [MINTHROTTLE;MAXTHROTTLE]
- plot(rcData,rcCommand_TH,'g');
- hold off;
MIDRC = 1500;
dynThrPID = 0;
MINCHECK = 1150;%ROLL and PITCH //rcData -> rcCommand
rcData = 1000:1:2000;
tmp = min(abs(rcData-MIDRC),500);
tmp_t =floor(tmp/128); % 500/128 = 3.9 => range [0;3]
rcCommand_RO_PI = lookupPitchRollRC(tmp_t+1) + ((tmp-(tmp_t/128)).*(lookupPitchRollRC(tmp_t+2)-lookupPitchRollRC(tmp_t+1))/128); %0~500
for j=1:length(rcData)if (rcData(j)<MIDRC) rcCommand_RO_PI(j) = -rcCommand_RO_PI(j); %-500 ~ 500 //when rcData<MIDRC is '-'end
hold on;%YAW //rcData -> rcCommand
rcCommand_YA = tmp;
for j=1:length(rcData)if (rcData(j)<MIDRC) rcCommand_YA(j) = -rcCommand_YA(j); %-500 ~ 500 //when rcData<MIDRC is '-'end
plot(rcData,rcCommand_YA,'r');%THROTTLE //rcData -> rcCommand
THROTTLE_tmp = max(rcData,MINCHECK); %[MINCHECK,2000]
THROTTLE_tmp =(THROTTLE_tmp-MINCHECK)*2559/(2000-MINCHECK); % [MINCHECK;2000] -> [0;2559]
THROTTLE_tmp_t = floor(THROTTLE_tmp/256); % range [0;9]
rcCommand_TH = lookupThrottleRC(THROTTLE_tmp_t+1) + (THROTTLE_tmp-THROTTLE_tmp_t*256).*(lookupThrottleRC(THROTTLE_tmp_t+2)-lookupThrottleRC(THROTTLE_tmp_t+1))/256; % [0;2559] -> expo -> [MINTHROTTLE;MAXTHROTTLE]
hold off;
- 顶
//set lookuprcRate8 = 90;
rcExpo8 = 65;
for(i=0;i<5;i++) {lookupPitchRollRC[i] = (1526+rcExpo8*(i*i-15))*i*(int32_t)rcRate8/1192;
}//Motor maxthrottle
/* this is the maximum value for the ESCs at full power, this value can be increased up to 2000 */#define MAXTHROTTLE 1850
//Motor minthrottle /* Set the minimum throttle command sent to the ESC (Electronic Speed Controller)This is the minimum value that allow motors to run at a idle speed *///#define MINTHROTTLE 1300 // for Turnigy Plush ESCs 10A//#define MINTHROTTLE 1120 // for Super Simple ESCs 10A//#define MINTHROTTLE 1064 // special ESC (simonk)//#define MINTHROTTLE 1050 // for brushed ESCs like ladybird#define MINTHROTTLE 1150 // (*) (**)
thrMid8 = 50;
thrExpo8 = 0;
for(i=0;i<11;i++) {int16_t tmp = 10*i-thrMid8;uint8_t y = 1;if (tmp>0) y = 100-thrMid8;if (tmp<0) y = thrMid8;lookupThrottleRC[i] = 10*thrMid8 + tmp*( 100-thrExpo8+(int32_t)thrExpo8*(tmp*tmp)/(y*y) )/10; // [0;1000]lookupThrottleRC[i] = MINTHROTTLE + (int32_t)(MAXTHROTTLE-MINTHROTTLE)* lookupThrottleRC[i]/1000; // [0;1000] -> [MINTHROTTLE;MAXTHROTTLE]
#define MIDRC 1500uint16_t tmp,tmp2;uint8_t axis,prop1,prop2;dynThrPID = 0;// PITCH & ROLL only dynamic PID adjustemnt, depending on throttle valueprop2 = 128; // prop2 was 100, is 128 nowif (rcData[THROTTLE]>1500) { // breakpoint is fix: 1500if (rcData[THROTTLE]<2000) {prop2 -= ((uint16_t)dynThrPID*(rcData[THROTTLE]-1500)>>9); // /512 instead of /500} else {prop2 -= dynThrPID;}}for(axis=0;axis<3;axis++) {tmp = min(abs(rcData[axis]-MIDRC),500);if(axis!=2) { //ROLL & PITCHtmp2 = tmp>>7; // 500/128 = 3.9 => range [0;3]rcCommand[axis] = lookupPitchRollRC[tmp2] + ((tmp-(tmp2<<7)) * (lookupPitchRollRC[tmp2+1]-lookupPitchRollRC[tmp2])>>7);prop1 = 128-((uint16_t)conf.rollPitchRate*tmp>>9); // prop1 was 100, is 128 now -- and /512 instead of /500prop1 = (uint16_t)prop1*prop2>>7; // prop1: max is 128 prop2: max is 128 result prop1: max is 128dynP8[axis] = (uint16_t)conf.pid[axis].P8*prop1>>7; // was /100, is /128 nowdynD8[axis] = (uint16_t)conf.pid[axis].D8*prop1>>7; // was /100, is /128 now} else { // YAWrcCommand[axis] = tmp;}if (rcData[axis]<MIDRC) rcCommand[axis] = -rcCommand[axis]; //-500 ~ 500}tmp = constrain(rcData[THROTTLE],MINCHECK,2000);tmp = (uint32_t)(tmp-MINCHECK)*2559/(2000-MINCHECK); // [MINCHECK;2000] -> [0;2559]tmp2 = tmp/256; // range [0;9]rcCommand[THROTTLE] = lookupThrottleRC[tmp2] + (tmp-tmp2*256) * (lookupThrottleRC[tmp2+1]-lookupThrottleRC[tmp2]) / 256; // [0;2559] -> expo -> [MINTHROTTLE;MAXTHROTTLE]
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%set lookup%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
rcRate = 90;
rcExpo = 65;
lookupPitchRollRC=[0 0 0 0 0 0];
for i=1:1:5 %1~5lookupPitchRollRC(i) = (1526+rcExpo*((i-1)*(i-1)-15))*(i-1)*rcRate/1192;
hold on;
thrMid = 50;
thrExpo = 0;
lookupThrottleRC=[0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0];
for i=1:1:11 %1~11tmp = 10*(i-1)-thrMid;y = 1;if (tmp>0) y = 100-thrMid;endif (tmp<0) y = thrMid;endlookupThrottleRC(i) = 10*thrMid + tmp*( 100-thrExpo+thrExpo*(tmp*tmp)/(y*y) )/10; % [0;1000]lookupThrottleRC(i) = MINTHROTTLE + (MAXTHROTTLE-MINTHROTTLE)* lookupThrottleRC(i)/1000; % [0;1000] -> [MINTHROTTLE;MAXTHROTTLE]
hold off;
MIDRC = 1500;
dynThrPID = 0;
MINCHECK = 1150;%ROLL and PITCH //rcData -> rcCommand
rcData = 1000:1:2000;
tmp = min(abs(rcData-MIDRC),500);
tmp_t =floor(tmp/128); % 500/128 = 3.9 => range [0;3]
rcCommand_RO_PI = lookupPitchRollRC(tmp_t+1) + ((tmp-(tmp_t/128)).*(lookupPitchRollRC(tmp_t+2)-lookupPitchRollRC(tmp_t+1))/128); %0~500
for j=1:length(rcData)if (rcData(j)<MIDRC) rcCommand_RO_PI(j) = -rcCommand_RO_PI(j); %-500 ~ 500 //when rcData<MIDRC is '-'end
hold on;%YAW //rcData -> rcCommand
rcCommand_YA = tmp;
for j=1:length(rcData)if (rcData(j)<MIDRC) rcCommand_YA(j) = -rcCommand_YA(j); %-500 ~ 500 //when rcData<MIDRC is '-'end
plot(rcData,rcCommand_YA,'r');%THROTTLE //rcData -> rcCommand
THROTTLE_tmp = max(rcData,MINCHECK); %[MINCHECK,2000]
THROTTLE_tmp =(THROTTLE_tmp-MINCHECK)*2559/(2000-MINCHECK); % [MINCHECK;2000] -> [0;2559]
THROTTLE_tmp_t = floor(THROTTLE_tmp/256); % range [0;9]
rcCommand_TH = lookupThrottleRC(THROTTLE_tmp_t+1) + (THROTTLE_tmp-THROTTLE_tmp_t*256).*(lookupThrottleRC(THROTTLE_tmp_t+2)-lookupThrottleRC(THROTTLE_tmp_t+1))/256; % [0;2559] -> expo -> [MINTHROTTLE;MAXTHROTTLE]
hold off;