本文主要是介绍全球创新指数Global Innovation Index(2007-2022),希望对大家解决编程问题提供一定的参考价值,需要的开发者们随着小编来一起学习吧!
2013-2022年GII全球创新指数excel.zip (868.03 KB,
全球创新指数GII2007-2021(缺2010).xlsx (72.76 KB,
Analysis_2021mar.06164510-2020.txt (439.16 KB, 需要: RMAnalysis_2021mar.06164845-2019.txt (430.67 KB, 需要: RMAnalysis_2021mar.06164738-2018.txt (424.32 KB, 需要: RMB 29Analysis_2021mar.06164942-2017.txt (404.53 KB, 需要: RMB 29Analysis_2021mar.06165147-2016.txt (718.85 KB, 需要: RMB Analysis_2021mar.06165345-2015.txt (705.3 KB, 需要: RMBAnalysis_2021mar.06165537-2014.txt (717.48 KB, 需要: RMBAnalysis_2021mar.07042051-2013.txt (489.13 KB, 需要:
1 Institutions
1.1. Political environment
1.1.1. Political stability and absence of violence/terrorism
1.1.2. Government effectiveness
1.1.3. Press freedom
1.2. Regulatory environment
1.2.1. Regulatory quality
1.2.2. Rule of law
1.2.3. Cost of redundancy dismissal
1.3. Business environment
1.3.1. Ease of starting a business
1.3.2. Ease of resolving insolvency
1.3.3. Ease of paying taxes
2 Human capital and research
2.1. Education
2.1.1. Expenditure on education
2.1.2. Public expenditure on education per pupil
2.1.3. School life expectancy
Global Innovation Index
IN Innovation inputs
IN.1 Institutions
IN.1.1 Political environment
IN.1.1.1 Political and operational stability
IN.1.1.2 Government effectiveness
IN.1.2 Regulatory environment
IN.1.2.1 Regulatory quality
IN.1.2.2 Rule of law
IN.1.2.3 Cost of redundancy dismissal
IN.1.3 Business environment
IN.1.3.1 Policies for doing business
IN.1.3.2 Entrepreneurship policies and culture
IN.2 Human capital and research
IN.2.1 Education
IN.2.1.1 Expenditure on education, % GDP
IN.2.1.2 Government funding/pupil, secondary, % GDP/cap
IN.2.1.3 School life expectancy, years
IN.2.1.4 PISA scales in reading, maths and science
IN.2.1.5 Pupil-teacher ratio, secondary
IN.2.2 Tertiary education
IN.2.2.1 Tertiary enrolment, % gross
IN.2.2.2 Graduates in science and engineering, %
IN.2.2.3 Tertiary inbound mobility, %
IN.2.3 Research and development (R&D)
IN.2.3.1 Researchers, FTE/mn pop.
IN.2.3.2 Gross expenditure on R&D, % GDP
IN.2.3.3 Global corporate R&D investors, top 3, mn USD
IN.2.3.4 QS university ranking, top 3
IN.3 Infrastructure
IN.3.1 Information and communication technologies (ICTs)
IN.3.1.1 ICT access
IN.3.1.2 ICT use
IN.3.1.3 Government's online service
IN.3.1.4 E-participation
IN.3.2 General infrastructure
IN.3.2.1 Electricity output, GWh/mn pop.
IN.3.2.2 Logistics performance
IN.3.2.3 Gross capital formation, % GDP
IN.3.3 Ecological sustainability
IN.3.3.1 GDP/unit of energy use
IN.3.3.2 Environmental performance
IN.3.3.3 ISO 14001 environmental certificates/bn PPP$ GDP
IN.4 Market sophistication
IN.4.1 Credit
IN.4.1.1 Finance for startups and scaleups
IN.4.1.2 Domestic credit to private sector, % GDP
IN.4.1.3 Loans from microfinance institutions, % GDP
IN.4.2 Investment
IN.4.2.1 Market capitalization, % GDP
IN.4.2.2 Venture capital investors, deals/bn PPP$ GDP
IN.4.2.3 Venture capital recipients, deals/bn PPP$ GDP
IN.4.2.4 Venture capital received, value, % GDP
IN.4.3 Trade, diversification, and market scale
IN.4.3.1 Applied tariff rate, weighted avg., %
IN.4.3.2 Domestic industry diversification
IN.4.3.3 Domestic market scale, bn PPP$
IN.5 Business sophistication
IN.5.1 Knowledge workers
IN.5.1.1 Knowledge-intensive employment, %
IN.5.1.2 Firms offering formal training, %
IN.5.1.3 GERD performed by business, % GDP
IN.5.1.4 GERD financed by business, %
IN.5.1.5 Females employed w/advanced degrees, %
IN.5.2 Innovation linkages
IN.5.2.1 University-industry R&D collaboration
IN.5.2.2 State of cluster development and depth
IN.5.2.3 GERD financed by abroad, % GDP
IN.5.2.4 Joint venture/strategic alliance deals/bn PPP$ GDP
IN.5.2.5 Patent families/bn PPP$ GDP
IN.5.3 Knowledge absorption
IN.5.3.1 Intellectual property payments, % total trade
IN.5.3.2 High-tech imports, % total trade
IN.5.3.3 ICT services imports, % total trade
IN.5.3.4 FDI net inflows, % GDP
IN.5.3.5 Research talent, % in businesses
OUT Innovation outputs
OUT.6 Knowledge and technology outputs
OUT.6.1 Knowledge creation
OUT.6.1.1 Patents by origin/bn PPP$ GDP
OUT.6.1.2 PCT patents by origin/bn PPP$ GDP
OUT.6.1.3 Utility models by origin/bn PPP$ GDP
OUT.6.1.4 Scientific and technical articles/bn PPP$ GDP
OUT.6.1.5 Citable documents H-index
OUT.6.2 Knowledge impact
OUT.6.2.1 Labor productivity growth, %
OUT.6.2.2 New businesses/th pop. 15–64
OUT.6.2.3 Software spending, % GDP
OUT.6.2.4 ISO 9001 quality certificates/bn PPP$ GDP
OUT.6.2.5 High-tech manufacturing, %
OUT.6.3 Knowledge diffusion
OUT.6.3.1 Intellectual property receipts, % total trade
OUT.6.3.2 Production and export complexity
OUT.6.3.3 High-tech exports, % total trade
OUT.6.3.4 ICT services exports, % total trade
OUT.7 Creative outputs
OUT.7.1 Intangible assets
OUT.7.1.1 Intangible asset intensity, top 15, %
OUT.7.1.2 Trademarks by origin/bn PPP$ GDP
OUT.7.1.3 Global brand value, top 5,000, % GDP
OUT.7.1.4 Industrial designs by origin/bn PPP$ GDP
OUT.7.2 Creative goods and services
OUT.7.2.1 Cultural and creative services exports, % total trade
OUT.7.2.2 National feature films/mn pop. 15–69
OUT.7.2.3 Entertainment and media market/th pop. 15–69
OUT.7.2.4 Printing and other media, % manufacturing
OUT.7.2.5 Creative goods exports, % total trade
OUT.7.3 Online creativity
OUT.7.3.1 Generic top-level domains (TLDs)/th pop. 15–69
OUT.7.3.2 Country-code TLDs/th pop. 15–69
OUT.7.3.3 GitHub commit pushes received/mn pop. 15–69
OUT.7.3.4 Mobile app creation/bn PPP$ GDP
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