Orchestrator介绍三 命令行工具

2023-11-20 23:40

本文主要是介绍Orchestrator介绍三 命令行工具,希望对大家解决编程问题提供一定的参考价值,需要的开发者们随着小编来一起学习吧!

orchestrator 支持两种方式通过命令行操作


需要在服务器上安装 orchestrator,但是可以不作为服务启动。



需要在服务器上安装orchestrator-client 脚本

不需要配置文件,但是需要指定ORCHESTRATOR_API 环境变量


./orchestrator -c help 查看帮助

 ./orchestrator -c help
Available commands (-c):
Smart relocation:relocate                                Relocate a replica beneath another instancerelocate-below                          Synonym to 'relocate', will be deprecatedrelocate-replicas                       Relocates all or part of the replicas of a given instance under another instancetake-siblings                           Turn all siblings of a replica into its sub-replicas.regroup-replicas                        Given an instance, pick one of its replicas and make it local master of its siblings
Classic file:pos relocation:move-up                                 Move a replica one level up the topologymove-up-replicas                        Moves replicas of the given instance one level up the topologymove-below                              Moves a replica beneath its sibling. Both replicas must be actively replicating from same master.move-equivalent                         Moves a replica beneath another server, based on previously recorded "equivalence coordinates"repoint                                 Make the given instance replicate from another instance without changing the binglog coordinates. Use with carerepoint-replicas                        Repoint all replicas of given instance to replicate back from the instance. Use with caretake-master                             Turn an instance into a master of its own master; essentially switch the two.make-co-master                          Create a master-master replication. Given instance is a replica which replicates directly from a master.get-candidate-replica                   Information command suggesting the most up-to-date replica of a given instance that is good for promotion
Binlog server relocation:regroup-replicas-bls                    Regroup Binlog Server replicas of a given instance
GTID relocation:move-gtid                               Move a replica beneath another instance.move-replicas-gtid                      Moves all replicas of a given instance under another (destination) instance using GTIDregroup-replicas-gtid                   Given an instance, pick one of its replica and make it local master of its siblings, using GTID.
Pseudo-GTID relocation:match                                   Matches a replica beneath another (destination) instance using Pseudo-GTIDmatch-up                                Transport the replica one level up the hierarchy, making it child of its grandparent, using Pseudo-GTIDrematch                                 Reconnect a replica onto its master, via PSeudo-GTID.match-replicas                          Matches all replicas of a given instance under another (destination) instance using Pseudo-GTIDmatch-up-replicas                       Matches replicas of the given instance one level up the topology, making them siblings of given instance, using Pseudo-GTIDregroup-replicas-pgtid                  Given an instance, pick one of its replica and make it local master of its siblings, using Pseudo-GTID.
Replication, general:enable-gtid                             If possible, turn on GTID replicationdisable-gtid                            Turn off GTID replication, back to file:pos replicationwhich-gtid-errant                       Get errant GTID set (empty results if no errant GTID)gtid-errant-reset-master                Reset master on instance, remove GTID errant transactionsskip-query                              Skip a single statement on a replica; either when running with GTID or withoutstop-replica                            Issue a STOP SLAVE on an instancestart-replica                           Issue a START SLAVE on an instancerestart-replica                         STOP and START SLAVE on an instancereset-replica                           Issues a RESET SLAVE command; use with caredetach-replica-master-host              Stops replication and modifies Master_Host into an impossible, yet reversible, value.reattach-replica-master-host            Undo a detach-replica-master-host operationmaster-pos-wait                         Wait until replica reaches given replication coordinates (--binlog=file:pos)enable-semi-sync-master                 Enable semi-sync replication (master-side)disable-semi-sync-master                Disable semi-sync replication (master-side)enable-semi-sync-replica                Enable semi-sync replication (replica-side)disable-semi-sync-replica               Disable semi-sync replication (replica-side)restart-replica-statements              Get a list of statements to execute to stop then restore replica to same execution state. Provide --statement for injected statement
Replication information:can-replicate-from                      Can an instance (-i) replicate from another (-d) according to replication rules? Prints 'true|false'is-replicating                          Is an instance (-i) actively replicating right nowis-replication-stopped                  Is an instance (-i) a replica with both replication threads stopped
Instance:set-read-only                           Turn an instance read-only, via SET GLOBAL read_only := 1set-writeable                           Turn an instance writeable, via SET GLOBAL read_only := 0
Binary logs:flush-binary-logs                       Flush binary logs on an instancepurge-binary-logs                       Purge binary logs of an instancelast-pseudo-gtid                        Find latest Pseudo-GTID entry in instance's binary logslocate-gtid-errant                      List binary logs containing errant GTIDslast-executed-relay-entry               Find coordinates of last executed relay log entrycorrelate-relaylog-pos                  Given an instance (-i) and relaylog coordinates (--binlog=file:pos), find the correlated coordinates in another instance's relay logs (-d)find-binlog-entry                       Get binlog file:pos of entry given by --pattern (exact full match, not a regular expression) in a given instancecorrelate-binlog-pos                    Given an instance (-i) and binlog coordinates (--binlog=file:pos), find the correlated coordinates in another instance (-d)
Pools:submit-pool-instances                   Submit a pool name with a list of instances in that poolcluster-pool-instances                  List all pools and their associated instanceswhich-heuristic-cluster-pool-instances  List instances of a given cluster which are in either any pool or in a specific pool
Information:find                                    Find instances whose hostname matches given regex patternsearch                                  Search instances by name, version, version comment, portclusters                                List all clusters known to orchestratorclusters-alias                          List all clusters known to orchestratorall-clusters-masters                    List of writeable masters, one per clustertopology                                Show an ascii-graph of a replication topology, given a member of that topologytopology-tabulated                      Show an ascii-graph of a replication topology, given a member of that topologytopology-tags                           Show an ascii-graph of a replication topology and instance tags, given a member of that topologyall-instances                           The complete list of known instanceswhich-instance                          Output the fully-qualified hostname:port representation of the given instance, or error if unknownwhich-cluster                           Output the name of the cluster an instance belongs to, or error if unknown to orchestratorwhich-cluster-alias                     Output the alias of the cluster an instance belongs to, or error if unknown to orchestratorwhich-cluster-domain                    Output the domain name of the cluster an instance belongs to, or error if unknown to orchestratorwhich-heuristic-domain-instance         Returns the instance associated as the cluster's writer with a cluster's domain name.which-cluster-master                    Output the name of the master in a given clusterwhich-cluster-instances                 Output the list of instances participating in same cluster as given instancewhich-cluster-osc-replicas              Output a list of replicas in a cluster, that could serve as a pt-online-schema-change operation control replicaswhich-cluster-gh-ost-replicas           Output a list of replicas in a cluster, that could serve as a gh-ost working serverwhich-master                            Output the fully-qualified hostname:port representation of a given instance's masterwhich-downtimed-instances               List instances currently downtimed, potentially filtered by clusterwhich-replicas                          Output the fully-qualified hostname:port list of replicas of a given instancewhich-lost-in-recovery                  List instances marked as downtimed for being lost in a recovery processinstance-status                         Output short status on a given instanceget-cluster-heuristic-lag               For a given cluster (indicated by an instance or alias), output a heuristic "representative" lag of that cluster
Key-value:submit-masters-to-kv-stores             Submit master of a specific cluster, or all masters of all clusters to key-value stores
tags:tags                                    List tags for a given instancetag-value                               Get tag value for a specific instancetagged                                  List instances tagged by tag-string. Format: "tagname" or "tagname=tagvalue" or comma separated "tag0,tag1=val1,tag2" for intersection of all.tag                                     Add a tag to a given instance. Tag in "tagname" or "tagname=tagvalue" formatuntag                                   Remove a tag from an instanceuntag-all                               Remove a tag from all matching instances
Instance management:discover                                Lookup an instance, investigate itforget                                  Forget about an instance's existencebegin-maintenance                       Request a maintenance lock on an instanceend-maintenance                         Remove maintenance lock from an instancein-maintenance                          Check whether instance is under maintenancebegin-downtime                          Mark an instance as downtimedend-downtime                            Indicate an instance is no longer downtimed
Recovery:recover                                 Do auto-recovery given a dead instancerecover-lite                            Do auto-recovery given a dead instance. Orchestrator chooses the best course of actionwithout executing external processesforce-master-failover                   Forcibly discard master and initiate a failover, even if orchestrator doesn't see a problem. This command lets orchestrator choose the replacement masterforce-master-takeover                   Forcibly discard master and promote another (direct child) instance instead, even if everything is running wellgraceful-master-takeover                Gracefully promote a new master. Either indicate identity of new master via '-d designated.instance.com' or setup replication tree to have a single direct replica to the master.graceful-master-takeover-auto           Gracefully promote a new master. orchestrator will attempt to pick the promoted replica automaticallyreplication-analysis                    Request an analysis of potential crash incidents in all known topologiesack-all-recoveries                      Acknowledge all recoveries; this unblocks pending future recoveriesack-cluster-recoveries                  Acknowledge recoveries for a given cluster; this unblocks pending future recoveriesack-instance-recoveries                 Acknowledge recoveries for a given instance; this unblocks pending future recoveries
Instance, meta:register-candidate                      Indicate that a specific instance is a preferred candidate for master promotionregister-hostname-unresolve             Assigns the given instance a virtual (aka "unresolved") namederegister-hostname-unresolve           Explicitly deregister/dosassociate a hostname with an "unresolved" nameset-heuristic-domain-instance           Associate domain name of given cluster with what seems to be the writer master for that cluster
Meta:snapshot-topologies                     Take a snapshot of existing topologies.continuous                              Enter continuous mode, and actively poll for instances, diagnose problems, do maintenanceactive-nodes                            List currently active orchestrator nodesaccess-token                            Get a HTTP access tokenresolve                                 Resolve given hostnamereset-hostname-resolve-cache            Clear the hostname resolve cachedump-config                             Print out configuration in JSON formatshow-resolve-hosts                      Show the content of the hostname_resolve table. Generally used for debuggingshow-unresolve-hosts                    Show the content of the hostname_unresolve table. Generally used for debugging
Meta, internal:redeploy-internal-db                    Force internal schema migration to current backend structure
Internal:internal-suggest-promoted-replacement   Internal only, used to test promotion logic in CI
Agent:custom-command                          Execute a custom command on the agent as defined in the agent conf
:disable-global-recoveries               Disallow orchestrator from performing recoveries globallyenable-global-recoveries                Allow orchestrator to perform recoveries globallycheck-global-recoveries                 Show the global recovery configurationbulk-instances                          Return a list of sorted instance names known to orchestratorbulk-promotion-rules                    Return a list of promotion rules known to orchestrator
Run 'orchestrator help <command>' for detailed help on given command, e.g. 'orchestrator help relocate'Usage for most commands:orchestrator -c <command> [-i <instance.fqdn>[,<instance.fqdn>]* ] [-d <destination.fqdn>] [--verbose|--debug]

./orchestrator -c find help 查看子命令的帮助

 ./orchestrator -c find help
find:Find instances whose hostname matches given regex pattern. Example:orchestrator -c find -pattern "backup.*us-east"


需要添加参数 --ignore-raft-setup,如果不加该参数报错

2023-09-13 15:50:56 FATAL Orchestrator configured to run raft ("RaftEnabled": true). All access must go through the web API of the active raft node. You may use the orchestrator-client script which has a similar interface to the command line invocation. You may override this with --ignore-raft-setup



./orchestrator -config orchestrator-sample.conf.json  --ignore-raft-setup -c find  -pattern "ehr-db-mysql-test-s0*"

打印根据名字 ,端口,版本匹配到的实例

./orchestrator  -config orchestrator-sample.conf.json  --ignore-raft-setup -c search -pattern "5.7.28"./orchestrator  -config orchestrator-sample.conf.json  --ignore-raft-setup -c search -pattern "5306"


 ./orchestrator -config orchestrator-sample.conf.json  --ignore-raft-setup -c clusters


./orchestrator -config orchestrator-sample.conf.json --ignore-raft-setup -c clusters-alias


 ./orchestrator  -config orchestrator-sample.conf.json  --ignore-raft-setup -c all-clusters-masters


./orchestrator  -config orchestrator-sample.conf.json  --ignore-raft-setup -c  topology -i ehr-db-mysql-test-s03.zjy:5306./orchestrator  -config orchestrator-sample.conf.json  --ignore-raft-setup -c  topology-tabulated  -i ehr-db-mysql-test-s03.zjy:5306./orchestrator  -config orchestrator-sample.conf.json  --ignore-raft-setup -c  topology-tags  -i ehr-db-mysql-test-s03.zjy:5306



./orchestrator  -config orchestrator-sample.conf.json  --ignore-raft-setup -c all-instances 


./orchestrator  -config orchestrator-sample.conf.json  --ignore-raft-setup -c which-cluster -i 


./orchestrator  -config orchestrator-sample.conf.json  --ignore-raft-setup -c which-cluster-alias -i ehr-db-mysql-test-s03.zjy:5306


 ./orchestrator  -config orchestrator-sample.conf.json  --ignore-raft-setup -c which-cluster-domain  -i ehr-db-mysql-test-s03.zjy:5306


./orchestrator  -config orchestrator-sample.conf.json  --ignore-raft-setup -c which-cluster-master   -i ehr-db-mysql-test-s03.zjy:5306


./orchestrator  -config orchestrator-sample.conf.json  --ignore-raft-setup -c which-cluster-instances   -i ehr-db-mysql-test-s03.zjy:5306


./orchestrator  -config orchestrator-sample.conf.json  --ignore-raft-setup -c instance-status   -i ehr-db-mysql-test-s03.zjy:5306

输出集群中的副本列表,可以作为 pt-online-schema-change 操作控制副本

 ./orchestrator  -config orchestrator-sample.conf.json  --ignore-raft-setup -c which-cluster-osc-replicas    -i ehr-db-mysql-test-s03.zjy:5306

输出集群中的副本列表,可以作为 gh-ost 工作服务器

./orchestrator  -config orchestrator-sample.conf.json  --ignore-raft-setup -c which-cluster-gh-ost-replicas    -i ehr-db-mysql-test-s03.zjy:5306

Orchestrator-client是一个包装 API 调用的脚本,使用起来更方便。



  • 不需要到处安装orchestrator的二进制文件;仅在运行该服务的主机上安装即可
  • 不需要到处部署配置orchestrator;仅在服务主机上即可。
  • 不需要访问后端数据库
  • 需要访问 HTTP api
    • 要么为代理提供单个端点,例如
    export ORCHESTRATOR_API=https://orchestrator.myservice.com:3000/api
    • 或者提供所有orchestrator端点,并orchestrator-client自动选择领导者(不需要代理),例如
    export ORCHESTRATOR_API="https://orchestrator.host1:3000/api https://orchestrator.host2:3000/api https://orchestrator.host3:3000/api"
  • 您可以在 中设置环境/etc/profile.d/orchestrator-client.sh。如果该文件存在,它将被内联orchestrator-client



<span style="background-color:var(--color-canvas-subtle)"><span style="color:#1f2328"><span style="color:var(--fgColor-default, var(--color-fg-default))"><span style="background-color:var(--bgColor-muted, var(--color-canvas-subtle))"><code>orchestrator-client -c clusters


<span style="background-color:var(--color-canvas-subtle)"><span style="color:#1f2328"><span style="color:var(--fgColor-default, var(--color-fg-default))"><span style="background-color:var(--bgColor-muted, var(--color-canvas-subtle))"><code>orchestrator-client -c discover -i
orchestrator-client -c forget -i

打印拓扑实例的 ASCII 树。通过以下方式传递集群名称-i(参见clusters上面的命令):

<span style="background-color:var(--color-canvas-subtle)"><span style="color:#1f2328"><span style="color:var(--fgColor-default, var(--color-fg-default))"><span style="background-color:var(--bgColor-muted, var(--color-canvas-subtle))"><code>orchestrator-client -c topology -i


<span style="background-color:var(--color-canvas-subtle)"><span style="color:var(--fgColor-default, var(--color-fg-default))"><span style="background-color:var(--bgColor-muted, var(--color-canvas-subtle))"><code>


<span style="background-color:var(--color-canvas-subtle)"><span style="color:#1f2328"><span style="color:var(--fgColor-default, var(--color-fg-default))"><span style="background-color:var(--bgColor-muted, var(--color-canvas-subtle))"><code>orchestrator-client -c relocate -i -d


<span style="background-color:var(--color-canvas-subtle)"><span style="color:var(--fgColor-default, var(--color-fg-default))"><span style="background-color:var(--bgColor-muted, var(--color-canvas-subtle))"><code>



命令行界面为 API 调用提供了一个很好的包装器,然后其输出从 JSON 格式转换为文本格式。


orchestrator-client -c discover -i


curl "$ORCHESTRATOR_API/discover/" | jq '.Details | .Key'


  • orchestrator-client -c help:列出所有可用的命令
  • orchestrator-client -c which-api:API 端点orchestrator-client将用于调用命令的输出。当通过 提供多个端点时,这非常有用$ORCHESTRATOR_API
  • orchestrator-client -c api -path clusters:调用通用 HTTP API 调用(在本例中clusters)并返回原始 JSON 响应。

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