


Instagram has a delightful ability to surprise me with ads for pointless objects I absolutely can’t live without. A little box that sanitizes my keys with a blast of UV light? Yes! A subscription plan for growing micro-broccoli? Why wasn’t I informed sooner?? A meal delivery service whose products appear to consist exclusively of colorful liquids in fancy glass bottles? Sign me up!

我 nstagram具有对无意义的对象的广告我绝对不能没有惊喜我一个愉快的能力。 一个小盒子可以用一束紫外线消毒我的钥匙吗? 是! 种植微花椰菜的订阅计划? 我为什么不早一点通知? 一项送餐服务,其产品似乎完全由装在高档玻璃瓶中的彩色液体组成? 注册我!

Recently, though, I was scrolling through Instagram and saw an ad for a product that I almost couldn’t believe: the Pavlok.

不过,最近,我在Instagram上滚动,看到了我几乎无法相信的产品广告: Pavlok 。

The ad features a GIF of a person wearing a Fitbit-style wristband, with the text “Eliminate Cravings.” Across the frame from their hand sits a giant slice of cake. As the person reaches towards the cake, the wristband turns red and zaps them with electricity. You can tell it’s zapping them because the whole frame vibrates, and little lightning bolts shoot out of the wristband, like in an old-school Batman movie. All that’s missing is an animated “POW!”

该广告的特征是佩戴Fitbit式腕带的人的GIF文字为“消除渴望”。 他们手里的框架上放着一块巨大的蛋糕。 当该人接近蛋糕时,腕带会变成红色,并用电将其打断。 您可以说这是在敲击它们,是因为整个框架都在振动,并且很少的闪电从腕带上射出,就像在老式的蝙蝠侠电影中一样。 所缺少的只是动画的“ POW!”。

At first, I thought it must be either a joke or a metaphor. Maybe Pavlok was some kind of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy program, with a free fitness tracker built in? Or an app that analyzed your Fitbit data to somehow help you track your eating habits and lose weight?

起初,我以为这一定是个玩笑或隐喻。 也许Pavlok是某种认知行为疗法程序,内置了免费的健身追踪器? 还是一款分析了Fitbit数据以某种方式帮助您跟踪饮食习惯和减轻体重的应用程序?

Nope. It turns out the Pavlok is exactly what the ad suggests: a Bluetooth-connected, wearable wristband that uses accelerometers, a connected app, and a “snap circuit” to shock its users with 450 volts of electricity when they do something undesirable. The device costs $149.99 and is available on Amazon. The company says it has over 100,000 customers who use the device to help kill food cravings, quit smoking, and to stop touching their face.

不。 事实证明,Pavlok正是广告所暗示的:蓝牙连接的可穿戴腕带,使用加速度计,连接的应用程序和“捕捉电路”,以在用户执行不良操作时用450伏电冲击用户 。 该设备售价149.99美元,可在亚马逊上购买。 该公司表示,已有超过100,000个客户使用该设备帮助消除对食物的渴望,戒烟和停止触摸他们的脸。

To paraphrase Lin Manuel-Miranda, I immediately saw two fundamental truths at the exact same time. Firstly, the mere existence of an automated self-flagellation wristband is proof that we’ve reached Peak Wearables. And second, this is the perfect device for Our Times.

用林·曼努埃尔·米兰达(Lin Manuel-Miranda)的话来说,我立即在同一时间看到了两个基本真理。 首先,仅存在自动鞭打式腕带就可以证明我们已经达到了Peak Wearables 。 其次,这是《时代》的理想工具。

The Pavlok was originally created in 2014 to help people break specific, negative habits like smoking or nail-biting. The device is based on a variation of classical conditioning — famously described by Ivan Pavlov, the device’s namesake — called aversion therapy.

Pavlok最初创建于2014年,旨在帮助人们戒除特定的不良习惯,例如吸烟或咬指甲。 该设备基于经典条件的一种变体- 厌恶疗法 ,该经典条件由该设备的同名人物Ivan Pavlov著名地描述。

The concept is simple — pair a negative behavior like smoking with a negative stimulus like an electric shock, and a patient’s brain will begin to associate them together. Before long, even the thought of a cigarette will evoke memories of painful shocks, and the patient will stop smoking. Pavlok’s founder says he came up with the idea for the company after paying an assistant to slap him every time he went on Facebook.

这个概念很简单-将吸烟等负面行为与电击等负面刺激配对, 病人的大脑将开始将它们联系在一起。 不久之后,即使想到香烟也将唤起痛苦的休克的记忆,患者也将停止吸烟。 帕夫洛克(Pavlok)的创始人说, 他每次在Facebook上都付钱给助手打耳光后,就想到了公司的想法。

Aversion therapy is wildly controversial, not least for its history of being used in horrific attempts to “cure” homosexuality. It’s also not especially effective. Some interventions — like those targeting alcohol abuse — can work in a clinic, but quickly become ineffective when patients return home and don’t have a therapist doling out “deterrents” when they perform a negative action.

厌恶疗法备受争议 ,尤其是因为它曾被用于“治愈”同性恋的可怕尝试中。 这也不是特别有效。 某些干预措施(例如针对酗酒的干预措施)可以在诊所工作,但是当患者返回家中并且没有治疗师在执行消极行动时没有派出“威慑力量”时,它们很快就会失效 。

Pavlok aims to change that by putting a tiny, automated pain generator on your wrist. In early versions of the device, users had to opt to shock themselves — such as when they had a food craving. Today the tech has advanced, and the Pavlok can “detect when you bite your nails” and perform other actions, the company claims.

Pavlok旨在通过在手腕上放置一个微型的自动疼痛发生器来改变这种状况。 在该设备的早期版本中,用户不得不选择震撼自己-例如,当他们渴望食物时。 该公司声称,如今技术已经发展进步,Pavlok可以“ 检测到何时咬指甲 ”并执行其他操作。

Through a Chrome extension, it can also (Doom scrollers rejoice) automatically punish actions like spending too much time on Facebook, Twitter, and other potentially time-wasting websites. It can zap you when you open too many Chrome tabs — a use case I’d love to recommend to several programmer friends. You can even tell it to shock you if you fail to complete items on your to-do list.

通过Chrome扩展程序,它也可以( 毁灭性的滚动滚动条使之高兴)自动惩罚诸如在Facebook,Twitter和其他可能浪费时间的网站上花费过多时间的行为。 当您打开太多的Chrome标签页时,它可能会给您带来麻烦-我想向几个程序员朋友推荐这种用例。 如果您无法完成待办事项清单上的项目,甚至可以告诉它震惊。

But perhaps the most relevant feature for today’s world is the ability to program the device to shock you every time you touch your face. This is something which humans do alarmingly often — up to 16 times per hour. The practice has been implicated in spreading coronavirus, or at least contaminating face masks and leading to wasted PPE.

但是,与当今世界最相关的功能可能是对设备进行编程的功能,使它在您每次触摸脸部时都会感到震惊。 这是人类经常令人震惊的事情-每小时多达16次。 这种做法涉及传播冠状病毒 ,或至少污染口罩并导致PPE浪费。

Pavlok got on the anti-face-touching bandwagon early, with a message to its users (which it calls “Shockers”) on March 4, 2020. “Even if you KNOW something is bad for you, it’s easy to still do it on autopilot,” the company wrote. But not, Pavlok implies, when you have a wristband ready to zap you out of complacency — up to 150 times on each charge. Other devices like the Immutouch perform a similar function, but don’t go so far as to actually physically hurt their users when they don’t comply.

Pavlok很早就加入了抗面部接触的潮流,并于2020年3月4日向其用户发送了一条消息(称其为“ Shockers”)。“即使您知道某些对您不利的事情,仍然很容易做到。自动驾驶”,该公司写道。 但不是,Pavlok暗示,当您准备好腕带使自己摆脱自满时-每次充电最多可充电150次。 诸如Immutouch之类的其他设备也执行类似的功能,但不要超出用户不遵守规定时实际伤害他们的身体。

Since the start of the pandemic, Pavlok has leaned into the Covid-19 angle. The company is running new ads on social media that read, “No one knows how long we will stay quarantined… the majority will end up sicker, fatter and unhealthier because they stopped sticking to their positive routines. If you had ordered Pavlok a week ago, you’d have broken your habit by now.” It’s the company’s typical macho stance — one that got its founder kicked off Shark Tank for being an “asshole.”

自大流行开始以来,Pavlok已倾斜到Covid-19角。 该公司正在社交媒体上投放新的广告,上面写着:“没人知道我们将被隔离多久……大多数人最终会病倒,发胖和不健康,因为他们不再坚持自己的积极习惯。 如果您一周前订购了Pavlok,那么现在您已经习惯了。” 这是该公司典型的男子气概的立场–令其创始人因“混蛋”而被鲨鱼坦克开除 。

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Beyond fighting cravings, the device also includes an automatic mode that uses its onboard accelerometers and other sensors to detect when you’re asleep. You can set an alarm clock for a specific time, and if you don’t wake up on schedule, the device will start gently vibrating to wake you. If that doesn’t work, it will escalate to jolting you.

除了消除渴望外,该设备还包括一种自动模式,该模式使用其板载加速度计和其他传感器来检测您何时处于睡眠状态。 您可以为特定时间设置闹钟,如果您不按计划唤醒,设备将开始轻轻振动以唤醒您。 如果这不起作用,它将升级为震撼您。

In this era of a bitterly divided political landscape, pervasive racial prejudice, and the looming specter of Covid-19 death, I only need to look at Twitter to feel that I’m being jolted awake with a powerful electrical shock. At the same time, the real thing feels kind of appropriate.

在这个政治格局极为分裂,种族偏见普遍存在的时代以及Covid-19死亡隐约可见的时代,我只需要看一下Twitter,就可以感觉到自己被强大的电击震撼了。 同时,真实的东西感觉很合适。

Pavlok may sound bizarre, but it’s just the logical extension of an overall trend toward using tech to tweak and prod our brains into new ways of thinking. You can lull your brain into blissful relaxation with Calm or Headspace, track the bejesus out of it with Welltory or Muse, or exercise it with Lumosity or Elevate. Pavlok acts as the metaphorical stick to these apps’ carrots, giving you the option to beat your brain into submission instead of just tweaking it.

Pavlok听起来可能很奇怪,但这只是使用技术来调整和促使我们的大脑采用新思维方式的总体趋势的逻辑延伸。 您可以使用“ 平静”或“ 顶空”使您的大脑放松到幸福的放松状态,使用Welltory或Muse跟踪其中的耶稣,或者使用“亮度”或“提升”运动。 Pavlok充当了这些应用程序胡萝卜的隐喻杆,使您可以选择动动脑筋进行提交,而不仅仅是进行调整。

The cybersecurity implications of a web-connected device designed to hurt its users are probably pretty obvious. Bluetooth — on which the Pavlok relies for communications — is not especially secure. A hacker could potentially access the device via its wireless connection, or by hacking its connected smartphone app. They could then shock users at will.

旨在伤害用户的网络连接设备对网络安全的影响可能非常明显。 Pavlok依靠其进行通信的蓝牙并不是特别安全 。 黑客可能会通过其无线连接或通过入侵其连接的智能手机应用程序来访问设备。 然后,他们可能会随意震撼用户。

In theory, this would be little more than an annoyance — the user could always take the band off. But paired with location data, an attacker could potentially trigger the device during a dangerous activity — like driving — forcing the user to try to stay on the road while yanking off a device that’s zapping them at full voltage. Pavlok could guard against this by disabling shocks when users are performing potentially hazardous actions (the Irish Times recommends disabling the device manually while driving).

从理论上讲,这仅是一个烦恼-用户可以随时取消频段。 但是,与位置数据配合使用,攻击者可能会在危险活动(例如驾驶)中触发设备,迫使用户试图在路上停留,同时拉扯使设备处于全电压状态的设备。 Pavlok可以通过在用户执行潜在危险操作时禁用电击来防止此情况发生( 爱尔兰时报建议在驾驶时手动禁用设备 )。

Then there’s the question of the shocks themselves. A recent teardown provides some details about Pavlok’s internal workings. The device generates shocks by charging several capacitors from a small lithium battery, and then discharging them into the user’s skin all at once. Pavlok recommends talking to a doctor before using the device, but says that the shocks themselves are entirely safe.

然后是震动本身的问题。 最近的一次拆解提供了有关Pavlok内部工作的一些详细信息。 该设备通过用小型锂电池为多个电容器充电,然后立即将其放电到用户的皮肤中而产生电击。 Pavlok建议在使用该设备之前先咨询医生 ,但他说电击本身是完全安全的。

I spoke to a biomedical engineer, who mostly concurred. Even if an attacker could somehow tweak the device’s internals to deliver more power at a quicker rate, the positioning of the device on the wrist and the basic hardware Pavlok provides is unlikely to provide a recipe for anything dangerous. Unless they “put it on their eyeballs or something,” my source said, the device is likely safe — even under the control of an attacker.

我和一位生物医学工程师交谈,他们大多同意。 即使攻击者可以某种方式调整设备内部以更快的速度提供更多功率,但将设备放置在手腕上以及Pavlok提供的基本硬件的可能性也不大可能提供任何危险的解决方案。 我的消息人士说,除非他们“将其放在眼睛上或其他东西上”,否则该设备可能是安全的,即使在攻击者的控制下也是如此。

Outside the self-improvement space, the device could have some other beneficial applications, too. The same potential of delivering shocks while users are driving could actually be a lifesaver. More than 800 people die per year from falling asleep at the wheel, according to the CDC. Pavlok provides an API that allows external apps to interface with the device. If this was tied into a car’s drowsiness detection system, it could lightly jolt users back awake if they started to nod off.

在自我完善空间之外,该设备还可以具有其他一些有益的应用。 在用户开车时发出电击的潜力实际上可以挽救生命。 根据疾病预防控制中心的数据,每年有800多人死于车轮睡着 。 Pavlok提供了一个API ,允许外部应用程序与设备进行交互。 如果将其绑定到汽车的睡意检测系统中 ,如果用户开始点头,它可能会使用户稍微苏醒。

My grandfather would infamously shout “GROK!!!!” at the top of his lungs to surprise himself into alertness while driving the snowy roads of New Hampshire at night. Pavlok could take his strategy in a new tech-enabled direction.

我的祖父臭名昭著地大喊“ GROK !!!!” 晚上驾车在新罕布什尔州的积雪的路上时,他的肺部顶部使自己感到机敏。 帕夫洛克(Pavlok)可以将他的战略朝着新的技术驱动方向发展。

Perhaps the most surprising thing about the Pavlok, though, is that — at least for certain users and certain conditions — it seems to work. Many have claimed that the device helped them quit smoking, and Twitter is awash in users with positive things to say about the device (as well as a thriving community that uses it for remote BDSM sessions). Even professional tech reviewers seem surprised — in a video for Business Insider, reviewer Abby Tang said of the device she used to stop biting her fingernails, “I don’t think I used it right. But I used it successfully, because I have fingernails” (Tang also says she would not choose to purchase it).

不过,也许对于Pavlok而言,最令人惊讶的事情是-至少对于某些用户和某些条件而言-它似乎起作用。 许多人声称该设备有助于他们戒烟 ,Twitter上充斥着关于该设备 (以及兴旺的社区,将其用于远程BDSM会话)的积极言论 。 甚至专业的技术评论员也似乎感到惊讶-在针对Business Insider 的视频中,评论员Abby Tang谈到了她过去停止咬指甲的设备,“我认为我使用的方式不正确。 但是我成功地使用了它,因为我有指甲”(Tang还说她不会选择购买它)。

Is the Pavlok the most effective way to address bad habits? Probably not. Actual therapy with a licensed professional who can help people develop strategies to address their mental health challenges — instead of zapping them away — is almost certainly the better approach. But for a certain set of users who want to experiment with a different method (or just really, really need to wake up on time), the Pavlok may — shockingly — be the perfect device.

Pavlok是解决不良习惯的最有效方法吗? 可能不是。 可以肯定的是,与可以帮助人们制定应对心理健康挑战的策略(而不是摆脱挑战)的持牌专业人员进行的实际疗法几乎肯定是更好的方法。 但是对于某些想要尝试使用不同方法(或者确实非常需要按时唤醒)的用户来说,令人震惊的是,Pavlok可能是完美的设备。

翻译自: https://onezero.medium.com/covid-friendly-wearable-shocks-you-with-450-volts-when-you-touch-your-face-1c43de7b05ef




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