OPTEE学习笔记 - 启动流程(一)

2023-11-10 13:59

本文主要是介绍OPTEE学习笔记 - 启动流程(一),希望对大家解决编程问题提供一定的参考价值,需要的开发者们随着小编来一起学习吧!




大部分aarch64平台都会使用ATF(arm trusted firmware)固件进行启动,optee的启动属于框架中的BL32部分,是由BL31启动。ATF的启动流程可参考下图:

上图可以看到,BL1加载和启动了BL2,BL2加载了BL31, BL32, BL33,加载完成后跳转到BL31中执行。BL31会初始化BL32和BL33。




func bl31_entrypoint/* ---------------------------------------------------------------* Stash the previous bootloader arguments x0 - x3 for later use.* ---------------------------------------------------------------*/mov	x20, x0mov	x21, x1mov	x22, x2mov	x23, x3#if !RESET_TO_BL31
... /* 忽略 */
#else/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------* For RESET_TO_BL31 systems which have a programmable reset address,* bl31_entrypoint() is executed only on the cold boot path so we can* skip the warm boot mailbox mechanism.* ---------------------------------------------------------------------*/el3_entrypoint_common					\_init_sctlr=1					\_warm_boot_mailbox=!PROGRAMMABLE_RESET_ADDRESS	\_secondary_cold_boot=!COLD_BOOT_SINGLE_CPU	\_init_memory=1					\_init_c_runtime=1				\_exception_vectors=runtime_exceptions		\_pie_fixup_size=BL31_LIMIT - BL31_BASE/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------* For RESET_TO_BL31 systems, BL31 is the first bootloader to run so* there's no argument to relay from a previous bootloader. Zero the* arguments passed to the platform layer to reflect that.* ---------------------------------------------------------------------*/mov	x20, 0mov	x21, 0mov	x22, 0mov	x23, 0
#endif /* RESET_TO_BL31 *//* --------------------------------------------------------------------* Perform BL31 setup* --------------------------------------------------------------------*/mov	x0, x20mov	x1, x21mov	x2, x22mov	x3, x23bl	bl31_setup#if ENABLE_PAUTH
... /* 忽略 */
#endif /* ENABLE_PAUTH *//* --------------------------------------------------------------------* Jump to main function* --------------------------------------------------------------------*/bl	bl31_main/* --------------------------------------------------------------------* Clean the .data & .bss sections to main memory. This ensures* that any global data which was initialised by the primary CPU* is visible to secondary CPUs before they enable their data* caches and participate in coherency.* --------------------------------------------------------------------*/
... /* 忽略 */b	el3_exit
endfunc bl31_entrypoint


  1. 设置EL3中断向量表,BL31中设置的中断向量表是runtime_exceptions
  2. 如果从核,要跳转到plat_secondary_cold_boot_setup继续启动
  3. 初始化一些必要的寄存器


void bl31_main(void)
{NOTICE("BL31: %s\n", version_string);NOTICE("BL31: %s\n", build_message);#ifdef SUPPORT_UNKNOWN_MPIDif (unsupported_mpid_flag == 0) {NOTICE("Unsupported MPID detected!\n");}
#endif/* Perform platform setup in BL31 */bl31_platform_setup();/* Initialise helper libraries */bl31_lib_init();#if EL3_EXCEPTION_HANDLINGINFO("BL31: Initialising Exception Handling Framework\n");ehf_init();
#endif/* Initialize the runtime services e.g. psci. */INFO("BL31: Initializing runtime services\n");runtime_svc_init(); /* 初始化runtime service *//** All the cold boot actions on the primary cpu are done. We now need to* decide which is the next image (BL32 or BL33) and how to execute it.* If the SPD runtime service is present, it would want to pass control* to BL32 first in S-EL1. In that case, SPD would have registered a* function to initialize bl32 where it takes responsibility of entering* S-EL1 and returning control back to bl31_main. Once this is done we* can prepare entry into BL33 as normal.*//** If SPD had registered an init hook, invoke it.*/if (bl32_init != NULL) { /* bl32_init函数指针在runtime_svc_init()中会被赋值 */INFO("BL31: Initializing BL32\n");int32_t rc = (*bl32_init)(); /* 执行这个函数即初始化了optee */if (rc == 0)WARN("BL31: BL32 initialization failed\n");}/** We are ready to enter the next EL. Prepare entry into the image* corresponding to the desired security state after the next ERET.*/bl31_prepare_next_image_entry(); /* 准备BL33的image entry */console_flush();/** Perform any platform specific runtime setup prior to cold boot exit* from BL31*/bl31_plat_runtime_setup();

runtime_svc_init()函数初始化了一系列runtime service。这些runtime service是通过DECLARE_RT_SVC定义在rt_svc_descs section中的。在ATF中目前看到opteed_fast,opteed_std,arm_arch_svc,std_svc等service。在初始化opteed_fast service时,就对bl32_init进行了赋值,指向opteed_init()函数。

static int32_t opteed_init(void)
{uint32_t linear_id = plat_my_core_pos();optee_context_t *optee_ctx = &opteed_sp_context[linear_id];entry_point_info_t *optee_entry_point;uint64_t rc;/** Get information about the OPTEE (BL32) image. Its* absence is a critical failure.*/optee_entry_point = bl31_plat_get_next_image_ep_info(SECURE); /* 获取bl32固件入口函数地址。同时配置spsr:EL3返回到EL1,使用sp_el3栈 */assert(optee_entry_point);cm_init_my_context(optee_entry_point);  /* 把入口函数地址设到cpu context *//** Arrange for an entry into OPTEE. It will be returned via* OPTEE_ENTRY_DONE case*/rc = opteed_synchronous_sp_entry(optee_ctx);assert(rc != 0);return rc;


void cm_setup_context(cpu_context_t *ctx, const entry_point_info_t *ep)
{unsigned int security_state;u_register_t scr_el3;el3_state_t *state;gp_regs_t *gp_regs;u_register_t sctlr_elx, actlr_elx;assert(ctx != NULL);security_state = GET_SECURITY_STATE(ep->h.attr);/* Clear any residual register values from the context */zeromem(ctx, sizeof(*ctx));/** SCR_EL3 was initialised during reset sequence in macro* el3_arch_init_common. This code modifies the SCR_EL3 fields that* affect the next EL.** The following fields are initially set to zero and then updated to* the required value depending on the state of the SPSR_EL3 and the* Security state and entrypoint attributes of the next EL.*/... /* 设置 SCR_EL3 *//** Initialise SCTLR_EL1 to the reset value corresponding to the target* execution state setting all fields rather than relying of the hw.* Some fields have architecturally UNKNOWN reset values and these are* set to zero.** SCTLR.EE: Endianness is taken from the entrypoint attributes.** SCTLR.M, SCTLR.C and SCTLR.I: These fields must be zero (as*  required by PSCI specification)*/... /* 设置 SCTLR_EL1 *//* Enable WFE trap delay in SCR_EL3 if supported and configured */... /* 忽略 *//** Store the initialised SCTLR_EL1 value in the cpu_context - SCTLR_EL2* and other EL2 registers are set up by cm_prepare_ns_entry() as they* are not part of the stored cpu_context.*/write_ctx_reg(get_el1_sysregs_ctx(ctx), CTX_SCTLR_EL1, sctlr_elx); /* 把前面设置的sctlr_elx的值写入寄存器 *//** Base the context ACTLR_EL1 on the current value, as it is* implementation defined. The context restore process will write* the value from the context to the actual register and can cause* problems for processor cores that don't expect certain bits to* be zero.*/actlr_elx = read_actlr_el1();write_ctx_reg((get_el1_sysregs_ctx(ctx)), (CTX_ACTLR_EL1), (actlr_elx));/** Populate EL3 state so that we've the right context* before doing ERET*/state = get_el3state_ctx(ctx);write_ctx_reg(state, CTX_SCR_EL3, scr_el3); /* 把前面设置的scr_el3的值写入寄存器 */write_ctx_reg(state, CTX_ELR_EL3, ep->pc); /* 把image entry的值写入elr_el3,EL3返回会跳转到entry */write_ctx_reg(state, CTX_SPSR_EL3, ep->spsr); /* 把spsr的值写入寄存器,EL3返回到EL1,使用sp_el3栈 *//** Store the X0-X7 value from the entrypoint into the context* Use memcpy as we are in control of the layout of the structures*/gp_regs = get_gpregs_ctx(ctx);memcpy(gp_regs, (void *)&ep->args, sizeof(aapcs64_params_t));


opteed_synchronous_sp_entry(optee_context_t *optee_ctx)函数定义如下:

uint64_t opteed_synchronous_sp_entry(optee_context_t *optee_ctx)
{uint64_t rc;assert(optee_ctx != NULL);assert(optee_ctx->c_rt_ctx == 0);/* Apply the Secure EL1 system register context and switch to it */assert(cm_get_context(SECURE) == &optee_ctx->cpu_ctx);cm_el1_sysregs_context_restore(SECURE);cm_set_next_eret_context(SECURE);rc = opteed_enter_sp(&optee_ctx->c_rt_ctx);
#if ENABLE_ASSERTIONSoptee_ctx->c_rt_ctx = 0;
#endifreturn rc;



func opteed_enter_sp/* Make space for the registers that we're going to save */mov	x3, spstr	x3, [x0, #0] /* x0是&optee_ctx->c_rt_ctx,即optee_ctx->c_rt_ctx = sp */sub	sp, sp, #OPTEED_C_RT_CTX_SIZE/* Save callee-saved registers on to the stack */stp	x19, x20, [sp, #OPTEED_C_RT_CTX_X19]stp	x21, x22, [sp, #OPTEED_C_RT_CTX_X21]stp	x23, x24, [sp, #OPTEED_C_RT_CTX_X23]stp	x25, x26, [sp, #OPTEED_C_RT_CTX_X25]stp	x27, x28, [sp, #OPTEED_C_RT_CTX_X27]stp	x29, x30, [sp, #OPTEED_C_RT_CTX_X29] /* 保存了lr(x30)寄存器,返回地址在opteed_synchronous_sp_entry函数中 *//* ---------------------------------------------* Everything is setup now. el3_exit() will* use the secure context to restore to the* general purpose and EL3 system registers to* ERET into OPTEE.* ---------------------------------------------*/b	el3_exit /* 前面的流程中设置了elr_el3和spsr_el3,即为optee的_start函数。退出el3就进入el1, 并开始运行optee */
endfunc opteed_enter_sp


 FUNC _start , :mov	x19, x0		/* Save pagable part address */
#if defined(CFG_DT_ADDR)ldr     x20, =CFG_DT_ADDR
#elsemov	x20, x2		/* Save DT address */
#endifadr	x0, reset_vect_tablemsr	vbar_el1, x0isbset_sctlr_el1isb#ifdef CFG_WITH_PAGER
... /* 忽略 */
#else/** The binary is built as:* [Core, rodata and data] : In correct location* [struct boot_embdata + data] : Should be moved to __end, first* uint32_t tells the length of the struct + data*/adr_l	x0, __end		/* dst */adr_l	x1, __data_end		/* src */ldr	w2, [x1]		/* struct boot_embdata::total_len *//* Copy backwards (as memmove) in case we're overlapping */add	x0, x0, x2add	x1, x1, x2adr	x3, cached_mem_endstr	x0, [x3]adr_l	x2, __endcopy_init:ldp	x3, x4, [x1, #-16]!stp	x3, x4, [x0, #-16]!cmp	x0, x2b.gt	copy_init
#endif/** Clear .bss, this code obviously depends on the linker keeping* start/end of .bss at least 8 byte aligned.*/adr_l	x0, __bss_startadr_l	x1, __bss_end
clear_bss:str	xzr, [x0], #8cmp	x0, x1b.lt	clear_bss#ifdef CFG_VIRTUALIZATION
... /* 忽略 */
#endif/* Setup SP_EL0 and SP_EL1, SP will be set to SP_EL0 */set_spbl	thread_init_thread_core_local/* Enable aborts now that we can receive exceptions */msr	daifclr, #DAIFBIT_ABT/** Invalidate dcache for all memory used during initialization to* avoid nasty surprices when the cache is turned on. We must not* invalidate memory not used by OP-TEE since we may invalidate* entries used by for instance ARM Trusted Firmware.*/adr_l	x0, __text_startldr	x1, cached_mem_endsub	x1, x1, x0bl	dcache_cleaninv_range/* Enable Console */bl	console_init#ifdef CFG_CORE_ASLR
... /* 忽略 */
#elsemov	x0, #0
#endifadr	x1, boot_mmu_configbl	core_init_mmu_map#ifdef CFG_CORE_ASLR
... /* 忽略 */
#endifbl	__get_core_posbl	enable_mmu
... /* 忽略 */
#endifmov	x0, x19		/* pagable part address */mov	x1, #-1mov	x2, x20		/* DT address */bl	boot_init_primary/** In case we've touched memory that secondary CPUs will use before* they have turned on their D-cache, clean and invalidate the* D-cache before exiting to normal world.*/adr_l	x0, __text_startldr	x1, cached_mem_endsub	x1, x1, x0bl	dcache_cleaninv_range/** Clear current thread id now to allow the thread to be reused on* next entry. Matches the thread_init_boot_thread in* boot.c.*/
#ifndef CFG_VIRTUALIZATIONbl 	thread_clr_boot_thread
#endif#ifdef CFG_CORE_FFA
... /* 忽略 */
#else/** Pass the vector address returned from main_init* Compensate for the load offset since cpu_on_handler() is* called with MMU off.*/ldr	x0, boot_mmu_config + CORE_MMU_CONFIG_LOAD_OFFSETadr	x1, thread_vector_tablesub	x1, x1, x0 /* 第二参数是thread_vector_table */mov	x0, #TEESMC_OPTEED_RETURN_ENTRY_DONE /* 第一个参数是smc_fid */smc	#0b	.	/* SMC should not return */
END_FUNC _start


vector_entry sync_exception_aarch64/** This exception vector will be the entry point for SMCs and traps* that are unhandled at lower ELs most commonly. SP_EL3 should point* to a valid cpu context where the general purpose and system register* state can be saved.*/apply_at_speculative_wacheck_and_unmask_eahandle_sync_exception
end_vector_entry sync_exception_aarch64
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------* This macro handles Synchronous exceptions.* Only SMC exceptions are supported.* ---------------------------------------------------------------------*/.macro	handle_sync_exception
.../* 忽略 */
#endifmrs	x30, esr_el3ubfx	x30, x30, #ESR_EC_SHIFT, #ESR_EC_LENGTH/* Handle SMC exceptions separately from other synchronous exceptions */cmp	x30, #EC_AARCH32_SMCb.eq	smc_handler32cmp	x30, #EC_AARCH64_SMCb.eq	smc_handler64 /* 转入smc_handler64 *//* Synchronous exceptions other than the above are assumed to be EA */ldr	x30, [sp, #CTX_GPREGS_OFFSET + CTX_GPREG_LR]b	enter_lower_el_sync_ea.endm
smc_handler64:/* NOTE: The code below must preserve x0-x4 *//** Save general purpose and ARMv8.3-PAuth registers (if enabled).* If Secure Cycle Counter is not disabled in MDCR_EL3 when* ARMv8.5-PMU is implemented, save PMCR_EL0 and disable Cycle Counter.*/bl	save_gp_pmcr_pauth_regs#if ENABLE_PAUTH
... /* 忽略 */
#endif/** Populate the parameters for the SMC handler.* We already have x0-x4 in place. x5 will point to a cookie (not used* now). x6 will point to the context structure (SP_EL3) and x7 will* contain flags we need to pass to the handler.*/mov	x5, xzrmov	x6, sp/** Restore the saved C runtime stack value which will become the new* SP_EL0 i.e. EL3 runtime stack. It was saved in the 'cpu_context'* structure prior to the last ERET from EL3.*/ldr	x12, [x6, #CTX_EL3STATE_OFFSET + CTX_RUNTIME_SP]/* Switch to SP_EL0 */msr	spsel, #MODE_SP_EL0/** Save the SPSR_EL3, ELR_EL3, & SCR_EL3 in case there is a world* switch during SMC handling.* TODO: Revisit if all system registers can be saved later.*/mrs	x16, spsr_el3mrs	x17, elr_el3mrs	x18, scr_el3stp	x16, x17, [x6, #CTX_EL3STATE_OFFSET + CTX_SPSR_EL3]str	x18, [x6, #CTX_EL3STATE_OFFSET + CTX_SCR_EL3]/* Copy SCR_EL3.NS bit to the flag to indicate caller's security */bfi	x7, x18, #0, #1mov	sp, x12/* Get the unique owning entity number */ /* x0保存的是smc_fid */ubfx	x16, x0, #FUNCID_OEN_SHIFT, #FUNCID_OEN_WIDTHubfx	x15, x0, #FUNCID_TYPE_SHIFT, #FUNCID_TYPE_WIDTHorr	x16, x16, x15, lsl #FUNCID_OEN_WIDTH /* 经过运算找出需要调用的service,这里是opteed_fast *//* Load descriptor index from array of indices */adrp	x14, rt_svc_descs_indicesadd	x14, x14, :lo12:rt_svc_descs_indicesldrb	w15, [x14, x16]/* Any index greater than 127 is invalid. Check bit 7. */tbnz	w15, 7, smc_unknown/** Get the descriptor using the index* x11 = (base + off), w15 = index** handler = (base + off) + (index << log2(size))*/adr	x11, (__RT_SVC_DESCS_START__ + RT_SVC_DESC_HANDLE)lsl	w10, w15, #RT_SVC_SIZE_LOG2ldr	x15, [x11, w10, uxtw] /* 经过运算找出opteed_fast需要调用的handler,这里是opteed_smc_handler *//** Call the Secure Monitor Call handler and then drop directly into* el3_exit() which will program any remaining architectural state* prior to issuing the ERET to the desired lower EL.*/
#if DEBUGcbz	x15, rt_svc_fw_critical_error
#endifblr	x15b	el3_exit


static uintptr_t opteed_smc_handler(uint32_t smc_fid,u_register_t x1,u_register_t x2,u_register_t x3,u_register_t x4,void *cookie,void *handle,u_register_t flags)
... /* 忽略 *//** Returning from OPTEE*/switch (smc_fid) {/** OPTEE has finished initialising itself after a cold boot*/case TEESMC_OPTEED_RETURN_ENTRY_DONE:/** Stash the OPTEE entry points information. This is done* only once on the primary cpu*/assert(optee_vector_table == NULL);optee_vector_table = (optee_vectors_t *) x1;if (optee_vector_table) {set_optee_pstate(optee_ctx->state, OPTEE_PSTATE_ON);/** OPTEE has been successfully initialized.* Register power management hooks with PSCI*/psci_register_spd_pm_hook(&opteed_pm);/** Register an interrupt handler for S-EL1 interrupts* when generated during code executing in the* non-secure state.*/flags = 0;set_interrupt_rm_flag(flags, NON_SECURE);rc = register_interrupt_type_handler(INTR_TYPE_S_EL1,opteed_sel1_interrupt_handler,flags);if (rc)panic();}/** OPTEE reports completion. The OPTEED must have initiated* the original request through a synchronous entry into* OPTEE. Jump back to the original C runtime context.*/opteed_synchronous_sp_exit(optee_ctx, x1);break;... /* 忽略 */



func opteed_exit_sp/* Restore the previous stack */mov	sp, x0/* Restore callee-saved registers on to the stack */ldp	x19, x20, [x0, #(OPTEED_C_RT_CTX_X19 - OPTEED_C_RT_CTX_SIZE)]ldp	x21, x22, [x0, #(OPTEED_C_RT_CTX_X21 - OPTEED_C_RT_CTX_SIZE)]ldp	x23, x24, [x0, #(OPTEED_C_RT_CTX_X23 - OPTEED_C_RT_CTX_SIZE)]ldp	x25, x26, [x0, #(OPTEED_C_RT_CTX_X25 - OPTEED_C_RT_CTX_SIZE)]ldp	x27, x28, [x0, #(OPTEED_C_RT_CTX_X27 - OPTEED_C_RT_CTX_SIZE)]ldp	x29, x30, [x0, #(OPTEED_C_RT_CTX_X29 - OPTEED_C_RT_CTX_SIZE)] /* 恢复了lr(x30)寄存器 *//* ---------------------------------------------* This should take us back to the instruction* after the call to the last opteed_enter_sp().* Place the second parameter to x0 so that the* caller will see it as a return value from the* original entry call* ---------------------------------------------*/mov	x0, x1 /* x1是thread_vector_table */ret
endfunc opteed_exit_sp







/* Setup Standard Services */
static int32_t std_svc_setup(void)
{uintptr_t svc_arg;int ret = 0;svc_arg = get_arm_std_svc_args(PSCI_FID_MASK); /* 获取到了从核启动的地址 */assert(svc_arg);/** PSCI is one of the specifications implemented as a Standard Service.* The `psci_setup()` also does EL3 architectural setup.*/if (psci_setup((const psci_lib_args_t *)svc_arg) != PSCI_E_SUCCESS) {ret = 1;}... /* 忽略 */return ret;


uintptr_t get_arm_std_svc_args(unsigned int svc_mask)
{/* Setup the arguments for PSCI Library */DEFINE_STATIC_PSCI_LIB_ARGS_V1(psci_args, bl31_warm_entrypoint); /* 从核启动地址是bl31_warm_entrypoint *//* PSCI is the only ARM Standard Service implemented */assert(svc_mask == PSCI_FID_MASK);return (uintptr_t)&psci_args;

然后 std_svc_setup把svc_arg做为参数传递给了psci_setup

int __init psci_setup(const psci_lib_args_t *lib_args)
... /* 忽略 */(void) plat_setup_psci_ops((uintptr_t)lib_args->mailbox_ep,&psci_plat_pm_ops);assert(psci_plat_pm_ops != NULL);... /* 忽略 */return 0;


int plat_setup_psci_ops(uintptr_t sec_entrypoint,const plat_psci_ops_t **psci_ops)
{uintptr_t *mailbox = (void *) PLAT_QEMU_TRUSTED_MAILBOX_BASE;*mailbox = sec_entrypoint;secure_entrypoint = (unsigned long) sec_entrypoint;*psci_ops = &plat_qemu_psci_pm_ops;return 0;

上面的函数做了2个事情,一个是初始化了maibox base地址上的值,就是从核的启动地址,就是bl31_warm_entrypoint函数,还有一个是初始化了psci_plat_pm_ops,是plat_qemu_psci_pm_ops

static const plat_psci_ops_t plat_qemu_psci_pm_ops = {.cpu_standby = qemu_cpu_standby,.pwr_domain_on = qemu_pwr_domain_on,.pwr_domain_off = qemu_pwr_domain_off,.pwr_domain_pwr_down_wfi = qemu_pwr_domain_pwr_down_wfi,.pwr_domain_suspend = qemu_pwr_domain_suspend,.pwr_domain_on_finish = qemu_pwr_domain_on_finish,.pwr_domain_suspend_finish = qemu_pwr_domain_suspend_finish,.system_off = qemu_system_off,.system_reset = qemu_system_reset,.validate_power_state = qemu_validate_power_state,.validate_ns_entrypoint = qemu_validate_ns_entrypoint


 Linux通过PSCI启动从核可以参考https://blog.csdn.net/tiantao2012/article/details/72622103。根据文中描述,Linux启动从核,最后会通过SMC调用到BL31来启动从核。由前文分析可知,BL31的SMC中断向量是runtime_exceptions,Linux选择的处理用的service就是std_svc_service,处理函数是std_svc_smc_handler。std_svc_smc_handler调用了psci_smc_handler,在aarch64平台psci_smc_handler又调用了psci_cpu_on,psci_cpu_on又调用了psci_cpu_on_start,psci_cpu_on_start又通过psci_plat_pm_ops变量调用了他的pwr_domain_on函数, 就是qemu_pwr_domain_on

static int qemu_pwr_domain_on(u_register_t mpidr)
{int rc = PSCI_E_SUCCESS;unsigned pos = plat_core_pos_by_mpidr(mpidr);uint64_t *hold_base = (uint64_t *)PLAT_QEMU_HOLD_BASE;hold_base[pos] = PLAT_QEMU_HOLD_STATE_GO;sev();return rc;


func bl31_warm_entrypoint
#if ENABLE_RUNTIME_INSTRUMENTATION/** This timestamp update happens with cache off.  The next* timestamp collection will need to do cache maintenance prior* to timestamp update.*/pmf_calc_timestamp_addr rt_instr_svc, RT_INSTR_EXIT_HW_LOW_PWRmrs	x1, cntpct_el0str	x1, [x0]
#endif/** On the warm boot path, most of the EL3 initialisations performed by* 'el3_entrypoint_common' must be skipped:**  - Only when the platform bypasses the BL1/BL31 entrypoint by*    programming the reset address do we need to initialise SCTLR_EL3.*    In other cases, we assume this has been taken care by the*    entrypoint code.**  - No need to determine the type of boot, we know it is a warm boot.**  - Do not try to distinguish between primary and secondary CPUs, this*    notion only exists for a cold boot.**  - No need to initialise the memory or the C runtime environment,*    it has been done once and for all on the cold boot path.*/el3_entrypoint_common					\_init_sctlr=PROGRAMMABLE_RESET_ADDRESS		\_warm_boot_mailbox=0				\_secondary_cold_boot=0				\_init_memory=0					\_init_c_runtime=0				\_exception_vectors=runtime_exceptions		\_pie_fixup_size=0... /* 忽略 */bl	psci_warmboot_entrypoint... /* 忽略 */b	el3_exit
endfunc bl31_warm_entrypoint


void psci_warmboot_entrypoint(void)
{... /* 忽略 *//** This CPU could be resuming from suspend or it could have just been* turned on. To distinguish between these 2 cases, we examine the* affinity state of the CPU:*  - If the affinity state is ON_PENDING then it has just been*    turned on.*  - Else it is resuming from suspend.** Depending on the type of warm reset identified, choose the right set* of power management handler and perform the generic, architecture* and platform specific handling.*/if (psci_get_aff_info_state() == AFF_STATE_ON_PENDING)psci_cpu_on_finish(cpu_idx, &state_info);elsepsci_cpu_suspend_finish(cpu_idx, &state_info);... /* 忽略 */


void psci_cpu_on_finish(unsigned int cpu_idx, const psci_power_state_t *state_info)
{... /* 忽略 *//** Call the cpu on finish handler registered by the Secure Payload* Dispatcher to let it do any bookeeping. If the handler encounters an* error, it's expected to assert within*/if ((psci_spd_pm != NULL) && (psci_spd_pm->svc_on_finish != NULL))psci_spd_pm->svc_on_finish(0);... /* 忽略 */


static void opteed_cpu_on_finish_handler(u_register_t unused)
{int32_t rc = 0;uint32_t linear_id = plat_my_core_pos();optee_context_t *optee_ctx = &opteed_sp_context[linear_id];entry_point_info_t optee_on_entrypoint;assert(optee_vector_table);assert(get_optee_pstate(optee_ctx->state) == OPTEE_PSTATE_OFF);opteed_init_optee_ep_state(&optee_on_entrypoint, opteed_rw,(uint64_t)&optee_vector_table->cpu_on_entry,0, 0, 0, optee_ctx);/* Initialise this cpu's secure context */cm_init_my_context(&optee_on_entrypoint);/* Enter OPTEE */rc = opteed_synchronous_sp_entry(optee_ctx);/** Read the response from OPTEE. A non-zero return means that* something went wrong while communicating with OPTEE.*/if (rc != 0)panic();/* Update its context to reflect the state OPTEE is in */set_optee_pstate(optee_ctx->state, OPTEE_PSTATE_ON);


LOCAL_FUNC vector_cpu_on_entry , : , .identity_mapbl	cpu_on_handlermov	x1, x0ldr	x0, =TEESMC_OPTEED_RETURN_ON_DONEsmc	#0b	.	/* SMC should not return */
END_FUNC vector_cpu_on_entry


FUNC cpu_on_handler , :mov	x19, x0mov	x20, x1mov	x21, x30adr	x0, reset_vect_tablemsr	vbar_el1, x0isbset_sctlr_el1isb/* Enable aborts now that we can receive exceptions */msr	daifclr, #DAIFBIT_ABTbl	__get_core_posbl	enable_mmu/* Setup SP_EL0 and SP_EL1, SP will be set to SP_EL0 */set_spmov	x0, x19mov	x1, x20
#ifdef CFG_CORE_FFAbl	boot_cpu_on_handlerb	thread_ffa_msg_wait
#elsemov	x30, x21b	boot_cpu_on_handler
END_FUNC cpu_on_handler
DECLARE_KEEP_PAGER cpu_on_handler

cpu_on_handler在做过和primary core类似的处理后跳转到boot_cpu_on_handler函数。boot_cpu_on_handler函数调用的是init_secondary_helper函数

static void init_secondary_helper(unsigned long nsec_entry)
{IMSG("Secondary CPU %zu initializing", get_core_pos());/** Mask asynchronous exceptions before switch to the thread vector* as the thread handler requires those to be masked while* executing with the temporary stack. The thread subsystem also* asserts that the foreign interrupts are blocked when using most of* its functions.*/thread_set_exceptions(THREAD_EXCP_ALL);secondary_init_cntfrq();thread_init_per_cpu();init_sec_mon(nsec_entry);main_secondary_init_gic();init_vfp_sec();init_vfp_nsec();IMSG("Secondary CPU %zu switching to normal world boot", get_core_pos());





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