
2023-11-10 09:55



Abstract: Motor equipment is widely used in cement enterprises in power plant, and cement production enterprise belong to high energy consumption, pollution, large and continuous uninterrupted work need equipment industry, the electric motor as the power source of the cement industry equipment, the safe, stable and reliable operation, steady production of cement industry plays a vital role.

1.项目概述 Project Description


孟加拉水泥厂客户找到我们, 购买了ARD2F系列的 智能型电动机保护器。

With the increase of modern cement industry production scale, production equipment is also more and more large, so the power of the drag motor is also more and more large.The production process of cement plant is complicated. The cement production process can be summarized as raw material preparation (first grinding), clinker calcination (first burning) and cement grinding (second grinding).Therefore, the low-voltage motor, as the most commonly used unit in cement production process, has a large number and a complex type. With the continuous progress of science and technology and the continuous improvement of process control process, especially the requirements of automatic production, there is an urgent need to develop and improve the control and protection equipment of the motor.Realize the whole automatic production process and large machinery remote control, remote measurement, remote adjustment, fault diagnosis and centralized control and other functions

The customer of Bangladesh Cement factory came to us and bought the ARD2F series intelligent motor protector

2.产品介绍 Product introduction

ARD2F 系列智能电动机保护器(以下简称保护器)能对电动机运行过程中 出现的多种故障情况进行保护,并设有 SOE 故障事件记录功能,方便现场维护 人员查找故障原因。本保护器具有 RS485 远程通讯接口, DC4~20mA 模拟量 输出,方便与 PLC、PC 等控制机组成网络系统。实现电动机运行的远程监控。

ARD2F series intelligent motor protector (hereinafter referred to as protector) can protect a variety of fault situations in the process of motor operation, and is equipped with SOE fault event recording function, which is convenient for field maintenance personnel to find fault causes.This protector has RS485 remote communication interface, DC4 ~ 20mA analog output, convenient with PLC, PC and other control units into a network system.Realize the remote monitoring of motor operation.


4.面板显示Front Panel

5.技术参数Technical Features

6.组网拓扑图 Network topology

7.现场图片Photo on-site

8. 结束语Conclusion


With the development of electronic technology and communication technology.Motor protector is in development in the direction of diversification, motor protector application is becoming more and more widely in cement enterprise, the rational selection of protection and the protection of electrical equipment, can improve the reliability of equipment operation, can prevent and stop motor burned, while reducing the losses caused by unplanned parking, reduce the production cost of enterprises.

安科瑞 缪阳扬





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