Ubuntu 12.04中的8个新功能,精确的穿山甲

2023-11-10 05:50

本文主要是介绍Ubuntu 12.04中的8个新功能,精确的穿山甲,希望对大家解决编程问题提供一定的参考价值,需要的开发者们随着小编来一起学习吧!


Ubuntu 12.04 is upon us. Aside from the usual assortment of bug fixes and updated software, Ubuntu’s Unity desktop environment has been polished and offers new features and more configurability.

Ubuntu 12.04即将面世。 除了常见的错误修复和更新软件之外,Ubuntu的Unity桌面环境也经过了完善,并提供了新功能和更多可配置性。

Precise Pangolin doesn’t include any dramatic changes, but it offers polish and refinement — while filling gaps in Unity. As an LTS (long-term service) release, it will be supported for five years on both desktops and servers.

精确的穿山甲没有任何重大变化,但它提供了完善和完善-同时填补了Unity中的空白。 作为LTS(长期服务)版本,它将在台式机和服务器上支持五年。

平视显示器 (The HUD)

Ubuntu’s new heads-up display is probably the most interesting and groundbreaking feature in Precise Pangolin. This is the missing piece of the Unity puzzle — Ubuntu’s global menu bar and automatically hiding menus now make sense. The HUD is Ubuntu’s vision of a text-based interface that replaces graphical menus — don’t worry, the menus are still present. Any application that supports Ubuntu’s global menu bar will support the HUD.

Ubuntu的新抬头显示器可能是Precise Pangolin中最有趣和突破性的功能。 这是Unity难题中缺少的部分-Ubuntu的全局菜单栏和自动隐藏菜单现在很有意义。 HUD是Ubuntu的愿景,即基于文本的界面将取代图形菜单-不用担心,菜单仍然存在。 任何支持Ubuntu全局菜单栏的应用程序都将支持HUD。

To pull up the HUD, press the Alt key in any application — or even at the desktop. Start typing and you’ll see menu items that match your search phrase.

要拉起HUD,请在任何应用程序中甚至在桌面上按Alt键。 开始输入文字,您会看到与您的搜索词匹配的菜单项。


Selecting a menu item with the mouse — or by pressing the arrow keys and the Enter button — is the same as clicking it in the menu. The search-based interface helps avoid digging through menus when you don’t know where an option is.

用鼠标选择菜单项(或通过按箭头键和Enter按钮)与在菜单中单击菜单项相同。 当您不知道选项在哪里时,基于搜索的界面有助于避免浏览菜单。

隐私 (Privacy)

The Zeitgeist engine has been integrated in Ubuntu since 11.04. It’s also known as the activity log — it logs things you do on your computer, including files you open, websites you visit, and people you have conversations with. These logs are stored locally and offered to other desktop applications, which can use them to customize your experience.

自11.04起,Zeitgeist引擎已集成到Ubuntu中。 它也称为活动日志-它记录您在计算机上所做的事情,包括您打开的文件,访问的网站以及与之交谈的人。 这些日志存储在本地,并提供给其他桌面应用程序,可以使用它们来定制您的体验。

Responding to privacy concerns, Ubuntu now includes a Privacy panel for managing this behavior. You’ll find it in Ubuntu’s System Settings window.

为了应对隐私问题,Ubuntu现在包括一个用于管理此行为的“隐私”面板。 您可以在Ubuntu的“系统设置”窗口中找到它。


The Privacy panel includes quite a few options for managing this behavior. In addition to disabling activity recording entirely, you can disable it for certain types of files, folders, or applications. You can also manually delete the activity history — either all of it, or just the history for a recent time period.

隐私面板包含许多用于管理此行为的选项。 除了完全禁用活动记录外,您还可以为某些类型的文件,文件夹或应用程序禁用活动记录。 您还可以手动删除活动历史记录-全部删除,或仅删除最近一段时间的历史记录。


Unity外观设置 (Unity Appearance Settings)

Ubuntu now finally offers some configuration options for Unity out-of-the-box. You’ll find these options in the Appearance panel in the System Settings window.

现在,Ubuntu现在终于提供了一些现成的Unity配置选项。 您可以在“系统设置”窗口的“外观”面板中找到这些选项。

On the Look tab, the size of the application icons on Unity’s launcher are now configurable — you can make them smaller or larger.



On the Behavior tab, you can customize when Unity automatically hides itself. It no longer automatically hides by default, but you can enable the auto-hide feature and tweak its sensitivity, if you like.

在“行为”选项卡上,您可以自定义Unity自动隐藏自身的时间。 默认情况下,它不再自动隐藏,但是您可以根据需要启用自动隐藏功能并调整其灵敏度。


Only a few options are exposed here for configuring Unity at the moment – hopefully Ubuntu will add more in future releases.


快速清单 (Quicklists)

Many more applications now support Unity’s “quicklists” feature, including the Nautilus file manager and Rhythmbox music player. Right-click an application icon on the Unity launcher and you’ll find shortcuts to frequently used options. For example, the Nautilus file manager displays your bookmarked locations, while the Rythmbox music player offers playback options.

现在,更多的应用程序支持Unity的“快速列表”功能,包括Nautilus文件管理器和Rhythmbox音乐播放器。 右键单击Unity启动器上的应用程序图标,您会找到常用选项的快捷方式。 例如,Nautilus文件管理器会显示您加书签的位置,而Rythmbox音乐播放器则提供播放选项。


录像镜头 (Video Lens)

Lenses allow you to perform different types of searches directly from Unity’s dash, and Precise Pangolin introduces a new lens for searching videos. Select the video icon at the bottom of the dash screen and you can search for videos stored locally or in a variety of online locations, including YouTube, Vimeo, and TED Talks. Use the Filter Results option to search for videos from a specific location.

镜头允许您直接从Unity的破折号中执行不同类型的搜索,Precise Pangolin引入了一种用于搜索视频的新镜头。 选择仪表板屏幕底部的视频图标,您可以搜索本地或存储在各种在线位置(包括YouTube,Vimeo和TED演讲)中的视频。 使用“过滤结果”选项可从特定位置搜索视频。


软件推荐 (Software Recommendations)

The Ubuntu Software Center now offers personalized software recommendations. Click the Turn On Recommendations button at the bottom of the Ubuntu Software Center to enable them. You’ll have to log in with your Ubuntu Software Center account — this is the same as your Ubuntu One or Launchpad account.

Ubuntu软件中心现在提供个性化的软件建议。 单击Ubuntu软件中心底部的“打开建议”按钮以启用它们。 您必须使用Ubuntu Software Center帐户登录-这与Ubuntu One或Launchpad帐户相同。

Screenshot from 2012-04-26 15_42_59

When you enable recommendations, your list of installed software will be periodically sent to Canonical’s servers. Recommendations will appear in the Ubuntu Software Center.

启用建议后,已安装软件的列表将定期发送到Canonical的服务器。 建议将显示在Ubuntu软件中心中。

Screenshot from 2012-04-26 15_45_03

默认没有单声道 (No Mono By Default)

Ubuntu 12.04 drops Banshee from the default installation, switching back to Rhythmbox as the music player. Tomboy, the only other default Mono application, was also removed from the default installation – so Mono isn’t present by default at all. Both applications are still available in the Ubuntu Software Center. The Ubuntu Software Center also includes Gnote, a C++ port of Tomboy installed by default on Fedora.

Ubuntu 12.04从默认安装中删除了Banshee,并切换回Rhythmbox作为音乐播放器。 Tomboy,另一个唯一的默认Mono应用程序,也已从默认安装中删除-因此默认情况下根本不存在Mono。 这两个应用程序仍可在Ubuntu软件中心获得。 Ubuntu软件中心还包括Gnote,它是Tomboy的C ++端口,默认情况下安装在Fedora上。

Screenshot from 2012-04-26 15_06_11

Ubuntu One重新设计 (Ubuntu One Redesign)

Ubuntu One, Ubuntu’s cloud storage service, has a redesigned interface in Precise Pangolin. Interestingly enough, the new interface uses the QT toolkit (used in KDE). The QT-based interface replaces the old one, which used the same GTK+ toolkit used in GNOME, Unity, and elsewhere on the Ubuntu desktop.

Ubuntu的云存储服务Ubuntu One在Precise Pangolin中重新设计了界面。 有趣的是,新界面使用了QT工具箱(在KDE中使用)。 基于QT的界面替代了旧界面,该界面使用了GNOME,Unity和Ubuntu桌面其他地方使用的相同GTK +工具包。

Screenshot from 2012-04-26 15_15_44

Did we miss an interesting feature? Leave a comment and let us know about it.

我们错过了一个有趣的功能吗? 发表评论,让我们知道。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/112409/8-new-features-in-ubuntu-12.04-precise-pangolin/

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