
2023-11-10 05:50



In challenging times like we are currently in, death becomes an everyday subject. Losing someone you love is painful. When we pass away, it can be a major burden for the family to manage our legacy, not only in the physical world but in the numeric world too. Preparing to leave your numeric legacy is something you should be considering doing, but how do you address this challenging endeavour?

在当今这样充满挑战的时代,死亡已成为每天的话题。 失去你爱的人是痛苦的。 当我们去世时,家庭管理我们的遗产可能是一个重大负担,不仅在物质世界,在数字世界也是如此。 准备离开数字遗产是您应该考虑做的事情,但是您如何解决这一具有挑战性的工作呢?

Photo from Robert Eklund on Unsplash
Photo from Robert Eklund on Unsplash
罗伯特·埃克隆德(Under Splash)摄

I wanted to write something like this for a long time. Now, here it is. It’s been a long journey. The idea for writing this guide came up after briefly touching the matter in “Managing the Elderly’s Numeric Life”. When I wrote this piece, it was about managing the numeric life of my living, but very old parents. I had to ask myself: “when they will pass away, how do I prepare their numeric legacy?”. The same question applies to me and everybody else for that matter. After someone’s death, how do survivors get access to the numeric legacy of the diseased? How can you recover photo libraries? What about social networks like Facebook or Instagram? how do you access them?

我想长时间写这样的东西。 现在,在这里。 这是一段漫长的旅程。 在“ 管理老年人的数字生活 ”中短暂提及此问题后,提出了编写此指南的想法。 当我写这篇文章时,它是关于管理我的数字生活,但父母非常老。 我不得不问自己:“当他们去世时,我该如何准备他们的数字遗产?”。 同样的问题适用于我和其他所有人。 某人死后,幸存者如何获得患病数字遗产? 如何恢复照片库? 像Facebook或Instagram这样的社交网络呢? 您如何访问它们?

As more and more things happen in the virtual world, the numeric legacy of someone grows. Over the years, we subscribe to services like iCloud and pour things in them. Our parents accumulated physical souvenirs, but the following generations are building a numeric legacy with a lot of data in them. We need to prepare how we will leave it behind. This is what this guide is all about.

随着虚拟世界中发生越来越多的事情,某人的数字遗产不断增长。 多年来,我们订阅了诸如iCloud之类的服务并将其倒入其中。 我们的父母积累了物理纪念品,但随后的世代正在建立数字遗产,其中包含大量数据。 我们需要准备如何抛弃它。 这就是本指南的全部内容。

先读我 (Read me first)

This guide is not about helping people writing their testament, nor is it trying to replace a testament, far from it. Consider this as a complement to your will. Also, this is an Apple-centric guide, but most of the principles apply to other digital ecosystems as well.

本指南的目的不是帮助人们编写遗嘱,也不是试图取代遗嘱。 将此视为对您意愿的补充。 同样,这是一个以苹果为中心的指南,但是大多数原理也适用于其他数字生态系统。

Writing this guide allowed me to create my own plan and upped my game regarding my security practices in my numeric life. I’m a long-time user of 1Password, a well-known password manager that is at the center of my strategy. During my research, I upgraded to the paid subscription of 1Password, which helped me improve my security posture in many ways.

编写本指南使我能够制定自己的计划,并提高自己在数字生活中有关安全实践的游戏。 我是1Password的长期用户, 1Password是一个著名的密码管理器,它是我策略的核心。 在研究过程中,我升级为1Password的付费订阅,这从很多方面帮助我改善了安全状况。

Photo by Kate Macate on Unsplash
Photo by Kate Macate on Unsplash
凯特·玛卡特(Kate Macate)在Unsplash上​​拍摄的照片

The first part is about helping people build an emergency kit that will help survivors manage their numeric legacy. Part 2 is about creating and managing the electronic vault. Finally, the third part consists of describing the actual process of using the emergency kit after your dear one passes away.

第一部分是关于帮助人们构建应急工具包,以帮助幸存者管理其数字遗产。 第2部分是关于创建和管理电子仓库。 最后,第三部分包括描述您亲爱的人去世后使用急救包的实际过程。

第1部分-安全信封 (Part 1 — The secure envelope)

The first thing to do is to create a one-pager document on which you’ll write enough information to kick start the process of taking control of your numeric legacy. That is the sheet of paper that will be put in an envelope. In order to access the digital world, a secure envelope act as the backdoor to this closed world.

要做的第一件事是创建一个单页文档,在该文档上您将编写足够的信息以启动控制数字遗产的过程。 那是将放在信封中的纸。 为了访问数字世界,安全信封充当了这个封闭世界的后门。

In order to prepare the secure envelope, four important questions need answers: which informations should be in it? How should you store them? Where should you put this envelope? Who should know about the secure envelope existence? Let’s look more closely at each question.

为了准备安全信封,需要回答四个重要问题:其中应包含哪些信息? 您应该如何存储它们? 你应该把这个信封放在哪里? 谁应该知道安全信封的存在? 让我们更仔细地看每个问题。

The emergency kit components
The emergency kit components

什么 (What)

First, determine what are the minimal pieces of information that will be required to get access to your numeric legacy. The date and the person name you expect to read the document must be there. Describe how to access the electronic vault (required for the next part). Write down the PIN number used to unlock your smartphone or tablet. Write down the username and password of the account used to unlock your computer (if you own one). Never write anything down anything related to your work, as this could violate a corporate security policy. The following list summarizes the minimal information that should be written down.

首先,确定访问数字遗产所需的最少信息是什么。 您希望阅读文档的日期和人员姓名必须在此处。 描述如何访问电子仓库(下一部分需要)。 写下用于解锁智能手机或平板电脑的PIN码。 写下用于解锁计算机的帐户的用户名和密码(如果您拥有计算机)。 切勿写下与您的工作相关的任何内容,因为这可能违反公司安全策略。 以下列表总结了应记录的最少信息。

  • Current date

  • Your name

  • The name of the person you expect to have access to this information

  • The PIN used to unlock on your smartphone

  • The PIN used to unlock your tablet

  • The email address you use the most

  • The account information used to open a session on your computer

  • The name of the password manager you and where it is located

  • The master password required to unlock the password manager vault


怎么样 (How)

Your sheet of paper is created in a text editor of your choice and saved on a computer or a tablet. My suggestion is to refrain from using an electronic device like a USB key to be put in the envelope. These devices can fail at the worst moment and may not be compatible with future equipment required to read their content. Why not print the document and store it in the envelope. Simple. Effective. When you are ready to store the envelope, seal it. It’s a good way to detect unwanted breach. When you need to update the information contained in the secure envelope, first create a new version then destroy the old one with a shredder. Keep all versions of the electronic document, though.

您可以在自己选择的文本编辑器中创建纸页,并将其保存在计算机或平板电脑上。 我的建议是不要使用像USB钥匙这样的电子设备放入信封中。 这些设备可能会在最坏的情况下发生故障,并且可能与读取其内容所需的未来设备不兼容。 为什么不打印文档并将其存储在信封中。 简单。 有效。 准备好存放信封时,请将其密封。 这是检测有害违规的好方法。 当您需要更新安全信封中包含的信息时,请首先创建一个新版本,然后使用碎纸机销毁旧版本。 不过,请保留所有版本的电子文档。

哪里 (Where)

There are many places where the emergency kit envelope can be stored. If you have a safe in a bank, this is probably the most secure way. If you have a safe at home, use it. Alternatively, if you have a physical documents filer with personal documents, you can classify the envelope with your other personal papers. You could mention the location of the secure envelope in your will too. Finally, consider storing two copies of the secure envelope, just to be safe against fire or other life disasters. But remember, the more copies, the less secure it is.

在很多地方都可以存放急救包信封。 如果您在银行有保险箱,这可能是最安全的方法。 如果您在家中有保险箱,请使用它。 或者,如果您的物理文件归档器包含个人文件,则可以将信封与其他个人文件分类。 您也可以在遗嘱中提及安全信封的位置。 最后,考虑存储两份安全信封,以防火灾或其他生命灾害。 但是请记住,副本越多,安全性就越差。

WHO (Who)

The secure envelope is as useful as someone knows about its existence. It must be a person you trust the most. Don’t take it too lightly. As you can understand, the content of the secure envelope is the key to your numeric legacy. It can be your husband or wife, your sister or brother, or one of your children.

安全信封就像有人知道它的存在一样有用。 必须是您最信任的人。 不要掉以轻心。 如您所知,安全信封的内容是数字遗产的关键。 可以是您的丈夫或妻子,您的姐姐或兄弟或您的孩子之一。

第2部分-电子仓库 (Part 2 — The electronic vault)

Take advantage of this guide to update your security posture and practices. You’ll find instructions on how to use modern security measures like two-factor authentication. If you don’t use a password manager, now is the time to get one.

利用本指南来更新您的安全状况和做法。 您将找到有关如何使用现代安全措施(如两因素身份验证)的说明。 如果您不使用密码管理器,现在是时候获得密码管理器了。

1Password main screen
1Password main screen

You need a way to write down your account passwords and other important information in a secure way. Don’t write them on paper . You have to be clever, more sophisticated. There are a plethora of password managers on iOS or macOS. Personally, I’m using 1Password and Apple’s iCloud Keychain. The former has been available for many years. The latter is integrated into Apple’s operating systems. It is very convenient but lacks a few important features usually found in more sophisticated applications. 1Password can store much more information than account passwords. You can store secure notes, credit card information, passport information, etc. As mentioned earlier, 1Password is subscription-based. By subscribing you get secure access to your passwords vault from anywhere on website.

您需要一种以安全的方式写下您的帐户密码和其他重要信息的方法。 不要把它们写在纸上。 您必须聪明,更老练。 iOS或macOS上有很多密码管理器。 我个人使用的是1Password和Apple的iCloud钥匙串 。 前者已经存在很多年了。 后者已集成到Apple的操作系统中。 它非常方便,但是缺少一些较复杂的应用程序通常具有的重要功能。 1Password可以存储比帐户密码更多的信息。 您可以存储安全笔记,信用卡信息,护照信息等。如前所述,1Password基于订阅。 通过订阅,您可以从1password.com网站上的任何位置安全地访问密码库。

If you use many web services and have many accounts, I would suggest that you record the most important one first. While doing this exercise, consider closing down accounts that you no longer use, but mark them as such in your password manager. Keeping account history can prove to be valuable, you never know.

如果您使用许多Web服务并拥有许多帐户,建议您先记录最重要的一个。 在进行此练习时,请考虑关闭不再使用的帐户,但在密码管理器中将其标记为此类。 您永远不会知道,保留帐户历史记录很有价值。

Enabling two factor authentication example
Enabling two factor authentication example

While entering or updating your account informations, you’ll get a warning if the website supports two-factor authentication (or 2FA). For each of these warnings, take action and enabled it. Learning about what is 2FA is not in the scope of this guide, though. If you want to learn more about 2FA, read this short guide or a complete explanation on Wikipedia. To see which sites support 2FA, see Suffice is to say that protecting an account with 2FA is an excellent security practice, which I encourage you to adopt. While doing so, you’ll need a small application on your iPhone or iPad like Authy. That’s the one I use, and I’m pretty much happy with it.

在输入或更新您的帐户信息时,如果网站支持两因素身份验证(或2FA),则会收到警告。 对于这些警告中的每一个,请采取措施并启用它。 但是,了解什么是2FA不在本指南的范围内。 如果要了解有关2FA的更多信息,请阅读此简短指南或Wikipedia上的完整说明 。 要查看哪些站点支持2FA,请参阅 。 可以说,使用2FA保护帐户是一种很好的安全做法,我鼓励您采用这种做法。 这样做时,您需要在iPhone或iPad上使用Authy之类的小型应用程序。 那是我使用的那个,我对此非常满意。

Don’t forget to look on your iPhone or iPad to see which applications you use and note the ones that require a password as you should record them too. If you are the type of person who uses the same password for many accounts, say it so in a secure note with your password manager. That way, if you forget to record an account, your survivor could try to use that frequently used password.

不要忘记在iPhone或iPad上查看使用的应用程序,并记下那些需要密码的应用程序,因为您也应该记录它们。 如果您是在多个帐户中使用相同密码的人,请在密码管理器中的安全提示中说出来。 这样,如果您忘记记录帐户,则幸存者可以尝试使用该常用密码。

Oh, and finally, why not keep a list of your subscriptions in your password manager. These are services that will need to be eventually terminated. Don’t limit yourself and write any pieces information that you deem important for someone to know when you pass away.

哦,最后,为什么不在密码管理器中保留您的订阅列表。 这些服务将需要最终终止。 不要限制自己,也不要写任何您认为重要的信息,以便别人在您去世时知道。

第3部分-坏事发生时 (Part 3 — When bad things happen)

Death is part of life. It is a sad event. He or she left behind a numeric legacy. You don’t know anything about it, but you are going to find out. Most people don’t care about putting some order into their numeric life, and death can happen anytime soon. For those who read this guide and left behind the emergency kit with a secure envelope, they are lucky. Let’s see what could happen when the death strike. As shown in the following diagram, the first stage is the discovery phase of your journey.

死亡是生命的一部分。 这是一个可悲的事件。 他或她留下了数字遗产。 您对此一无所知,但是您将找到答案。 大多数人都不在乎数字生活中的某些顺序,死亡可能很快就会发生。 对于那些阅读本指南并留有安全信封的应急工具包的人来说,他们是幸运的。 让我们看看死亡罢工时会发生什么。 如下图所示,第一阶段是旅程的发现阶段。

A three phases journey after death of your dear one
A three phases journey after death of your dear one

发现阶段 (The discovery phase)

Where do you start? Use the secure envelope from the emergency kit. You’ll find a sheet of paper with the required account information to get access to the diseased’s smartphone, tablet or computer. Next, you should be able to enter the diseased’s password manager where you’ll find a treasure of security information.

从哪里开始? 使用应急工具包中的安全信封。 您会找到一张带有所需帐户信息的纸,以便访问患病者的智能手机,平板电脑或计算机。 接下来,您应该能够进入患病者的密码管理器,在这里您会发现大量的安全信息。

A typical login screen of a modern web service.
A typical login screen of a modern web service.

采取控制阶段 (The take control phase)

With the secure envelop on hand, you now have a better grip on this numeric legacy. Now, it is time to visit every service, starting with the most important ones. If you want to keep them for a while, it might be a good idea to reset the password and change the recovery email address if one is available to one of yours. Many online services allow setting up a recovery email address or phone number on an account. By resetting the password of that account, an email will be sent to the recovering email address. By monitoring the diseased’s mailboxes, you will quickly receive an email containing an URL to trigger the password reset.

有了安全的信封,您现在可以更好地掌握这一数字遗产。 现在,是时候参观最重要的服务了。 如果您想保留一段时间,最好重设密码并更改辅助邮箱地址(如果其中一个可用)。 许多在线服务允许在帐户上设置辅助邮箱地址或电话号码。 通过重置该帐户的密码,会将电子邮件发送到恢复电子邮件地址。 通过监视患病者的邮箱,您将Swift收到一封包含URL的电子邮件,以触发密码重置。

Typical account security features
Typical account security features

You must keep the mobile phone or tablet of the diseased person for 2SA or 2FA authentication requirements if such security measures were used. Don’t cancel credit cards, monitor them for a few months and see transactions unfold. You will probably make a few discoveries. Also, subscriptions to critical services like password managers like 1Password are required to keep the access to the data they contain.

如果使用了此类安全措施,则必须为2SA或2FA身份验证要求保留患病者的手机或平板电脑。 不要取消信用卡,要监视它们几个月,然后查看交易进展情况。 您可能会发现一些发现。 同样,需要订阅关键服务(例如1Password之类的密码管理器)才能保持对其所包含数据的访问权。

关闭阶段 (The close down phase)

The final phase is to start closing down each service, one by one. Start with the least important ones. A Facebook account should probably be the last one to be closed. Same for emails and Apple ID accounts. Apple ID, Google accounts should be closed at the very last step. For each of them, you have to make sure that there is no valuable data or information to export first. Not all online services provide a way to export the data. For those that do, the export process is different and takes some time to export and download. The end result is some sort of file which varies in format. There is no standard process yet.

最后阶段是开始逐个关闭每个服务。 从最不重要的内容开始。 Facebook帐户应该是最后一个被关闭的帐户。 电子邮件和Apple ID帐户也是如此。 Apple ID和Google帐户应在最后一步关闭。 对于每一个,您必须确保没有有价值的数据或信息要首先导出。 并非所有的在线服务都提供一种导出数据的方法。 对于那些这样做的人,导出过程是不同的,并且需要一些时间来导出和下载。 最终结果是某种格式不同的文件。 尚无标准流程。

Closing down an account example
Closing down an account example

Taking over the numeric legacy of someone is a strange journey. As we proceed, we inherit things that will, in turn, grow our own numeric legacy. Eventually, we’ll have to create an emergency kit too so others can keep memories alive and help pass it along to the next generation.

接管某人的数字遗产是一个奇怪的旅程。 在继续进行过程中,我们继承了将继而发展自己的数字遗产的事物。 最终,我们还必须创建一个应急工具包,以便其他人可以保留回忆并帮助将其传递给下一代。

结论词 (Concluding words)

My goal while writing this guide was to help others address the challenging task of managing someone’s numeric legacy. With the help of the emergency kit on hand, a package made of a secure envelope, and an electronic vault, it should ease the challenge quite a bit. I hope that you won’t have to use one anytime soon. Stay safe.

在编写本指南时,我的目标是帮助其他人解决管理某人的数字遗产的艰巨任务。 借助手头上的应急工具包,由安全信封制成的包装和电子保险库,它应该可以大大缓解这一挑战。 希望您很快就不必使用它。 注意安全。




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    在数字时代的演进中,Web3和人工智能(AI)正成为塑造未来互联网的两大核心力量。Web3的去中心化理念与AI的智能化技术,正相互交织,共同推动数字生态的变革。本文将探讨Web3与AI的融合如何改变数字世界,并展望这一新兴组合如何重塑我们的在线体验。 Web3的去中心化愿景 Web3代表了互联网的第三代发展,它基于去中心化的区块链技术,旨在创建一个开放、透明且用户主导的数字生态。不同于传统

    usaco 1.2 Name That Number(数字字母转化)

    巧妙的利用code[b[0]-'A'] 将字符ABC...Z转换为数字 需要注意的是重新开一个数组 c [ ] 存储字符串 应人为的在末尾附上 ‘ \ 0 ’ 详见代码: /*ID: who jayLANG: C++TASK: namenum*/#include<stdio.h>#include<string.h>int main(){FILE *fin = fopen (


    一、模型介绍 Retrieval-based-Voice-Conversion-WebUI(简称 RVC)模型是一个基于 VITS(Variational Inference with adversarial learning for end-to-end Text-to-Speech)的简单易用的语音转换框架。 具有以下特点 简单易用:RVC 模型通过简单易用的网页界面,使得用户无需深入了

    Java 创建图形用户界面(GUI)入门指南(Swing库 JFrame 类)概述

    概述 基本概念 Java Swing 的架构 Java Swing 是一个为 Java 设计的 GUI 工具包,是 JAVA 基础类的一部分,基于 Java AWT 构建,提供了一系列轻量级、可定制的图形用户界面(GUI)组件。 与 AWT 相比,Swing 提供了许多比 AWT 更好的屏幕显示元素,更加灵活和可定制,具有更好的跨平台性能。 组件和容器 Java Swing 提供了许多


    前言 本系列教程旨在使用UE5配置一个具备激光雷达+深度摄像机的仿真小车,并使用通过跨平台的方式进行ROS2和UE5仿真的通讯,达到小车自主导航的目的。本教程默认有ROS2导航及其gazebo仿真相关方面基础,Nav2相关的学习教程可以参考本人的其他博客Nav2代价地图实现和原理–Nav2源码解读之CostMap2D(上)-CSDN博客往期教程: 第一期:基于UE5和ROS2的激光雷达+深度RG

    如何掌握面向对象编程的四大特性、Lambda 表达式及 I/O 流:全面指南

    这里写目录标题 OOP语言的四大特性lambda输入/输出流(I/O流) OOP语言的四大特性 面向对象编程(OOP)是一种编程范式,它通过使用“对象”来组织代码。OOP 的四大特性是封装、继承、多态和抽象。这些特性帮助程序员更好地管理复杂的代码,使程序更易于理解和维护。 类-》实体的抽象类型 实体(属性,行为) -》 ADT(abstract data type) 属性-》成


    Detectorn2预训练模型复现:数据准备、训练命令、日志分析与输出目录 在深度学习项目中,目标检测是一项重要的任务。本文将详细介绍如何使用Detectron2进行目标检测模型的复现训练,涵盖训练数据准备、训练命令、训练日志分析、训练指标以及训练输出目录的各个文件及其作用。特别地,我们将演示在训练过程中出现中断后,如何使用 resume 功能继续训练,并将我们复现的模型与Model Zoo中的

    AIGC6: 走进腾讯数字盛会

    图中是一个程序员,去参加一个技术盛会。AI大潮下,五颜六色,各种不确定。 背景 AI对各行各业的冲击越来越大,身处职场的我也能清晰的感受到。 我所在的行业为全球客服外包行业。 业务模式为: 为国际跨境公司提供不同地区不同语言的客服外包解决方案,除了人力,还有软件系统。 软件系统主要是提供了客服跟客人的渠道沟通和工单管理,内部管理跟甲方的合同对接,绩效评估,BI数据透视。 客服跟客人

    第十章 【后端】环境准备(10.4)——Vagrant

    10.4 Vagrant Vagrant 官网 Vagrant 镜像仓库 下载 安装 直接 install。 设置环境变量 Vagrant 默认将镜像保存在用户文件夹的 .vagrant.d 目录下,若用户文件夹在C盘,下载的镜像文件会大量占用C盘空间。设置环境变量 VAGRANT_HOME 后,Vagrant 会将镜像保存到环境变量指定的文件夹下。

    NC 把数字翻译成字符串

    系列文章目录 文章目录 系列文章目录前言 前言 前些天发现了一个巨牛的人工智能学习网站,通俗易懂,风趣幽默,忍不住分享一下给大家。点击跳转到网站,这篇文章男女通用,看懂了就去分享给你的码吧。 描述 有一种将字母编码成数字的方式:‘a’->1, ‘b->2’, … , ‘z->26’。 现在给一串数字,返回有多少种可能的译码结果 import java.u