芬兰 诺基亚_芬兰建筑景观统计横截面

2023-11-10 01:50

本文主要是介绍芬兰 诺基亚_芬兰建筑景观统计横截面,希望对大家解决编程问题提供一定的参考价值,需要的开发者们随着小编来一起学习吧!

芬兰 诺基亚

In this article, you can find a statistical cross-section of the Finnish architectural landscape. As the title suggests, this article is not going to look into the architectural qualities of different offices instead it’s going to use financial data and descriptive statistics to sense the architectural market in Finland.

在本文中,您可以找到芬兰建筑景观的统计横截面。 就像标题所暗示的那样,本文将不会研究不同办公室的建筑质量,而是将使用财务数据和描述性统计数据来感知芬兰的建筑市场。

What’s the point of using financial data? The economy as a social science is essentially concerned with how people interact with things of value. Knowing how much people are willing to pay for a particular service quite often (though not always) can give an approximate hint about the value it provides to society. Additionally, Financial information is always meticulously collected and stored for management and taxation purposes. Since every office collects and stores financial data in a similar manner, we have a common metrics to compare otherwise very different organizations. Luckily for us, this information is openly available in Finland. With the use of some basic descriptive statistics, we can now analyze the information in the field and hopefully gain some useful insights. The dataset used for the article can be found below.

使用财务数据有什么意义? 经济作为一门社会科学本质上是与人们如何与有价值的事物互动有关。 知道多少人愿意(尽管并非总是)愿意为某项特定服务付费,可以大致暗示其为社会提供的价值。 此外,出于管理和征税目的,始终会精心收集和存储财务信息。 由于每个办公室都以类似的方式收集和存储财务数据,因此我们有一个共同的指标来比较原本非常不同的组织。 对我们来说幸运的是,此信息在芬兰公开可用。 通过使用一些基本的描述性统计信息,我们现在可以分析该领域的信息,并希望获得一些有用的见解。 该文章所使用的数据集可以在下面找到。

芬兰建筑在哪里生产? (Where is Finnish Architecture Produced?)

Before we take a deeper look into the financial performance of offices lets first see where the Finnish architectural offices are located. There are around 2615 registered offices across Finland.

在深入了解办公室的财务状况之前,首先要了解芬兰建筑办公室的位置。 芬兰大约有2615个注册办事处。

The map on the left shows the spatial distribution of architectural offices in Finland. Taking into account that Finland’s urbanization level is approximately 85.45%, It is not surprising that the majority of offices are clustered around metropolitan areas. The choropleth map below shows that Uusimaa is clearly the most densely packed region. An interesting observation is that 1.12% of offices are located above the arctic cycle. Furthermore, there is an architectural office registered above the 69th Latitude very close to the Finnish border with Norway. Finnish respect for personal space illustrated at its best.

左侧的地图显示了芬兰建筑事务所的空间分布。 考虑到芬兰的城市化水平约为85.45%,因此大多数办事处都集中在大都市区就不足为奇了。 下面的choropleth图显示,Uusimaa显然是最密集的区域。 一个有趣的发现是1.12%的办公室位于北极圈以上。 此外,在第69纬度上方注册了一家建筑事务所,非常靠近芬兰与挪威的边界。 芬兰人最好地尊重个人空间。

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LEFT: Office distribution in Helsinki metropolitan area RIGHT: Office distribution in Finland by administrative regions.
左:赫尔辛基都会区的办公室分布。 右:按行政区域 划分的芬兰办公室分布。
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The graph above shows that Helsinki is the center of architectural production with 377 registered offices. However, if we join the number of offices in the Helsinki metropolitan area (Helsinki, Espoo, and Vantaa) this number will rise to 499 (19.08% of all offices in Finland). Tampere comes second with 103 offices. This does not come as a surprise since Helsinki as the capital of Finland has the highest population. A relatively high population often means higher overall economic activity and a higher rate of investments.

上图显示,赫尔辛基是建筑生产的中心,拥有377个注册办事处。 但是,如果我们加入赫尔辛基都会区(赫尔辛基,埃斯波和万塔)的办事处数量,这个数字将上升到499(占芬兰所有办事处的19.08%)。 坦佩雷排名第二,拥有103个办公室。 这并不奇怪,因为作为芬兰首都的赫尔辛基人口最多。 相对较高的人口通常意味着较高的总体经济活动和较高的投资率。

芬兰的建筑事务所有多大? (How Big are Architectural Offices in Finland?)

Now that we know where the Finnish architectural offices are located let’s take a look at how big they are.


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Lower quartile = 1, Median = 2, Upper quartile = 7, Mean = 7, Mode = 1
下四分位数= 1,中位数= 2,上四分位数= 7,平均值= 7,众数= 1

The majority of the offices in Finland are definitely on a smaller side of the spectrum. 50% of offices have one or two employees. Naturally, when we have a positively skewed distribution the mean(average) is not a reliable measure. The few outliers (offices with a very high number of employees) distort the mean value. Therefore, in situations like this, it is more useful to look at the quartiles of the dataset instead.

芬兰的大多数办事处无疑都处于较小的范围。 50%的办公室有一两个员工。 自然,当我们有一个正偏分布时,均值(平均值)不是一个可靠的度量。 少数异常值(员工人数很多的办公室)使平均值失真。 因此,在这种情况下,查看数据集的四分位数会更有用。

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25%: Only one employee


25%: Two employees


25%: Between 2 and 7 employees


20%: Between 7 and 32 employees


5%: More than 32 employees


Offices that have more than 32 employees can be confidently considered big for Finland. Only 5% of offices reach or surpass this size. Below you can find the top 20 Biggest offices in Finland (2019).

拥有超过32名员工的办公室可以说是芬兰的佼佼者。 只有5%的办公室达到或超过此规模。 您可以在下面找到芬兰(2019)最大的20家最大的办事处。

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Optiplan is clearly leading the list. However, as we will see soon, just because the office has grown doesn’t mean its growth is supported by its financial performance.

Optiplan显然是榜首。 但是,正如我们将很快看到的那样,仅仅因为办公室的增长并不意味着其增长受到财务业绩的支持。

有多少建筑事务所赚钱? (How Much Architectural Offices Earn?)

At this point, the dataset had to be trimmed down to include only 1873 offices. The problem is that the big portion of registered offices are “one employee offices” that don’t see much economic activity throughout the year. Including these offices would blur the overall picture. However, It has been verified that the picked sample reflects the overall population. Below you can see the profit distribution in Finnish architectural offices during the year of 2019.

在这一点上,数据集必须进行精简以仅包含1873个办公室。 问题在于,注册办事处的很大一部分是“一个员工办事处”,它们全年没有太多的经济活动。 包括这些办事处将使整体情况模糊。 但是,已经证实,所选择的样本能够反映总体人口。 您可以在下面看到2019年芬兰建筑事务所的利润分配。

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As expected the profit distribution is positively skewed. The median profit for the offices in Finland is 7000€. This means that 50% of the offices in Finland made less then 7000€ during the 2019 financial year. The long-tailed distribution means that Mean(average) is again not a reliable metric here. Additionally, office size is a major factor that determines the amount of money generated by the company. Therefore, it is more sensible to look at the quartiles of the dataset grouped by office size.

不出所料,利润分配出现正偏斜。 芬兰办事处的利润中位数为7000欧元。 这意味着在2019财年芬兰50%的办事处收入不到7000欧元。 长尾分布意味着此处的Mean(平均值)也不是可靠的指标。 此外,办公室规模是决定公司产生的资金量的主要因素。 因此,查看按办公室规模分组的数据集的四分位数更为明智。

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What can be seen from the graph above is that the offices with more than 40 employees seem to generate higher median profit but they are also subjected to higher volatility in profits (possibly due to high operational costs). 30–40 employees seems to be the sweet spot. For offices of this scale, the median income is higher than in 95% of the offices in Finland yet the range of profits is not as vast as with the larger offices.

从上图可以看出,拥有40名以上员工的办公室似乎产生了更高的中位数利润,但它们的利润波动也更大(可能是由于较高的运营成本)。 30–40名员工似乎是最佳选择。 对于这种规模的办公室,收入中位数高于芬兰95%的办公室,但利润范围却不如大型办公室那么大。

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25 % of Finnish offices did not earn money in 2019.


25 % earn between 0€ and 7.000€.


25% earn between 7.000€ and 38.000€.


20 % earn between 38.000€ and 307.000€.


Only the Top 5% earns more then 307.000€ per year.


谁是收入最高的5%? (Who are the top 5%?)

Now that we have a rough idea about the overall situation let’s look at the top performers. These are the companies that are “exceptions” and have profits that are way above what the majority of the offices make. Below you can see the top 25 office by turnover in 2019.

现在,我们对总体情况有了一个大概的了解,让我们看看表现最好的公司。 这些是“例外”公司,其利润远远超过大多数办事处的利润。 您可以在下面看到按营业额排名的前25名办事处。

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In the 2019 Architectural market as a whole was worth approximately 356.784.000 €. The market share of these 25 firms together accounts for 45.47% of the whole market. This might be a little concerning. This leaves 54.53% of available capital for the remaining 2592 offices to share. Naturally, this results in fierce competition between smaller offices(More on this later).

在2019年整个建筑市场价值约356.784.000€。 这25家公司的市场份额合计占整个市场的45.47%。 这可能有点令人担忧。 剩下的54.53%的可用资金可供其余2592个办事处共享。 当然,这会导致较小的办公室之间展开激烈的竞争(稍后会详细介绍)。

Additionally, high turnover doesn’t equal to a profitable company (the distinction between turnover and profit). In companies with high turnover but negative profits capacity for growth is rather limited. If the same turnover/profit ratio persists for several years then the company will quickly burn through its cash and increase the debt burden. These offices are worth avoiding both as an employee and as a client. Somewhere along the road, these companies will need to cut their operative expenses. For architectural offices, operative expenses include rent, computers, equipment, software licenses, etc. However, the biggest expense is often the payroll(employees).

此外,高营业额并不等于一家盈利的公司(营业额利润之间的区别)。 在营业额高但利润为负的公司中,增长的能力相当有限。 如果相同的营业额/利润率持续数年,那么公司将Swift消耗掉现金并增加债务负担。 这些办公室无论是作为雇员还是作为客户都值得避免。 这些公司将需要削减运营成本。 对于建筑事务所,运营支出包括租金,计算机,设备,软件许可等。但是,最大的支出通常是工资单(员工)

多少建筑师赚? (How Much Architects Earn?)

How much money architects earn for generating a 350 million euro industry? Below you can see the salary distribution for architects employed In Finland.

建筑师为创造3.5亿欧元的产业能赚多少钱? 您可以在下面看到在芬兰工作的建筑师的工资分配。

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The graph depicts the range between the 1st and 9th deciles. This means that the lower 10% of employees earn less than 2000€ and the top 10% earn more than 6500€. These values were omitted because they were skewing the dataset heavily. The information was provided by Statistics Finland.
该图描述了第1个和第9个十分位之间的范围。 这意味着较低的10%的员工收入低于2000欧元,而最高的10%的员工收入超过6500欧元。 这些值被省略,因为它们严重扭曲了数据集。 该信息由芬兰统计局提供。

The graph includes the salaries of 5388 architects across Finland in 2019. This graph excludes the first and ninth deciles(Top and bottom 10%) in order to exclude exceptionally high and exceptionally low salaries that are fairly uncommon. The mean salary for architecture professions in 2019 was 4173€ and the median was at 4072€. The spike between 5500 and 6000 is probably not due to high office salaries but rather one employee architectural offices where the owner is exceptionally generous with his own salary. This is relatively high if we compare to the world’s average. However, The money for free education and free healthcare has to come from somewhere. Progressive taxes and high living expenses in Finland can melt the salary away pretty quickly. Approximately 20% — 25% of the average architects’ salary is the income tax. On top of that 7.15% pension insurance contribution and 1.25% and unemployment insurance contribution ( rough approximation).

该图包括2019年芬兰5388位建筑师的薪水。该图不包括第一个和第九个十分位数(最高和最低10%),以便排除相当罕见的极高和极低薪水。 2019年建筑行业的平均工资为4173欧元,中位数为4072欧元。 5500和6000之间的飙升可能不是由于办公室薪水高引起的,而是由于一名员工建筑事务所的所有者对自己的薪水格外慷慨。 如果与世界平均水平相比,这个数字相对较高。 但是,免费教育和免费医疗保健的钱必须来自某个地方。 芬兰的累进税和高昂的生活费可以很快地融化工资。 建筑师平均工资的大约20%-25%是所得税。 除此以外,还有7.15%的养老保险金和1.25%的失业保险金(粗略估算)。

If you’re in architecture for money then it’s very likely that you’re in the wrong field.


As demonstrated earlier not all offices in the top 25 are profitable despite their high turnover. And the salary distributions show the costs of operating an architectural office in Finland are relatively high. Additionally, besides the payroll, it is a common occurrence for the office to offer a generous benefits package that might include weekly yoga, massage, and international office trips once or twice per year. Of course, these measures are not purely for employees’ wellbeing since they also provide some tax relief. Nevertheless, these are valid expenses, and not having any benefits puts an office in a precarious position when it’s hunting for a limited pool of talents.

如前所述,尽管营业额很高,但并非前25名中的所有办事处都是盈利的。 薪资分配表明,在芬兰运营建筑事务所的成本相对较高。 此外,除了薪资外,办公室经常提供丰厚的福利待遇,其中包括每周一次瑜伽,按摩和每年一次或两次的国际办公室旅行。 当然,这些措施并不仅仅为了员工的福利,因为它们还提供了一些税收减免。 但是,这些都是有效的支出,没有任何好处,在寻找有限的人才库时,办公室处于不稳定的位置。

All of these expenses require not only high turnover but also professional management to balance the delicate equation and come out as profitable. Below you can the 20 most profitable offices during 2019 and as you can see the names are quite different from the previous list.

所有这些费用不仅需要高营业额,而且还需要专业的管理人员来平衡微妙的平衡并实现盈利。 您可以在下面找到2019年最赚钱的20个办公室,并且您可以看到它们的名称与以前的列表有很大不同。

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办公室如何扩展? (How Offices Scale?)

At what rate should offices in Finland grow? Intuitively we understand that more profit leads to bigger offices with more employees. How are these variables correlated in reality?

芬兰的办事处应以什么速度增长? 凭直觉,我们了解到,更多的利润可以带来更多员工的更大办公室。 这些变量在现实中如何关联?

In order to answer this question, it’s important to understand the causal relationships between these variables. Very often offices are paid more for bigger and more complex projects since big projects require more working hours to complete. Subsequently, the necessity to handle more complex projects might force the office to hire new employees. On the other hand, offices that have highly skilled workers or rely on automation do not necessarily need to scale at the same rate as other offices. With this in mind, let’s take a look at the simple scatter plot below.

为了回答这个问题,重要的是要了解这些变量之间的因果关系。 由于大型项目需要更多的工作时间才能完成,所以大型大型项目通常会给办公室酬劳。 随后,处理更复杂项目的必要性可能迫使办公室雇用新员工。 另一方面,拥有高技能工人或依靠自动化的办公室不一定需要与其他办公室以相同的比例扩展。 考虑到这一点,让我们看一下下面的简单散点图。

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With simple linear regression, we can see that the variables are indeed positively correlated with a correlation coefficient of r = 0.699 (r =1 would mean perfect positive correlation, r = 0 no correlation, and r = -1 strong negative correlation). Although the regression does not describe the bigger offices accurately (due to the big variance in profits mentioned earlier) the general trend can still be identified. r = 0.699 is a relatively strong association. Note that Linear Regression sacrifices accuracy for each individual data point in order to illustrate the overall correlation.

通过简单的线性回归,我们可以看到变量确实与相关系数r = 0.699正相关(r = 1表示完全正相关,r = 0没有相关,r = -1强负相关)。 尽管回归不能准确地描述较大的办事处(由于前面提到的利润差异很大),但仍可以确定总体趋势。 r = 0.699是一个相对强的关联。 请注意,线性回归牺牲了每个单独数据点的准确性,以说明整体相关性。

Based on these results we can estimate the following simple formula:


Number of Employees ≈ 45.7 * Profit + 3.37

员工人数≈45.7 *利润+ 3.37

*Company profit should be in millions. For instance: 300.000€ = 0.3

*公司利润应以百万计。 例如:300.000€= 0.3

应用公式的实际示例: (Real-life examples of applying the formula:)

Geometria建筑有限公司 (Geometria Architecture Oy)

Estimated Num. of Employees ≈ 45.7 * 0.022+ 3.37

估计数量。 员工人数≈45.7 * 0.022+ 3.37

Estimated Num. of Employees ≈ 4

估计数量。 员工数≈4

Actual Num. of Employees = 3

实际数字。 员工数= 3

Avanto Arkkitehdit Oy (Avanto Arkkitehdit Oy)

Estimated Num. of Employees ≈ 45.7 * 0.043+ 3.37

估计数量。 员工人数≈45.7 * 0.043+ 3.37

Estimated Num. of Employees ≈ 5

估计数量。 员工数≈5

Actual Num. of Employees = 4

实际数字。 员工数= 4

Arkkitehdit Rudanko + Kankkunen (Arkkitehdit Rudanko + Kankkunen)

Estimated Num. of Employees ≈ 45.7 * 0.148 + 3.37

估计数量。 员工人数≈45.7 * 0.148 + 3.37

Estimated Num. of Employees ≈ 10

估计数量。 员工人数≈10

Actual Num. of Employees = 12

实际数字。 员工数= 12

Arkkitehtitoimisto K2S (Arkkitehtitoimisto K2S)

Estimated Num. of Employees ≈ 45.7 * 0.345 + 3.37

估计数量。 员工人数≈45.7 * 0.345 + 3.37

Estimated Num. of Employees ≈ 19

估计数量。 员工人数≈19

Actual Num. of Employees = 12

实际数字。 员工数= 12

Futudesign Oy (Futudesign Oy)

Estimated Num. of Employees ≈ 45.7 * 0.243 + 3.37

估计数量。 员工人数≈45.7 * 0.243 + 3.37

Estimated Num. of Employees ≈ 14

估计数量。 员工人数≈14

Actual Num. of Employees = 14

实际数字。 员工数= 14

Arkkitehtitoimisto ALA (Arkkitehtitoimisto ALA)

Estimated Num. of Employees ≈ 45.7 * 0.538 + 3.37

估计数量。 员工人数≈45.7 * 0.538 + 3.37

Estimated Num. of Employees ≈ 28

估计数量。 员工人数≈28

Actual Num. of Employees = 50

实际数字。 员工数= 50

You can use the formula to determine your office’s position relative to the market. If the estimated number of employees is significantly lower then the actual number of employees, it could mean that there are offices in Finland that generate a similar profit with fewer resources. On the other hand, If the estimated number of employees is significantly higher than the actual number, it could mean that your operations are efficient and you might have room for growth.

您可以使用公式来确定您的办公室相对于市场的位置。 如果估计的雇员人数大大少于实际的雇员人数,则可能意味着芬兰的办事处以较少的资源产生了类似的利润。 另一方面,如果估计的员工人数大大高于实际人数,则可能意味着您的运营效率很高,您可能还有增长的空间。

In any case, it's good to keep in mind that employees are not just numbers on a balance sheet. Often what they bring to your organization is not measurable with a financial report.

无论如何,要记住,员工不仅仅是资产负债表上的数字。 通常,它们带给您组织的东西无法通过财务报告来衡量。

数据集 (The Dataset)

These are only a few of the aspects that can be studied with the underlying dataset. Those interested in their own expiration can find the dataset here. It takes time and effort to produce a datasets please follow the copyright guidelines.

这些只是基础数据集可以研究的几个方面。 那些对自己的到期感兴趣的人可以在这里找到数据集 生成数据集需要花费时间和精力,请遵循版权准则。

免责声明 (Disclaimer)

Take the results with a healthy dose of skepticism. I am neither an economist nor an anaccountant.

对结果持怀疑态度。 我既不是经济学家,也不是会计。

There is a lot of “luck” involved in running an office. To an extent all listed offices are successful since we do not have information on offices that did not survive the market.

办办公室涉及很多“运气”。 在一定程度上,所有列出的办事处都是成功的,因为我们没有关于未幸存的办事处的信息 市场。

Profit vs the number of employee relationships is just one feature for comparison. If you ever glanced at the financial statement of a publicly-traded company you know that one number is never enough for evaluating complex organizations.

利润与员工关系的数量只是比较的一项功能。 如果您浏览过一家上市公司的财务报表,就会知道,只有一个数字永远不足以评估复杂的组织。

The article is as good as the underlying dataset. If your office is missing, it is due to Fonecta not having your office information.

该文章与基础数据集一样好。 如果您的办公室丢失,则是由于Fonecta没有您的办公室信息。

资料来源 (Sources)

The data for this article was provided by:


Fonecta Statistics Finland



Scraping: Beautiful Soup, Selenium


Analysis: Python, Pandas, NumPy, SciPy

分析: Python, 熊猫,NumPy,SciPy

Graphs: Matplotlib, Seaborn


关于作者 (About the Author)

I am an architectural researcher/Ph.D. Candidate at Aalto University.

我是建筑研究人员/博士。 阿尔托大学的候选人。

翻译自: https://towardsdatascience.com/finnish-architectural-landscape-a-statistical-cross-section-bf68637b3eaa

芬兰 诺基亚



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  • 芬兰计算机研究生申请表,超完整的芬兰研究生申请攻略
  • 芬兰学校计算机教室,不用电脑的编程课?芬兰的这群老师绝了!
  • 芬兰教育的“中国式”变革?
  • 博基计划(1)---粒子群算法
  • 粒子群算法的改进策略综述(及MATLAB代码实现)
  • Linux——配置时间以及时间同步
  • 【京准小课堂】NTP网络时钟系统(子母钟系统)技术方案详解
  • 子母钟同步系统(标准时钟系统)高效助力生物药企转化
  • 北斗GPS网络时钟系统(子母钟系统)助力智慧教室建设
  • 京准发布,医院网络时钟系统(子母钟)日常维护与实施
  • 没有检查就没有执行力
  • JavaScript中的执行上下文,既然遇见了这篇图文并茂的文章,干脆看完吧!(系列四)
  • 产品管理精华:第九,关键在执行
  • 【测试沉思录】19. 如何设置 JMeter 线程组?
  • 详解命令执行漏洞
  • 用FLASH表示的流量统计分析
  • Flash 与 HTML5
  • 深入分析:Flash VS HTML5到底谁统江山
  • 网民质疑3G流量?
  • Ben Forta:网络浏览器和Flash的分界线在变化 (1)
  • 非常好的flash图表组件
  • 微软声明称按流量计费下不会实施Windows 10更新
  • 嵌入式 STM32 步进电机驱动,干货满满,建议收藏
  • 步进电机驱动器TB6600升级版使用说明
  • 使用jsch时遇到 Failed publickey for <myusername> from<myip> port 23837 ssh2: RSA
  • curl 一句命令查看公网出口IP、地址 地址识别还算准确
  • CCF练习题--IP地址
  • java localhost 域名_Java的网络功能,通过Java获取域名IP以及本机IP地址
  • ZedBoard+Vivado(三)——自定义AXI外设IP核实现流水灯
  • 这篇关于芬兰 诺基亚_芬兰建筑景观统计横截面的文章就介绍到这儿,希望我们推荐的文章对编程师们有所帮助!




    《opencv实现像素统计的示例代码》本文介绍了OpenCV中统计图像像素信息的常用方法和函数,文中通过示例代码介绍的非常详细,对大家的学习或者工作具有一定的参考学习价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一... 目录1. 统计像素值的基本信息2. 统计像素值的直方图3. 统计像素值的总和4. 统计非零像素的数量

    如何使用 Bash 脚本中的time命令来统计命令执行时间(中英双语)

    《如何使用Bash脚本中的time命令来统计命令执行时间(中英双语)》本文介绍了如何在Bash脚本中使用`time`命令来测量命令执行时间,包括`real`、`user`和`sys`三个时间指标,... 使用 Bash 脚本中的 time 命令来统计命令执行时间在日常的开发和运维过程中,性能监控和优化是不


    作为一个刚学hash的孩子,感觉这道题目很不错,灵活的运用的数组的下标。 解题步骤:如果用常规方法解,那么时间复杂度为O(n^4),肯定会超时,然后参考了网上的解题方法,将等式分成两个部分,a*x1^2+b*x2^2和c*x3^2+d*x4^2, 各自作为数组的下标,如果两部分相加为0,则满足等式; 代码如下: #include<iostream>#include<algorithm


    遍历指定目录下多个文件查找指定内容 服务器系统日志会记录flume相关日志 cat /var/log/messages |grep -i oom 查找系统日志中关于flume的指定日志 import osdef search_string_in_files(directory, search_string):count = 0


    题意:给一些数,有两种操作,一种是在[a,b] 区间内,对(i - a)% k == 0 的加value,另一种操作是询问某个位置的值。 import java.io.BufferedInputStream;import java.io.BufferedReader;import java.io.IOException;import java.io.InputStream;import


    给你一个数列{An},然后有m次查询,每次查询一段区间 [l,r] <= h 的值的个数。 import java.io.BufferedInputStream;import java.io.BufferedReader;import java.io.IOException;import java.io.InputStream;import java.io.InputStreamRead


    题目大意:求一个区间内不重复数字的和,例如1 1 1 3,区间[1,4]的和为4。 import java.io.BufferedInputStream;import java.io.BufferedReader;import java.io.IOException;import java.io.InputStream;import java.io.InputStreamReader;


    统计当前主机的连接状态和连接数 在 Linux 中,可使用 ss 命令来查看主机的网络连接状态。以下是统计当前主机连接状态和连接主机数量的具体操作。 1. 统计当前主机的连接状态 使用 ss 命令结合 grep、cut、sort 和 uniq 命令来统计当前主机的 TCP 连接状态。 ss -nta | grep -v '^State' | cut -d " " -f 1 | sort |


    count = 0 #计数变量file_dirs = input('请输入您要统计的文件根路径:')filename = open(file_dirs,'r') #以只读方式打开文件file_contents = filename.read() #读取文档内容到file_contentsfor file_content in file_contents:

    【Python 千题 —— 算法篇】字符统计

    Python 千题持续更新中 …… 脑图地址 👉:⭐https://twilight-fanyi.gitee.io/mind-map/Python千题.html⭐ 题目背景 在编程中,对字符串的字符统计是一个常见任务。这在文本处理、数据分析、词频统计、自然语言处理等领域有广泛应用。无论是统计字母出现的频率,还是分析不同字符类型的数量,字符串字符统计都是非常有用的技术。 字符统