sonos 服务器_如何向您的Sonos Player添加流媒体服务

2023-11-09 18:31

本文主要是介绍sonos 服务器_如何向您的Sonos Player添加流媒体服务,希望对大家解决编程问题提供一定的参考价值,需要的开发者们随着小编来一起学习吧!

sonos 服务器

sonos 服务器

When you got your new Sonos player, you probably found it easy to set up. It even offers to automatically scan your music folder. What you may not realize is that you can also add a variety of music streaming services.

当您有了新的Sonos播放器时,可能会发现设置起来很容易 。 它甚至可以自动扫描您的音乐文件夹。 您可能没有意识到的是,您还可以添加各种音乐流服务。

You can’t  play whatever you want using any media player or browser on your Sonos player. You have to use the Sonos app, so being able to add services like Spotify and Pandora is pretty cool and convenient. Otherwise, if you were only able to play the music on your hard drive, the Sonos system would have fairly limited value.

您无法使用Sonos播放器上的任何媒体播放器或浏览器来播放任何内容。 您必须使用Sonos应用程序,因此能够添加Spotify和Pandora等服务非常酷且方便。 否则,如果您只能在硬盘上播放音乐,则Sonos系统的价值将非常有限。

That’s not to say you don’t have a great collection of tunes laying around on your hard drive, but there’s a whole world of music out there you haven’t yet heard, which is why streaming services have such great appeal. Before we begin however, we should point out that many of these services require you to subscribe (that is, pay up) in order to use them with Sonos.

这并不是说您的硬盘上没有很多音乐,但是您尚未听说过音乐的整个世界,这就是流媒体服务如此吸引人的原因。 但是,在开始之前,我们应该指出,其中许多服务都需要您订阅(即付费)才能与Sonos一起使用。

To add music services to your Sonos player, you first need to make sure you register your device. You’ll be prompted to do so at the end of the initial setup, but if you elected to do this at another time, you’ll only be able to do Scrobbling with If you’re kicking yourself for not registering when you had a chance, fear not, it’s easy to do so at any time by clicking the “Manage” menu on the Sonos app and choosing “Check for Software Updates”.

要将音乐服务添加到Sonos播放器,首先需要确保注册设备。 在初始设置结束时,系统会提示您这样做,但是如果您选择在其他时间进行此操作,则只能使用Last.fm进行加扰。 如果您在没有机会的情况下被踢出未注册的提示,请不要担心,可以随时通过单击Sonos应用程序上的“管理”菜单并选择“检查软件更新”来轻松进行注册。

On the mobile app, tap “Settings” and then “Online Updates”.


Once registered, you can start adding streaming services to your heart’s content. On the desktop application, you can do it two ways. Head to Manage > Service Settings.

注册后,您就可以开始将流式传输服务添加到您的心脏内容中。 在桌面应用程序上,您可以通过两种方式进行操作。 前往管理>服务设置。

Next, click the “+” button on Mac or the “Add” button on Windows to add a music service.

接下来,在Mac上单击“ +”按钮,在Windows上单击“添加”按钮以添加音乐服务。

Now, just pick the service you want to add and supply your login information.


Alternatively, you can click the “Add Music Services” button under Select a Music Source to achieve the same result.


On a mobile device such as iPhone or Android, the process is similar. The most obvious way to do it is to tap the button on the menu that says “Add Music Services”.

在iPhone或Android等移动设备上,过程类似。 最明显的方法是点击菜单上的“添加音乐服务”按钮。

Or, you can tap the “Settings” button and then “My Services”.


Regardless, either method will take you to the My Services screen where you can “Add Another Account”.


Again, once you choose the service you want to add, you will need to supply your login credentials if you’re already a subscriber. If you aren’t, you’ll be prompted to set up a new account in a new browser window.

同样,选择要添加的服务后,如果您已经是订户,则需要提供登录凭据。 如果不是这样,系统会提示您在新的浏览器窗口中设置一个新帐户。

If you don’t see all the services listed, tap the dropdown menu in the upper-left corner and select “All Services”.


The only limit to the services are those to which you subscribe, though again, some services like Spotify won’t let you use it with Sonos unless you’re a premium subscriber. Still, if you are a subscriber, it’s great that you can actually make the most of your new Sonos players listening to the music services that you love.

服务的唯一限制是您订阅的服务,不过同样,某些服务(如Spotify)将不允许您与Sonos一起使用,除非您是高级订户。 不过,如果您是订户,那么实际上可以充分利用您的新Sonos播放器来收听您喜欢的音乐服务,真是太好了。


sonos 服务器

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