sonos 服务器_如何在Sonos扬声器上使用Spotify

2023-11-09 18:31

本文主要是介绍sonos 服务器_如何在Sonos扬声器上使用Spotify,希望对大家解决编程问题提供一定的参考价值,需要的开发者们随着小编来一起学习吧!

sonos 服务器

sonos 服务器

Spotify is the most popular music streaming service in the world and Sonos is one of the top brands of smart speakers. Here’s how to get them to work together.

Spotify是全球最受欢迎的音乐流媒体服务,Sonos是智能扬声器的顶级品牌之一。 这是让他们一起工作的方法。

准备好 (Getting Ready)

To use Spotify on your Sonos speaker you need:


  • A Sonos speaker set up and connected to your Wi-Fi network.


  • A Premium Spotify account and the Spotify app installed on your smartphone. Unfortunately, Spotify doesn’t support streaming from free accounts on a Sonos.

    在您的智能手机上安装了高级Spotify帐户和Spotify应用。 不幸的是,Spotify不支持从Sonos上的免费帐户流式传输。
  • The Sonos Controller app (available for iOS and Android).

    Sonos Controller应用程序(适用于iOS和Android )。

We’re going to demonstrate all this with an iPhone and a Sonos One, but the process should be very similar on Android.

我们将用iPhone和Sonos One演示所有这些,但是在Android上的过程应该非常相似。

在Sonos上设置Spotify帐户 (Setting Up a Spotify Account on Your Sonos)

Open the Sonos Controller app on your smartphone, tap the “More” option, and then tap the “Add Music Services” entry. From the list of services, choose Spotify.

打开智能手机上的Sonos Controller应用程序,点击“更多”选项,然后点击“添加音乐服务”条目。 从服务列表中,选择Spotify。

On the Add Service page, tap the “Add to Sonos” button, and then tap the “Connect to Spotify” button on the next screen.


The Spotify app opens on your phone and passes your login details to the Sonos app. After a few seconds, the Sonos app opens back up again, and you can type a name for your Spotify account. Note that this name will only be put into use if you add additional Spotify accounts to the Sonos app. Name your account, and then tap the “Done” button.

Spotify应用程序将在您的手机上打开,并将您的登录详细信息传递给Sonos应用程序。 几秒钟后,Sonos应用程序再次打开,您可以为您的Spotify帐户键入一个名称。 请注意,只有将其他Spotify帐户添加到Sonos应用程序后,该名称才会被使用。 为您的帐户命名,然后点击“完成”按钮。

And just like that, you’ve got Spotify set up on your Sonos. To set up another Spotify account, just follow the same steps above.

就像这样,您已经在Sonos上设置了Spotify。 要设置另一个Spotify帐户,只需按照上述相同的步骤进行即可。

在Sonos上控制Spotify (Controlling Spotify on Your Sonos)

There are two ways to control Spotify on your Sonos: from the Sonos Controller app and directly from the Spotify app.

有两种方法可以在Sonos上控制Spotify:从Sonos Controller应用程序和直接从Spotify应用程序控制。

从Sonos Controller应用程序 (From the Sonos Controller App)

Open the Sonos Controller app, select the “Browse” option and then select your Spotify account. From here you can select any music you’ve saved in Spotify, including the playlists you’ve made by going to Your Music. You can also use the other options to play music from Spotify’s own playlists and the top songs at the moment.

打开Sonos Controller应用程序,选择“浏览”选项,然后选择您的Spotify帐户。 在这里,您可以选择保存在Spotify中的任何音乐,包括通过转到“音乐”创建的播放列表。 您还可以使用其他选项播放Spotify自己的播放列表中的音乐以及当前的热门歌曲。

You can also use the “Search” tab to find any song, artist, or album you want. Spotify’s search is universal, so it lists all the locations an artist is available.

您也可以使用“搜索”标签找到所需的任何歌曲,歌手或专辑。 Spotify的搜索是通用的,因此它列出了艺术家可用的所有位置。

从Spotify应用程序 (From the Spotify App)

The Sonos Controller app is functional, but not very well tailored to Spotify. The best way to control Spotify on your Sonos is actually through the regular Spotify app.

Sonos Controller应用程序可以正常运行,但并不是为Spotify量身定制的。 在Sonos上控制Spotify的最佳方法实际上是通过常规的Spotify应用程序。

Open the Spotify app and select the song, artist, or playlist you want to hear. Tap “Devices Available” to see a list of all the devices currently connected to your Spotify account. You can see one option for me is named “Kitchen.” This is the Sonos device I just set up.

打开Spotify应用,然后选择您想听的歌曲,艺术家或播放列表。 点击“可用设备”以查看当前连接到您的Spotify帐户的所有设备的列表。 您可以看到一个名为“厨房”的选项。 这是我刚刚设置的Sonos设备。

Select your Sonos from the list and whatever you were listening to on Spotify starts to play on it.


Now you can just use the Spotify app as normal but, instead of music playing on your phone, it plays through your Sonos.


The Sonos Controller app is great for setting up your Sonos, but it’s not an ideal controller. It just has to work with too many different services to be great for any one of them. Fortunately, it’s easy to directly control your Sonos from the much better Spotify app.

Sonos Controller应用程序非常适合设置Sonos,但它不是理想的控制器。 它只需要与太多不同的服务一起使用,对它们中的任何一个都非常有用。 幸运的是,通过更好的Spotify应用直接控制您的Sonos很容易。


sonos 服务器

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