sonos 服务器_如何在Sonos上收听有声读物

2023-11-09 18:31

本文主要是介绍sonos 服务器_如何在Sonos上收听有声读物,希望对大家解决编程问题提供一定的参考价值,需要的开发者们随着小编来一起学习吧!

sonos 服务器

sonos 服务器

Audible, Amazon’s subscription audiobook service, was conspicuously absent from Sonos for the last few years. Thankfully, it’s now back. Here’s how to use it.

过去几年,Sonos明显缺少Amazon的订阅有声读物服务Audible。 幸运的是,现在又回来了。 这是使用方法。

准备好 (Getting Ready)

To set up on your Sonos speaker you need:


  • A Sonos speaker up and running, and connected to your wifi network.


  • An Audible account. If you don’t already have one, you can get a free book just by signing up for a trial here.

    有声帐户。 如果您还没有本书,只需在这里注册试用即可获得一本免费的书。

  • The Sonos Controller app (available for iOS and Android).

    Sonos Controller应用程序(适用于iOS和Android )。

I’m demonstrating everything this with an iPhone and a Sonos One, but the process is pretty much the same on Android and with other Sonos speakers.

我正在用iPhone和Sonos One演示所有这些,但是在Android和其他Sonos扬声器上的过程几乎相同。

在Sonos上设置声音 (Setting Up Audible on Your Sonos)

Open the Sonos Controller app, tap the “More” entry, and then tap the “Add Music Services” option. On the Add Music Services page, select “Audible” from the list

打开Sonos Controller应用程序,点击“更多”条目,然后点击“添加音乐服务”选项。 在“添加音乐服务”页面上,从列表中选择“音频”

On the Add Service page, tap the “Add to Sonos” button. If you’ve already got an account, tap the “I Already Have an Account” button. Otherwise, tap “Try Audible Free” to sign up for a trial.

在“添加服务”页面上,点击“添加到Sonos”按钮。 如果您已经有一个帐户,请点击“我已经有一个帐户”按钮。 否则,请点击“免费试听”以注册试用。

On the next page, tap the “Authorize” button. Your web browser will open, and you’ll be prompted to sign in to your Amazon account.

在下一页上,点击“授权”按钮。 您的网络浏览器将打开,并提示您登录您的Amazon帐户。

Next, click “I Agree” to authorize your Sonos to access your Audible books.


Switch back to the Sonos Controller app, give the Audible account a name (so other people can also add their accounts), and then tap the “Done” button.

切换回Sonos Controller应用程序,给Audible帐户命名(这样其他人也可以添加他们的帐户),然后点击“完成”按钮。

Now Audible is ready to use on your Sonos.


在Sonos上使用Audible (Using Audible on Your Sonos)

Open the Sonos Controller app, head to the Browse page, and then select Audible. On the Audible page, you’ll see a list of all the audiobooks in your Library.

打开Sonos Controller应用程序,转到“浏览”页面,然后选择“可听”。 在“可听”页面上,您将看到媒体库中所有有声读物的列表。

Select the audiobook to which you want to listen and it starts playing. If you’ve already been listening to the audiobook, it continues from where you last listened.

选择要收听的有声读物,然后开始播放。 如果您已经在听有声读物,它将从您上次收听的地方继续。

Similarly, the next time you go to listen to the audiobook using the Audible app, it will prompt to continue from where you left off listening on your Sonos.


The best thing about a Sonos is how easy it is to listen to different audio sources. Audible was a major gap, and it’s good to see it back.

Sonos最好的事情就是聆听不同的音频源变得多么容易。 可听见是一个很大的差距,很高兴再次看到它。


sonos 服务器

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