本文主要是介绍sonos one_如何在Sonos上使用Apple Music,希望对大家解决编程问题提供一定的参考价值,需要的开发者们随着小编来一起学习吧!
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Although Apple has a bad reputation for playing nice with the other kids, some services, like Apple Music, are nicely cross platform. You can even set it up on your Sonos smart speaker. Here’s how.
尽管Apple在与其他孩子一起玩耍方面口碑很差,但某些服务(例如Apple Music)可以很好地跨平台使用。 您甚至可以在Sonos智能扬声器上进行设置。 这是如何做。
准备好 (Getting Ready)
To get started with Apple Music on a Sonos, you need a few things in place first:
要开始在Sonos上使用Apple Music,您需要首先做好一些准备工作:
A Sonos speaker that’s set up and connected to your Wi-Fi network.
已设置并连接到Wi-Fi网络的 Sonos扬声器。
An Apple Music account and the Apple Music app installed on your smartphone. Your Sonos speaker will work with any plan, even the trial.
您的智能手机上安装了Apple Music帐户和Apple Music应用。 您的Sonos扬声器可以使用任何计划,甚至可以试用。
The Sonos Controller app (available for iOS and Android).
Sonos Controller应用程序(适用于iOS和Android )。
Once you’ve got all that ready to go, it’s time to set up Apple Music on the Sonos. We’re going to demonstrate this using an iPhone and a Sonos One, but things should look much the same on Android.
一旦准备就绪,就可以在Sonos上设置Apple Music了。 我们将使用iPhone和Sonos One进行演示,但是在Android上看起来应该差不多。
在Sonos上设置Apple Music (Setting Up Apple Music on Your Sonos)
Open the Sonos Controller app, select the “More” option, and then select the “Add Music Services” option. On the list of services, tap the “Apple Music” entry.
打开Sonos Controller应用程序,选择“更多”选项,然后选择“添加音乐服务”选项。 在服务列表上,点击“ Apple Music”条目。
On the Add Service page, tap the “Add to Sonos” button, and then tell it you’re already a member. If you haven’t signed up for an account yet, you can also start a trial.
在“添加服务”页面上,点击“添加到Sonos”按钮,然后告诉您您已经是会员。 如果您尚未注册帐户,也可以开始试用。
The Sonos Controller app send you to the Apple Music app to verify your account. Tap the “Continue” button, type your Password, and then tap the “Open” button.
Sonos Controller应用程序会将您发送到Apple Music应用程序以验证您的帐户。 点击“继续”按钮,键入您的密码,然后点击“打开”按钮。
It can take a few seconds to add your Apple Music account. When it’s ready, type a name for your Apple Music account (although note that you’ll only use this if someone adds another account at some point), and then tap the “Done” button.
添加您的Apple Music帐户可能需要几秒钟。 准备就绪后,为您的Apple Music帐户键入一个名称(尽管请注意,只有在某人添加另一个帐户时才使用此名称),然后点击“完成”按钮。
Now you’ve got Apple Music set up on your Sonos. If someone else has Apple Music (even if they’re part of the same plan) they can add their account by following the exact same steps. That way, everyone has access to their own playlists.
现在,您已经在Sonos上设置了Apple Music。 如果其他人拥有Apple Music(即使他们属于同一计划),则可以按照完全相同的步骤来添加其帐户。 这样,每个人都可以访问自己的播放列表。
在Sonos上控制Apple音乐 (Controlling Apple Music on Your Sonos)
Unfortunately, you can’t directly control your Sonos from the Apple Music app the way you can if you use Spotify with your Sonos. You have to use the Sonos Controller app.
不幸的是,如果您将Spotify与Sonos结合使用 ,则无法通过Apple Music应用程序直接控制Sonos 。 您必须使用Sonos Controller应用程序。
Open the Sonos Controller app. In the Browse tab, you can select all the different music sources you’ve got connected to your Sonos. Select Apple Music.
打开Sonos Controller应用程序。 在“浏览”选项卡中,您可以选择已连接到Sonos的所有不同音乐源。 选择苹果音乐。
The different options should look pretty familiar to you since they’re based off the Apple Music app. Select the playlist, artist, or radio station to which you want to listen and you’re good to go.
由于这些选项基于Apple Music应用程序,因此您应该对它们非常熟悉。 选择您想收听的播放列表,艺术家或广播电台,这很不错。
Apple Music also integrates with your Sonos’ universal search. If you’re looking for a specific track you haven’t already saved to your music or added to a playlist, go to the Search tab and type what you’re looking for. You’re able to search for Artists, Songs, Albums, Playlists, and more.
Apple Music还与您的Sonos通用搜索集成。 如果您要查找尚未保存到音乐或添加到播放列表中的特定曲目,请转到“搜索”选项卡,然后输入要查找的内容。 您可以搜索艺术家,歌曲,专辑,播放列表等。
Apple Music works on Sonos speakers, but it isn’t as well integrated as Spotify. As long as you don’t mind using the Sonos app, it works great. But if that annoys you, then you need to either change your subscription service or your smart speaker.
Apple Music可在Sonos扬声器上使用,但集成度不如Spotify。 只要您不介意使用Sonos应用程序,它就很棒。 但是,如果这使您烦恼,则需要更改订阅服务或智能扬声器。
翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/346597/how-to-use-apple-music-on-your-sonos/
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