使用Wubi Installer安装Ubuntu Netbook Edition

2023-11-09 10:50

本文主要是介绍使用Wubi Installer安装Ubuntu Netbook Edition,希望对大家解决编程问题提供一定的参考价值,需要的开发者们随着小编来一起学习吧!

Ubuntu is one of the most popular versions of Linux, and their Netbook Remix edition is especially attractive for netbook owners.  Here we’ll look at how you can easily try out Ubuntu on your netbook without a CD/DVD drive.

Ubuntu是最流行Linux版本之一,其Netbook Remix版本对上网本用户特别有吸引力。 在这里,我们将研究如何在没有CD / DVD驱动器的情况下轻松地在上网本上试用Ubuntu。

Netbooks, along with the growing number of thin, full powered laptops, lack a CD/DVD drive.  Installing software isn’t much of a problem since most programs, whether free or for-pay, are available for download.  Operating systems, however, are usually installed from a disk.  You can easily install Windows 7 from a flash drive with our tutorial, but installing Ubuntu from a USB flash drive is more complicated.  However, using Wubi, a Windows installer for Ubuntu, you can easily install it directly on your netbook and even uninstall it with only a few clicks.

上网本以及越来越多的轻薄全功能笔记本电脑缺少CD / DVD驱动器。 安装软件不是什么大问题,因为大多数程序(无论是免费还是付费)都可以下载。 但是,操作系统通常是从磁盘安装的。 您可以通过我们的教程轻松地从闪存驱动器安装Windows 7 ,但从USB闪存驱动器安装Ubuntu则更为复杂。 但是,使用Wubi(适用于Ubuntu的Windows安装程序),您可以轻松地直接将其安装在上网本上,甚至只需单击几下即可将其卸载。

Getting Started


Download and run the Wubi installer for Ubuntu (link below).  In the installer, select the drive you where you wish to install Ubuntu, the size of the installation (this is the amount dedicated to Ubuntu; under 20Gb should be fine), language, username, and desired password.  Also, from the Desktop environment menu, select Ubuntu Netbook to install the netbook edition.  Click Install when your settings are correct.

下载并运行适用于Ubuntu的Wubi安装程序( 下面的链接 )。 在安装程序中,选择要在其中安装Ubuntu的驱动器,安装大小(这是Ubuntu专用的大小;应该在20Gb以下),语言,用户名和所需的密码。 另外,从“ 桌面”环境菜单中,选择“ Ubuntu上网本”以安装上网本版本。 设置正确后,单击“ 安装”


Wubi will automatically download the selected version of Ubuntu and install it on your computer.



Windows Firewall may ask if you want to unblock Wubi; select your network and click Allow access.

Windows防火墙可能会询问您是否要解除对Wubi的阻止。 选择您的网络,然后点击允许访问


The download will take around an hour on broadband, depending on your internet connection speed.  Once the download is completed, it will automatically install to your computer.  If you’d prefer to have everything downloaded before you start the install, download the ISO of Ubuntu Netbook edition (link below) and save it in the same folder as Wubi.

在宽带上下载大约需要一个小时,具体取决于您的Internet连接速度。 下载完成后,它将自动安装到您的计算机上。 如果您希望在开始安装之前先下载所有内容,请下载Ubuntu Netbook版本的ISO( 下面的链接 ),并将其保存在与Wubi相同的文件夹中。


Then, when you run Wubi, select the netbook edition as before and click Install.  Wubi will verify that your download is valid, and will then proceed to install from the downloaded ISO.  This install will only take about 10 minutes.

然后,当您运行Wubi时,请像以前一样选择上网本版本,然后单击Install 。 Wubi将验证您的下载是否有效,然后从下载的ISO进行安装。 此安装仅需大约10分钟。


Once the install is finished you will be asked to reboot your computer.  Save anything else you’re working on, and then reboot to finish setting up Ubuntu on your netbook.

安装完成后,系统将要求您重新启动计算机。 保存您正在处理的所有其他内容,然后重新启动以完成在上网本上设置Ubuntu的操作。


When your computer reboots, select Ubuntu at the boot screen.  Wubi leaves the default OS as Windows 7, so if you don’t select anything it will boot into Windows 7 after a few seconds.

重新启动计算机后,在启动屏幕上选择Ubuntu。 Wubi将默认操作系统保留为Windows 7,因此,如果您不选择任何选项,它将在几秒钟后引导至Windows 7。


Ubuntu will automatically finish the install when you boot into it the first time.  This took about 12 minutes in our test.

首次启动时,Ubuntu将自动完成安装。 在我们的测试中,这大约花费了12分钟。


When the setup is finished, your netbook will reboot one more time.  Remember again to select Ubuntu at the boot screen.  You’ll then see a second boot screen; press your Enter key to select the default.

设置完成后,您的上网本将重新启动一次。 再次记得在引导屏幕上选择Ubuntu。 然后,您将看到第二个引导屏幕; 按Enter键选择默认值。


Ubuntu only took less than a minute to boot in our test.  When you see the login screen, select your name and enter your password you setup in Wubi.  Now you’re ready to start exploring Ubuntu Netbook Remix.

在我们的测试中,Ubuntu仅花了不到一分钟的时间即可启动。 当您看到登录屏幕时,选择您的名称并输入您在Wubi中设置的密码。 现在,您准备开始探索Ubuntu Netbook Remix。


Using Ubuntu Netbook Remix

使用Ubuntu Netbook Remix

Ubuntu Netbook Remix offers a simple, full-screen interface to take the best advantage of netbooks’ small screens.  Pre-installed applications are displayed in the application launcher, and are organized by category.  Click once to open an application.

Ubuntu Netbook Remix提供了一个简单的全屏界面,以充分利用上网本的小屏幕。 预安装的应用程序将显示在应用程序启动器中,并按类别进行组织。 单击一次以打开一个应用程序。


The first screen on the application launcher shows your favorite programs.  If you’d like to add another application to the favorites pane, click the plus sign beside its icon.

应用程序启动器的第一个屏幕显示您喜欢的程序。 如果要将其他应用程序添加到“收藏夹”窗格中,请单击其图标旁边的加号。


Your files from Windows are still accessible from Ubuntu Netbook Remix.  From the home screen, select Files & Folders on the left menu, and then click the icon that says something like 100GB Filesystem under the Volumes section.

您仍然可以从Ubuntu Netbook Remix访问Windows中的文件。 在主屏幕上,从左侧菜单中选择“ 文件和文件夹 ”,然后在“ 卷”部分下单击显示类似100GB Filesystem的图标。


Now you’ll be able to see all of your files from Windows.  Your user files such as documents, music, and pictures should be located in Documents and Settings in a folder with your user name.

现在,您将能够从Windows查看所有文件。 您的用户文件(例如文档,音乐和图片)应位于具有您的用户名的文件夹中的“ 文档和设置”中。


You can also easily install a variety of free applications via the Software Installer.



Connecting to the internet is also easy, as Ubuntu Netbook Remix automatically recognized the WiFi adaptor on our test netbook, a Samsung N150.  To connect to a wireless network, click the wireless icon on the top right of the screen and select the network’s name from the list.

连接到互联网也很容易,因为Ubuntu Netbook Remix会自动识别我们的测试上网本Samsung N150上的WiFi适配器。 要连接到无线网络,请单击屏幕右上方的无线图标,然后从列表中选择网络名称。


And, if you’d like to customize your screen, right-click on the application launcher and select Change desktop background.



Choose a background picture you’d like.



Now you’ll see it through your application launcher.  Nice!

现在,您将通过应用程序启动器看到它。 真好!


Most applications are opened full-screen.  You can close them by clicking the x on the right of the program’s name.

大多数应用程序以全屏打开。 您可以通过单击程序名称右侧的x来关闭它们。


You can also switch to other applications from their icons on the top left.  Open the home screen by clicking the Ubuntu logo in the far left.

您也可以从左上角的其他应用程序切换到其他应用程序。 单击最左侧的Ubuntu徽标,打开主屏幕。


Changing Boot Options


By default, Wubi will leave Windows as the default operating system, and will give you 10 seconds at boot to choose to boot into Ubuntu.  To change this, boot into Windows and enter Advanced system settings in your start menu search.

默认情况下,Wubi将保留Windows作为默认操作系统,并在启动时给您10秒钟的时间来选择启动到Ubuntu。 要更改此设置 ,请启动Windows并在开始菜单搜索中输入“ 高级系统设置”


In this dialog, click Settings under Startup and Recovery.

在此对话框中,单击 启动和恢复 下的“设置”


From this dialog, you can select the default operating system and the time to display list of operating systems.  You can enter a lower number to make the boot screen appear for less time.

在此对话框中,您可以选择默认操作系统和显示操作系统列表的时间。 您可以输入一个较小的数字以使引导屏幕显示的时间更少。


And if you’d rather make Ubuntu the default operating system, select it from the drop-down list.



Uninstalling Ubuntu Netbook Remix

卸载Ubuntu Netbook Remix

If you decide you don’t want to keep Ubuntu Netbook Remix on your computer, you can uninstall it just like you uninstall any normal application.  Boot your computer into Windows, open Control Panel, click Uninstall a Program, and enter ubuntu in the search box.  Select it, and click Uninstall.

如果您决定不想在计算机上保留Ubuntu Netbook Remix,则可以像卸载任何常规应用程序一样将其卸载。 将计算机引导至Windows,打开“控制面板”,单击“ 卸载程序” ,然后在搜索框中输入ubuntu 。 选择它,然后单击“卸载”。


Click Uninstall at the prompt.  Ubuntu uninstalls very quickly, and removes the entry from the bootloader as well, so your computer is just like it was before you installed it.

在提示符下单击“ 卸载 ”。 Ubuntu卸载非常快,并且也从引导加载程序中删除了该条目,因此您的计算机就像安装前一样。




Ubuntu Netbook Remix offers an attractive Linux interface for netbooks.  We enjoyed trying it out, and found it much more user-friendly than most Linux distros.  And with the Wubi installer, you can install it risk-free and try it out on your netbook.  Or, if you’d like to try out another alternate netbook operating system, check out our article on Jolicloud, another new OS for netbooks.

Ubuntu Netbook Remix为上网本提供了一个有吸引力Linux接口。 我们很喜欢尝试它,并且发现它比大多数Linux发行版更加用户友好。 借助Wubi安装程序,您可以无风险安装它并在上网本上试用。 或者,如果您想尝试另一个备用的上网本操作系统,请查看我们有关Jolicloud(另一个用于上网本的新操作系统)的文章。



Download Wubi Installer for Windows


Download Ubuntu Netbook Edition


翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/howto/17486/install-ubuntu-netbook-remix-with-wubi-installer/

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