伍 民友
parallel distributed computing, wireless netwks, sens netwks, multimedia overlay netwks, intelligent traffic infmation systems, high perfmance computingbr /
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ph.d. in electrical engineering, santa clara university, califnia, december 1984.br /
m.s. in electrical engineering, graduate school of chinese academia of sciences, beijing,br /
china, july 1981.br /
ed journal papersbr /
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m.f, guo, x. wang m.y. wu, “on the capacity of k-mpr wireless netwks usingbr /
multi-channel multi-interface,” computer netwks, to appear.br /
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m.f, guo, x. wang m.y. wu, “on the capacity of k-mpr wireless netwks,” ieeebr /
transactions on wireless communications, vol. 8, no. 7, pp. 38763886, july 2009.br /
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c. xie, n. ghani, q. liu, w. shu, a. gumaste, y. qiao, m.y. wu s. peng, “trafficbr /
engineering f ethernet over sonet/sdh (eos): advances frontiers,” ieee netwk,br /
pp.18–25, may/june 2009.br /
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x. li, w. shu, m. li, h.y. huang, p.e. luo m.y. wu, “perfmance evaluation ofbr /
vehicle-based mobile sens netwks f traffic moniting,” ieee transaction on vehic-br /
ular technology, vol.58, no.4, pp. 1647–1653, may 2009.br /
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j. crichigno, w. shu m.y. wu, “protocols architectures f channel assignmentbr /
in wireless mesh netwks,” ad hoc netwks, no. 6, pp. 1051–1077, june 2008.br /
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h. huang, p. luo, m. li, d. li, x. li, w. shu, m. y. wu, “perfmance evaluation ofbr /
suvnet with real-time traffic data,” ieee trans. on vehicular technology, vol. 56, no. 6,br /
november 2007.br /
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y. zhu, y. jin, w. sun, w. guo, w. hu, w.d zhong m.y. wu, “multicast flow aggregationbr /
in ip over optical netwks,” ieee journal on ed areas in communicationsbr /
(jsac), vol. 25, no. 5, pp. 1011–1021, june 2007.br /
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m.y. wu, s.j. ma, w. shu, “scheduled video delivery — a scalable on-dembr /
video delivery paradigm,” ieee transactions on multimedia, vol. 8, no. 1, pp. 179–187,br /
february 2006.br /
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ed conference papersbr /
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l. kong, d. jiang m.y. wu, “optimizing the spatio-tempal distribution of cyber-br /
physical systems f environment abstraction,” icdcs, june 2010.br /
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m.c. zhao, j. lei, m.y. wu, y. liu w. shu, “surface coverage in wireless sensbr /
netwks,” infocom, april 2009.br /
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x. li, w. shu, m. li, p.e. luo, h. huang m.y. wu, “traffic data processing inbr /
vehicular sens netwks,” icccn, august 2008.br /
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h. dai, k. ng m.y. wu, “on the capacity of multi-channel wireless netwks usingbr /
directional antennas,” infocom, april 2008br /
2008-2010 national science foundation of china 280,000 yuanbr /
“architecture algithm study f the next generation wireless grid” (pi)br /
2008-2010 ministry of education of china 100,000 yuanbr /
“protocol design perfmance of wireless netwks based on calradio” (pi)br /
2007-2010 national 863 plan of china 1,000,000 yuanbr /
“key technology f distributed multi-task optical grid“ (co-pi with w. guo)br /
2006-2011 national 973 plan of china 28,000,000 yuanbr /
“research on fundamental they critical technoloies f wireless sensbr /
netwks“ (co-pi with l. ni etc.)br /
2006-2008 national science foundation of china 210,000 yuanbr /
“they applications of mechanism design in strategic distributed systems” (pi)br /
2005-2006 national 863 plan of china 500,000 yuanbr /
“optical grid: architecture, middleware, applications“ (co-pi with w. guo)br /
2005 national science foundation of china 80,000 yuanbr /
“a scalable all-wireless grid structure study of related algithms” (pi)br /
2000-2003 sia national labaty $35,000br /
“perfmance measurement, benchmarking, modeling, tuning f cplant” (pi)br /
2000-2002 albuquerque high perfmance computing center $150,000br /
“research projects on access grid” (pi with t. caudell w. shu)br /
1999 national science foundation $45,000br /
equipment grant, “gigabit netwk kit” (co-pi with w. shu)br /
1998 concurrent computer cpation, inc. $110,000br /
equipment grant, “mediahawk system” (co-pi with r.f. demara r. eaglin)br /
1996-2000 national science foundation $242,237br /
“realistic uncheatable benchmarks” (co-pi with j.y. cai)br /
1996-1999 national science foundation $101,438br /
“parallelization of scheduling algithms” (pi)br /
1991-1994 advanced research projects agency $1,866,038br /
“scalable ptable ftran90d-high perfmance ftran f parallelbr /
computers” (co-pi with g. fox, a.choudhary, s. ranka)br /