css 编写一滴墨水_如何在Office 2016中使用墨水方程式功能编写方程式

2023-11-08 17:20

本文主要是介绍css 编写一滴墨水_如何在Office 2016中使用墨水方程式功能编写方程式,希望对大家解决编程问题提供一定的参考价值,需要的开发者们随着小编来一起学习吧!

css 编写一滴墨水

css 编写一滴墨水


One of the new features in Office 2016 is “Ink Equation”. This feature allows you to insert equations into Word, Excel, and PowerPoint by handwriting them. Ink Equation is designed to be used with a tablet pen on a tablet PC.

Office 2016的新功能之一是“墨水方程式”。 此功能使您可以通过手写将等式插入Word,Excel和PowerPoint。 墨水方程式旨在与Tablet PC上的数位板笔一起使用。

However, you can use Ink Equation with other input devices, including a mouse, and we’ll show you how to use Ink Equation with a mouse to insert an equation into Word.

但是,您可以将Ink Equation与其他输入设备(包括鼠标)一起使用,并且我们将向您展示如何使用Ink Equation用鼠标将等式插入Word中。

First, we’ll insert an equation into our Word document. To do this, click the “Insert” tab.

首先,我们将一个等式插入到Word文档中。 为此,请单击“插入”选项卡。


In the “Symbols” section, click “Equation”.



In the “Tools” section, click “Ink Equation”.



The “Ink Equation” dialog box displays. Using the mouse (or other input device) to write your equation in the light yellow grid area. You’ll see a very small black dot. That’s your cursor for writing your equation. The grid area will expand up and to the right as needed. For our example, we’ll use the equation for the area of a circle.

显示“墨水方程式”对话框。 使用鼠标(或其他输入设备)在浅黄色网格区域中编写方程式。 您会看到一个非常小的黑点。 那是写方程式的光标。 网格区域将根据需要向上扩展并向右扩展。 对于我们的示例,我们将方程用于圆的面积。


When you’ve finished writing your equation, click “Insert” to insert it into the equation box you added to your Word (or Excel or PowerPoint) document.


NOTE: If you need to correct part of your equation, don’t worry. We’ll show you how to do that a little later in this article.

注意:如果您需要校正方程式的一部分,请不要担心。 我们将在本文的稍后部分向您展示如何做到这一点。


The equation is inserted into the equation box in your document.



When entering equations, it’s a good idea to enter the whole equation before making corrections. It’s more likely your equation will be recognized correctly if you complete the whole equation. If you entered the equation for the area of a circle, you may have noticed that Ink Equation interpreted your equal sign wrong until you continued to the enter the equation, at which point, the program corrected the symbol.

输入方程式时,最好先输入整个方程式,然后再进行校正。 如果您完成整个方程,则您的方程很可能会被正确识别。 如果您输入了一个圆的面积的方程式,您可能已经注意到墨水方程式错误地解释了您的等号,直到您继续输入方程式为止,此时程序会更正该符号。

Once you’ve entered your equation and you discover you need to replace part of the equation, you can erase the part you need to replace. To do this, click “Erase”.

输入方程式后,发现需要替换方程式的一部分,则可以擦除需要替换的部分。 为此,请单击“擦除”。


The cursor changes to an eraser. Move the eraser over the part you want to erase, then click and drag over that part of the equation. Once you’ve erased what you want to, click the “Write” button to draw new parts of your equation.

光标变为橡皮擦。 将橡皮擦移到要擦除的部分上,然后单击并在方程式的该部分上拖动。 删除所需内容后,单击“写入”按钮以绘制方程式的新部分。


If the program misinterpreted something you wrote in your equation, you may have been close and you can select a character to replace the wrong one. To do this, we’ll select the wrong part of the equation and correct it. Click “Select and Correct” and draw around a character in your equation that was interpreted incorrectly. A popup menu displays. If the character you meant to write is on the menu, select it. The character is automatically replaced.

如果程序错误地解释了您在方程式中编写的内容,则可能是您已经接近,可以选择一个字符来替换错误的字符。 为此,我们将选择方程式的错误部分并对其进行校正。 单击“选择并更正”,然后在方程式中绘制一个被错误解释的字符。 显示一个弹出菜单。 如果要写的字符在菜单上,请选择它。 字符将自动替换。

If the character you want is not on the menu, use the “Erase” tool to erase the wrong character and write it again. Remember to click “Write” to continue writing your equation.

如果所需的字符不在菜单上,请使用“擦除”工具擦除错误的字符并重新写入。 请记住单击“写入”以继续编写方程式。


If you want to erase the entire equation before inserting it, click “Clear”. All writing in the grid area is erased.

如果要在插入之前删除整个方程式,请单击“清除”。 网格区域中的所有写入均被删除。


If you use Windows Journal on a tablet to take math notes, you can copy the equations you write in that program into Ink Equation and insert them into Word, Excel, or PowerPoint. To begin, open the Word, Excel, or PowerPoint file into which you want to copy the equation and insert an equation box as discussed earlier in this article. Then, click open the “Ink Equation” tool.

如果您在平板电脑上使用Windows Journal记录数学笔记,则可以将在该程序中编写的方程式复制到墨水方程式中,然后将其插入Word,Excel或PowerPoint中。 首先,打开要在其中复制方程式的Word,Excel或PowerPoint文件,并按照本文前面的讨论插入方程式框。 然后,单击打开“墨水方程式”工具。

Now, open your math notes in Windows Journal.

现在,在Windows Journal中打开您的数学笔记。

NOTE: You can open Windows Journal by searching for it in the Search box on the taskbar in Windows 10, on the Start screen in Windows 8.1, or on the Start menu in Windows 7.

注意:您可以通过在Windows 10的任务栏上的“搜索”框中,Windows 8.1的“开始”屏幕或Windows 7的“开始”菜单中搜索Windows Journal来打开它。

In Windows Journal, we need to select the equation you want to copy to another program. To do this, click the “Selection Tool” on the toolbar.

在Windows Journal中,我们需要选择要复制到另一个程序的方程式。 为此,请单击工具栏上的“选择工具”。


Draw a border around the equation you want to copy. As you draw the border, a dotted line indicates how the border will be completed. When the equation is surrounded, even if you haven’t finished drawing the red dotted border, release the mouse.

在要复制的方程式周围绘制边框。 绘制边框时,虚线指示边框的完成方式。 包围方程式后,即使尚未完成绘制红色虚线边框,也请释放鼠标。


The equation is now selected. Move the mouse over one of the edges of the selection and start to drag the equation…

现在选择方程式。 将鼠标移到所选内容的边缘之一上,然后开始拖动方程式…


…to the grid area on the open “Ink Equation” dialog box.



The equation, as you drew it in Windows Journal, is inserted into the grid area of the “Ink Equation” dialog box. Click “Insert” to insert the equation into your document.

正如您在Windows Journal中绘制的那样,该方程式被插入到“墨水方程式”对话框的网格区域中。 单击“插入”以将方程式插入文档。


This feature can be very useful if you are taking math classes or use math at work and need to convert notes into documents.


翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/229745/how-to-use-the-ink-equation-feature-in-office-2016-to-write-equations/

css 编写一滴墨水

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