【Codeforces Round #313 (Div. 1) C】 CodeForces 559C Gerald and Giant Chess

2023-11-07 21:33

本文主要是介绍【Codeforces Round #313 (Div. 1) C】 CodeForces 559C Gerald and Giant Chess,希望对大家解决编程问题提供一定的参考价值,需要的开发者们随着小编来一起学习吧!


Giant chess is quite common in Geraldion. We will not delve into the
rules of the game, we’ll just say that the game takes place on an
h × w field, and it is painted in two colors, but not like in chess.
Almost all cells of the field are white and only some of them are
black. Currently Gerald is finishing a game of giant chess against his
friend Pollard. Gerald has almost won, and the only thing he needs to
win is to bring the pawn from the upper left corner of the board,
where it is now standing, to the lower right corner. Gerald is so
confident of victory that he became interested, in how many ways can
he win?

The pawn, which Gerald has got left can go in two ways: one cell down
or one cell to the right. In addition, it can not go to the black
cells, otherwise the Gerald still loses. There are no other pawns or
pieces left on the field, so that, according to the rules of giant
chess Gerald moves his pawn until the game is over, and Pollard is
just watching this process.


The first line of the input contains three integers: h, w, n — the
sides of the board and the number of black cells
(1 ≤ h, w ≤ 105, 1 ≤ n ≤ 2000).

Next n lines contain the description of black cells. The i-th of these
lines contains numbers ri, ci (1 ≤ ri ≤ h, 1 ≤ ci ≤ w) — the number of
the row and column of the i-th cell.

It is guaranteed that the upper left and lower right cell are white
and all cells in the description are distinct.


Print a single line — the remainder of the number of ways to move
Gerald’s pawn from the upper left to the lower right corner modulo
109 + 7.


using namespace std;
const long long p=1000000007;
long long dp[2010],jc[200100],vjc[200100];
struct node
{int x,y;bool operator < (const node &a) const{return (x<a.x)||(x==a.x&&y<a.y);}
void eu(long long a,long long b,long long &x,long long &y)
{if (!b){x=1;y=0;}else{eu(b,a%b,y,x);y-=x*(a/b);}
void init()
{int i;vjc[0]=jc[0]=1;long long x;for (i=1;i<=200010;i++){jc[i]=(jc[i-1]*i)%p;eu(jc[i],p,vjc[i],x);vjc[i]%=p;vjc[i]+=p;vjc[i]%=p;}
long long c(int x,int y)
{return jc[y]*vjc[x]%p*vjc[y-x]%p;
int main()
{int i,j,k,m,n,q,x,y,z,h,w;init();scanf("%d%d%d",&h,&w,&n);n++;for (i=1;i<n;i++)scanf("%d%d",&a[i].x,&a[i].y);a[n].x=h;a[n].y=w;sort(a+1,a+n+1);for (i=1;i<=n;i++){dp[i]=c(a[i].x-1,a[i].x+a[i].y-2);for (j=1;j<i;j++)if (a[j].y<=a[i].y)dp[i]=((dp[i]-dp[j]*c(a[i].x-a[j].x,a[i].x-a[j].x+a[i].y-a[j].y)%p)+p)%p;}printf("%lld\n",dp[n]);

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