
2023-11-07 06:10
文章标签 软件 绘图 ray 室内 pov 一角


 一、 运行结果




1. 相机


2. 光源


3. 墙壁



4. 屋内陈设
























#include "colors.inc" // 定义基本颜色
#include "shapes.inc" // 定义基本形状物体
#include "textures.inc" // 定义一些物体属性
#include "woods.inc"//定义纹理
#include "glass.inc"
#include "stones.inc"
#include "metals.inc" //屏幕向左为x正半轴,向上为y正半轴,向内为z正半轴camera {location<-4.2,-4,17> look_at<.8,-3.3,-1> 
}       light_source {<0,0,10>color rgb<247,238,214>/255
}sky_sphere { pigment { rgb<247,238,214>/255 } 
light_source {<7.2,.15,-3>         White 
light_source {<6,5,-5>         White 
light_source {<19,0,-10>color rgb<247,238,214>/255
}  //地板
box {<-20,-14,3>,<20,-12,-17>pigment {    image_map {jpeg "C:\Users\sun\Desktop\carpet.jpg"        }}    
} //地板 //后墙
box {<-20,-14,-25>,<20,15,-17>pigment { image_map {jpeg "C:\Users\sun\Desktop\wallpaper.jpg"map_type 1       }}
}//后墙   //侧墙
box {<20,-14,3>,<20,15,-30>pigment { image_map {jpeg "C:\Users\sun\Desktop\wallpaper.jpg"map_type 1        }}
}//侧墙 //天花板
box {<-20,10,-30>,<20,10,-3>pigment { image_map {jpeg "C:\Users\sun\Desktop\wallpaper.jpg" map_type 1       }  }
}//天花板 //窗户
box {<20,-5,-13>,<19.99,5,-5>pigment { image_map {jpeg "C:\Users\sun\Desktop\sunrise.jpg"map_type 1   }}finish { ambient .5 }
box {<21,-5.3,-4.5>,<19.99,5.3,-5>texture{ T_Wood22    normal { wood 0.5 scale 0.05 turbulence 0.1 rotate<0,0,0> }finish { diffuse 1.9 phong 1 } rotate<0,0,0> scale 0.5 translate<0,0,0>} // end of texture     
box { <19.99,-5,-5>,<19.99,-5.3,-13>texture{ T_Wood22    normal { wood 0.5 scale 0.05 turbulence 0.1 rotate<0,0,0> }finish { diffuse 1.9 phong 1 } rotate<0,0,0> scale 0.5 translate<0,0,0>} // end of texture
}//下窗框 //上窗框
box {<19.99,5,-5>,<19.99,5.3,-13>texture{ T_Wood22    normal { wood 0.5 scale 0.05 turbulence 0.1 rotate<0,0,0> }finish { diffuse 1.9 phong 1 } rotate<0,0,0> scale 0.5 translate<0,0,0>} // end of texture
box {<19.99,-5.3,-13.3>,<19.99,5.3,-13>texture{ T_Wood22    normal { wood 0.5 scale 0.05 turbulence 0.1 rotate<0,0,0> }finish { diffuse 1.9 phong 1 } rotate<0,0,0> scale 0.5 translate<0,0,0>} // end of texture
cone {<6,-12,-3>,3<6,-9,-3>,1.2 finish { ambient .4}  texture{ DMFDarkOaknormal { wood 0.5 scale 0.3 turbulence 0.1}finish { phong 1 } rotate<60,0,45>scale 0.25}//end of texture          
cone {<6,-7.5,-3>,2.4<6,-9,-3>,1.2 finish { ambient .4}  texture{ DMFDarkOaknormal { wood 0.5 scale 0.3 turbulence 0.1}finish { phong 1 } rotate<60,0,45>scale 0.25} // end of texture                             
cylinder{<6,-7.2,-3><6,-7,-3>4.5 texture{ T_Wood13    normal { wood 0.5 scale 0.05 turbulence 0.0 rotate<0,0,0> }finish { phong 1 } rotate<0,0,0> scale 0.5 translate<0,0,0>} // end of texture 
cylinder{<.5,-9,-5><.5,-12,-5>1.5finish { ambient .4}  texture{ DMFDarkOaknormal { wood 0.5 scale 0.3 turbulence 0.1}finish { phong 1 } rotate<60,0,45>scale 0.25} // end of texture
}//凳子右 //凳子左
cylinder{<4.5,-9,-9><4.5,-12,-9>1.5finish { ambient .4}  texture{ DMFDarkOaknormal { wood 0.5 scale 0.3 turbulence 0.1}finish { phong 1 } rotate<60,0,45>scale 0.25} // end of texture
cylinder {<7.2,10,-3><7.2,2,-3>.05pigment { Black }
}sphere {<7.2,1,-3>,1texture{ // layer 1   pigment{ wood turbulence 0.02 octaves 4 lambda 3scale 0.175  rotate <2, 2, 0> color_map {[0.0 color rgb <1.30, 0.99, 0.64>][0.5 color rgb <0.75, 0.39, 0.17>][0.7 color rgb <0.75, 0.39, 0.17>][1.0 color rgb <1.30, 0.99, 0.64>]}// end of color_map} // end of pigmentfinish { phong 1 } rotate <0,0, 0>  scale 1  translate <0,0,0>} // end of texture ------------------------------texture{ // layer 2    pigment{ wood turbulence 0.02 octaves 4 lambda 2.8scale 0.2 rotate <2, 2, 0> translate <0.0175, 0.0175, 0.0175>color_map {[0.00 color rgbt <1.00, 0.97, 0.95, 1.30>][0.55 color rgbt <0.85, 0.85, 0.40, 0.70>][0.65 color rgbt <0.85, 0.85, 0.40, 0.70>][1.00 color rgbt <1.00,0.975, 0.95, 1.30>]}// end of color_map} // end of pigmentfinish { phong 1 } rotate <0,0, 0>  scale 1  translate <0,0,0>} // end of texture ------------------------------
cylinder {<6,10,-5><6,5,-5>.05pigment { Black }
}cone {<6,3,-5>,1.2<6,5,-5>,1.2open texture{ // layer 1   pigment{ wood turbulence 0.02 octaves 4 lambda 3scale 0.175  rotate <2, 2, 0> color_map {[0.0 color rgb <1.30, 0.99, 0.64>][0.5 color rgb <0.75, 0.39, 0.17>][0.7 color rgb <0.75, 0.39, 0.17>][1.0 color rgb <1.30, 0.99, 0.64>]}// end of color_map} // end of pigmentfinish { phong 1 } rotate <0,0, 0>  scale 1  translate <0,0,0>} // end of texture ------------------------------texture{ // layer 2    pigment{ wood turbulence 0.02 octaves 4 lambda 2.8scale 0.2 rotate <2, 2, 0> translate <0.0175, 0.0175, 0.0175>color_map {[0.00 color rgbt <1.00, 0.97, 0.95, 1.30>][0.55 color rgbt <0.85, 0.85, 0.40, 0.70>][0.65 color rgbt <0.85, 0.85, 0.40, 0.70>][1.00 color rgbt <1.00,0.975, 0.95, 1.30>]}// end of color_map} // end of pigmentfinish { phong 1 } rotate <0,0, 0>  scale 1  translate <0,0,0>} // end of texture ------------------------------
box { <-15,-14,-17>,<-5,-8,-12>texture{ T_Wood10    normal { wood 0.5 scale 0.05 turbulence 0.0 rotate<0,0,0> }finish { phong 1 } rotate<0,0,0> scale 0.5 translate<0,0,0>} // end of texture    
box { <10,-1,-17>,<0,-.5,-15>texture{ T_Wood10    normal { wood 0.5 scale 0.05 turbulence 0.0 rotate<0,0,0> }finish { phong 1 } rotate<0,0,0> scale 0.5 translate<0,0,0>} // end of texture     
box { <2.5,-3.5,-17>,<-2.5,-4,-15>texture{ T_Wood10    normal { wood 0.5 scale 0.05 turbulence 0.0 rotate<0,0,0> }finish { phong 1 } rotate<0,0,0> scale 0.5 translate<0,0,0>} // end of texture     
box { <-15,4,-17>,<-5,0,-12>texture{ T_Wood10    normal { wood 0.5 scale 0.05 turbulence 0.0 rotate<0,0,0> }finish { phong 1 } rotate<0,0,0> scale 0.5 translate<0,0,0>} // end of texture    
sphere {<8,.7,-16>,1.4texture { spiral1 5 scale 0.5                texture_map{ [0.25 pigment{ color rgbf <1,0.65,0.2,0>}normal { bumps 0.5 scale 0.25}finish { phong 0.2 reflection 0.30}][0.25 pigment{ color rgbf <1,1,1,1>} ][0.75 pigment{ color rgbf <1,1,1,1>} ][0.75 pigment{ color rgbf <1,0.65,0.2,0>}normal { bumps 0.5 scale 0.25}finish { phong 0.2 reflection 0.30}]} // end of texture_maprotate<90,0,0>} // end of texture ------------------------------------- 
}//球形摆件大      //球形摆件中
sphere {<3.2,.4,-16>,.9texture { spiral1 5 scale 0.5                   //---------------- texture_map{ [0.25 pigment{ color rgbf <1,0.65,0.2,0>}normal { bumps 0.5 scale 0.25}finish { phong 0.2 reflection 0.30}][0.25 pigment{ color rgbf <1,1,1,1>} ][0.75 pigment{ color rgbf <1,1,1,1>} ][0.75 pigment{ color rgbf <1,0.65,0.2,0>}normal { bumps 0.5 scale 0.25}finish { phong 0.2 reflection 0.30}]} // end of texture_maprotate<90,0,0>} // end of texture ------------------------------------- 
sphere {<1.5,.2,-16>,0.6texture { spiral1 5 scale 0.5                   //---------------- texture_map{ [0.25 pigment{ color rgbf <1,0.65,0.2,0>}normal { bumps 0.5 scale 0.25}finish { phong 0.2 reflection 0.30}][0.25 pigment{ color rgbf <1,1,1,1>} ][0.75 pigment{ color rgbf <1,1,1,1>} ][0.75 pigment{ color rgbf <1,0.65,0.2,0>}normal { bumps 0.5 scale 0.25}finish { phong 0.2 reflection 0.30}]} // end of texture_maprotate<90,0,0>} // end of texture ------------------------------------- 
box {<-12.8,-7.8,-17>,<-18,-4.5,-16> pigment { image_map {jpeg "C:\Users\sun\Desktop\sunset.jpg"map_type 5}    }finish { ambient .4} 
box {<-12.6,-8.1,-17>,<-12.8,-4.4,-16.8>texture{ DMFWood3    normal { wood 0.5 scale 0.05 rotate<0,0,0> }finish { phong 1 } rotate<0,0,0> scale 1  translate<0,0,0>} // end of texture 
box {<-12.6,-8,-17>,<-18,-7.8,-16>texture{ DMFWood3    normal { wood 0.5 scale 0.05 rotate<0,0,0> }finish { phong 1 } rotate<0,0,0> scale 1  translate<0,0,0>} // end of texture 
box {<-12.6,-4.5,-17>,<-18,-4.3,-16>texture{ DMFWood3    normal { wood 0.5 scale 0.05 rotate<0,0,0> }finish { phong 1 } rotate<0,0,0> scale 1  translate<0,0,0>} // end of texture 
box {<-11.5,-8,-17>,<-6.5,-2,-16> pigment { image_map {jpeg "C:\Users\sun\Desktop\sunrise.jpg"map_type 1}    }finish { ambient .4}
box {<-6.6,-8,-17>,<-6.4,-6.8,-16> 
box {<-6.5,-8,-17>,<-7.6,-7.7,-16> 
box {<-11.4,-8.1,-17>,<-11.6,-6.7,-16>
box {<-10.5,-8,-17>,<-11.6,-7.7,-16>
box {<-5.5,-11.5,-11.75>,<-10,-8.3,-12>texture{ T_Wood10    normal { wood 0.5 scale 0.05 turbulence 0.0 rotate<0,0,0> }finish { phong 1 } rotate<0,0,0> scale 0.5 translate<0,0,0>} // end of texture 
} //右扇
box {<-10.8,-11.5,-11.75>,<-14.5,-8.3,-12>texture{ T_Wood10    normal { wood 0.5 scale 0.05 turbulence 0.0 rotate<0,0,0> }finish { phong 1 } rotate<0,0,0> scale 0.5 translate<0,0,0>} // end of texture 
sphere {<-9.7,-10,-11.75>,.15
}   //左扇
sphere {<-11.1,-10,-11.75>,.15
box { <-15,3.7,-11.5>,<-5.4,.3,-12>texture{ T_Wood10    normal { wood 0.5 scale 0.05 turbulence 0.0 rotate<0,0,0> }finish { phong 1 } rotate<0,0,0> scale 0.5 translate<0,0,0>} // end of texture    
sphere { <-10.2,.7,-11.5>,.15
box {<4,-6.3,-5><6.5,-7,-3>pigment { White }
box {<4.5,-6,-3.5><7,-6.3,-5>pigment { White }
cone {<3.5,-5.5,-1>,.5<3.5,-7,-1>,.5material{ texture { NBglass } // end of texture interior{ I_Glass } // end of interior} // end of material -------------------finish { phong 1 }normal { bumps 1 }
cone {<3.5,-6,-1>,.4<3.5,-7,-1>,.4material{ texture { Orange_Glass } // end of texture interior{ I_Glass } // end of interior} // end of material -------------------}//水//盆栽
cylinder{ <7.5,-7,-1>,<7.5,-6.2,-1>, .65opentexture { T_Silver_1A//normal { bumps 0.5 scale 0.15} finish { phong 1}} // end of texture } //圆柱形花盆//绿植
sphere { <7.5,-6.9,-1>, .65texture { pigment{ color rgb<0.35,0.55,0>*0.9}                                     normal { bumps 1.75 scale 0.05} finish { phong 0.5 reflection{ 0 metallic 0} } } scale<1,1,1>  rotate<0,0,0>  translate<0,1,0>  
} //绿植





Ubuntu 怎么启用 Universe 和 Multiverse 软件源?

《Ubuntu怎么启用Universe和Multiverse软件源?》在Ubuntu中,软件源是用于获取和安装软件的服务器,通过设置和管理软件源,您可以确保系统能够从可靠的来源获取最新的软件... Ubuntu 是一款广受认可且声誉良好的开源操作系统,允许用户通过其庞大的软件包来定制和增强计算体验。这些软件


在科技飞速发展的今天,AI绘图作为一种新兴技术,不仅改变了艺术创作的方式,也为创作者提供了多种变现途径。本文将详细探讨几种常见的AI绘图变现方式,帮助创作者更好地利用这一技术实现经济收益。 更多实操教程和AI绘画工具,可以扫描下方,免费获取 定制服务:个性化的创意商机 个性化定制 AI绘图技术能够根据用户需求生成个性化的头像、壁纸、插画等作品。例如,姓氏头像在电商平台上非常受欢迎,

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秒变高手:玩转CentOS 7软件更换的方法大全

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