win10 + cmake3.17 编译 giflib5.2.1

2023-11-05 14:04

本文主要是介绍win10 + cmake3.17 编译 giflib5.2.1,希望对大家解决编程问题提供一定的参考价值,需要的开发者们随着小编来一起学习吧!


1. 下载giflib5.2.1,解压。

        下载地址:GIFLIB - Browse Files at

2. 下载CMakeLists.txt 及其他依赖的文件





3. 修改CMakeLists.txt



4. 开始常规的cmake-gui编译流程(以下引自github: osg-3rdparty-cmake)

  1. Download the CMake scripts from this repository.
  2. Download the source for the dependencies you would like to use from their respective location as specified below.
  3. Start the CMake GUI and select the directory with the CMake scripts as your source directory. Use any desired output directory as binary directory.
  4. Press Configure inside the CMake GUI.
  5. Fill in the location of the downloaded sources of your desired dependencies and press "Configure" again. Repeat until there is no more errors and warnings in CMake.
  6. Press Generate inside the CMake GUI. This will generate solution file inside your binary directory.
  7. Open the solution file in your IDE.
  8. Build the ALL_BUILD project for both debug and release.
  9. Build the INSTALL project for both debug and release.

 5. 完毕

6. 编译结果

7. 编译结果下载

这篇关于win10 + cmake3.17 编译 giflib5.2.1的文章就介绍到这儿,希望我们推荐的文章对编程师们有所帮助!


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