0061【Edabit ★☆☆☆☆☆】【字符串模板:格式化1】Format I: Template String

2023-11-03 19:52

本文主要是介绍0061【Edabit ★☆☆☆☆☆】【字符串模板:格式化1】Format I: Template String,希望对大家解决编程问题提供一定的参考价值,需要的开发者们随着小编来一起学习吧!

0061【Edabit ★☆☆☆☆☆】【字符串模板:格式化1】Format I: Template String

language_fundamentals strings


Write a template string according to the following example:

const a = "John";
const b = "Joe";
const c = "Jack";
const template = "your template string" // "Their names were:  John,  Joe  and  Jack."

A template string is a string that uses a Dollar sign and curly braces inside backticks ${} as a placeholder that can then be formatted:

const name = John;
`hello, my name is ${name}.` // "hello, my name is John."

You can put an expression inside the curly braces :

const age = 12;
`Hello, you are ${age < 18 ? 'young' : 'old'}.` // "Hello, you are young."
  • N/A

// modify the template variable to be a template string 
function format(a, b, c) {
// the result string must give: "Their names were: a, b and c."const template = `Their names were: ${a}, ${b} and ${c}.`return template
let Test = (function(){return {assertEquals:function(actual,expected){if(actual !== expected){let errorMsg = `actual is ${actual},${expected} is expected`;throw new Error(errorMsg);}},assertSimilar:function(actual,expected){if(actual.length != expected.length){throw new Error(`length is not equals, ${actual},${expected}`);}for(let a of actual){if(!expected.includes(a)){throw new Error(`missing ${a}`);}}}}
})();Test.assertEquals(format("John", "Joe", "Jack"), "Their names were: John, Joe and Jack.")
Test.assertEquals(format("Peter", "Pin", "Pan"), "Their names were: Peter, Pin and Pan.")
Test.assertEquals(format("E", "Da", "Bit"), "Their names were: E, Da and Bit.")
Test.assertEquals(format("Bulbasaur", "Charmander", "Squirtle"), "Their names were: Bulbasaur, Charmander and Squirtle.")

这篇关于0061【Edabit ★☆☆☆☆☆】【字符串模板:格式化1】Format I: Template String的文章就介绍到这儿,希望我们推荐的文章对编程师们有所帮助!




题意:包括两个操作:1、将[a.b]上的数字加上v;2、查询区间[a,b]上的和 下面的介绍是下解题思路: 首先介绍  lazy-tag思想:用一个变量记录每一个线段树节点的变化值,当这部分线段的一致性被破坏我们就将这个变化值传递给子区间,大大增加了线段树的效率。 比如现在需要对[a,b]区间值进行加c操作,那么就从根节点[1,n]开始调用update函数进行操作,如果刚好执行到一个子节点,

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