For the third year in a row, my book count is trending in the wrong direction. In 2009, it was 38. In 2010, it was 33. In 2011, that number fell to 29 and this past year, that number plummeted to 21.
连续第三年,我的图书数量往错误的方向发展。 2009年是38岁 。 2010年为33岁 。 2011年,这个数字下降到29,而在去年,这个数字下降到21。
Not only do I think reading is important, but it’s also something I enjoy a bunch and probably the closest thing I have to a hobby. However this year the reality is that I just didn’t set aside much time for it. Whereas I used to read at least 30 minutes each night before bed, this past year I spent that time writing my own book and doing a large number of side projects in preparation for starting to work independantly.
我不仅认为阅读很重要,而且这也是我喜欢的东西,可能是我最喜欢的东西。 但是,今年的现实是我只是没有花很多时间。 过去,我通常每天晚上睡前至少30分钟阅读一次,而在过去的一年中,我花时间写了自己的书 ,做了许多附带项目,以准备独立工作 。
There was a point while writing my book that I just didn’t feel like I had the energy to read anything substantial, which is why there is a pretty heavy increase in the number of fiction books this year. I also read a very unusually small number of non-industry related non-fiction, something I plan on remedying next year.
在写书的时候,有一点我觉得自己没有足够的能力去阅读实质性的东西,这就是为什么今年小说小说的数量大大增加的原因。 我还阅读了非常少量的与非行业相关的非小说类作品,我计划明年对此进行补救。
Also of interest, at least to me, was that this was my first year with a Kindle. I had been a paper holdout for a long time, and still enjoy a good paperback or hardcover book from time to time. The Kindle’s influence on my reading is noticeable though. Of the 21 books read, a whopping 17 of them were read on the Kindle.
至少对我而言,这也是我第一年使用Kindle。 我长期从事纸张工作,但仍会时不时阅读一本精装本或精装书。 Kindle对我阅读的影响是显而易见的。 在阅读的21本书中,有多达17本书在Kindle上阅读。
I’ve found the Kindle really boosts the number of impulse reads. The advantage is that I read things (like Monoculture and Wool) that I probably would have not seen otherwise. The disadvantage is that due to all the impulse buys distracting me, my count of “reading but haven’t finished” has never been higher (I count 8 at the moment, which is just plain silly).
我发现Kindle确实增加了脉冲读取的次数。 优点是我读了一些我可能不会看到的东西(例如Monoculture和Wool)。 缺点是,由于所有的冲动购买使我分心,我对“阅读但还没有完成”的计数从未如此高(我现在数为8,这简直是愚蠢的)。
Here, then, is 2012’s list:
Designing Devices by Dan Saffer
Dan Saffer 设计的设备
Flinch by Julien Smith
弗林奇朱利安·史密斯(Julien Smith)
Freedom by Daniel Suarez
Monoculture by F S Michaels
The Brain and Emotional Intelligence by Daniel Goleman
大脑和情商作者:丹尼尔·戈尔曼(Daniel Goleman)
The Wise Man’s Fear by Patrick Rothfuss
智者的恐惧 Patrick Patrick Rothfuss
The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins
苏珊·柯林斯(Suzanne Collins)的《饥饿游戏》
Catching Fire by Suzanne Collins
Mockingjay by Suzanne Collins
苏珊·柯林斯的《 Mockingjay》
APIs: A Strategy Guide by Daniel Jacobson, Greg Brail and Dan Woods
API: Daniel Jacobson,Greg Brail和Dan Woods撰写的策略指南
Weaving the Web by Tim Berners-Lee
编织网络 ,蒂姆·伯纳斯·李(Tim Berners-Lee)
Design is a Job by Mike Monteiro
设计是工作 ,麦克·蒙泰罗(Mike Monteiro)
The Wind Through the Keyhole by Stephen King
The Medium is the Massage by Marshall McLuhan
媒介是马歇尔·麦克卢汉(Marshall McLuhan )的按摩
The Shape of Design by Frank Chimero
Frank Chimero 设计的形状
Everyware by Adam Greenfield
The Mobile Frontier by Rachel Hinman
Rachel Hinman撰写的《移动前沿》
The Naked Presenter by Garr Reynolds
裸体主持人 Garr Reynolds
SMS Uprising: Mobile Activism in Africa edited by Sokari Ekine
短信起义: Sokari Ekine编辑的非洲移动激进主义
Wool Omnibus Edition by Hugh Howey
休·霍伊(Hugh Howey)撰写的《 羊毛综合丛书》
Content Strategy for Mobile by Karen McGrane
Karen McGrane的移动内容策略
As with every year, if the book made the list then I enjoyed it on some level—life is too short to waste time on bad books. For fiction, it’s hard to beat Wool and I love me some Patrick Rothfuss (I also have to admit that I enjoyed the Hunger Games much, much more than anticipated).
与每年一样,如果这本书入榜,那么我一定程度上会喜欢它-生命太短了,无法在坏书上浪费时间。 对于小说来说,很难击败Wool,而且我爱我一些Patrick Rothfuss(我也不得不承认我非常喜欢饥饿游戏,远远超过了预期)。
For non-fiction, Design is a Job is my top choice. It’s a book that I honestly wasn’t very excited for, but given how solid the A Book Apart series has been, I thought I’d give it a go anyway. I’m glad I did. Smart, funny, helpful—it’s just a fantastic read.
对于非小说类作品,设计是我的第一选择。 老实说,我对这本书并不感到兴奋,但是考虑到“ A Book Apart”系列的坚实程度,我想还是应该去尝试一下。 我很高兴我做到了。 聪明,有趣,乐于助人-简直是绝妙的阅读。
翻译自: https://timkadlec.com/2012/12/what-i-read-in-2012/