In a recent article published by UX Collective, “The floppy disk Save icon: Visual language of an era long-gone”, author Scott Oliveri highlights a challenge with Skeumorphic design. The Save Icon may seem obvious and intuitive to most of us, yet for a huge number of younger users who have never handled, let alone seen a floppy disc, this icon has little relevance or any real-world association. As described by the Interaction Design Foundation…
在UX Collective最近发表的一篇文章中, “软盘保存图标:时代已逝的视觉语言” ,作者Scott Oliveri强调了Skeumorphic设计面临的挑战。 对于我们大多数人来说,“保存”图标似乎是显而易见的和直观的,但是对于从未使用过的大量年轻用户,更不用说看过软盘了,该图标也没有任何意义或实际关联。 如交互设计基金会所述...
Skeuomorphism is a term most often used in graphical user interface design to describe interface objects that mimic their real-world counterparts in how they appear and/or how the user can interact with them. A well-known example is the recycle bin icon used for discarding files. Skeuomorphism makes interface objects familiar to users by using concepts they recognize.
拟态是在图形用户界面设计中最常使用的术语,用于描述模仿其真实世界对应对象的界面对象的外观和/或用户如何与之交互的界面对象。 一个著名的示例是用于丢弃文件的回收站图标。 拟态化通过使用用户识别的概念使用户熟悉界面对象。
— Interaction Design Foundation
This doesn’t mean that there is something inherently wrong with skeuomorphism but merely that it becomes challenging for users when the real-world counterparts evolve past our previously agreed upon designs.
This reminded me of a TikTok (yes, I’m on TikTok) that demonstrated this phenomenon of different perspectives perfectly. Each person was asked how you would gesture to someone that you’re on the phone. This generated two very different and telling responses.
这让我想起了TikTok(是的,我在TikTok上),它完美地展示了这种不同观点的现象。 每个人都被问到您将如何向正在打电话的人打手势。 这产生了两个截然不同的React。
After I my picked my jaw off the ground it seemed fairly obvious as to why the younger person would use their full palm and not their thumb and pinky. After all, they grew up in a world with rectangular, glass smartphones while I remember learning to use the phone on a radial dial.
当我下颚离开地面时,对于年轻人为什么要用他们的手掌而不是用拇指和小指的感觉似乎很明显。 毕竟,它们是在拥有矩形玻璃智能手机的世界中长大的,而我记得还学会了在径向拨盘上使用手机。
Although I soon moved on to using flip phones and smartphones, I never forgot what a phone used to be. So, when I saw the phone icon on the iPhone interface it just made sense. For the younger generation though, there isn’t this intuitive link. They first have to just learn the icon and its function, then make the connection to the real-world counterpart.
尽管我很快转而使用翻盖手机和智能手机,但我从未忘记手机曾经是什么。 因此,当我在iPhone界面上看到电话图标时,这很有意义。 但是对于年轻一代,没有这种直观的链接。 他们首先必须学习图标及其功能,然后与真实世界中的对象建立连接。
Of course, this is not evidence that younger users don’t know what a traditional phone looks like but rather it showcases how life experiences manifest in the ways we communicate. Whether it's through gestures or icons, we simplify the abstract through our own contexts and hope that it connects with others.
当然,这并不是年轻用户不知道传统手机看起来如何的证据,而是它展示了生活体验如何在我们的交流方式中体现。 无论是通过手势还是图标,我们都通过自己的上下文简化摘要,并希望它与其他人联系在一起。
In fact, there is a huge portion of modern design that is reliant upon our understanding of older technology. Folders mimic manilla folders in a file cabinet, mail icons mimic envelopes, and camera icons mimic analog cameras. Here are some examples from the iOS icon set.
实际上,现代设计中有很大一部分取决于我们对旧技术的理解。 文件夹模仿文件柜中的manilla文件夹,邮件图标模仿信封,相机图标模仿模拟相机。 以下是来自iOS图标集的一些示例。
Note that these aren’t necessarily bad icons. In reality, most of them are really effective due to their strong correlation to the real-world. Additionally, many of these are so ingrained in our visual language that we just get used to them, and changing them could be even more confusing for users.
请注意,这些不一定是错误的图标。 实际上,由于它们与现实世界密切相关,因此它们中的大多数实际上是有效的。 此外,这些功能中的许多功能在我们的视觉语言中已经根深蒂固,以至于我们习惯了它们,而更改它们可能会使用户更加困惑。
The challenge for designers is to design something that communicates across all contexts. Designers need to recognize their own blind spots and understand that there are users every day who are adopting modern technology, bringing their own life experiences and perspectives with them.
设计师面临的挑战是设计一种可以在所有环境中进行交流的产品。 设计师需要认识到自己的盲点,并了解每天都有用户在采用现代技术,并带来自己的生活经验和观点。
This doesn’t mean we need to change all of the icons that reference older technology. In reality, the strength of these icons might be in their distinguishable characteristics and consistency of use. As demonstrated by Scott’s article, finding a new icon for ‘save’ is not that easy. You end up getting something that looks more similar to a download or upload icon.
这并不意味着我们需要更改所有引用较旧技术的图标。 实际上,这些图标的优势可能在于其可区分的特征和使用的一致性。 正如Scott的文章所证明的那样,为“保存”找到新图标并非易事。 您最终得到的东西看起来更类似于下载或上传图标。
What we can say for sure is that the best skeuomorphic designs reference their real-world counterparts with minimalism in mind and evolves through the years. This gradual change is crucial to help users adjust to each new design. For example, the ‘pin’ in the Google Maps icon has changed significantly over the years.
我们可以肯定地说,最好的拟态设计会参考现实世界中的极简主义,并且会不断发展。 这种逐渐变化对于帮助用户适应每个新设计至关重要。 例如,多年来,Google地图图标中的“图钉”已发生了很大变化。
The app first started out as a much more literal reflection of the physical pins and fold-out maps. The pin then slowly evolved to be bigger, friendlier, and more inviting to the user while still coupling it with the physical map. Over the iterations we see the pin become the flagship marker of the app while the map becomes more abstract. What results is a minimalist icon that suggests the functions inside the app with only a small degree of association with the real world. Of course, this all didn’t happen at once. Gradually through the years as the technology and users evolved designers reevaluated their designs and tweaked them to better represent their functionality.
该应用程序最初以更真实的方式反映了物理引脚和折叠图。 然后,该图钉逐渐演变为更大,更友好,并且在仍然与物理地图结合的同时更吸引了用户。 在迭代过程中,我们看到图钉变成了应用程序的旗舰标记,而地图变得更加抽象。 结果是一个极简主义的图标,它暗示了应用程序内部的功能,与现实世界的关联度很小。 当然,这不是一次全部发生。 多年来,随着技术和用户的发展,设计师重新评估了他们的设计并对其进行了调整,以更好地体现其功能。
So as technology progresses and users continue to evolve remember that your relationship with it may be very different from someone else. So much so that one day when you gesture that you’re on the phone, someone else might think you’re giving them the shaka sign and telling them that you’re about to go surfing.
因此,随着技术的进步和用户的不断发展,请记住,您与之的关系可能与其他人完全不同。 如此之多,以至于有一天,当您手势示意您正在打电话时,其他人可能会认为您给他们打了摇牌,并告诉他们您即将去冲浪。
翻译自: https://uxdesign.cc/outdated-skeuomorphic-design-793d6e453341