
2023-11-02 23:20



Like others during this unique and uncertain time, we at Unity are following many of the fully remote work best practices that have been circulating over the last month. In this blog, Jeff Collins, VP of Engineering in the Monetization group at Unity, shares his perspective and tips for how to feel good while working from home.

与其他人一样,在这个独特而不确定的时间里,Unity遵循了上个月流传的许多完全远程工作最佳实践。 在此博客中,Unity营利小组的工程副总裁Jeff Collins分享了他的观点和技巧,以帮助他们在家工作时感觉良好。

Working from home holds the potential for increased productivity, as cited in previous studies, and is already fully embraced by companies like Gitlab. That said, maintaining productivity is not the only problem we should be looking to solve right now. Given the feelings of worry we are experiencing and the unknowns that we face, really, the highest priority challenge is our well-being. How you approach work can be one of the most impactful ways to combat the anxiety caused by what is currently going on in the world.

如先前的研究所述 ,在家工作具有提高生产率的潜力,并且已经被Gitlab之类的公司完全接受。 也就是说,保持生产力并不是我们现在应该寻求解决的唯一问题。 鉴于我们正在经历的担忧感和面临的未知因素,最重要的挑战实际上就是我们的幸福。 工作方式可能是对抗当今世界上正在发生的事情引起的焦虑感最有效的方法之一。

As the VP of Engineering in the Monetization group at Unity, I lead a global team of more than 250 engineers and data scientists across nine cities. I am excited every day to work with such an amazingly talented group of people. Throughout my career, I’ve been passionate about helping people grow through mentoring and encouragement, and sharing the excitement of building great products for customers. Right now, my top priority is making sure our team members stay healthy in our new reality.

作为Unity货币化小组的工程副总裁,我领导着一支由250个工程师和数据科学家组成的全球团队,遍布9个城市。 我每天都非常高兴与如此才华横溢的一群人一起工作。 在我的整个职业生涯中,我一直热衷于通过指导和鼓励来帮助人们成长,并分享为客户打造优质产品的激动。 目前,我的首要任务是确保我们的团队成员在新现实中保持健康。

At Unity, we know the power games have to make us feel good. I played some rounds of Jackbox with some of my coworkers over drinks recently. I found that the presence of my teammates in the game gave me a real sense of fulfillment. After a day of being at the house, virtually connecting feels good. For those who live alone, activities like these are even more important. My 22-year-old daughter is a senior in college and living in LA, and she’s been playing Minecraft again after many years with her friends to stay in touch.

在Unity,我们知道强大的游戏必须让我们感觉良好。 最近,我和一些同事在酒后玩了几轮Jackbox 。 我发现队友在比赛中的存在给我一种真正的成就感。 在家里待了一天之后,虚拟的连接感觉很好。 对于一个人住的人来说,像这样的活动显得尤为重要。 我22岁的女儿是大学毕业生,现在住在洛杉矶,在与朋友保持联系多年之后,她又开始玩Minecraft。

There are several reasons these games are beneficial to our sense of well-being: being able to focus on a task, in this case a game, doing it with a group, feeling a sense of purpose while you’re doing it, and getting better at it. While playing the game with my coworkers, I enjoyed all of these things. The game was fun to play. I was legitimately happy for the people playing the game who I knew were also benefiting from our time together. And I did feel that sense of competition in trying to improve as we played.

这些游戏对我们的幸福感有益的原因有很多:能够专注于一项任务(在本例中为游戏),与一群人一起完成任务,在执行任务时感觉有目标感并得到更好。 与同事一起玩游戏时,我喜欢这些东西。 游戏玩起来很有趣。 我为玩游戏的人感到非常高兴,他们知道我也从我们在一起的时光中受益。 我确实在尝试提高比赛水平时感受到了竞争感。

While it may seem less obvious, the same effects can, and should, be achieved while working. Given that we spend so much of our time during the day working, the benefits of making your work feel good will be a significant factor in maintaining your mental health during this crisis.

尽管看起来似乎不太明显,但在工作时可以而且应该达到相同的效果。 鉴于我们在一天的工作中花费了大量时间,使您的工作感觉良好的好处将是在此危机期间保持心理健康的重要因素。

Here are some basic steps you can follow to help feel good while working:


    创建流程 (Creating flow)

    Research shows that we are actually wired to experience happiness when we can focus on good, challenging work. It’s an innate human quality, and it has a name: flow. This term was coined in 1975 by a psychologist Mihály Csíkszentmihályi in his book, Beyond Boredom and Anxiety. He wrote that when we are so deeply engaged in an activity that nothing else seems to matter, the experience is so enjoyable that we will continue doing it, despite great cost.

    研究表明, 当我们专注于出色而富挑战性的工作时 ,我们实际上会感到快乐 。 这是一种与生俱来的人类素养,它的名字是:流。 这个词是1975年由心理学家MihályCsíkszentmihályi在他的《无聊与焦虑 》( Beyond Boredom and Anxiety)一书中创造的。 他写道,当我们如此深入地从事一项活动,似乎没有其他事情很重要时,这种体验是如此令人愉快,以至于尽管付出了高昂的代价,我们仍将继续这样做。

    Last year we got together in Copenhagen for Unity’s Hackweek event. Our team decided to do a game jam, which is creating a mobile game from scratch. Immersing myself in the project with the other team members was incredibly rewarding, and the feeling of creating something meaningful with our team was worth the three near all-nighters in a row.  While tiring, each day I felt strong positive feelings as I was able to sit down and focus on getting pieces of the game working. I remember laughing out loud on the second day when a spaceship I was building first started appearing on screen and stealing things with a tractor beam.

    去年,我们在哥本哈根参加Unity的Hackweek活动 。 我们的团队决定做一个游戏果酱,这是从头开始创建一个手机游戏。 与其他团队成员一起沉浸在项目中是令人难以置信的收获,而与我们的团队一起创造有意义的事情的感觉值得连续三夜通宵达旦。 在劳累的同时,每天我都会感到强烈的积极情绪,因为我能够坐下来并专注于使游戏发挥作用。 我记得第二天,当我刚建造的一艘太空飞船开始出现在屏幕上时,我大声笑出来,并用拖拉机的光束偷东西。

    When you can focus on your work, research shows that it takes about 20-30 minutes to get into the flow state, at which point you begin to feel the positive effects. During this time, your productivity is higher as well. To get into the flow state, you will need to make quiet time that is uninterrupted by distractions. Identify periods of time during the day where you will not be interrupted and work toward a state of flow as often as you can. Wear headphones, close the door if you have a separate room available, and avoid looking at social media or news sites. Having uninterrupted time is not easy during this time, especially if you have young kids at home, but if you can be clear about the (potentially small) time during the day when you can’t be interrupted – and make sure to take advantage of it.

    当您专注于工作时,研究表明,进入流程状态大约需要20-30分钟 ,此时您会开始感受到积极的影响。 在这段时间内,您的生产率也更高。 要进入流动状态,您需要安静的时间不受干扰。 确定一天中不会被打扰的时段,并尽可能地朝着顺畅的状态努力。 戴上耳机,如果有单独的房间,请关上门,并避免浏览社交媒体或新闻网站。 在这段时间内拥有不间断的时间并不容易,尤其是如果您有个小孩在家,但是如果您可以清楚一天中不被打扰的时间(可能很小),并确保充分利用它。

    Getting into this level of focus, creating a flow, is a good way to reduce bad feelings and stay positive.


    一起建造 (Build it together)

    The isolation of working from home can be hard. I know because I have felt it. Yet, while we are physically apart, most of us still have a team all around us. I have felt much higher energy when I’ve been able to get into not only doing work, but building something with someone else, even if it’s virtually.

    将工作与家庭隔离可能很困难。 我知道,因为我已经感觉到了。 但是,尽管我们彼此分开,但我们大多数人周围仍然有一支团队。 当我不仅能够从事工作,而且能够与他人一起构建某些东西时,即使是虚拟的,我也感到精力充沛。

    Since beginning this work-from-home experience, and diving into a physically distant culture, our teams have worked to create smaller milestones, ones that usually take less than a week in duration, and, when completed, can be celebrated. Whereas before we may have tried to hammer through a project over weeks and weeks of time, establishing these small “wins” creates a sense of progress that can be measured in terms of “we” instead of “I” and brings us all closer together even while apart. Some teams have even started pair programming using screen sharing over Zoom. The team members doing this say that it makes work much more social, and frankly more fun.

    自从开始这种在家工作的经验,并潜入一种疏远的文化以来,我们的团队一直在努力创建较小的里程碑,通常花费不到一周的时间,当完成时,就可以庆祝。 在我们可能要花数周和数周的时间来完成一个项目之前,建立这些小的“胜利”会产生一种进步感,这种进步感可以用“我们”而不是“我”来衡量,并使我们之间更加紧密即使分开。 有些团队甚至开始使用Zoom上的屏幕共享进行结对编程。 这样做的团队成员说,它使工作更加社交化,并且坦率地说更加有趣。

    The irony here is that at Unity we’ve seen people working more closely than they would have in an office. People participating in this type of teamwork are reporting that they have feelings of engagement and community that they would not otherwise have had.

    具有讽刺意味的是,在Unity,我们看到人们的工作比办公室里的人们更加紧密。 参与这种团队合作的人们报告说,他们有一种本来没有的敬业度和社区感。

    增强目标感 (Reinforce a sense of purpose)

    At Unity, we do a lot of good, from helping creators make great games to helping studios be financially successful. I know that when I feel a sense of purpose in my work, I find it very motivating. I feel lucky that we have the mission that we do.

    在Unity,我们可以做很多事情,从帮助创作者创作出色的游戏到帮助工作室在财务上取得成功。 我知道,当我在工作中感觉到目标感时,就会感到很有动力。 我很幸运,我们有完成的任务。

    In his book, Drive, Daniel Pink said having purpose to your work gives an increased sense of motivation. He defines purpose as the yearning to do work in the service of something larger than one’s self. Another way of saying this is to be grateful that your work is having an impact. Gratefulness is known through various studies to have a beneficial effect against anxiety. It makes us think more positively about the future, which reduces stress and helps us cope.

    丹尼尔·平克(Daniel Pink)在他的书《 驱动器》中说,对您的工作有目标感会增强动机。 他将目标定义为渴望为比自己更大的事情服务的工作。 换句话说,是要感谢您的工作正在产生影响。 通过各种研究知道感恩对焦虑有有益的作用 。 它使我们对未来更加积极地思考,从而减轻压力并帮助我们应对。

    One of our current projects helps smaller studios get a better audience for their game. The members of this team feel like the studios are counting on them to get the features complete. Every time we discuss this project, Andrew, the Lead Product Manager, tells me the same thing: “It’s all about the small guy.” Andrew has been trying to find an avenue to support smaller studios for a long time and he knows the work he’s doing right now has a tangible impact. The rest of the team feels it too. For them, this is their purpose.

    我们当前的项目之一可帮助较小的工作室为其游戏吸引更多观众。 这个团队的成员觉得工作室希望他们完成功能。 每次我们讨论这个项目时,首席产品经理安德鲁(Andrew)都会告诉我一件事:“这都是关于小家伙的。” 安德鲁(Andrew)长期以来一直在尝试寻找途径来支持较小的工作室,他知道他现在所做的工作具有明显的影响。 团队的其他成员也有这种感觉。 对于他们来说,这就是他们的目的。

    Doing good for someone and having gratitude for our work both return benefits in the way we feel. Of course, we should strive to do good because it’s the right thing to do. There are a lot of ways to help people right now. But focusing on finding ways to be grateful during work – even if it’s just that we are lucky enough to be working – makes us feel positive.

    为某人做好事和对我们的工作表示感谢,都会以我们的感觉带来回报。 当然,我们应该努力做好事,因为这是正确的事。 现在有很多方法可以帮助人们。 但是,专注于寻找在工作中感恩的方法(即使仅仅是因为我们很幸运能够工作)也会使我们感到乐观。

    互相升级 (Level up each other)

    Another motivator for many is working towards and seeing improvement in an activity of their choice. It’s why we love games that aren’t too hard or too easy, and challenge us to keep improving. We are spending so much time working now, this represents a big opportunity to tap into that motivation. But it’s hard sometimes at work to feel a tangible improvement every day.

    许多人的另一个动机是努力并看到他们选择的活动有所改善。 这就是为什么我们喜欢不太难也不太容易的游戏,并挑战我们不断改进的原因。 我们现在花了很多时间工作,这是一个充分利用这种动机的机会。 但是有时候很难每天都能感觉到明显的进步。

    At Unity, we offer a Leadership Training program to all employees. One of the most important segments of training is called Fierce Feedback. The word fierce evokes images of something aggressive, but it’s not that at all. Fierce Feedback is the idea of overcoming any inner reservations, in order to give honest, constructive feedback on someone else’s work or behavior. When we give positive, fierce feedback, we tell someone what – what we thought they did well, so what – what impact that had, and now what – what does getting to the next level look like. The receiver feels great at not only the compliment but also that the feedback giver has really appreciated the impact and importance of the contribution.

    在Unity,我们为所有员工提供领导力培训计划。 培训中最重要的部分之一称为“激烈反馈”。 激烈这个词让人联想起一些具有侵略性的事物,但事实并非如此。 激烈的反馈是克服任何内在保留的想法,以便对他人的工作或行为提供诚实,建设性的反馈。 当我们给出积极,激烈的反馈时,我们会告诉某人什么-我们认为他们做得很好,那么什么-产生了什么影响,现在又是什么-进入下一个层次的样子。 接受者不仅对赞美感到满意,而且反馈给予者真的很欣赏贡献的影响和重要性。

    Just by taking a moment to give people credit for a job well-done when you see it will help the whole team feel a sense of improvement and progress. When everyone does it regularly, the team’s culture benefits, as does the sense of well-being of each individual. People will feel a sense of leveling up on the team, which is motivating and helps give a positive outlook on the future.

    只要花一点时间就可以使人们对工作做得很好的工作给予认可,这将使整个团队感到有进步和进步的感觉。 当每个人都有规律地工作时,团队的文化就会受益,每个人的幸福感也会得到好处。 人们会感觉到团队的不断升级,这很有动力,并有助于对未来抱有积极的看法。

    最后的想法 (Final thoughts)

    I am already seeing many people respond in amazing ways to the COVID-19 pandemic, whether from the way they take care of each other to the greater participation in group activities. As human beings, we are resilient and I feel that in situations like this we grow.

    我已经看到许多人以惊人的方式应对COVID-19大流行,无论是从彼此照顾的方式到更大程度地参与小组活动。 作为人类,我们有韧性,我觉得在这种情况下我们会成长。

    I also feel lucky to be part of my team at Unity and to be around the great leaders that we have at this company. In the past weeks, I have noticed moments where I feel not just grateful, but truly good about the work.

    我也很幸运能成为Unity团队的一员,并与我们公司里的优秀领导者一起工作。 在过去的几周里,我注意到了我不仅感到感激,而且对这项工作真正感到高兴的时刻。

    At the heart of it, when I work on doing these things I describe above and I experience the benefits, I find I can maintain a feeling of optimism and calm. While it doesn’t make our problems go away, the key thought that I want to convey is that positive feelings will keep you healthy. You will not just deal with the current situation, but you’ll live your life with an optimistic view of the future.

    从本质上讲,当我从事上述工作时,我体会到了好处,我发现我可以保持乐观和平静的感觉。 尽管这并不能使我们的问题消失,但我想传达的主要思想是,积极的情感将使您保持健康。 您不仅会处理当前的情况,而且还会对未来抱有乐观的态度。

    翻译自: https://blogs.unity3d.com/2020/04/24/working-from-home-can-help-us-be-well/






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