论文笔记——An Empirical Study of Supplementary Bug Fixes

2023-11-02 08:32

本文主要是介绍论文笔记——An Empirical Study of Supplementary Bug Fixes,希望对大家解决编程问题提供一定的参考价值,需要的开发者们随着小编来一起学习吧!

An Empirical Study of Supplementary Bug Fixes

abstract、introduction、介绍相关工作、描述study 目标和分析方法、呈现empirical(经验的)结果、讨论有效性的威胁、总结study。


2、There have been very few studies on why errors of omission occur in practice and how such errors could be prevented.
3、本文针对三个软件(Eclipse JDT core, Eclipse SWT, and Mozilla)的研究表明已经修复的漏洞存在着大量的(a significant portion of,22%-33%)有着多次的修复。
4、手工分析(manual inspection) 表明出现遗漏的错误的原因是多种多样的:
missed porting changes, incorrect handling of conditional statements,
or incomplete refactorings(错过了移植更改,错误处理条件语句,


(1)code clones of an existing bug fix to reduce potential missed updates
(2)use the dependency structure of a change set to suggest where additional changes need to be made
(3)predict additional change locations based on historical co-change patterns derived from version histories
(4)predict additional change locations based on cochange patterns and the dependency-graph of a change set in conjunction
随机取100个有后续补丁的例子,检查他们的内容和相对应的初始patch。手工分析得出来结论,多种多样的:“missed porting changes, incorrect handling of conditional statements, and incomplete refactorings”,发现不完整的patch的大小和文件的数量大于规律的patch,而且更加零散。

related work

Errors of Omission


Empirical Studies of the Extent of Supplementary Bug Fixes


Change Recommendation Systems for Supplementary Fixes

study approach

介绍一下研究的三个软件(Eclipse JDT core, Eclipse SWT and Mozilla)的特点,用什么语言写的,作用,包括的产品。



How Many Bugs Require Supplementary Patches?


What Are The Common Causes of Incomplete Bug Fixes?

为了更好地理解为什么遗漏的errors会在实际中出现,对incomplete patch和regular patch抽象出来了特征,随机选择了100个incomplete patches,inspected their patch contents, the structural dependence relations between an incomplete patch and its supplementary patches, and the associated bug reports。下面是发现:针对每个发现举出来了一个例子对应:

  1. An initial patch is ported to a different component or branch.
  2. The conditional statement of an initial fix is not correct.
  3. Code elements referring to or being referenced by changed code (i.e., calls, accesses, or extends) are later updated
  4. An initial patch is reverted
  5. Two different parts calling different subclasses of the same type are not updated together
  6. Incomplete refactoring induces a supplementary patch.
  7. The locations of incomplete and supplementary fixes are related but cannot be checked using the Java compiler.
  8. An initial patch is refactored during supplementary fixes.
  9. The comment is improved to explain an initial patch in detail.
  10. Others.
    然后得到结论:“The common causes of incomplete fixes are diverse. Incomplete patches are larger in size and more scattered than regular patches.”

Are Supplementary Bug Fixes Similar to Corresponding Initial Fixes?

调查不一致的克隆管理引起补充错误修复的频率,measure the content similarity
between a supplementary patch and its initial patch。用svndiff和CCFinder工具来跟踪patches和识别最初patch和后续patch的cloning relationship。
得出结论:Predicting a supplementary fix location using code clone analysis alone is insufficient.

Where Is The Location of Supplementary Bug Fixes in Relation to Initial Fixes?

结论;About 15% of supplementary change locations are beyond the scope of the direct neighbors of initial patch locations.


Identification of Cloned Patches

在本文的研究中,a supplementary fix revision is regarded as a cloned patch when it has similar code chunk from an initial patch, longer than five lines. However, it is possible that only few lines of a supplementary patch is similar to the initial patch.

Relationships among Supplementary Patches

The Studied Period of Bug Reports

New Tools for Reducing Incomplete Bug Fixes.

本文工作表明,相当数量的不完整的patch由于不能覆盖所有情况的patch导致的,表示changed block的control flows的不同的工具可以缓解这种情况。


Incomplete patches tend to be larger and more scattered than regular patches。
including missed porting changes, incorrect handling of conditional statements, or incomplete refactorings。

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