
2023-11-02 08:30
文章标签 laziness




   What is your opinion about laziness? or what point are you trying to make?



    Laziness is sin: everyone knows that. We have probably all

had lectures pointing out that laziness is immoral ,that 

it iswasteful , and that lazy people will never mount to 

anything in life.


      But , laziness can be more harmful than that, and 

it is oftencaused by more complex reasons than the 

simple wish to avoidwork. Some people who appear to be 

lazy are suffering frommuch more serious problems. They 

may be so distrustful of theirfellow workers that they 

are unable to join in any group task , forfear of being 

laughed at or having their ideas stolen . Thesepeople 

who seem lazy may be deadened by fear of failure, which

prevents fruitful work, besides ,some people are so busy

planning great deals of fantastic achievements that they 

areunable to deal with whatever ‘lesser’ work on hand.


       On the other hand, laziness can actually be 

great helpful.Some people look lazy when they are really 

thinking, planning,researching. We should all remember 

that some great scientificdiscoveries occurred 

by chance. Newton wasn’t working in the orchard when 

the apple hit him and inspired him to devise the theory 

of gravity. Sometimes, being lazy, that is ,taking time 

offfor a rest is good for overworked students 

or executives, taking a rest can be particularly helpful 

to the athlete who is trying too hard or the doctor who 

is simply working himself overtime too many evenings at 

the clinic.     




       Don’t you think if without the “laziness” people 

will created thousands of useful and convenient  things 

in the whole wire world ,  we want ‘laziness’ or easy 

from one place to anotherplaces , so the train was 

invited;  we want “laziness” to take more time to rest 

or do something else ,so the aircraft was invented;we 

try to be more “laziness”, then the robot 

was invented to do millions of work instead of humans 

which make people have more time to rest to avoid 

the dangers.


      Let’s face it , The truth of the matter is 

Laziness is not all tobad of what we thinking , So be 

careful when you are tempted to call someone lazy , that 

person may be thinking, resting, or planning his 

or her next great book.   







The Joy of Clojure – Laziness(6.3)

Clojure is partially a lazy language. Clojure is lazy in the way it handles its sequence types. Laziness是FP重要的特征, pure FP应该是lazy language, 比如Haskell. 当然完全的lazy带来问题是, 无法保证程序的执行顺序.  而Clojure是在实用性和pure