c 201806 26665.html,2018年12月英语六级阅读试题解析-第二套 Part C

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Part C:仔细阅读

Passage One

Children with attention problems in early childhood were 40 percent less

likely to graduate from high school, says a new study from Duke University that

examines how early childhood characteristics affect academic performance.

"There's not a lot out there about how early attention problems affect

academic outcomes over such a long time frame," said David Rabiner, an associate

dean of Duke's Trinity College of Arts & Sciences and a faculty fellow of

the Duke Center for Child and Family Policy. "This study is one of the first to

focus on how attention problems as early as first grade relate to such an

important educational outcome as high school graduation."

The study, published in School Psychology Review, included 386

kindergarteners from schools in the Fast Track Project, a multi-site clinical

trial in the U.S. that in 1991 began tracking how children developed across

their lives.

With this study, researchers examined early academic, attention and

socioemotional skills and how each contributed to academic success into young


They found early attention skills were the most consistent predictor of

academic success, but that likability also had a modest effect on academic


By fifth grade, children with early attention difficulties had lower grades

and reading achievement scores than their peers. As fifth-graders, children with

early attention problems experienced average reading scores at least 3 percent

lower than their contemporaries' and grades at least 8 percent lower than those

of their peers. This was after controlling for IQ, socioeconomic status and

academic skills at school entry.

Although these may not seem like large effects, the impact of early

attention problems continued to reverberate throughout the children's academic

careers. Lower reading achievement scores and grades in fifth grade contributed

to reduced grades in middle school and thereby contributed to a 40 percent lower

high school graduation rate.

"The children we identified as having attention difficulties were not

diagnosed with ADHD, although some may have had the disorder. Our findings

suggest that even more modest attention difficulties can increase the risk for

negative academic outcomes," said Rabiner, whose research has focused on

attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, or ADHD, and interventions to improve

academic performance in children with attention difficulties.

Social acceptance by peers in early childhood also predicted grades in

fifth grade. Children who were not as liked by their first-grade peers had

slightly lower grades in fifth grade, while those with higher social acceptance

had higher grades.

Researchers said this is the first study to use children's own reports of

their peers' likability to look at whether peer relations can help predict

academic outcomes when accounting for other factors such as early academic

skills and attention problems.

"This study shows the importance of so-called 'non-cognitive' or soft

skills in contributing to children's positive peer relationships, which, in

turn, contribute to their academic success," said Kenneth A. Dodge, the director

of the Duke Center for Child and Family Policy and a professor of public policy

and neuroscience at the university.

The results highlight the need to develop effective early interventions to

help those with attention problems stay on track academically and for educators

to encourage positive peer relationships, the researchers said.

"We are learning that student success requires a more comprehensive

approach, one that incorporates not only academic skills but also social,

self-regulatory and attention skills," Dodge said. "If we neglect any of these

areas, the child's development lags. If we attend to these areas, a child's

success may reinforce itself with positive feedback loops."

46. What is the focus of the new study from Duke University?

【答案】BThe predictors of children’s academic success.

【解析】细节题。根据题干信息focus,new study,Duke University,定位到“Children with attention

problems in early childhood were 40 percent less likely to graduate from high

school, says a new study from Duke University that examines how early childhood

characteristics affect academic performance.”

Duke大学的一项新研究表明,儿童早期注意力问题儿童从高中毕业的可能性降低了40%,该研究调查了儿童早期特征如何影响学业成绩。其中,The predictors

of children’s academic success.是对examines how early childhood characteristics

affect academic performance的概括,故答案为B。

47. How did the researchers ensure that their findings are valid?

【答案】ABy attaching equal importance to all possible variables examined.

【解析】细节题。根据题干信息researchers ensure,findings,valid定位到“With this study,

researchers examined early academic, attention and socioemotional skills and how

each contributed to academic success into young adulthood.”


48.What do we learn from the findings of the Duke study?

【答案】BThere are more children with attention difficulties than previously


【解析】细节题。根据题干信息,findings of the Duke


49.What does the Duke study find about children better accepted by


【答案】A They do better academically.

【解析】细节题。根据题干信息Duke study,children better accepted by peers定位到“Social

acceptance by peers in early childhood also predicted grades in fifth grade.

Children who were not as liked by their first-grade peers had slightly lower

grades in fifth grade, while those with higher social acceptance had higher



50.What can we conclude from the Duke study?

【答案】C Social skills are playing a key role in children’s development





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