ComPDFKit PDF SDK v1.10

2023-11-01 12:45
文章标签 sdk pdf compdfkit v1.10

本文主要是介绍ComPDFKit PDF SDK v1.10,希望对大家解决编程问题提供一定的参考价值,需要的开发者们随着小编来一起学习吧!

ComPDFKit PDF SDK v1.10

  Added support for digital signatures (Windows, Android and iOS Editions).

  Added support for resetting the filled content of all the forms in the document (Windows Edition).

  Added support for setting font styles in content editing mode, such as font type, font weight (thickness), font size, color, etc (iOS Edition).

  ComPDFKit PDF SDK allows developers to integrate PDF Annotations, Format Conversion, Digital Signature, Smart Forms, OCR, redaction, and more capabilities in their applications on Windows (iOS and Android platform editions are also available) and the web.

  ComPDFKit PDF SDK includes the following key features:

  Viewer - Maintain a smooth viewing experience in even the most complex PDF documents with fast and battle-tested rendering engine. Providing solutions to accommodate a fully customizable UI with powerful PDF APIs.

  Annotation - Markup PDFs with highlights, stamps, and comments, draw and add notes to PDFs, or create custom annotations, each with its own style controls. Bring users an excellent reading and writing experience, import and export is also available.

  Signature - Apply electronic and digital signatures in PDFs to trace and speed up signing workflows. Certify, and validate certificate-based documents you receive.

  Forms - Easily create PDF forms. By supporting fillable AcroForms, XFA, and non-interactive forms, your users can view, fill from fields, edit, and save forms with ease.

  Document Editor - Embed document manipulation and page editing tools to split , extract, and merge PDFs, making it easy to add, reorder, duplicate, rotate, crop, and delete pages.

  Edit PDF - Automatically detect font and size of the original text content. Easily update PDF documents by changing text and images.

  Security - Expand beyond basic encryption password and permission settings to protect PDF documents. Included are sensitive information redaction, customized watermarks, and much more.

  PDF to PDF/A - PDF/A converter is an extremely convenient function to make sure you can open files regardless of how many years go by. It enables to convert scanned PDF to searchable text(OCR required) for indexing and archiving legacy and paper documents. Besides all documents which are fully compliant with current ISO archiving standards.

这篇关于ComPDFKit PDF SDK v1.10的文章就介绍到这儿,希望我们推荐的文章对编程师们有所帮助!



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PDF 软件如何帮助您编辑、转换和保护文件。

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要从每个 PDF 文件中提取全文内容,并将这些内容粘贴到一个新的或现有的表格中,你可以使用 Python 的库来完成这一任务。以下是一个简化的步骤和示例代码,展示如何实现这个过程。 步骤概述 读取文件夹中的所有 PDF 文件。提取每个 PDF 文件的全文内容。创建一个新的 Excel 表格或使用现有的表格。将提取的内容粘贴到表格中,每个 PDF 的内容放在一个垂直单元格中。保存表格文件。 所

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.Net Mvc-导出PDF-思路方案

效果图: 导语:     在我们做项目的过程中,经常会遇到一些服务性的需求,感到特别困扰,明明实用的价值不高,但是还是得实现;     因此小客在这里整理一下自己导出PDF的一些思路,供大家参考。     网上有很多导出PDF运用到的插件,大家也可以看看其他插件的使用,学习学习; 提要:     这里我使用的是-iTextSharp,供大家参考参考,借鉴方案,完善思路,补充自己,一起学习