
2023-10-31 11:40
文章标签 服务 披萨



As technologists, we tend to live in a world of acronyms and terms quite common to those of us in the industry. But this abbreviated language can seem like a foreign language to those outside of it. Recently, while on a bicycle ride, a friend and I were talking technology. In our conversation, I mentioned SOA and the not so recent shift from WS to REST and JSON. I brought up some of the most current cloud announcements and how easily we can now dynamically scale applications or spin up environments. However, five minutes into my rambling the conversation he asked, “What’s SOA?” Without missing a beat I replied, “It’s a TLA”.I then stopped, not literally of course, as I would’ve caused a crash in our weekend makeshift peloton! I stopped when I quickly realized I had just committed a cardinal sin. I assumed he knew the terminology and the technology, though he isn't in the field. And admittedly, since I am passionate about technology, I'm sometimes blissfully unaware that others may not be like me. I began explaining to my friend that TLA is a bit of a joke within the IT industry because it is actually an acronym for a three letter acronym! Yes, us techies rival today's teen in making the English language as short as possible.My babbling made me think back to a recent training session I had the privilege of attending where Professor Stuart Gilson of Harvard University (a professor of Finance) explained the premise of corporate leveraged buyouts (LBO). The session was extremely informative and the delivery of his explanation was thought provoking, something I will never forget. In his lecture, he could have easily digressed into a world of financial jargon and most of us would have likely started daydreaming. However, he explained a leveraged buyout in terms of purchasing a home, which is essentially a leveraged buyout. As I looked around the room, everyone was engaged. Why? Because we all understood it, we have all experienced it and we were all on the same page.So I backtracked a bit in my conversation with my cycling friend and explained the basic acronyms. I even touched on topics such as mobile, cloud and wearable devices, all of the stuff that gets me fired up! Then I lost him again. Somewhere in the conversation I mentioned SaaS, IaaS, PaaS, etc. and again he asked “What’s aaS?” I broke down the basics of cloud computing and its associated service models by using the example of making a pizza. The premise of the “Pizza as a Service” example is quite simple and can be explained as: 1. You can make a pizza at home where you’re responsible for buying all of the ingredients including making the dough. 2. You can purchase some of the ingredients and buy pre-packaged dough. 3 You can have pizza delivered to your home. 4. You can simply load up the family and head out for pizza at your local dining establishment. In each case you’re still having pizza however in some cases you do all of the work and others you have other people do the work for you.As it turns out, the pizza example was something he could relate to and it reaffirmed that sometimes we simply have to take a step back and keep things simple. It's not a new concept, but it’s something a techie easily forgets! Thanks to Professor Gilson for helping me to remember that sometimes keeping it simple is the best way to deliver a message. Time for lunch..pizza anyone?

作为技术人员,我们倾向于生活在一个缩写词和术语的世界中,这些缩写词和术语在我们行业中非常常见。但是这种缩写的语言对于外部的人来说似乎是一种外语。最近,在骑自行车时,我和一个朋友在谈论技术。在我们的对话中,我提到了SOA,以及最近从WS到REST和JSON的转变。我提到了一些最新的云公告,以及我们现在如何轻松地动态扩展应用程序或启动环境。但是,到我漫无目的地走了五分钟对话 他问:“ SOA是什么?”我没有错过任何机会,我回答说,“这是TLA”。



我的胡言乱语让我回想起最近的一次培训课程,我有幸参加了哈佛大学的Stuart Gilson教授(金融学教授)讲解企业杠杆收购(LBO)的前提。会议非常有益,他的解释令人发指,这是我永远不会忘记的事情。在他的演讲中,他本可以轻松进入金融行话世界,而我们大多数人可能已经开始做白日梦。但是,他从购买房屋的角度解释了杠杆收购,本质上是杠杆收购。当我环顾房间时,每个人都参与其中。为什么?因为我们都了解它,所以我们都经历了它,而且我们都在同一页面上。







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