linkedin 架构_如何升级您的LinkedIn个人资料并获得雇用

2023-10-31 07:10

本文主要是介绍linkedin 架构_如何升级您的LinkedIn个人资料并获得雇用,希望对大家解决编程问题提供一定的参考价值,需要的开发者们随着小编来一起学习吧!

linkedin 架构

Having a professional LinkedIn profile is hugely beneficial to your career as developer/designer/writer – some even consider it mandatory. But what is a professional LinkedIn profile? What should be included, and what left out?

拥有专业的LinkedIn个人资料对您作为开发人员/设计师/作家的职业非常有益-有些人甚至认为它是强制性的。 但是,LinkedIn的专业资料是什么? 应该包括什么,什么不包括?

In this article I will show you what employers find important when looking at your LinkedIn profile. I will also show you what to add as extra details for your development, designing or writing skills. In the end you will be able to create a detailed and professional LinkedIn profile you can be proud of.

在本文中,我将向您展示在查看您的LinkedIn个人资料时哪些雇主认为重要。 我还将向您展示为您的开发,设计或写作技能添加哪些额外的细节。 最后,您将能够创建一个引以为傲的详细,专业的LinkedIn个人资料。

基础 (The Basics)

个人资料图片 (Profile picture)

Jeff Weiner

The phrase “a picture is worth a thousand words” is especially true for your profile picture. Of course your skills and experience are far more important than how you look, but you have to accept the fact that humans are visually oriented. Just make sure you look into the camera with your face fully shown. Try to laugh a bit as well, but don’t over-do it.

短语“一张图片值得一千个单词”对于您的个人资料图片尤其如此。 当然,您的技能和经验比您的外表重要得多,但是您必须接受这样一个事实,即人类是视觉导向的。 只需确保完全露出脸部地看着相机即可。 尝试笑一点,但不要过度做。

标题 (Headline)

There are many different ways to fill in your headline. It’s quite simple when you’re the CEO of LinkedIn: lead with that title. But what if you’re a developer with multiple skills, and you don’t want to limit yourself by displaying just one title? In that case you should always keep in mind who will be screening your profile.

有很多不同的方法来填写标题。 当您是LinkedIn的首席执行官时,这很简单:以该职位为首。 但是,如果您是一名具有多种技能的开发人员,又不想只显示一个标题来限制自己,该怎么办? 在这种情况下,您应始终牢记谁将筛选您的个人资料。

Most of the time it won’t be the same person you’re going to have have your interview with. Recruiters will skim through hundreds of profiles looking for PHP developers, for example. Make sure you are listed as one, but don’t get too technical in your headline.

在大多数情况下,面试的对象不会是同一个人。 例如,招聘人员将浏览数百个个人资料,寻找PHP开发人员。 确保您被列为一体,但标题不要太过专业。

It’s safe to assume recruiters only possess the most rudimentary knowledge about coding, just enough to select candidates. Their clients will be the ones interested in your specific skills, but that’s what your summary is for.

可以肯定的是,招聘人员仅拥有最基本的编码知识,足以选择候选人。 他们的客户将是对您的特定技能感兴趣的客户,但这就是您的摘要的目的。

摘要 (Summary)

The summary briefly describes what kind of work you do, but more importantly: why people should hire you.


This is also where you should list your specific skills. If your headline is “Creative Designer”, fill in the applications you’re proficient with. If you’re a writer, use this space to clarify what you write about. Again, don’t over-do it; try to summarize as much as possible. Your goal is to get invited for an interview, where you can then elaborate on your skills.

这也是您应该列出自己的特定技能的地方。 如果您的标题是“ Creative Designer”,请填写您精通的应用程序。 如果您是作家,请使用此空间来澄清您所写的内容。 同样,不要过度操作; 尽量总结。 您的目标是被邀请参加面试,然后在其中详细阐述您的技能。

经验 (Experience)

Experience section

This is where our LinkedIn CEO gets a bit sloppy, because in your experience list you need to specify more than just being a member as he does. Providing your job title is one thing, but what’s more important is how you performed at that particular task. Explain how you benefited the company or client and try to display specific achievements or results.

这就是我们的LinkedIn CEO有点草率的地方,因为在您的经验列表中,您需要指定的不仅仅是他的成员身份。 提供职位名称是一回事,但更重要的是您如何完成特定任务。 说明您如何使公司或客户受益,并尝试显示特定的成就或结果。

Being a freelancer is a great way of avoiding gaps in your profile, since it will always be displayed as “- Present”. This is also where you put in your ongoing clients, but it’s okay to display specific projects separately if they are worth mentioning.

成为自由职业者是避免您的个人资料出现空白的好方法,因为它始终显示为“-Present”。 您也可以在这里放置正在进行的客户,但是如果值得一提的话,可以单独显示特定项目。

教育 (Education)

Your education is important, but not as important as your experience. Try to keep it brief, but include important achievements. Don’t include your publications here, since there’s a dedicated section for that purpose.

您的教育很重要,但不如您的经历重要。 尽量简短,但要取得重要成就。 不要在这里包括您的出版物,因为有专门的部分用于此目的。

联系信息 (Contact information)

You can include as much as you like. Phone numbers, your address, your Twitter and other social media accounts, and your website.

您可以根据需要添加尽可能多的内容。 电话号码,您的地址,您的Twitter和其他社交媒体帐户以及您的网站。

群组/关注 (Groups / Following)

You should always join a few groups and follow a few companies. Besides a great (and visual) way of showing your interests this also allows for group notifications. This way you will receive emails about questions other group members are asking, where you can chime in to show your expertise.

您应该始终加入一些小组并关注一些公司。 除了一种很好的(视觉上的)表达兴趣的方式之外,还可以进行群组通知。 这样,您将收到有关其他小组成员正在询问的问题的电子邮件,您可以在此提示自己的专业知识。

花哨的 (Making it fancy)

Once upon a time, your LinkedIn profile couldn’t include more than the above listed basics. But nowadays there are tons of ways to make your profile stand out. Try to include some of the following items:

很久以来,您的LinkedIn个人资料最多只能包含上述基本知识。 但是如今,有无数种方法可以使您的个人资料脱颖而出。 尝试包括以下一些项目:

技能与认可 (Skills & Endorsements)

Skills section

This one is a must, since it allows for your contacts to easily endorse your skills. LinkedIn even promotes this feature on top of every page.

这是必须的,因为它允许您的联系人轻松地认可您的技能。 LinkedIn甚至在每个页面的顶部都推广了此功能。

推荐建议 (Recommendations)

This is something others have to fill in for you, but you can ask past or ongoing clients for a recommendation on your work. This is the most powerful way of showing what you do and how you do it. Don’t be afraid to ask, you’ll be surprised how many people happily give you a good recommendation. Especially when you return the favor.

这是其他人必须为您填写的内容,但是您可以向过去或正在进行的客户提出有关您工作的建议。 这是显示您的工作方式和方式的最强大的方法。 不要害怕问,您会惊讶于有多少人高兴地给您一个很好的建议。 尤其是当您返回青睐时。

专案 (Projects)

Projects are basically shown as work experience, but in a separated list. They are specially useful when working with ongoing clients.

项目基本上以工作经验的形式显示,但以单独的列表形式显示。 与正在进行的客户合作时,它们特别有用。

刊物 (Publications)

As with projects, these are in a different list to set them apart. Recruiters will look for this if you’re a professional writer.

与项目一样,这些项目在不同的列表中以区分它们。 如果您是专业作家,招聘人员会寻找这个。

荣誉/奖项/考试成绩/课程/专利/证书 (Honors / Awards / Test Scores / Courses / Patents / Certifications)

If you really have something special to show, you can use any of these specialized sections for it. Use these wisely since they can very quickly make your page look crowded, but this is the best way to display a patent, for example.

如果确实要显示一些特别的东西,则可以使用这些特别部分中的任何一个。 明智地使用它们,因为它们可以很快使您的页面显得拥挤,但这是例如显示专利的最佳方法。

义工的经历和原因 (Volunteer Experiences & Causes)

Volunteer section

A special mention is reserved for this volunteering section. If you really contribute(d) to a specific cause, don’t be shy to put it on display. It shows something about who you are and what you stand for, and can also act as relevant work experience.

在此志愿服务部分特别提及。 如果您确实为特定原因做出了贡献,请不要害羞地展示出来。 它显示了有关您是谁以及您代表什么的信息,还可以充当相关的工作经验。

Each of these items offers the option to include relevant links and attachments like PDF’s, PowerPoint presentations etc. You can even include YouTube movies if you like.


不要 (Don’ts)

To make a professional impression, there are a few things you should not put in your LinkedIn profile (or try to minimize).


  • A phone number as your headline: Why should people call you when they don’t know what to call you for?


  • Writing “Looking for work” in your headline: Again, what do you do? Use something like, “Experienced PHP developer | Available for a new challenge” instead.

    在标题中写“寻找工作”:同样,您会做什么? 使用类似“经验丰富PHP开发人员| 可用于新挑战”。

  • Too many stars/check marks: Use them where appropriate, but only to highlight important skills or experiences.


  • Changing your profile too many times: If you add skills, try to add several at once or publish without notification. People in your network soon get tired of seeing you in their update list every week. Besides, skills are usually learned over a longer period of time.

    太多次更改个人资料:如果您添加技能,请尝试一次添加多个技能,或在不通知的情况下发布。 网络中的人们很快就会厌倦每周看到他们的更新列表。 此外,技能通常是在较长的时间内学习的。

  • Listing every little job you’ve had: Try to display only relevant experience in your list, and try to combine multiple functions within one company. It’s great you did every job McDonalds had to offer you when you were 16, but how relevant is that when you’re looking for design work?

    列出您所从事的每项小工作:尝试仅在列表中显示相关经验,并尝试在一家公司中合并多个职能。 当您16岁时,麦当劳为您提供的每一项工作都很棒,但是当您寻找设计作品时,它有多重要呢?

  • Look smarter than you actually are: It’s very appealing to include every study or course you briefly glanced at in your education list. But recruiters know how to deal with this, so you can be sure to get some tricky questions about it.

    看起来比实际要聪明:将您简要浏览过的每项研究或课程都包括在教育列表中,这非常吸引人。 但是招聘人员知道如何处理此问题,因此您可以确定遇到一些棘手的问题。

结论 (Conclusion)

It will probably cost you a few hours to make a professional LinkedIn profile, but in the end it’s worth the effort. LinkedIn has really improved its service in the last few years, so even if you’ve already got an active profile it’s advisable to take some time and use some of the new elements.

制作专业的LinkedIn简介可能要花几个小时,但最后还是值得的。 LinkedIn在过去几年中确实改善了其服务,因此,即使您已经拥有活跃的个人资料,也建议您花一些时间并使用一些新元素。

When you start promoting your profile, you’ll soon find out how many people (and who) are actually going through your profile. LinkedIn keeps you notified of this, but it’s even better when you actually acquire a new job or client because of it. That’s what makes it all worthwhile.

当您开始宣传个人资料时,您很快就会发现实际上有多少人(和谁)正在浏览您的个人资料。 LinkedIn会及时通知您,但是当您真正获得新工作或新客户时,LinkedIn会更好。 这就是使这一切值得的原因。

When you want to take it up a notch and go even more professional, it might be time to think about building your personal portfolio site. Don’t forget to link to it from your LinkedIn profile.

如果您想提高自己的水平并变得更加专业,那么可能是时候考虑构建您的个人投资组合网站了 。 不要忘记从您的LinkedIn个人资料链接到它。

Do you have any tips for creating a better LinkedIn profile?



linkedin 架构

这篇关于linkedin 架构_如何升级您的LinkedIn个人资料并获得雇用的文章就介绍到这儿,希望我们推荐的文章对编程师们有所帮助!



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介绍 响应式架构(Reactive Architecture)是一种面向服务和事件的系统设计方法,旨在提高系统的可扩展性、弹性和容错能力。它适用于构建分布式系统,特别是在云环境和微服务架构中。响应式架构的核心理念是通过事件驱动和数据流来实现各个组件之间的解耦,从而提高整个系统的响应能力和可靠性。 响应式架构的主要特点包括: 响应性:系统能够快速响应外部事件和内部变化,确保在各种负载和故障情


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随着网站业务不断发展,用户规模越来越大,由于中国复杂的网络环境,不同地区的用户访问网站时,速度差别也极大。有研究表明,网站访问延迟和用户流失率正相关,网站访问越慢,用户越容易失去耐心而离开。为了提供更好的用户体验,留住用户,网站需要加速网站访问速度。      主要手段:使用CDN和反向代理。如图。     使用CDN和反向代理的目的都是尽早返回数据给用户,一方面加快用户访问速


网站在使用缓存后,使绝大部分数据读操作访问都可以不通过数据库就能完成,但是仍有一部分读操作(缓存访问不命中、缓存过期)和全部的写操作需要访问数据库,在网站的用户达到一定规模后,数据库因为负载压力过大而成为网站的瓶颈。      目前豆粉的主流数据库都提供主从热备功能,通过配置两台数据库主从关系,可以将一台数据库服务器的数据更新同步到另一台服务器上。网站利用数据库的这一功能,


使用集群是网站解决高并发、海量数据问题的常用手段。当一台服务器的处理能力、存储空间不足时,不要企图去更换更强大的服务器,对大型服务器而言,不管多么强大的服务器,都满足不了网站持续增长的业务需求。这种情况下,更恰当的做法是增加一台服务器分担原有服务器的访问及存储压力。 对网站架构而言,只要能通过增加一台服务器的方式改善负载压力,就可以以同样的方式持续增加服务器不断改善系统性能,从而实现系统


随着网站业务的发展,一台服务器逐渐不能满足需求:越来越多的用户访问导致性能越来越差,越来越多的数据导致存储空间不足。这时就需要将应用和数据分离。应用和数据分离后整个网站使用三台服务器:应用服务器、文件服务器和数据库服务器,如图。              这三台服务器对硬件资源的要求各不相同: 应用服务器需要处理大量的业务逻辑,因此需要更快更强大的CPU;


大型网站的技术挑战主要来自于庞大的用户,高并发的访问和海量的数据,任何简单的业务一旦需要处理数以P计的数据和面对数以亿计的用户,问题就会变得很棘手。大型网站架构主要是解决这类问题。         大型网站都是从小型网站发展而来,网站架构也是一样,是从小型网站架构逐步演化而来。小型网站最开始时没有太多人访问,只需要一台服务器就绰绰有余,这时的网站架构如图所示。

