1. 安装系统
(1) GIT 和Go安装
安装git sudo apt-get install git
从https://www.golangtc.com/download 下载go
sudo tar -zxf go1.9.linux-amd64.tar.gz -C /usr/local
vim ~/.profile
export GOROOT=/usr/local/go
export GOPATH=/home/xxx/go
export GOBIN=/home/xxx/gobin
source ~/.profile
echo $PATH 验证
(2) 下载PBC密码库并编译
sudo apt-get install libgmp-dev
sudo apt-get install build-essential flex bison
到https://crypto.stanford.edu/pbc/download.html 下载 PBC Go Wrapper软件包
sudo make install
sudo ldconfig
(3) Liteide安装
$ git clone https://github.com/visualfc/liteide.git
$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt-get install qt4-dev-tools libqt4-dev libqtcore4 libqtgui4 libqtwebkit-dev g++
$ cd liteide/build
$ ./update_pkg.sh
$ QTDIR=/usr ./build_linux.sh
## Run it: ##
$ cd ~/liteide/build/liteide/bin
$ ./liteide
2. 演示
package main
import (
func main() {
// In a real application, generate this once and publish it
params := pbc.GenerateA(160, 512)
pairing := params.NewPairing()
// Initialize group elements. pbc automatically handles garbage collection.
g := pairing.NewG1()
h := pairing.NewG2()
x := pairing.NewGT()
// Generate random group elements and pair them
fmt.Printf("g = %s\n", g)
fmt.Printf("h = %s\n", h)
x.Pair(g, h)
fmt.Printf("e(g,h) = %s\n", x)
// This example computes and verifies a Boneh-Lynn-Shacham signature
// in a simulated conversation between Alice and Bob.
package main
import (
// messageData represents a signed message sent over the network
type messageData struct {
message string
signature []byte
// This example computes and verifies a Boneh-Lynn-Shacham signature in a
// simulated conversation between Alice and Bob.
func main() {
// The authority generates system parameters
// In a real application, generate this once and publish it
params := pbc.GenerateA(160, 512)
pairing := params.NewPairing()// instantiates a pairing
g := pairing.NewG2().Rand()
// The authority distributes params and g to Alice and Bob
sharedParams := params.String()
sharedG := g.Bytes()
// Channel for messages. Normally this would be a network connection.
messageChannel := make(chan *messageData)
// Channel for public key distribution. This might be a secure out-of-band
// channel or something like a web of trust. The public key only needs to
// be transmitted and verified once. The best way to do this is beyond the
// scope of this example.
keyChannel := make(chan []byte)
// Channel to wait until both simulations are done
finished := make(chan bool)
// Simulate the conversation participants
go alice(sharedParams, sharedG, messageChannel, keyChannel, finished)
go bob(sharedParams, sharedG, messageChannel, keyChannel, finished)
// Wait for the communication to finish
// Alice generates a keypair and signs a message
func alice(sharedParams string, sharedG []byte, messageChannel chan *messageData, keyChannel chan []byte, finished chan bool) {
// Alice loads the system parameters
pairing, _ := pbc.NewPairingFromString(sharedParams) // loads pairing parameters from a string and instantiates a pairing
g := pairing.NewG2().SetBytes(sharedG)
// Generate keypair (x, g^x)
privKey := pairing.NewZr().Rand()
pubKey := pairing.NewG2().PowZn(g, privKey)
// Send public key to Bob
keyChannel <- pubKey.Bytes()
// Some time later, sign a message, hashed to h, as h^x
message := "some text to sign"
h := pairing.NewG1().SetFromStringHash(message, sha256.New())
signature := pairing.NewG2().PowZn(h, privKey)
// Send the message and signature to Bob
messageChannel <- &messageData{message: message, signature: signature.Bytes()}
finished <- true
// Bob verifies a message received from Alice
func bob(sharedParams string, sharedG []byte, messageChannel chan *messageData, keyChannel chan []byte, finished chan bool) {
// Bob loads the system parameters
pairing, _ := pbc.NewPairingFromString(sharedParams)
g := pairing.NewG2().SetBytes(sharedG)
// Bob receives Alice's public key (and presumably verifies it manually)
pubKey := pairing.NewG2().SetBytes(<-keyChannel)
// Some time later, Bob receives a message to verify
data := <-messageChannel
signature := pairing.NewG1().SetBytes(data.signature)
// To verify, Bob checks that e(h,g^x)=e(sig,g)
h := pairing.NewG1().SetFromStringHash(data.message, sha256.New())
temp1 := pairing.NewGT().Pair(h, pubKey)
temp2 := pairing.NewGT().Pair(signature, g)
if !temp1.Equals(temp2) {
fmt.Println("*BUG* Signature check failed *BUG*")
} else {
fmt.Println("Signature verified correctly")
finished <- true