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2021年秋季学期,香港科技大学空气动力学声学与噪声控制技术中心拟招收计算机软硬件相关专业博士生,以下是2个方向的招生简章,优秀本科生和硕士研究生均可报名,有意者可将简历发送至Dr. Yi Fang


forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=1826491PhD Student in Rotor/Helicopter Aerodynamics and AeroacousticsDepartment of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering

Studentship: ~216,000 HKD per annual

Expected Start Date: 1st September, 2021

A PhD studentship is available in aerodynamics and aeroacoustics of rotor/helicopter and the sports-engineering at the Aerodynamics Acoustics and Noise Control Technology Centre (AANTC) at HKUST. For the rotor/helicopter study, the PhD candidate will be part of a research group aimed at developing software for drone noise computation and the relavent environmental impact evaluation based on the established physics-based models.

The research areas of the PhD thesis research may include one or more of the areas below:To develop a drone noise prediction platform on multiple platforms (Web, Desktop App, Android App, IOS App).

To develop a drone noise visualization platform to build the cutting-edge human-computer interaction interface such as VR and AR. The platform should based on the mainstream visualization frameworks and engines.

To optimize the drone noise and aerodynamics prediction methods for real-time prediction and performance estimation. The optimization should be based on using state-of-the-art hardware (e.g. GPU parallel computing) and implementing advanced algotithms.

Key requirements include:Bachelor or Master degree in computer science, software engineering, or other relevant engineering disciplines.

Proficiency in at least one mainstream programming language (C++, Java, Kotlin, Object-C…) (required).

Have experience in relevant full stack (web front-end/back-end/App) development (required).

Skilled in computer graphics (desirable) or computer vision (desirable).

Have relevant experience in VR development (desirable).

Familiar with mainstream visualization tools (desirable).

Fluency in English (required) and Mandarin (desirable).

Aerodynamics Acoustics and Noise control Technology Centre (AANTC)

The AANTC centre is led by Prof. Xin Zhang and it is based in the School of Engineering, which has a strong international reputation and consistently ranks highly among the top engineering schools. At the AANTC academic staff, research fellows and PhD students work together to develop advanced computational codes, noise prediction software and noise reduction concepts to provide engineering solutions for industry. The centre possesses a suite of high-order computational aeroacoustic codes, and various noise and flow facilities. The group has an extensive global network of academic links and industry collaborations. For current projects and research at the AANTC, please see

If you are interested, please send your CV and academic transcript to Dr. Yi Fang

forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=1826491PhD Student in Sports-Engineering AerodynamicsDepartment of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering

Salary Range: Postgraduate studentship at about 216,000 HKD per annual

Expected Start Date: 1st September, 2021

A PhD studentship is available in Sports-Engineering Aerodynamics at the Aerodynamics Acoustics and Noise Control Technology Centre (AANTC) at HKUST. The position is a part of an exciting opportunity to work with professional sports teams, sports aerodynamics specialist and racing car professionals. The PhD candidate will take part in two projects. The first project aims to enhance the aerodynamic performance of professional cyclists. The second project aims to improve the racing strategies of professional windsurfers. The PhD candidate will be part of a team that focuses on developing software for athletes to enhance their performance in competitive sports based on the established physics-based models.

The research areas of the PhD thesis research may include one or more of the areas below:To develop a sport assessment and training system on multiple platforms (Web, Desktop App, Android App, IOS App).

To develop a sport assessment and training visualization platform to build the cutting-edge human-computer interaction interface such as VR and AR. The platform should based on the mainstream visualization frameworks and engines.

To optimize the sport assessment and training methods for real-time assessment. The optimization should be based on using state-of-the-art hardware (e.g. GPU parallel computing) and implementing advanced algotithms.

Key requirements include:Bachelor or Master degree in computer science, software engineering, or other relevant engineering disciplines.

Proficiency in at least one mainstream programming language (C++, Java, Kotlin, Object-C…) (required).

Have experience in relevant full stack (web front-end/back-end/App) development (required).

Skilled in computer graphics (desirable) or computer vision (desirable).

Have relevant experience in VR development (desirable).

Familiar with mainstream visualization tools (desirable).

Fluency in English (required) and Mandarin (desirable).

Aerodynamics Acoustics and Noise control Technology Centre (AANTC)

The AANTC centre is led by Prof. Xin Zhang and it is based in the School of Engineering, which has a strong international reputation and consistently ranks highly among the top engineering schools. At the AANTC academic staff, research fellows and PhD students work together to develop advanced computational codes, noise prediction software and noise reduction concepts to provide engineering solutions for industry. The centre possesses a suite of high-order computational aeroacoustic codes, and various noise and flow facilities. The group has an extensive global network of academic links and industry collaborations. For current projects and research at the AANTC, please see

If you are interested, please send your CV and academic transcript to Dr. Yi Fang



GPU 计算 CMPS224 2021 学习笔记 02

并行类型 (1)任务并行 (2)数据并行 CPU & GPU CPU和GPU拥有相互独立的内存空间,需要在两者之间相互传输数据。 (1)分配GPU内存 (2)将CPU上的数据复制到GPU上 (3)在GPU上对数据进行计算操作 (4)将计算结果从GPU复制到CPU上 (5)释放GPU内存 CUDA内存管理API (1)分配内存 cudaErro

2021-8-14 react笔记-2 创建组件 基本用法

1、目录解析 public中的index.html为入口文件 src目录中文件很乱,先整理文件夹。 新建components 放组件 新建assets放资源   ->/images      ->/css 把乱的文件放进去  修改App.js 根组件和index.js入口文件中的引入路径 2、新建组件 在components文件夹中新建[Name].js文件 //组件名首字母大写

2021-08-14 react笔记-1 安装、环境搭建、创建项目

1、环境 1、安装nodejs 2.安装react脚手架工具 //  cnpm install -g create-react-app 全局安装 2、创建项目 create-react-app [项目名称] 3、运行项目 npm strat  //cd到项目文件夹    进入这个页面  代表运行成功  4、打包 npm run build


天行健,君子以自强不息;地势坤,君子以厚德载物。 每个人都有惰性,但不断学习是好好生活的根本,共勉! 文章均为学习整理笔记,分享记录为主,如有错误请指正,共同学习进步。 月下飞天镜,云生结海楼。 ——《渡荆门送别》 信息系统项目管理师备考专栏 软考全称:计算机技术与软件专业技术资格(水平)考试 官网直达:中国计算机技术职业资格网 文章目录 软考介绍1.

[SWPUCTF 2021 新生赛]web方向(一到六题) 解题思路,实操解析,解题软件使用,解题方法教程

题目来源 NSSCTF | 在线CTF平台因为热爱,所以长远!NSSCTF平台秉承着开放、自由、共享的精神,欢迎每一个CTFer使用。   [SWPUCTF 2021 新生赛]gift_F12 这个题目简单打开后是一个网页  我们一般按F12或者是右键查看源代码。接着我们点击ctrl+f后快速查找,根据题目给的格式我们搜索c


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点击上方蓝色字体,选择“设为星标” 回复”资源“获取更多资源 这是一个读者发表的个人随笔,在某论坛引起了大家的关注。讲述了一个计算机专业的同学求学的过往,个人深受感动。争得了作者的同意分享给大家。  小编个人大学四年加研究生三年求学经历亲身体会,大学首要在明智。知道自己未来要做什么,怎么做才是最重要的。 为了对作者个人隐私做保护,文中删除了个人相关信息。 毕业将至,步入社会,几张文凭,几张


点击上方蓝色字体,选择“设为星标” 回复”资源“获取更多资源 长话短说。 今天有点晚,因为一些事情耽误了,文章发出来有些晚。 周末的时候和一个知识星球的读者1对1指导了一些应届生的学习路径和简历准备。 因为马上就要秋招了,有些公司的提前批已经启动。2021年已经过半了,各位。时间真是太快了。 正好周末抽了一点时间看之前买的关于面试的电子书,针对校招和社招的面试准备和需要注意的点在啰嗦几句。 校


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