A critique is one of the most important activities a designer can experience. Contributing and responding to design feedback is a skill, as much as drawing a line or choosing colors. Constructive feedback can advance the quality of your work, and ultimately your career.
批判是设计师可以体验的最重要的活动之一。 贡献和响应设计反馈是一项技能,就像画线或选择颜色一样。 建设性的反馈意见可以提高您的工作质量,并最终提高您的职业生涯。
A critique works best if there is an honest mutual desire to improve the work: ideally, those in the audience gain just as much from the process as the presenter. To maximize productivity, a few ground rules should be agreed to:
如果有真诚的共同愿望来改进作品,则批评最好地发挥作用:理想情况下,听众从过程中获得的收益与演示者一样多。 为了最大程度地提高生产力,应同意一些基本规则:
Ensure that you understand the context. A critique is only valid if the purpose of the piece is clearly understood.
确保您了解上下文 。 只有清楚地理解了作品的目的,批评才是有效的。
Leave your ego outside the room. Open, honest dialog is key. Try your very best not to take things personally.
把自我放在房间外面 。 开放,诚实的对话是关键。 尽力不要把事情当成个人。
有理由 。 “我喜欢”并不是特别有用。 表达作品的感觉很重要,但是您也应该能够阐明某件事起作用或失败的原因。
Talk about the work as it is, not the person presenting it or the circumstances of its creation.
谈论作品本身 ,而不是介绍作品的人或创作环境。
“I would have…” is not useful. What you would do, or not do, is not helpful feedback. Instead, talk about what’s best for the work.
“我会……”没有用 。 您会做或不做的事对反馈没有帮助。 相反,谈论最适合的工作。
Reference prior work. The success and failure of other pieces helps contextualize the work, and can help guide better design decisions. Ideally, use data. For example: “The illustrative content used here is strong, but it will increase file size greatly. Most users will give up if a site is not loaded after five seconds: how are you taking that into account?”
参考先前的工作 。 其他部分的成败有助于将工作情境化,并有助于指导更好的设计决策。 理想情况下,使用数据。 例如:“此处使用的说明性内容很强,但会大大增加文件大小。 如果五秒钟后网站没有加载,大多数用户会放弃:您如何考虑这一点?”
Record feedback. As a rule, we remember very little of what we’ve been told verbally, and what we do recall is often fragmentary or distorted. Recording the feedback means being able to reference it clearly later.
记录反馈 。 通常,我们很少记得口头告诉我们的内容,而我们确实记得的内容往往是零散的或失真的。 记录反馈意味着以后可以清楚地引用它。
翻译自: https://thenewcode.com/837/How-To-Give-A-Design-Critique-And-How-To-Take-One