How To: Install and Configure GitWeb

2023-10-30 05:38
文章标签 install configure gitweb

本文主要是介绍How To: Install and Configure GitWeb,希望对大家解决编程问题提供一定的参考价值,需要的开发者们随着小编来一起学习吧!


Setting up gitweb (web interface for SCM software git) for your project’s git repository for public access and developer commits via ssh.

  1. You already have your project’s git repository.
  2. You have hosting space somewhere to host gitweb.
  3. You have root access.
  4. You are using Apache as webserver.
Example for this howto

Project : VideoCache
Domain for gitweb :
URL for git access for videocache :
Actual path on server : /home/saini/domains/
Git repository : /home/saini/projects/videocache/


Installation is pretty easy. Just one single command would do everything.

localhost ~]
# yum install gitweb (do as root)

This will create a directory /var/www/git which is default for gitweb.

Copy the directory /var/www/git/ to /home/saini/domains/

localhost ~]
# cp -r /var/www/git /home/saini/domains/

1. GitWeb

Open the file /etc/gitweb.conf (it may or may not be there) and add the following lines to it.

# Change This

$projectroot = '/home/saini/domains/' ;
# Change This
$site_name = "Kulbir Saini's git trees." ;
# Don't Change the variables below
$my_uri = "/" ;
$home_link = '/' ;
@stylesheets = ( "/gitweb.css" ) ;
$favicon = "/git-favicon.png" ;
$logo = "/git-logo.png" ;

2. Apache

Open the file /etc/httpd/conf.d/git.conf and clear all the lines that are already there and add the following lines to it

  DocumentRoot /
ErrorLog "/home/saini/domains/"
CustomLog "/home/saini/domains/" combined
SetEnv GITWEB_CONFIG / etc/ gitweb.conf
DirectoryIndex gitweb.cgi

Allow from all
AllowOverride all
Order allow,deny
Options +ExecCGI
AddHandler cgi-script .cgi

SetHandler cgi-script

RewriteEngine on
RewriteRule ^[ a-zA-Z0-9 _/-] +/.git/ ?( /?.* ) ?$ / gitweb.cgi% { REQUEST_URI} [ L,PT]

3. Git repository configuration

Go to your git repository (/home/saini/projects/videocache/ ) and make the following changes.

(a). Open file .git/description and add a short nice description for your project.

videocache is a squid url rewriter plugin written in Python to facilitate youtube, metacafe, dailymotion, google, vimeo, msn soapbox,,, videos and audio caching.

(b). Open file .git/config and append the following lines


owner = "Kulbir Saini"

Copy project’s git repository for gitweb

Copy the /home/saini/projects/videocache/.git directory to /home/saini/domains/

localhost ~]
# cp -r /home/saini/projects/videocache/.git /home/saini/domains/
Finishing Step

Restart Apache webserver.

localhost ~]
# service httpd restart

Now you can browser a list of your projects’ git repositories at .

Adding another project repository

Just copy the project repository’s .git directory to /home/saini/domains/ . And it’ll be shown on the list.

Committing (pushing) to the repository

For committing to the repository via ssh use the following command.

# Pushing everything (Please see the username)

[ root@ localhost videocache] # git push --all ssh://

To update tags on the remote repository use this command.

# Pushing all tags

[ root@ localhost videocache] # git push --tags ssh://

Well, if you consider just the web interface and committing part for your project, thats all. But things can be fine tuned further. Below are few hacks!

1. Enabling nice urls.

By default the urls for browsing repository via git web are pretty crappy and difficult to remember. The RewriteRule and RewriteEngine lines in your Apache configuration file (/etc/httpd/conf.d/git.conf ) takes care of that and produce nice and clean urls.

So you can browser the repository via instead of;a=summary .

2. Enabling remote ls (git-ls-remote or git ls-remote)

This is the most trickiest part. If you try the command below, it won’t produce any output

localhost ~]
# git-ls-remote

You need to go to project’s repository in gitweb and then run the following command to update the server info for git.

localhost ~]
# cd /home/saini/domains/

[ root@ localhost ~] # git-update-server-info

Try the ls-remote command now and it should succeed by producing all the branches and tags in the remote repository.

But there is a problem, you have to run the above command after every commit to the remote repository. To solve this issue, you can enable post-update hook for the project’s repository in gitweb. Use the following command to enable it.

localhost ~]
# cd /home/saini/domains/

[ root@ localhost ~] # chmod +x post-update

The above command will update the server info automatically every time you commit.

Thats all you need to do for setting up gitweb. I hope this will be helpful.

这篇关于How To: Install and Configure GitWeb的文章就介绍到这儿,希望我们推荐的文章对编程师们有所帮助!


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