
2023-10-29 17:10




【Hard issues on creating new business】
   by Armstrong He, founder of Guojin Ahoova Software Technology Co., Ltd.
Hi, My Friend,
  Thanks for your message! Regarding your query, surely I can share some of my true experiences with you, and hopefully the statement below can be helpful somehow.
   When you startup your own business and found a new company,
1. You may have no marketing and sales experience before, if you have been quite technical, but you need to be the first and biggest salesman;
2. You may have no experience to be top management at all, but you always need to make key decisions without too much hesitation, even while you have very limited info or evidence to support your idea.
3. You may have very limited resources like funding and workforce, but you need to build the team effectively;
4. You may not know how to cooperate with a bank for financial support;
5. You may have to worry about company cash flow from time to time before the business is in the right track.
6. You know you have weaknesses but you have to make sure your weaknesses will not make big failures;
7. You might be judged as too young or too old to make the business;
8. You may have to trust and cooperate with a stranger as a teammate, and possibly be tricked by him;
9. You may not know where and how to recruit right people, and You may employ very wrong person for some key positions;
10. You may work very hard to develop your product with very limited workforce, but not very sure how the market will respond;
11. You may find astonishing and disgusting case of being infringed upon your intellectual property by another company, and have to take actions.
12. You may have to write articles for the website and design the product logo, interview the candidates, provide induction or orientation for new staff, and do a lot of miscellaneous jobs by yourself;
13. You may need to learn new tools quickly;
14. You may need to travel very much more, and work hard lonely on the trips;
15. You may make leadership mistakes which may cost high prices;
16. You may lose a customer unexpectedly without knowing exactly why;
17. You may face criticism from your family or friends as they don’t truly know about your business and product;
18. You may not be very sure when you should strictly stick to the rule, and when you should be a little bit flexible;
19. You may get no external investment at all for a very long time due to all sorts of reasons, for instance, your business might be judged “not fast growing” by some so-called “VC”, or you don’t even know that you actually need no investment at all;
  Furthermore, finally what is very crucial is, despite all those hard issues above, you can make mistakes, but you can never make fatal mistake or serial huge mistakes that will cause total business failure.



  But, if you keep your strong will with persistence, insistence and resilience all the time, and finally manage to overcome all those problems above, you will find your own right approach, and get the business on the right track, even by very long-time hard effort. Then I promise you, you will find that’s one sort of the biggest happiness in the whole world! The pains haven’t killed you, and have made you stronger!
  You need to keep learning, even from mistakes, failures and lessons, keep reading good books, control your emotions, and always keep humble.
  You have to think ahead, not only in strategic level, but also in operational level, as thinking ahead leads to a shining future! just like what the song 《When can I see you again》says:
 “Switch on the sky, and the stars glow for you;
  Go see the world 'cause it's all so brand new;
  Don't close your eyes 'cause your future's ready to shine;
  It's just a matter of time before we learn how to fly.”
Armstrong He

[Season’s Song by Servitech]
What is so gorgeous?
With people that we love,
We need to focus.
For the special season,
Family food is delicious;
Other than enjoy good music,
We write a poem for good purpose.
What is so tasty today?
Steamed salmon is on the plate.
Why does Ahoova Team celebrate?
'Cause good luck is never late;
Why can we always be happy?
'Cause poetry time has no template.









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第四章 感受Mac之美-效率提高从操作快捷键开始

了解和掌握快捷键,可以提高工作效率,作用和意义是不言而喻的。节省不必要的操作时间,让你专注做自己真正重要的事。 比如最简单的复制,粘贴之类的入门快捷键,如果每个操作都需要右键执行去操作的话,那么在电脑上做什么操作都会慢一拍。 我是在入手俩周后,自己摸索之后,基本对系统里面基本的快捷键都有个印象了。 看了这么多的快捷键,一时半会也记不住啊,是不是有点崩溃啊,不过大家也不用担心快捷键的记不住,今

第二章 感受Mac 之美-惊艳从Mac 外设开始,一周后的使用感受

期望已久,同时老婆也是极力推荐说,既然是吃饭的家伙,那么就下点血本投资下自己,原来那台已经满足不了你现在的工作效率了,继续沿用,得不偿失啊。 衡量了一下目前的情况,同时考虑到自己也是一个程序员爸爸了,也有房贷在身,所以去没有选择 16g 内存,512g 的 ssd,15.4 或者新版 16 寸大屏幕的高配,而是选择了比较适合我现阶段的配置的【Apple 2019 款 MacBook Pro 13

第一章 感受mac之美-换一种方式用电脑,开启新历程

感谢关注我的读者一直以来的追随与信任。去年到今年以来大环境都不是很好。裁员,机构优化,工厂倒闭,公司破产,贸易战等消息传来,不少还是身边发生的。今年开年以来更是有病毒横行,天降蝗灾等灾害。愿大家都好好的,同时希望这场战役早早告捷。今天是二月二 ,民间传说龙抬头,祝愿大家从此事业腾飞,从此出人头地。 我在这断更的两年中的一些情况,一直处于闭关的状态,一直在学习与实践。后续再和大家一起分享这俩年

利用 Amazon Bedrock 基础模型生成高效邮件回复

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网站监控、功能脚本执行结果邮件: /*** 邮件发送方法* @param string $title 邮件主题* @param string $content 邮件内容*/function send_email($title, $content) {//如下以get请求发送邮件,链接中不能有&符号,以斜杠替换$content = str_replace("&", "/", $content);


金秋九月,丹桂飘香。9月2日晚,第九届“创客中国”生成式人工智能(AIGC)中小企业创新创业大赛招商推介会在南昌高新区艾溪湖畔成功举办。南昌市政府副秘书长、办公室党组成员陈吉炜出席并致辞。市中小企业局党组书记、市工信局党组书记、局长骆军出席。南昌高新区党工委委员、管委会副主任刘用强主持并作高新区推介。南昌高新区生成式人工智能相关企业及大赛参赛选手参加了本次活动。 (市政府副秘书长