本文主要是介绍英国语言班学习资料 百度云_英国速成班培训日,希望对大家解决编程问题提供一定的参考价值,需要的开发者们随着小编来一起学习吧!

英国语言班学习资料 百度云
We’re excited to announce a series of training days across the UK, running throughout the rest of the year. These workshops are a high-intensity crash course in game development using Unity, based on the hugely successful content delivered at the Unite training day in Vancouver last year, updated for 2014.
我们很高兴宣布在英国各地进行一系列的培训活动,该活动将在整个一年的余下时间进行。 这些讲习班是使用Unity开发游戏的高强度速成班,它基于去年在温哥华的Unite培训日 (2014 年更新)上提供的极为成功的内容。

During the one-day workshop, we deliver a rapid run-through of many of Unity’s core features by putting together a game from scratch using a mixture of ready-made prefabs, re-usable components, and editor scripting. We cover asset pipeline, level construction, physics, animated characters, cameras, weapons, enemy AI and particle effects. The workshops are classroom-style, so bring your own laptop, follow along as we go, and take home your own finished game at the end of the day!
在为期一天的研讨会中,我们使用现成的预制件,可重复使用的组件和编辑器脚本从零开始将游戏整合在一起,从而快速介绍了Unity的许多核心功能。 我们涵盖资产流水线,关卡构造,物理,动画角色,相机,武器,敌方AI和粒子效果。 这些讲习班是教室式的,因此请带上自己的笔记本电脑,跟着我们走,并在一天结束时带回自己的成品游戏!
We kick off during Develop conference next month in July, with a special workshop in our Brighton office and will be touring the country leaving a trail of powered-up game developers in our wake. If you’re in the UK and want a serious boost to your Unity skills, check the dates below.
我们将于7月在下个月的Develop会议上开幕,并在我们位于Brighton的办公室举行特别研讨会,并将在全国巡回演出,这使我们留下了许多精力充沛的游戏开发人员。 如果您在英国,想要大幅提高Unity技能,请查看以下日期。
The standard ticket price is €199 + VAT. We have early-bird discounts on most dates available, but ending soon.
标准票价为199欧元+增值税。 我们提供大多数日期的早鸟优惠,但很快就会结束 。
Some venues and dates are still to be finalised, and we will be updating the details below on this post as these are locked down.
We are hoping to add dates in Scotland early next year.
Feel free to ask questions in the comments section below.
For more information about our early-bird discount prices or for booking tickets, get in touch at duck@unity3d.com

Due to so many people asking for more detail about what’s included in the course and the appropriate skill level, here’s a quick summary: The training day covers a full-spectrum of Unity features, tied together into a game that everyone can build during the day. Throughout the course of the day we cover:
由于有太多人要求提供有关课程内容和合适的技能水平的更多详细信息,因此这里是一个简短的摘要:培训日涵盖了全功能的Unity功能,并捆绑到一个游戏中,每个人都可以在当天进行构建。 在一天的整个过程中,我们涵盖:
And if time permits…
The training day is designed to be suitable for a range of skill levels from beginner through intermediate. To fit as much as possible into the day, I’ve set the minimum requirement in terms of skill level as “beginner but not absolute beginner”. So, if you’ve never even downloaded or opened Unity before it would be worthwhile downloading it, firing it up, and going through a few of our beginner level video tutorials – just to familiarise yourself with the editor and some of the basic terms. I’ll be quickly recapping most of what’s there to refresh everyone’s memory, but it will be exactly that – a quick recap.
培训日旨在适合从初学者到中级的各种技能水平。 为了尽可能适应一天,我将技能水平的最低要求设置为“初学者,但不是绝对的初学者”。 因此,如果您从未下载过或打开过Unity,那么值得下载它,启动它并阅读一些我们的初学者级视频教程–只是为了熟悉编辑器和一些基本术语。 我将快速重述其中的大部分内容,以刷新每个人的记忆,但事实就是如此-快速回顾一下。
There is coding included through the day, many people like to type along as I write out and explain the code we use. However I also cater for the code-averse by including all finished scripts in the files you get at the start of the day. So you’re free to simply copy and paste if you’d rather watch and soak in the information without worrying about getting every curly bracket in exactly the right place!
整天都包含编码,许多人喜欢在我写出来并解释我们使用的代码时键入。 但是,我还通过将所有已完成的脚本包含在一天开始时获得的文件中来满足厌恶代码的要求。 因此,如果您想观看和吸收信息,则可以随意复制和粘贴,而不必担心将每个花括号都放在正确的位置!
For more information about our early-bird discount prices or for booking tickets, get in touch at duck@unity3d.com
翻译自: https://blogs.unity3d.com/2014/06/19/crash-course-training-days-in-the-uk/
英国语言班学习资料 百度云
这篇关于英国语言班学习资料 百度云_英国速成班培训日的文章就介绍到这儿,希望我们推荐的文章对编程师们有所帮助!