no symbols_SF Symbols 2的新增功能

2023-10-29 03:40
文章标签 功能 新增 symbols sf

本文主要是介绍no symbols_SF Symbols 2的新增功能,希望对大家解决编程问题提供一定的参考价值,需要的开发者们随着小编来一起学习吧!

no symbols

Before SF Symbols, making icons for iOS apps used to present a major hassle for both the designer and the developer. A workflow would often look along the lines of this:

在SF Symbols之前,为iOS应用制作图标曾经给设计人员和开发人员带来了很大的麻烦。 工作流通常会遵循以下思路:

  1. Plan the icon.

  2. Design it and make sure it aligns with your app’s message.

  3. Or go online and find an icon instead…

  4. … which would probably mean purchasing a license.

  5. After all the work, you can finally embed it into your app — only to find the font weight is off and you need to tweak it.


Google’s Material Design icons have been around since 2014, and websites like Font Awesome were launched even earlier. So when would Apple jump into the icon battle?

Google的Material Design图标自2014年以来就出现了,像Font Awesome这样的网站甚至更早就已经启动。 那么,苹果何时会跳入图标之战?

In 2019, Apple debuted their own set of icons, called SF Symbols. It was a huge gift for developers and designers alike, as in a truly Apple way, they were easier to use than any other icon pack.

苹果在2019年首次推出了自己的图标集SF Symbols 。 对于开发人员和设计师而言,这都是一份巨大的礼物,因为以一种真正的Apple方式,它们比其他任何图标包都更易于使用。

Now, in 2020, Apple has decided it was time for a refresh. At WWDC20, they released the second generation of SF Symbols: SF Symbols 2. Here’s what’s new.

现在,在2020年,苹果公司决定是时候进行更新了。 在WWDC20上,他们发布了第二代SF Symbols:SF Symbols2。这是新功能。

号码 (The Numbers)

SF Symbols 1 boasted 1,500+ icons, and SF Symbols 2 raises that to 2,400+, including 150+ that are multicolor.

SF Symbols 1拥有1,500+个图标,而SF Symbols 2则将其增加到2,400+个,其中150+个是彩色的。

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A lot of the new icons depict physical devices, like the buttons on a gaming controller and an external drive. The Apple logo is also finally available as an icon, but it can only be used to reference “Sign in with Apple.”

许多新图标描述了物理设备,例如游戏控制器和外部驱动器上的按钮。 Apple徽标最终也可以作为图标使用,但只能用于引用“使用Apple登录”。

设计改进 (Design Improvements)

Multicolor icons are now available.


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However, they’re currently only supported in NSImage, which doesn’t work on iOS. An Apple engineer told me, “Unfortunately, iOS doesn’t support multicolor symbols at this point. This also includes Mac Catalyst, since that’s using UIKit APIs.”

但是,它们目前仅在NSImage中受支持,但在iOS上不起作用。 一位苹果工程师告诉我:“很遗憾,iOS目前不支持多色符号。 这也包括Mac Catalyst,因为它使用的是UIKit API。”

But support will definitely come soon. After all, SF Symbols 2 is still in beta, and you can check out this thread for updates.

但是支持肯定会很快到来。 毕竟,SF Symbols 2仍处于beta版,您可以签出该线程以进行更新。

New this year are also negative side margins. This means that icons can overflow out of their bounding boxes while preserving alignment.

今年的新产品也有负边际利润。 这意味着图标可以在保持对齐的同时溢出其边界框。

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With negative side margins, you get a lot of control of the optical alignment.


应用程序改进 (App Improvements)

All of these new icons, including the old ones, are discoverable in the new SF Symbols 2 app. And just like how the icons got upgrades, the app got some too.

所有这些新图标(包括旧图标)都可以在新的SF Symbols 2应用中找到 。 就像图标如何升级一样,该应用程序也得到了一些升级。

The first things you’ll probably notice are the two new buttons in the toolbar:


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The Color Well button, when pressed, goes into multicolor preview mode. Any icons that are available in multicolor will be highlighted.

按下彩色井按钮时,它将进入多色预览模式。 多色可用的任何图标将突出显示。

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Then there’s the Info button, which opens the all-new Inspector Panel. When you select an icon, this panel will populate with information about your selected icon.

然后是“信息”按钮,它将打开全新的“检查器面板”。 当您选择一个图标时,此面板将填充有关所选图标的信息。

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This panel contains:


  • Name of the icon

  • Preview of the icon

  • Whether it’s available in multicolor or not

  • Localized versions, if any

  • Which iOS versions it’s available in

  • Deprecated names, if any

  • Any use restrictions


In my opinion, the iOS version availability check is the coolest and most useful feature in the entire app update. Also in my opinion, the new app icon is the worst part of the entire app update.

我认为,iOS版本可用性检查是整个应用程序更新中最酷,最有用的功能。 我也认为,新的应用程序图标是整个应用程序更新中最糟糕的部分。

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I’m still not a fan of the rounded app icons that will soon take over macOS.


其他改进 (Miscellaneous Improvements)

本土化 (Localization)

SF Symbols already supported some languages last year, but more are supported this year. For right-to-left writing systems, you can simply flip the image. (In the asset catalog, set Direction to Mirrors.) Also, script-based languages like Arabic, Devanagari, and Hebrew now also have their own variants.

去年,SF Symbols已经支持某些语言,但今年将支持更多语言。 对于从右到左书写系统,您可以简单地翻转图像。 (在资产目录中,将Direction设置为Mirrors。)此外,基于脚本的语言(如阿拉伯语,梵文和希伯来语)现在也有自己的变体。

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字符串插值 (String interpolation)

New in SwiftUI, you can now also embed SF Symbols within strings.


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However, I tried this in UIKit and it didn’t work — looks like I still need to stick with NSTextAttachment in my UIKit apps for now. *sigh*

但是,我在UIKit中尝试了一下,但没有成功-看来我现在仍然需要在UIKit应用程序中坚持使用NSTextAttachment 。 *叹*

处理过时的名称 (Handling of deprecated names)

Now that SF Symbols has gotten a refresh, some of the icons’ names have been changed. If you’re using an icon that got a name change:

如今,SF Symbols得到了刷新,一些图标的名称已更改。 如果您使用的图标名称已更改:

  • If your minimum deployment target is iOS 13, you need to use the old name.

    如果最小部署目标是iOS 13,则需要使用旧名称。
  • If your minimum deployment target is iOS 14, you should use the new name.

    如果最小部署目标是iOS 14,则应使用新名称。

Xcode knows of these changes, but only in the storyboard. In the code editor, you need to keep the naming in mind.

Xcode知道这些更改,但仅在情节提要中知道。 在代码编辑器中,您需要牢记命名。

结论 (Conclusion)

SF Symbols 2 brings 750+ new icons, out of which 150+ are available in multicolor. Controlling optical alignment is much easier. Localization is improved, as is the syntax for declaring icons. The app itself received a small (but very useful) update.

SF Symbols 2带来了750多个新图标,其中有150多个是彩色的。 控制光学对准要容易得多。 本地化得到了改善,声明图标的语法也得到了改善。 该应用程序本身收到了一个小(但非常有用)的更新。

All in all, SF Symbols 2 is a very nice resource for developers and designers. Happy coding, and make sure to use them!

总而言之,对于开发人员和设计人员而言,SF Symbols 2是一个很好的资源。 编码愉快,请确保使用它们!


no symbols


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