- <? xml version = "1.0" encoding = "UTF-8" ?>
- < schema xmlns = "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema"
- targetNamespace = "http://www.example.org/final"
- xmlns:tns = "http://www.example.org/final"
- elementFormDefault = "qualified" >
- < element name = "doc" >
- < complexType >
- < sequence >
- < element name = "prvs" type = "tns:prvs-type" />
- < element name = "usrs" type = "tns:usrs-type" />
- </ sequence >
- </ complexType >
- </ element >
- < complexType name = "prvs-type" >
- < sequence >
- < element name = "prv" minOccurs = "0" maxOccurs = "unbounded"
- type = "tns:prv-type" />
- </ sequence >
- </ complexType >
- < complexType name = "usrs-type" >
- < sequence >
- < element name = "usr" minOccurs = "0" maxOccurs = "unbounded"
- type = "tns:usr-type" />
- </ sequence >
- </ complexType >
- < complexType name = "prv-type" >
- < sequence >
- < element name = "name" type = "string" />
- < element name = "descr" type = "string" />
- </ sequence >
- < attribute name = "prv_id" type = "integer" use = "required" />
- </ complexType >
- < complexType name = "usr-type" >
- < sequence >
- < element name = "name" type = "string" />
- < element name = "pwd" type = "string" />
- < element name = "prvs" >
- < complexType >
- < sequence >
- < element name = "prv_id" type = "integer"
- minOccurs = "0" maxOccurs = "unbounded" />
- </ sequence >
- </ complexType >
- </ element >
- </ sequence >
- < attribute name = "usr_id" type = "integer" use = "required" />
- </ complexType >
- </ schema >
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <schema xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema"targetNamespace="http://www.example.org/final"xmlns:tns="http://www.example.org/final"elementFormDefault="qualified"><element name="doc"><complexType><sequence><element name="prvs" type="tns:prvs-type" /><element name="usrs" type="tns:usrs-type" /></sequence></complexType></element><complexType name="prvs-type"><sequence><element name="prv" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"type="tns:prv-type" /></sequence></complexType><complexType name="usrs-type"><sequence><element name="usr" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"type="tns:usr-type" /></sequence></complexType><complexType name="prv-type"><sequence><element name="name" type="string" /><element name="descr" type="string" /></sequence><attribute name="prv_id" type="integer" use="required" /></complexType><complexType name="usr-type"><sequence><element name="name" type="string" /><element name="pwd" type="string" /><element name="prvs"><complexType><sequence><element name="prv_id" type="integer"minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded" /></sequence></complexType></element></sequence><attribute name="usr_id" type="integer" use="required" /></complexType> </schema>
- package com.cxz.xmldb;
- import java.util.HashSet;
- import java.util.Set;
- import java.util.Collections;
- public class User {
- private int usr_id;
- private String name;
- private String pwd;
- private Set<Integer> prvs_id = Collections
- .synchronizedSet(new HashSet<Integer>());
- private Set<Privilege> prvs = Collections
- .synchronizedSet(new HashSet<Privilege>());
- public String getPwd() {
- return pwd;
- }
- public void setPwd(String pwd) {
- this .pwd = pwd;
- }
- public String getName() {
- return name;
- }
- public void setName(String name) {
- this .name = name;
- }
- public int getUsr_id() {
- return usr_id;
- }
- public void setUsr_id( int usr_id) {
- this .usr_id = usr_id;
- }
- public void addPrv(Privilege priv) throws DuplicateException {
- if (!prvs.add(priv))
- throw new DuplicateException(
- "The privilege had been duplicated created." );
- }
- public void rmvPrv(Privilege priv) {
- prvs.remove(priv);
- }
- public void addPrvId(Integer priv) throws DuplicateException {
- if (!prvs_id.add(priv))
- throw new DuplicateException(
- "The privilegeId had been duplicated created." );
- }
- public void rmvPrvId(Integer priv) {
- prvs_id.remove(priv);
- }
- public Set<Privilege> getPrvs() {
- return prvs;
- }
- public void setPrvs(Set<Privilege> prvs) {
- this .prvs = prvs;
- }
- public Set<Integer> getPrvs_id() {
- return prvs_id;
- }
- public void setPrvs_id(Set<Integer> prvs_id) {
- this .prvs_id = prvs_id;
- }
- @Override
- public int hashCode() {
- final int PRIME = 31 ;
- int result = 1 ;
- result = PRIME * result + usr_id;
- return result;
- }
- @Override
- public boolean equals(Object obj) {
- if ( this == obj)
- return true ;
- if (obj == null )
- return false ;
- if (getClass() != obj.getClass())
- return false ;
- final User other = (User) obj;
- if (usr_id != other.usr_id)
- return false ;
- return true ;
- }
- }
package com.cxz.xmldb;import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.Collections;public class User {private int usr_id;private String name;private String pwd;private Set<Integer> prvs_id = Collections.synchronizedSet(new HashSet<Integer>());private Set<Privilege> prvs = Collections.synchronizedSet(new HashSet<Privilege>());public String getPwd() {return pwd;}public void setPwd(String pwd) {this.pwd = pwd;}public String getName() {return name;}public void setName(String name) {this.name = name;}public int getUsr_id() {return usr_id;}public void setUsr_id(int usr_id) {this.usr_id = usr_id;}public void addPrv(Privilege priv) throws DuplicateException {if (!prvs.add(priv))throw new DuplicateException("The privilege had been duplicated created.");}public void rmvPrv(Privilege priv) {prvs.remove(priv);}public void addPrvId(Integer priv) throws DuplicateException {if (!prvs_id.add(priv))throw new DuplicateException("The privilegeId had been duplicated created.");}public void rmvPrvId(Integer priv) {prvs_id.remove(priv);}public Set<Privilege> getPrvs() {return prvs;}public void setPrvs(Set<Privilege> prvs) {this.prvs = prvs;}public Set<Integer> getPrvs_id() {return prvs_id;}public void setPrvs_id(Set<Integer> prvs_id) {this.prvs_id = prvs_id;}@Overridepublic int hashCode() {final int PRIME = 31;int result = 1;result = PRIME * result + usr_id;return result;}@Overridepublic boolean equals(Object obj) {if (this == obj)return true;if (obj == null)return false;if (getClass() != obj.getClass())return false;final User other = (User) obj;if (usr_id != other.usr_id)return false;return true;}}
- package com.cxz.xmldb;
- public class Privilege {
- private int prv_id;
- private String name;
- private String descr;
- public String getDescr() {
- return descr;
- }
- public void setDescr(String descr) {
- this .descr = descr;
- }
- public String getName() {
- return name;
- }
- public void setName(String name) {
- this .name = name;
- }
- public int getPrv_id() {
- return prv_id;
- }
- public void setPrv_id( int prv_id) {
- this .prv_id = prv_id;
- }
- @Override
- public int hashCode() {
- final int PRIME = 31 ;
- int result = 1 ;
- result = PRIME * result + prv_id;
- return result;
- }
- @Override
- public boolean equals(Object obj) {
- if ( this == obj)
- return true ;
- if (obj == null )
- return false ;
- if (getClass() != obj.getClass())
- return false ;
- final Privilege other = (Privilege) obj;
- if (prv_id != other.prv_id)
- return false ;
- return true ;
- }
- }
package com.cxz.xmldb;public class Privilege {private int prv_id;private String name;private String descr;public String getDescr() {return descr;}public void setDescr(String descr) {this.descr = descr;}public String getName() {return name;}public void setName(String name) {this.name = name;}public int getPrv_id() {return prv_id;}public void setPrv_id(int prv_id) {this.prv_id = prv_id;}@Overridepublic int hashCode() {final int PRIME = 31;int result = 1;result = PRIME * result + prv_id;return result;}@Overridepublic boolean equals(Object obj) {if (this == obj)return true;if (obj == null)return false;if (getClass() != obj.getClass())return false;final Privilege other = (Privilege) obj;if (prv_id != other.prv_id)return false;return true;}
- <? xml version = "1.0" encoding = "UTF-8" ?>
- < doc xmlns = "http://www.example.org/final"
- xmlns:xsi = "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"
- xsi:schemaLocation = "http://www.example.org/final doc.xsd " >
- < prvs >
- < prv prv_id = "0" >
- < name > read </ name >
- < descr > read the file </ descr >
- </ prv >
- < prv prv_id = "1" >
- < name > write </ name >
- < descr > write the file </ descr >
- </ prv >
- < prv prv_id = "2" >
- < name > execute </ name >
- < descr > execute the file </ descr >
- </ prv >
- </ prvs >
- < usrs >
- < usr usr_id = "2003710201" >
- < name > cxz </ name >
- < pwd > 19841230 </ pwd >
- < prvs >
- < prv_id > 0 </ prv_id >
- < prv_id > 1 </ prv_id >
- < prv_id > 2 </ prv_id >
- </ prvs >
- </ usr >
- < usr usr_id = "2003710202" >
- < name > wm </ name >
- < pwd > 19841230 </ pwd >
- < prvs >
- < prv_id > 0 </ prv_id >
- < prv_id > 1 </ prv_id >
- </ prvs >
- </ usr >
- < usr usr_id = "2003710203" >
- < name > wjt </ name >
- < pwd > 19841230 </ pwd >
- < prvs >
- < prv_id > 1 </ prv_id >
- < prv_id > 2 </ prv_id >
- </ prvs >
- </ usr >
- </ usrs >
- <!--
- < ulist >
- yxiong = role ,role2...
- ben = role2
- </ ulist >
- < pri >
- role = a .jsp,b.action,....
- </ pri >
- -->
- </ doc >
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <doc xmlns="http://www.example.org/final"xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.example.org/final doc.xsd "><prvs><prv prv_id="0"><name>read</name><descr>read the file</descr></prv><prv prv_id="1"><name>write</name><descr>write the file</descr></prv><prv prv_id="2"><name>execute</name><descr>execute the file</descr></prv></prvs><usrs><usr usr_id="2003710201"><name>cxz</name><pwd>19841230</pwd><prvs><prv_id>0</prv_id><prv_id>1</prv_id><prv_id>2</prv_id></prvs></usr><usr usr_id="2003710202"><name>wm</name><pwd>19841230</pwd><prvs><prv_id>0</prv_id><prv_id>1</prv_id></prvs></usr><usr usr_id="2003710203"><name>wjt</name><pwd>19841230</pwd><prvs><prv_id>1</prv_id><prv_id>2</prv_id></prvs></usr></usrs> <!--<ulist>yxiong = role,role2...ben = role2</ulist><pri>role = a.jsp,b.action,....</pri>--> </doc>
- package com.cxz.xmldb;
- import java.util.Collections;
- import java.util.HashSet;
- import java.util.Iterator;
- import java.util.Set;
- public class Document {
- private Set<Privilege> prvs = Collections
- .synchronizedSet(new HashSet<Privilege>());
- private Set<User> usrs = Collections.synchronizedSet( new HashSet<User>());
- public Document() {
- }
- public void addPrivilege(Privilege p) throws DuplicateException {
- if (!prvs.add(p))
- throw new DuplicateException( "Duplicated Priv" );
- }
- public void removePrivilege(Privilege p) {
- prvs.remove(p);
- }
- public void addUser(User u) throws DuplicateException {
- if (!usrs.add(u))
- throw new DuplicateException( "Duplicated Usr" );
- }
- public void removeUser(User u) {
- usrs.remove(u);
- }
- public void fetch() throws DuplicateException, Exception {
- for (User usr : usrs) {
- for (Integ