SPREAD.NET for windows 16.2.20231.0 Crack

2023-10-28 14:45

本文主要是介绍SPREAD.NET for windows 16.2.20231.0 Crack,希望对大家解决编程问题提供一定的参考价值,需要的开发者们随着小编来一起学习吧!

SPREAD.NET for windows 16.2.20231 The World's #1 Selling C# .NET Spreadsheet With Over 450 Excel Functions,Deliver true Excel-like spreadsheet experiences in C# .NET with zero dependencies on Excel. Create financial, budgeting/forecasting, scientific, engineering, healthcare, insurance, educational, manufacturing and many other similar business applications.

Create enterprise spreadsheets, advanced grids, dashboards, reports, and data input forms with the comprehensive API
Deliver Excel-like spreadsheet experiences, fast
Leverage the powerful, high-speed calculation engine for your most complex calculations
Import and export Excel spreadsheets
Develop in Visual Studio using VB or C# for WinForms, ASP.NET, and WPF. Includes desktop designer apps
NuGet package now supports .NET 6.0+, .NET Core 3.1, and .NET 4.62+
Need to Programmatically Generate Excel Files for Server-Side/Backend Applications?

Check out our .NET Excel Spreadsheet API Library

C# .NET spreadsheet components are advanced software components that allow professional developers to add complete Excel-like functionality to their desktop applications. The .NET spreadsheet control includes support for Excel import/export, full cell customization, an extensive calculation engine with over 450 functions and more, all with zero dependencies on Excel.

Benefits of Our C# .NET Spreadsheet Controls

A Complete High-Performance C# .NET App Toolbox in One Spreadsheet Control

Leverage the extensive C# .NET spreadsheet API and powerful calculation engine to create analysis, budgeting, dashboard, data collection and management, scientific, and financial applications.

High-Speed Performance and Optimized App Size

Every platform of Spread.NET ensures maximum performance and speed for your enterprise apps, and its modular structure means you only need to add what you use to your .NET spreadsheet apps.

Code-Free Extensibility and Customization with Spread Designers

Instantly design a powerful Excel-like C# .NET spreadsheet app with our desktop designer apps—no learning curve required. Designers are available for WinForms, WPF, and ASP.NET.

Powerful Calculation Engine Includes 450+ Functions

With more built-in functions than other .NET spreadsheets, custom functions, and the formula text box, your computing power is optimized for big data, complex calculations, and advanced Excel models.

Seamless Visual Studio Integration

Build .NET spreadsheet apps in Visual Studio, including VS19, and deploy to Windows 10 with no compatibility issues—and include Excel 2016 themes.

Advanced Data Visualization

Use the many chart types, sparklines, custom data visualization functions and more to enable your users to create the most advanced data visualizations.

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