
2023-10-28 06:51


Image by Eugene Sergeev/Bigstock and Nest

The Nest Learning Thermostat can save you money on your heating and air conditioning bills, but if you aren’t keeping up with maintaining your heating and cooling system, you’re probably not saving as much money as you could be. Luckily, your Nest Thermostat can help remind you to perform regular maintenance.

Nest Learning Thermostat可以为您节省暖气和空调费用,但如果您不能跟上维护暖气和制冷系统的费用,那么您可能就不会省掉尽可能多的钱。 幸运的是,您的Nest Thermostat可以帮助您进行定期维护。

Granted, your furnace and air conditioner don’t require too much maintenance, but the little maintenance that it does require is really easy. For instance, it’s recommended that you change out the air filter every few months. You may need to change it more or less depending on your usage and household. For example, if you use it less often, you can change it less often, but if you have pets, you may want to change it more often.

当然,您的熔炉和空调不需要太多维护,但确实需要很少的维护。 例如,建议您每隔几个月更换一次空气过滤器。 您可能需要根据自己的使用情况和家庭情况对其进行或多或少的更改​​。 例如,如果您较少使用它,则可以较少更改它,但是如果您有宠物,则可能需要更频繁地对其进行更改。

However, some people may not be heeding this advice and may have an air filter that’s old and needs replacing. While you may have a fancy new thermostat that can save you money over time, a dirty air filter isn’t doing you any favors, and it’s one of the easiest home maintenance tasks you can do.

但是,有些人可能没有听从此建议,并且空气过滤器可能已旧并且需要更换。 虽然您可能拥有一款花哨的新型恒温器,可以随着时间的流逝节省金钱,但肮脏的空气过滤器并不能给您带来任何好处,这是您可以执行的最简单的家庭维护任务之一。

One cool feature of the Nest Thermostat is the ability to remind you when you need to change out the air filter in your heating and cooling system, that way you’ll never forget.

Nest Thermostat的一项很酷的功能是能够提醒您何时需要更换加热和冷却系统中的空气过滤器,这样您就永远不会忘记。

Start by opening up the Nest app on your smartphone. The home screen will appear.

首先打开智能手机上的Nest应用。 主屏幕将出现。


Select your Nest Thermostat.

选择您的Nest Thermostat。


Tap on the settings icon in the top-right corner.



Select “Equipment”.



Select “Air filter reminder”.



Tap on the toggle switch for “Air filter reminder” to turn on the feature. It will change from gray to blue.

点击“空气过滤器提醒”的拨动开关以打开该功能。 它将从灰色变为蓝色。


Next, select “Last changed”.



Select when the air filter was last changed. If you’re absolutely not sure and are concerned that it’s been a while, go ahead and change the air filter now before you set up a reminder, and then select “This month” when you’re done.

选择最后一次更换空气过滤器的时间。 如果您绝对不确定并担心已经有一段时间了,请在设置提醒之前立即进行空气过滤器更换,然后在完成后选择“本月”。


You can also set up air filter reminders right from the Nest Thermostat itself.

您也可以直接从Nest Thermostat本身设置空气过滤器提醒。

Start by pushing on the unit to open up the main menu and navigate to “Settings”.



Scroll to “Reminders” and select it.



Push to continue.



Select “Remind Me”.



Select the month when you last changed your air filter.



That’s it! You’ll be taken to back to the settings and “Air filter” will appear under “Reminders” now instead of “None”.

而已! 您将返回到设置,并且“空气过滤器”现在将显示在“提醒”下,而不是“无”下。


From now on, you’ll receive reminders when it’s time to change out the air filter in your heating and cooling system. The Nest Thermostat will determine when the filter needs changed after 1000 hours of usage, instead of just reminding you at set intervals every time.

从现在开始,当您需要更换加热和冷却系统中的空气过滤器时,您会收到提醒。 Nest Thermostat会确定使用1000小时后何时需要更换过滤器,而不仅仅是每次都以设置的间隔提醒您。

For example, if it’s a particularly hot summer and your air conditioning is running a lot, your Nest will likely remind you to change the air filter more often. However, during the fall or spring, when you may have your system completely off or just running sparingly, your Nest may not remind you to change out your air filter as often. (Annoyingly, you can’t customize this option, though.)

例如,如果夏天特别炎热并且空调运行频繁,Nest可能会提醒您更频繁地更换空气过滤器。 但是,在秋天或Spring,当您可能完全关闭系统或仅使系统少量运行时,Nest可能不会提醒您经常更换空气过滤器。 (令人讨厌的是,您无法自定义此选项。)

Keep in mind that some users have had some trouble with the Nest reminding them about changing their air filter, saying that it’s been more than several months since getting a reminder, and that if your Nest crashes, don’t be surprised if the counter resets itself. So if you can, try to keep track on your own–and hopefully your Nest will remind you if you forget.

请记住,有些用户在使用Nest时遇到了一些麻烦 ,提醒他们更换空气过滤器,并说这已经超过了几个月的提醒时间,如果Nest崩溃了,计数器重置也不会感到惊讶本身。 因此,如果可以的话,请尝试自行跟踪-希望Nest如果您忘记了,也会提醒您。

Image by Eugene Sergeev/Bigstock and Nest.

图片由Eugene Sergeev / Bigstock and Nest拍摄。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/248867/how-to-set-air-filter-reminders-with-your-nest-thermostat/





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