The price of TokenPay and Aragon on 9, May

2023-10-28 06:40
文章标签 may price tokenpay aragon

本文主要是介绍The price of TokenPay and Aragon on 9, May,希望对大家解决编程问题提供一定的参考价值,需要的开发者们随着小编来一起学习吧!

Aragon is a project that enables you to manage all organizations using a blockchain based platform. And these organizations are more efficient than normal equivalents. Aragon’s developers believe that decentralized organizations can work out humanity’s biggest difficulty by providing the tools for anyone to turn into an entrepreneur and run their own organization, to take charge of their own lives.


By 9, May(Chinese time), Aragon price reached $4.30 USD today, declining by 10.52% compared with the open. Its market cap achieved $250,588,612 USD and the volume in 24 hours is $5,143,780 USD. 

(From  )


While the price of TokenPay is $7.01 USD, declining by 4.77% compared with the open. The market cap and volume in 24 hours is $107,578,716 USD and $474,000 USD respectively. 

(From  )

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