12 jQuery Fullscreen Plugins

2023-10-27 21:32

本文主要是介绍12 jQuery Fullscreen Plugins,希望对大家解决编程问题提供一定的参考价值,需要的开发者们随着小编来一起学习吧!


Let’s face it, sometimes fullscreen websites are super cool, if a website looks plain and boring how long do you think visitors will stay? So we thought we would lend some help and share you these 12 jQuery Fullscreen Plugins to get that responsive fullscreen look for your websites. These collection of jQuery fullsreen plugins will add tremendous effects to your website. Enjoy!

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1. Revolver

A jQuery plugin for creating full screen sliding websites. It can be integrated into any website template.
Source + Demo

2. Fullscreen Music Player

A dead simple way to turn any unordered list of mp3s into a beautiful playlist.
Fullscreen Music Player

3. jQuery Image Gallery

An extension to the Dialog component of jQuery UI, to ease navigation between a set of gallery images.
jQuery Image Gallery
Source + Demo

4. Scrollable Thumbs Menu with jQuery

The idea is to have a menu fixed to the bottom of the page and let a vertical stack of thumbs appear when hovering over a menu item.
Scrollable Thumbs Menu with jQuery

5. Galaxy

Simply click on the menu items above to zoom around my universe and learn more about web animations without the use of Flash.
Source + Demo

6. jQuery Fullscreen Plugin

This is useful for videos or images for example. Unfortunately browsers currently only provide the necessary methods with the usual browser-specific prefixes.
jQuery Fullscreen Plugin
Source + Demo

7. Exposure jQuery plugin

Gives your images some decent exposure.
Exposure jQuery plugin

8. jQuery FullScreen Plugin for custom Jimdo Template

A Full Screen Background/Slideshow jQuery plugin which resizes images to fill browser while maintaining image dimension ratio.
jQuery FullScreen Plugin for custom Jimdo template

9. Simple jQuery Fullscreen Image Gallery

A fullscreen image gallery made with jQuery and CSS. The gallery features fullscreen images in various modes and custom thumbnail scrolling script.
Simple jQuery Fullscreen Image Gallery

10. Vegas Background jQuery Plugin

Vegas is a jQuery plugin to add beautiful fullscreen backgrounds to your webpages. You can even create amazing slideshows.
Vegas Background jQuery Plugin

11. PageSlide

A jQuery plugin which slides a webpage over to reveal an additional interaction pane.

12. jQuery Scroll Path

It’s a plugin for defining custom scroll paths. It uses canvas flavored syntax to draw lines and arcs.
jQuery Scroll Path
Source + Demo

13. FSS - Full Screen Sliding Website Plugin

Demo1: http://www.husnus.com/menus/menus.html#/Lunch

Demo2: http://codecanyon.net/item/fss-full-screen-sliding-website-plugin/full_screen_preview/159103
Source + Demo

User Guide: http://positivelyaware.com/2011/page_swap/User_Guide.pdf

这篇关于12 jQuery Fullscreen Plugins的文章就介绍到这儿,希望我们推荐的文章对编程师们有所帮助!




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