
Mobile: It’s way too easy to lose track of time on YouTube, but a option feature can help by reminding you to take a break.
Make sure you have the latest version of the YouTube app then head to Settings > General. You should see the “Remind me to take a break” option as in the screenshot above. You can choose intervals between 15 and 180 minutes.
确保您拥有最新版本的YouTube应用,然后转到设置>常规。 您应该看到上面的屏幕快照中的“提醒我休息”选项。 您可以选择15到180分钟之间的间隔。
This is entirely optional, and somewhat buried, but it works. It’s not going to stop you from watching Lets Plays on your phone all night instead of sleeping, sure, but it will prompt you to stop once and a while.
这是完全可选的,并且有些隐蔽,但可以。 当然,这不会阻止您整夜在手机上观看Lets Play,而不是睡觉,但是它会提示您停止一会儿。
The feature is mobile only for now, but Tube is a clutter-free YouTube alternative on the desktop that makes binging a lot less likely.
该功能目前仅可移动,但Tube是台式机上无杂乱无章的YouTube替代品 ,因此发短信的可能性大大降低。
翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/fyi/youtube-can-now-remind-you-to-take-a-break/