
2023-10-27 14:12




Abstract: With the development power industry,the requirements for the safety and reliability of equipment are getting higher and higher. In this situation,ACREL wireless temperature monitoring system is designed for high voltage device. This technology is to install the temperature sensor with built-in battery or temperature sensor by current sensing and wireless transmitter module at each temperature measurement point. The sensor periodically sends the temperature measurement data wireless to the receiving unit, and the receiving unit can be connected to the network to send the data to the master station, thereby realizing electrical temperature monitoring of a regional system.

This article introduce wireless monitoring system used in substations in Netherlands.

1.当前现状 Current Status


For many years, due to the limitations of the technical level, although infrared thermometer, infrared imager, temperature sensing cable, traditional point-type temperature measurement system have been used to solve the above problems, but can not achieve the switch cabinet such as circuit breaker, the connection point and contact temperature measurement. At present, domestic electric temperature measurement mainly uses infrared point measuring instrument and optical fiber temperature measuring instrument. However, the on-line method cannot solve the problem of high-voltage insulation, so the electrical equipment with limited space, such as the contact of high-voltage switch, basically operates in a completely unmonitored state, with major safety hazards.

2.项目概述 Project Overview


DigIoT is an electric IoT company, providing electrical IoT services for local substations. Customer consults  Acrel wireless temperature measurement products, attending through Acrel ATE wireless temperature sensor and ATC receiver, the cable in the switchgear temperature detection, And through RS485 communication data transmission to the back platform for real-time monitoring, can effectively prevent overheating failure, affect the normal operation of equipment, avoid safety risks. 


Wireless temperature monitoring device Introduction


Acrel on-line temperature measurement device is suitable for the temperature detection of high and low voltage switches, circuit breaker contacts, high voltage cable middle heads, low voltage and high current equipment, to prevent contact caused by oxidation, loosening and other factors during operation Excessive contact resistance and heat generation become a safety hazard, timely, continuous and accurate reflection of equipment operating status, and equipment safety.

3.1 无线测温方案Wireless temperature measurement scheme

1.测温元件Temperature measuring instrument

1)温度传感器Temperature sensor

a. 电池供电型无线温度传感器Battery-powered wireless temperature sensor



 sensor installed in a heating area that collects temperature and transmits it wirelessly.

  There are currently four type wireless temperature sensors:

b. CT感应取电无线温度传感器CT induction radio wireless temperature sensor



sensor installed at a high current such as a circuit breaker contact, a bus bar, a cable lap contact, to collect temperature and transmit it wirelessly.

There are currently two wireless temperature sensors:

b. 显示单元Displaying Unit

3.2结构图 Structure

3.3 产品方案组合图 Typical Solution

4.典型应用Typical Application

参考文献 Bibliography

1、Solutions for enterprise micro-grid system

安科瑞 缪阳扬




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