
2023-10-25 21:01
文章标签 jar 1.5 lunar



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/**** * * * @author ZengWenFeng* @email* @mobile 13805029595* @date 2023.10.25*/
package zwf;import java.util.Calendar;import com.github.heqiao2010.lunar.LunarCalendar;/*** 测试公历农历转换包* * 
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</dependency>* * * @author ZengWenFeng* @email* @mobile 13805029595* @date 2023.10.25*/
public class SolarLunarTest
{/*** 构造函数* * @author ZengWenFeng* @email* @mobile 13805029595* @date 2023.10.25*/public SolarLunarTest(){}/*** 测试方法* * @author ZengWenFeng* @email* @mobile 13805029595* @date 2023.10.25*/public static void main(String[] args){Calendar calendar = Calendar.getInstance();int year = calendar.get(Calendar.YEAR);int month = calendar.get(Calendar.MONTH);int date = calendar.get(Calendar.DATE);int hour = calendar.get(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY);int minute = calendar.get(Calendar.MINUTE);int second = calendar.get(Calendar.SECOND);//System.out.println(year + "年" + month + "月" + date + "日" + hour + "时" + minute + "分" + second + "秒");// 公历转农历LunarCalendar lunar = LunarCalendar.solar2Lunar(calendar);System.out.println(lunar.getFullLunarName());System.out.println("----------------");// 农历转公历Calendar solar = LunarCalendar.lunar2Solar(2023, 9, 10, false);int year2 = solar.get(Calendar.YEAR);int month2 = solar.get(Calendar.MONTH);int date2 = solar.get(Calendar.DATE);int hour2 = solar.get(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY);int minute2 = solar.get(Calendar.MINUTE);int second2 = solar.get(Calendar.SECOND);//System.out.println(year2 + "年" + month2 + "月" + date2 + "日" + hour2 + "时" + minute2 + "分" + second2 + "秒");}}


package com.github.heqiao2010.lunar;import java.util.*;/*** 中国农历* Created by joel on 2019/3/31.** @author joel*/
public class LunarCalendar extends GregorianCalendar {/*** serialVersionUID*/private static final long serialVersionUID = 7241031233810655166L;// ------------------------ 农历相关成员变量 --------------------------------// 农历年,和公历可能不一样private int lunarYear;// 农历月(范围1-12和公历不一样)private int lunarMonth;// 农历日期private int dayOfLunarMonth;// 是否为闰月日期private boolean isLeapMonth = false;// 农历这年闰月,如果不闰月,默认为0private int leapMonth = 0;// ------------------------ 构造方法 --------------------------------public LunarCalendar() {super();computeBySolarDate(get(Calendar.YEAR), get(Calendar.MONTH), get(Calendar.DATE));}public LunarCalendar(TimeZone zone) {super(zone);computeBySolarDate(get(Calendar.YEAR), get(Calendar.MONTH), get(Calendar.DATE));}public LunarCalendar(Locale aLocale) {super(aLocale);computeBySolarDate(get(Calendar.YEAR), get(Calendar.MONTH), get(Calendar.DATE));}public LunarCalendar(TimeZone zone, Locale aLocale) {super(zone, aLocale);computeBySolarDate(get(Calendar.YEAR), get(Calendar.MONTH), get(Calendar.DATE));}/*** 通过公历年、月、日构造* @param year 公历年* @param month 公历月* @param dayOfMonth 公历日*/public LunarCalendar(int year, int month, int dayOfMonth) {super(year, month, dayOfMonth);computeBySolarDate(get(Calendar.YEAR), get(Calendar.MONTH), get(Calendar.DATE));}public LunarCalendar(int year, int month, int dayOfMonth, int hourOfDay, int minute) {super(year, month, dayOfMonth, hourOfDay, minute);computeBySolarDate(get(Calendar.YEAR), get(Calendar.MONTH), get(Calendar.DATE));}public LunarCalendar(int year, int month, int dayOfMonth, int hourOfDay, int minute, int second) {super(year, month, dayOfMonth, hourOfDay, minute, second);computeBySolarDate(get(Calendar.YEAR), get(Calendar.MONTH), get(Calendar.DATE));}/*** 通过农历年、月、日构造** @param lunarYear       农历年* @param lunarMonth      农历月份,范围1-12* @param dayOfLunarMonth       农历日* @param isLeapMonth 是否闰月*/public LunarCalendar(int lunarYear, int lunarMonth, int dayOfLunarMonth, boolean isLeapMonth) {computeByLunarDate(lunarYear, lunarMonth, dayOfLunarMonth, isLeapMonth);}/*** 通过公历构造** @param calendar  公历日期*/public LunarCalendar(Calendar calendar) {super(calendar.get(Calendar.YEAR), calendar.get(Calendar.MONTH), calendar.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH),calendar.get(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY), calendar.get(Calendar.MINUTE), calendar.get(Calendar.SECOND));computeBySolarDate(get(Calendar.YEAR), get(Calendar.MONTH), get(Calendar.DATE));}// ------------------------ 静态方法 --------------------------------/*** 公历转农历** @param solar  公历日期* @return 农历日期*/public static LunarCalendar solar2Lunar(Calendar solar) {return new LunarCalendar(solar);}/*** 农历转公历** @param lunarYear    农历年* @param lunarMonth   农历月,从1开始* @param LunarDate    农历日* @param isLeapMonth  是否润月* @return 公历日期*/public static Calendar lunar2Solar(int lunarYear, int lunarMonth, int LunarDate, boolean isLeapMonth) {LunarCalendar ret = new LunarCalendar();ret.computeByLunarDate(lunarYear, lunarMonth, LunarDate, isLeapMonth);return ret;}// ------------------------ 成员方法 --------------------------------/*** 公历上的操作,加减均是公历上的“一年”,“一个月”* @param field {@link java.util.Calendar} YEAR/MONTH/DATE* @param amount 数量,可正可负*/@Overridepublic void add(int field, int amount) {super.add(field, amount);computeBySolarDate(get(Calendar.YEAR), get(Calendar.MONTH), get(Calendar.DATE));}/*** 农历上的年月日,加减均是农历上的“一年”,“一个月”* @param field {@link java.util.Calendar} YEAR/MONTH/DATE* @param amount 数量,可正可负*/public void addByLunar(int field, int amount) {switch (field) {case Calendar.DATE:super.add(Calendar.DATE, amount);computeBySolarDate(get(Calendar.YEAR), get(Calendar.MONTH), get(Calendar.DATE));break;case Calendar.MONTH:addLunarMonths(amount);break;case Calendar.YEAR:// 增加一个农历年,保持月/日不变,清空闰月状态checkComputeLunarDate(lunarYear + amount, lunarMonth, dayOfLunarMonth, false);break;default:throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.format("unsupported field: %d", field));}}/*** 计算月份加减** @param amount 数量*/public void addLunarMonths(int amount) {int y = lunarYear;int m = -1;int index = LunarCodes.monthIndex(y, lunarMonth, isLeapMonth);boolean isLeapMonth = false;int sum = index + amount;if (amount > 0) {for (int _y = lunarYear; _y < LunarData.MAX_YEAR; _y++) {final short[] a = LunarCodes.monthCodes(_y);int lunarMonths = a.length - 1;sum -= lunarMonths;if (sum > 0) {y++;}if (sum <= 0) {if (sum == 0) m = lunarMonths;else m = lunarMonths + sum;isLeapMonth = a[0] > 0 && a[0] + 1 == m;if (isLeapMonth || a[0] > 0 && a[0] < m) {m--;}break;}}if (sum > 0) {throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.format("add of month out of range: %d", amount));}} else if (amount < 0) {if (sum > 0) {m = sum;} else if (sum == 0) {Map.Entry<Integer, Boolean> en = LunarCodes.month(--y, -1);m = en.getKey();isLeapMonth = en.getValue();} else {for (int i = lunarYear - 1; i > LunarData.MINI_YEAR; i--) {int lunarMonths = LunarCodes.monthCodes(i).length - 1;sum += lunarMonths;y--;if (sum >= 0) {Map.Entry<Integer, Boolean> en;if (sum == 0) {en = LunarCodes.month(--y, -1);} else {en = LunarCodes.month(y, sum + 1);}m = en.getKey();isLeapMonth = en.getValue();break;}}}if (sum < 0) {throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.format("add of month out of range: %d", amount));}}checkComputeLunarDate(y, m, dayOfLunarMonth, isLeapMonth);}/*** 校验 day of month 是否是合法的,如果越限则从30号减到29号** @param y      lunar year* @param m      lunar month* @param d      lunar day of month* @param isLeap 闰月*/private void checkComputeLunarDate(int y, int m, int d, boolean isLeap) {int days = d;if (d > 29 && d > LunarUtils.lengthOfMonth(y, m, isLeap)) {days--;}computeByLunarDate(y, m, days, isLeap);}@Overridepublic void set(int field, int value) {super.set(field, value);computeBySolarDate(get(Calendar.YEAR), get(Calendar.MONTH), get(Calendar.DATE));}@Overridepublic void roll(int field, int amount) {super.roll(field, amount);computeBySolarDate(get(Calendar.YEAR), get(Calendar.MONTH), get(Calendar.DATE));}@Overridepublic String toString() {if (this.lunarYear < LunarData.MINI_YEAR || this.lunarYear > LunarData.MAX_YEAR || this.lunarMonth < 1|| this.lunarMonth > 12 || this.dayOfLunarMonth < 1|| this.dayOfLunarMonth > 30) {return String.format("Wrong lunar date: %d %d %d", lunarYear, lunarMonth, dayOfLunarMonth);}return String.format("%s年%s%s月%s", LunarData.getYearName(this.lunarYear), this.isLeapMonth() ? "闰" : "",LunarData.getMonthName(this.lunarMonth), LunarData.getDayName(this.dayOfLunarMonth));}@Overridepublic boolean equals(Object o) {if (this == o) return true;if (!(o instanceof LunarCalendar)) return false;if (!super.equals(o)) return false;LunarCalendar that = (LunarCalendar) o;return lunarYear == that.lunarYear &&lunarMonth == that.lunarMonth &&dayOfLunarMonth == that.dayOfLunarMonth &&isLeapMonth == that.isLeapMonth &&leapMonth == that.leapMonth;}@Overridepublic int hashCode() {int result = super.hashCode();result = 31 * result + lunarYear;result = 31 * result + lunarMonth;result = 31 * result + dayOfLunarMonth;result = 31 * result + leapMonth;result = 31 * result + (isLeapMonth ? 1 : 0);return result;}@Overridepublic Object clone() {LunarCalendar other = (LunarCalendar) super.clone();other.lunarYear = getLunarYear();other.lunarMonth = getLunarMonth();other.dayOfLunarMonth = getDayOfLunarMonth();other.leapMonth = getLeapMonth();other.isLeapMonth = isLeapMonth();return other;}/*** 返回农历日期,不包含年份** @param showLeap  是否显示闰月的闰字* @return 农历日期*/public String getLunar(boolean showLeap) {if (this.lunarMonth < 1 || this.lunarMonth > 12 || this.dayOfLunarMonth < 1|| this.dayOfLunarMonth > 30) {throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.format("Wrong lunar dayOfLunarMonth: %d %d", lunarMonth, dayOfLunarMonth));}if (showLeap) {return String.format("%s%s月%s", this.isLeapMonth() ? "闰" : "", LunarData.getMonthName(this.lunarMonth),LunarData.getDayName(this.dayOfLunarMonth));} else {return String.format("%s月%s", LunarData.getMonthName(this.lunarMonth),LunarData.getDayName(this.dayOfLunarMonth));}}/*** 返回中国农历的全名** @return String*/public String getFullLunarName() {return String.format("%s %s %s", this, LunarData.getTraditionalYearName(this.lunarYear),LunarData.getAnimalYearName(this.lunarYear));}/*** 创建LunarInfo中某一年的一列公历日历编码<br>* 公历日历编码:年份+月份+天,用于查询某个公历日期在某个LunarInfo列的哪一个区间<br>** @param solarYear 年份* @return 公历日历编码*/private int[] builderSolarCodes(int solarYear) {if (solarYear < LunarData.MINI_YEAR || solarYear > LunarData.MAX_YEAR) {throw new IllegalArgumentException("Illegal solar year: " + solarYear);}int lunarIndex = solarYear - LunarData.MINI_YEAR;int[] solarCodes = new int[LunarData.LUNAR_INFO[lunarIndex].length];for (int i = 0; i < solarCodes.length; i++) {if (0 == i) { // 第一个数表示闰月,不用更改solarCodes[i] = LunarData.LUNAR_INFO[lunarIndex][i];} else if (1 == i) {if (LunarData.LUNAR_INFO[lunarIndex][1] > 999) {// 这年农历一月一日对应的公历实际是上一年的solarCodes[i] = (solarYear - 1) * 10000 + LunarData.LUNAR_INFO[lunarIndex][i];} else {solarCodes[i] = solarYear * 10000 + LunarData.LUNAR_INFO[lunarIndex][i];}} else {solarCodes[i] = solarYear * 10000 + LunarData.LUNAR_INFO[lunarIndex][i];}}return solarCodes;}/*** 通过给定的农历日期,计算公历日期** @param lunarYear    农历年* @param lunarMonth   农历月,从1开始* @param lunarDate    农历日期* @param isLeapMonth  是否为闰月*/private void computeByLunarDate(final int lunarYear, final int lunarMonth, final int lunarDate,final boolean isLeapMonth) {if (lunarYear < LunarData.MINI_YEAR || lunarYear > LunarData.MAX_YEAR) {throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.format("LunarYear must in (%d, %d)", LunarData.MINI_YEAR,LunarData.MAX_YEAR));}this.lunarYear = lunarYear;this.lunarMonth = lunarMonth;this.dayOfLunarMonth = lunarDate;this.isLeapMonth = isLeapMonth;short code = LunarCodes.lunarMonthCode(lunarYear, lunarMonth, isLeapMonth);// 对设置的day of month 进行检查if (lunarDate == 30) {long length = LunarCodes.lengthOfMonth(lunarYear, lunarMonth, code);if (length != 30) {throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.format("农历%d年%d月, 闰月=%s,月天数为%d < %d", lunarYear,lunarMonth, isLeapMonth, length, lunarDate));}}super.set(Calendar.YEAR, lunarYear + LunarCodes.codeYear(code));super.set(Calendar.MONTH, LunarCodes.codeMonth(code) - 1);super.set(Calendar.DATE, LunarCodes.codeDay(code));super.add(Calendar.DATE, lunarDate - 1);}/*** 通过给定公历日期,计算农历日期各个域值* <br>*     这个方法可能会被调用多次,后续看能否再做优化* </br>** @param solarYear  公历年* @param solarMonth 公历月,0-11* @param solarDate  公历日*/private void computeBySolarDate(final int solarYear, final int solarMonth, final int solarDate) {if (solarYear < LunarData.MINI_YEAR|| (solarYear == LunarData.MINI_YEAR && solarMonth < LunarData.MINI_MONTH)|| (solarYear == LunarData.MINI_YEAR && solarMonth == LunarData.MINI_MONTH && solarDate < LunarData.MINI_DATE)|| solarYear > LunarData.MAX_YEAR|| (solarYear == LunarData.MAX_YEAR && solarMonth > LunarData.MAX_MONTH)|| (solarYear == LunarData.MAX_YEAR && solarMonth == LunarData.MAX_MONTH && solarDate > LunarData.MAX_DATE)) {// 有些中间过程日期会超出可计算范围// throw new IllegalArgumentException("Illegal solar year: " + solarYear);return;}int solarCode = solarYear * 10000 + 100 * (1 + solarMonth) + solarDate; // 公历码leapMonth = LunarData.LUNAR_INFO[solarYear - LunarData.MINI_YEAR][0];int[] solarCodes = builderSolarCodes(solarYear);int newMonth = LunarUtils.binSearch(solarCodes, solarCode);if (-1 == newMonth) {throw new IllegalArgumentException("No lunarInfo found by solarCode: " + solarCode);}int xDate = Long.valueOf(LunarCodes.solarDateCodesDiff(solarCode, solarCodes[newMonth], Calendar.DATE)).intValue();if (0 == newMonth) {// 在上一年int preYear = solarYear - 1;leapMonth = LunarData.LUNAR_INFO[preYear - LunarData.MINI_YEAR][0];short[] preSolarCodes = LunarData.LUNAR_INFO[preYear - LunarData.MINI_YEAR];// 取上年农历12月1号公历日期码int nearSolarCode = preSolarCodes[preSolarCodes.length - 1]; // 上一年12月1号// 下一年公历1月表示为了13月,这里做翻译,并计算出日期码nearSolarCode = (nearSolarCode / 100 == 13 ? preYear + 1 : preYear) * 10000+ (nearSolarCode / 100 == 13 ? nearSolarCode - 1200 : nearSolarCode);if (nearSolarCode > solarCode) {// 此公历日期在上一年农历12月1号,之前,即在上年农历11月内newMonth = 11;// 取农历11月的公历码nearSolarCode = preYear * 10000 + preSolarCodes[preSolarCodes.length - 2];} else {// 此公历日期在上一年农历12月内newMonth = 12;}xDate = Long.valueOf(LunarCodes.solarDateCodesDiff(solarCode, nearSolarCode, Calendar.DATE)).intValue();if (xDate < 0) {throw new IllegalArgumentException("Wrong solarCode: " + solarCode);}this.dayOfLunarMonth = 1 + xDate;this.lunarYear = preYear;this.lunarMonth = newMonth;this.isLeapMonth = 0 != leapMonth && (leapMonth == newMonth);} else if (solarCodes.length == newMonth + 1 && xDate >= 30) {// 在下一年(公历12月只有30天)newMonth = 1; // 农历肯定是1月// 取下一年的公历日期码short[] nextSolarCodes = LunarData.LUNAR_INFO[solarYear + 1 - LunarData.MINI_YEAR];// 取下一年农历1月1号公历日期码int nearSolarCode = solarYear * 10000 + nextSolarCodes[1]; // 下一年农历1月1号公历日期码xDate = Long.valueOf(LunarCodes.solarDateCodesDiff(solarCode, nearSolarCode, Calendar.DATE)).intValue();if (xDate < 0) {throw new IllegalArgumentException("Wrong solarCode: " + solarCode);}this.dayOfLunarMonth = 1 + xDate;this.lunarYear = solarYear + 1; // 农历年到了下一年this.lunarMonth = newMonth;this.isLeapMonth = false; // 农历1月不可能为闰月} else {if (xDate < 0) {throw new IllegalArgumentException("Wrong solarCode: " + solarCode);}this.dayOfLunarMonth = 1 + xDate;this.lunarYear = solarYear;this.isLeapMonth = 0 != leapMonth && (leapMonth + 1 == newMonth);if (0 != leapMonth && leapMonth < newMonth) {this.lunarMonth = newMonth - 1;} else {this.lunarMonth = newMonth;}}}// ------------------------ getter and setter --------------------------------public int getLunarYear() {return lunarYear;}public int getLunarMonth() {return lunarMonth;}public int getDayOfLunarMonth() {return dayOfLunarMonth;}public int getLeapMonth() {return leapMonth;}public boolean isLeapMonth() {return isLeapMonth;}

package com.github.heqiao2010.lunar;import java.util.AbstractMap;
import java.util.Calendar;
import java.util.GregorianCalendar;
import java.util.Map;import static com.github.heqiao2010.lunar.LunarData.LUNAR_INFO;/*** 农历/公历对照代码工具方法集合*/
public class LunarCodes {/*** 农历年的代码数组* @param year 农历年* @return 代码数组*/public static short[] monthCodes(int year) {return LUNAR_INFO[year - LunarData.MINI_YEAR];}/*** 从代码中获取年份,大于12时表示下一年* @param code 代码* @return 0/1 今年或者下一年*/public static int codeYear(int code) {return code / 100 > 12 ? 1 : 0;}/*** 从代码中获取农历月初一在公历中的月份* @param code 代码* @return 公历月份*/public static int codeMonth(int code) {int m = code / 100;if (m > 12) m -= 12;return m;}/*** 从代码中获取农历日在公历中的日 (day of month)* @param code 代码* @return 公历日*/public static int codeDay(int code) {return code % 100;}/*** 求一个农历月的天数* @param lunarYear 农历年* @param month 农历月* @param code 农历月有日期,Mdd 表示* @return 月的天数*/public static long lengthOfMonth(int lunarYear, int month, short code) {short md2;short[] starts = monthCodes(lunarYear);int y2 = lunarYear;if (month + 1 < starts.length && starts[month] == code) {md2 = starts[month + 1];} else if (month + 2 < starts.length && starts[month + 1] == code) {md2 = starts[month + 2];} else if (lunarYear - LunarData.MINI_YEAR + 1 < LUNAR_INFO.length) {md2 = monthCodes(lunarYear + 1)[1];y2 ++;} else {throw new IllegalArgumentException("lunar date out of range");}int y1 = lunarYear + codeYear(code);int m1 = codeMonth(code);int d1 = codeDay(code);y2 += codeYear(md2);int m2 = codeMonth(md2);int d2 = codeDay(md2);Calendar c1 = Calendar.getInstance();c1.set(y1, m1 - 1, d1);Calendar c2 = Calendar.getInstance();c2.set(y2, m2 - 1, d2);return LunarUtils.solarDiff(c2, c1, Calendar.DATE);}/*** 根据农历年和 LUNAR_INFO 中的下标来确定月份和闰月** @param year  农历年* @param index LUNAR_INFO 月份数组中的下标* @return 月, 闰月*/public static Map.Entry<Integer, Boolean> month(int year, int index) {short[] a = monthCodes(year);int i = index;if (index == -1) {i = a.length - 1;}boolean isLeap = a[0] > 0 && a[0] + 1 == i;int month = isLeap || a[0] > 0 && a[0] < i ? i - 1 : i;return new AbstractMap.SimpleImmutableEntry(month, isLeap);}/*** 计算月份 Mdd 代码在数组中的位置** @param year        农历年* @param month       农历月* @param isLeapMonth 闰月* @return 月所在的下标*/public static int monthIndex(int year, int month, boolean isLeapMonth) {short[] a = monthCodes(year);if (a[0] > 0 && a[0] < month || a[0] == month && isLeapMonth) {return month + 1;}return month;}/*** 判断两个整数所代表公历日期的差值<br>* 一年按365天计算,一个月按30天计算<br>** @param solarCode1  农历日期代码* @param solarCode2  农历日期代码* @param field       差值单位* @return 差值*/public static long solarDateCodesDiff(int solarCode1, int solarCode2, int field) {GregorianCalendar c1 = new GregorianCalendar(solarCode1 / 10000, solarCode1 % 10000 / 100 - 1,solarCode1 % 10000 % 100);GregorianCalendar c2 = new GregorianCalendar(solarCode2 / 10000, solarCode2 % 10000 / 100 - 1,solarCode2 % 10000 % 100);return LunarUtils.solarDiff(c1, c2, field);}/*** 农历月的代码* @param lunarYear 农历月* @param lunarMonth 农历月* @param isLeapMonth 闰月* @return 代码*/public static short lunarMonthCode(int lunarYear, int lunarMonth, boolean isLeapMonth) {short[] codes = monthCodes(lunarYear);int index = lunarMonth;if (codes[0] > 0 && codes[0] < lunarMonth || codes[0] == lunarMonth && isLeapMonth) {index++;}return codes[index];}

package com.github.heqiao2010.lunar;public class LunarData {/*** 支持的最小日期1850-02-12*/public final static int MINI_YEAR = 1850;public final static int MINI_MONTH = 1;public final static int MINI_DATE = 12;/*** 支持的最大日期2150-12-31*/public final static int MAX_YEAR = 2150;public final static int MAX_MONTH = 11;public final static int MAX_DATE = 31;/*** 10天干* '甲', '乙', '丙', '丁', '戊', '己', '庚', '辛', '壬', '癸'*/static final char[] LunarGan = {'\u7532', '\u4e59', '\u4e19', '\u4e01', '\u620a', '\u5df1', '\u5e9a','\u8f9b', '\u58ec', '\u7678'};/*** 12地支* '子', '丑', '寅', '卯', '辰', '巳', '午', '未', '申', '酉', '戌', '亥'*/static final char[] LunarZhi = {'\u5b50', '\u4e11', '\u5bc5', '\u536f', '\u8fb0', '\u5df3', '\u5348','\u672a', '\u7533', '\u9149', '\u620c', '\u4ea5'};/*** 12生肖* '鼠', '牛', '虎', '兔', '龍', '蛇', '馬', '羊', '猴', '雞', '犬', '豬'*/static final char[] LunarAnimalName = {'\u9f20', '\u725b', '\u864e', '\u5154', '\u9f8d', '\u86c7','\u99ac', '\u7f8a', '\u7334', '\u96de', '\u72ac', '\u8c6c'};/*** 农历年份名* '〇', '一', '二', '三', '四', '五', '六', '七', '八', '九'*/static final char[] LunarYearName = {'\u3007', '\u4e00', '\u4e8c', '\u4e09', '\u56db', '\u4e94','\u516d', '\u4e03', '\u516b', '\u4e5d'};/*** 农历月份名* '正', '二', '三', '四', '五', '六', '七', '八', '九', '十', '冬', '腊'*/static final char[] LunarMonthName = {'\u6b63', '\u4e8c', '\u4e09', '\u56db', '\u4e94', '\u516d','\u4e03', '\u516b', '\u4e5d', '\u5341', '\u51ac', '\u814a'};/*** 农历日期名* "初一", "初二", "初三", "初四", "初五", "初六", "初七", "初八", "初九",* "初十", "十一", "十二", "十三", "十四", "十五", "十六", "十七", "十八", "十九", "二十", "廿一", "廿二",* "廿三", "廿四", "廿五", "廿六", "廿七", "廿八", "廿九", "三十"*/static final String[] LunarDayName = {"\u521d\u4e00", "\u521d\u4e8c", "\u521d\u4e09", "\u521d\u56db","\u521d\u4e94", "\u521d\u516d", "\u521d\u4e03", "\u521d\u516b", "\u521d\u4e5d", "\u521d\u5341","\u5341\u4e00", "\u5341\u4e8c", "\u5341\u4e09", "\u5341\u56db", "\u5341\u4e94", "\u5341\u516d","\u5341\u4e03", "\u5341\u516b", "\u5341\u4e5d", "\u4e8c\u5341", "\u5eff\u4e00", "\u5eff\u4e8c","\u5eff\u4e09", "\u5eff\u56db", "\u5eff\u4e94", "\u5eff\u516d", "\u5eff\u4e03", "\u5eff\u516b","\u5eff\u4e5d", "\u4e09\u5341"};/*** 农历信息.<br>* 每个数组的第一个数表示该年闰月月份,为0表示不闰月<br>* 数组中其他数表示该月初一对应的公历日期<br>*/final static short[][] LUNAR_INFO = {{0, 212, 314, 412, 512, 610, 709, 808, 906, 1005, 1104, 1204, 1302}, // 1850{8, 201, 303, 402, 501, 531, 629, 728, 827, 925, 1024, 1123, 1222, 1321}, // 1851{0, 220, 321, 331, 419, 519, 618, 717, 815, 914, 1013, 1112, 1211, 1309}, // 1852{0, 208, 310, 408, 508, 607, 706, 805, 903, 1003, 1101, 1201, 1230}, // 1853{7, 129, 227, 329, 427, 527, 625, 725, 824, 922, 1022, 1120, 1220, 1318}, // 1854{0, 217, 318, 416, 516, 614, 714, 813, 911, 1011, 1110, 1209, 1308}, // 1855{0, 206, 307, 405, 504, 603, 702, 801, 830, 929, 1029, 1128, 1227}, // 1856{5, 126, 224, 326, 424, 523, 622, 721, 820, 918, 1018, 1116, 1216, 1315}, // 1857{0, 214, 315, 414, 513, 611, 711, 809, 907, 1007, 1106, 1205, 1304}, // 1858{0, 203, 305, 403, 503, 601, 630, 730, 828, 926, 1026, 1124, 1224}, // 1859{3, 123, 222, 322, 421, 521, 619, 718, 817, 915, 1014, 1113, 1212, 1311}, // 1860{0, 210, 311, 410, 510, 608, 708, 806, 905, 1004, 1103, 1202, 1231}, // 1861{8, 130, 301, 330, 429, 528, 627, 727, 825, 924, 1023, 1122, 1221, 1319}, // 1862{0, 218, 319, 418, 518, 616, 716, 814, 913, 1013, 1111, 1211, 1309}, // 1863{0, 208, 308, 406, 506, 604, 704, 802, 901, 1001, 1030, 1129, 1229, 1327}, // 1864{6, 127, 226, 327, 425, 525, 623, 723, 821, 920, 1020, 1118, 1218, 1317}, // 1865{0, 215, 317, 415, 514, 613, 712, 810, 909, 1009, 1107, 1207, 1306}, // 1866{0, 205, 306, 405, 504, 602, 702, 731, 829, 928, 1027, 1126, 1226}, // 1867{4, 125, 223, 324, 423, 522, 620, 720, 818, 916, 1016, 1114, 1214, 1313}, // 1868{0, 211, 313, 412, 512, 610, 709, 808, 906, 1005, 1104, 1203, 1302}, // 1869{10, 131, 302, 401, 501, 530, 629, 728, 827, 925, 1024, 1123, 1222, 1321}, // 1870{0, 219, 321, 420, 519, 618, 718, 816, 915, 1014, 1113, 1212, 1310}, // 1871{0, 209, 309, 408, 507, 606, 706, 804, 903, 1002, 1101, 1201, 1230}, // 1872{6, 129, 227, 328, 427, 526, 625, 724, 823, 922, 1021, 1120, 1220, 1318}, // 1873{0, 217, 318, 416, 516, 614, 714, 812, 911, 1010, 1109, 1209, 1308}, // 1874{0, 206, 308, 406, 505, 604, 703, 801, 831, 929, 1029, 1128, 1228}, // 1875{5, 126, 225, 326, 424, 523, 622, 721, 819, 918, 1017, 1116, 1216, 1314}, // 1876{0, 213, 315, 414, 513, 611, 711, 809, 907, 1007, 1105, 1205, 1303}, // 1877{0, 202, 304, 403, 502, 601, 630, 730, 828, 926, 1026, 1124, 1224}, // 1878{3, 122, 221, 323, 421, 521, 620, 719, 818, 916, 1015, 1114, 1213, 1312}, // 1879{0, 210, 311, 409, 509, 608, 707, 806, 905, 1004, 1103, 1202, 1231}, // 1880{7, 130, 228, 330, 428, 528, 626, 726, 825, 923, 1023, 1122, 1221, 1320}, // 1881{0, 218, 319, 418, 517, 616, 715, 814, 912, 1012, 1111, 1210, 1309}, // 1882{0, 208, 309, 407, 507, 605, 704, 803, 901, 1001, 1031, 1130, 1229}, // 1883{5, 128, 227, 327, 425, 525, 623, 722, 821, 919, 1019, 1118, 1217, 1316}, // 1884{0, 215, 317, 415, 514, 613, 712, 810, 909, 1008, 1107, 1206, 1305}, // 1885{0, 204, 306, 404, 504, 602, 702, 731, 829, 928, 1027, 1126, 1225}, // 1886{4, 124, 223, 325, 423, 523, 621, 721, 819, 917, 1017, 1115, 1215, 1313}, // 1887{0, 212, 313, 411, 511, 610, 709, 808, 906, 1005, 1104, 1203, 1302}, // 1888{12, 131, 302, 331, 430, 530, 628, 728, 826, 925, 1024, 1123, 1222, 1321}, // 1889{0, 219, 321, 419, 519, 617, 717, 816, 914, 1014, 1112, 1212, 1310}, // 1890{0, 209, 310, 409, 508, 607, 706, 805, 903, 1003, 1102, 1201, 1231}, // 1891{6, 130, 228, 328, 427, 526, 624, 724, 822, 921, 1021, 1119, 1219, 1318}, // 1892{0, 217, 318, 416, 516, 614, 713, 812, 910, 1010, 1108, 1208, 1307}, // 1893{0, 206, 307, 406, 505, 604, 703, 801, 831, 929, 1029, 1127, 1227}, // 1894{5, 126, 225, 326, 425, 524, 623, 722, 820, 919, 1018, 1117, 1216, 1315}, // 1895{0, 214, 314, 413, 513, 611, 711, 809, 907, 1007, 1105, 1205, 1303}, // 1896{0, 202, 303, 402, 502, 531, 630, 730, 828, 926, 1026, 1124, 1224}, // 1897{3, 122, 221, 322, 421, 520, 619, 719, 817, 916, 1015, 1114, 1213, 1312}, // 1898{0, 210, 312, 410, 510, 608, 708, 806, 905, 1005, 1103, 1203, 1301}, // 1899{8, 131, 301, 331, 429, 528, 627, 726, 825, 924, 1023, 1122, 1222, 1320}, // 1900{0, 219, 320, 419, 518, 616, 716, 814, 913, 1012, 1111, 1211, 1310}, // 1901{0, 208, 310, 408, 508, 606, 705, 804, 902, 1002, 1031, 1130, 1230}, // 1902{5, 129, 227, 329, 427, 527, 625, 724, 823, 921, 1020, 1119, 1219, 1317}, // 1903{0, 216, 317, 416, 515, 614, 713, 811, 910, 1009, 1107, 1207, 1306}, // 1904{0, 204, 306, 405, 504, 603, 703, 801, 830, 929, 1028, 1127, 1226}, // 1905{4, 125, 223, 325, 424, 523, 622, 721, 820, 918, 1018, 1116, 1216, 1314}, // 1906{0, 213, 314, 413, 512, 611, 710, 809, 908, 1007, 1106, 1205, 1304}, // 1907{0, 202, 303, 401, 430, 530, 629, 728, 827, 925, 1025, 1124, 1223}, // 1908{2, 122, 220, 322, 420, 519, 618, 717, 816, 914, 1014, 1113, 1213, 1311}, // 1909{0, 210, 311, 410, 509, 607, 707, 805, 904, 1003, 1102, 1202, 1301}, // 1910{6, 130, 301, 330, 429, 528, 626, 726, 824, 922, 1022, 1121, 1220, 1319}, // 1911{0, 218, 319, 417, 517, 615, 714, 813, 911, 1010, 1109, 1209, 1307}, // 1912{0, 206, 308, 407, 506, 605, 704, 802, 901, 930, 1029, 1128, 1227}, // 1913{5, 126, 225, 327, 425, 525, 623, 723, 821, 920, 1019, 1117, 1217, 1315}, // 1914{0, 214, 316, 414, 514, 613, 712, 811, 909, 1009, 1107, 1207, 1305}, // 1915{0, 203, 304, 403, 502, 601, 630, 730, 829, 927, 1027, 1125, 1225}, // 1916{2, 123, 222, 323, 421, 521, 619, 719, 818, 916, 1016, 1115, 1214, 1313}, // 1917{0, 211, 313, 411, 510, 609, 708, 807, 905, 1005, 1104, 1203, 1302}, // 1918{7, 201, 302, 401, 430, 529, 628, 727, 825, 924, 1024, 1122, 1222, 1321}, // 1919{0, 220, 320, 419, 518, 616, 716, 814, 912, 1012, 1110, 1210, 1309}, // 1920{0, 208, 310, 408, 508, 606, 705, 804, 902, 1001, 1031, 1129, 1229}, // 1921{5, 128, 227, 328, 427, 527, 625, 724, 823, 921, 1020, 1119, 1218, 1317}, // 1922{0, 216, 317, 416, 516, 614, 714, 812, 911, 1010, 1108, 1208, 1306}, // 1923{0, 205, 305, 404, 504, 602, 702, 801, 830, 929, 1028, 1127, 1226}, // 1924{4, 124, 223, 324, 423, 522, 621, 721, 819, 918, 1018, 1116, 1216, 1314}, // 1925{0, 213, 314, 412, 512, 610, 710, 808, 907, 1007, 1105, 1205, 1304}, // 1926{0, 202, 304, 402, 501, 531, 629, 729, 827, 926, 1025, 1124, 1224}, // 1927{2, 123, 221, 322, 420, 519, 618, 717, 815, 914, 1013, 1112, 1212, 1311}, // 1928{0, 210, 311, 410, 509, 607, 707, 805, 903, 1003, 1101, 1201, 1231}, // 1929{6, 130, 228, 330, 429, 528, 626, 726, 824, 922, 1022, 1120, 1220, 1319}, // 1930{0, 217, 319, 418, 517, 616, 715, 814, 912, 1011, 1110, 1209, 1308}, // 1931{0, 206, 307, 406, 506, 604, 704, 802, 901, 930, 1029, 1128, 1227}, // 1932{5, 126, 224, 326, 425, 524, 623, 723, 821, 920, 1019, 1118, 1217, 1315}, // 1933{0, 214, 315, 414, 513, 612, 712, 810, 909, 1008, 1107, 1207, 1305}, // 1934{0, 204, 305, 403, 503, 601, 701, 730, 829, 928, 1027, 1126, 1226}, // 1935{3, 124, 223, 323, 421, 521, 619, 718, 817, 916, 1015, 1114, 1214, 1313}, // 1936{0, 211, 313, 411, 510, 609, 708, 806, 905, 1004, 1103, 1203, 1302}, // 1937{7, 131, 302, 401, 430, 529, 628, 727, 825, 924, 1023, 1122, 1222, 1320}, // 1938{0, 219, 321, 420, 519, 617, 717, 815, 913, 1013, 1111, 1211, 1309}, // 1939{0, 208, 309, 408, 507, 606, 705, 804, 902, 1001, 1031, 1129, 1229}, // 1940{6, 127, 226, 328, 426, 526, 625, 724, 823, 921, 1020, 1119, 1218, 1317}, // 1941{0, 215, 317, 415, 515, 614, 713, 812, 910, 1010, 1108, 1208, 1306}, // 1942{0, 205, 306, 405, 504, 603, 702, 801, 831, 929, 1029, 1127, 1227}, // 1943{4, 125, 224, 324, 423, 522, 621, 720, 819, 917, 1017, 1116, 1215, 1314}, // 1944{0, 213, 314, 412, 512, 610, 709, 808, 906, 1006, 1105, 1205, 1303}, // 1945{0, 202, 304, 402, 501, 531, 629, 728, 827, 925, 1025, 1124, 1223}, // 1946{2, 122, 221, 323, 421, 520, 619, 718, 816, 915, 1014, 1113, 1212, 1311}, // 1947{0, 210, 311, 409, 509, 607, 707, 805, 903, 1003, 1101, 1201, 1230}, // 1948{7, 129, 228, 329, 428, 528, 626, 726, 824, 922, 1022, 1120, 1220, 1318}, // 1949{0, 217, 318, 417, 517, 615, 715, 814, 912, 1011, 1110, 1209, 1308}, // 1950{0, 206, 308, 406, 506, 605, 704, 803, 901, 1001, 1030, 1129, 1228}, // 1951{5, 127, 225, 326, 424, 524, 622, 722, 820, 919, 1019, 1117, 1217, 1315}, // 1952{0, 214, 315, 414, 513, 611, 711, 810, 908, 1008, 1107, 1206, 1305}, // 1953{0, 203, 305, 403, 503, 601, 630, 730, 828, 927, 1027, 1125, 1225}, // 1954{3, 124, 222, 324, 422, 522, 620, 719, 818, 916, 1016, 1114, 1214, 1313}, // 1955{0, 212, 312, 411, 510, 609, 708, 806, 905, 1004, 1103, 1202, 1301}, // 1956{8, 131, 302, 331, 430, 529, 628, 727, 825, 924, 1023, 1122, 1221, 1320}, // 1957{0, 218, 320, 419, 519, 617, 717, 815, 913, 1013, 1111, 1211, 1309}, // 1958{0, 208, 309, 408, 508, 606, 706, 804, 903, 1002, 1101, 1130, 1230}, // 1959{6, 128, 227, 327, 426, 525, 624, 724, 822, 921, 1020, 1119, 1218, 1317}, // 1960{0, 215, 317, 415, 515, 613, 713, 811, 910, 1010, 1108, 1208, 1306}, // 1961{0, 205, 306, 405, 504, 602, 702, 731, 830, 929, 1028, 1127, 1227}, // 1962{4, 125, 224, 325, 424, 523, 621, 721, 819, 918, 1017, 1116, 1216, 1315}, // 1963{0, 213, 314, 412, 512, 610, 709, 808, 906, 1006, 1104, 1204, 1303}, // 1964{0, 202, 303, 402, 501, 531, 629, 728, 827, 925, 1024, 1123, 1223}, // 1965{3, 121, 220, 322, 421, 520, 619, 718, 816, 915, 1014, 1112, 1212, 1311}, // 1966{0, 209, 311, 410, 509, 608, 708, 806, 904, 1004, 1102, 1202, 1231}, // 1967{7, 130, 228, 329, 427, 527, 626, 725, 824, 922, 1022, 1120, 1220, 1318}, // 1968{0, 217, 318, 417, 516, 615, 714, 813, 912, 1011, 1110, 1209, 1308}, // 1969{0, 206, 308, 406, 505, 604, 703, 802, 901, 930, 1030, 1129, 1228}, // 1970{5, 127, 225, 327, 425, 524, 623, 722, 821, 919, 1019, 1118, 1218, 1316}, // 1971{0, 215, 315, 414, 513, 611, 711, 809, 908, 1007, 1106, 1206, 1304}, // 1972{0, 203, 305, 403, 503, 601, 630, 730, 828, 926, 1026, 1125, 1224}, // 1973{4, 123, 222, 324, 422, 522, 620, 719, 818, 916, 1015, 1114, 1214, 1312}, // 1974{0, 211, 313, 412, 511, 610, 709, 807, 906, 1005, 1103, 1203, 1301}, // 1975{8, 131, 301, 331, 429, 529, 627, 727, 825, 924, 1023, 1121, 1221, 1319}, // 1976{0, 218, 320, 418, 518, 617, 716, 815, 913, 1013, 1111, 1211, 1309}, // 1977{0, 207, 309, 407, 507, 606, 705, 804, 903, 1002, 1101, 1130, 1230}, // 1978{6, 128, 227, 328, 426, 526, 624, 724, 823, 921, 1021, 1120, 1219, 1318}, // 1979{0, 216, 317, 415, 514, 613, 712, 811, 909, 1009, 1108, 1207, 1306}, // 1980{0, 205, 306, 405, 504, 602, 702, 731, 829, 928, 1028, 1126, 1226}, // 1981{4, 125, 224, 325, 424, 523, 621, 721, 819, 917, 1017, 1115, 1215, 1314}, // 1982{0, 213, 315, 413, 513, 611, 710, 809, 907, 1006, 1105, 1204, 1303}, // 1983{10, 202, 303, 401, 501, 531, 629, 728, 827, 925, 1024, 1123, 1222, 1321}, // 1984{0, 220, 321, 420, 520, 618, 718, 816, 915, 1014, 1112, 1212, 1310}, // 1985{0, 209, 310, 409, 509, 607, 707, 806, 904, 1004, 1102, 1202, 1231}, // 1986{6, 129, 228, 329, 428, 527, 626, 726, 824, 923, 1023, 1121, 1221, 1319}, // 1987{0, 217, 318, 416, 516, 614, 714, 812, 911, 1011, 1109, 1209, 1308}, // 1988{0, 206, 308, 406, 505, 604, 703, 802, 831, 930, 1029, 1128, 1228}, // 1989{5, 127, 225, 327, 425, 524, 623, 722, 820, 919, 1018, 1117, 1217, 1316}, // 1990{0, 215, 316, 415, 514, 612, 712, 810, 908, 1008, 1106, 1206, 1305}, // 1991{0, 204, 304, 403, 503, 601, 630, 730, 828, 926, 1026, 1124, 1224}, // 1992{3, 123, 221, 323, 422, 521, 620, 719, 818, 916, 1015, 1114, 1213, 1312}, // 1993{0, 210, 312, 411, 511, 609, 709, 807, 906, 1005, 1103, 1203, 1301}, // 1994{8, 131, 301, 331, 430, 529, 628, 727, 826, 925, 1024, 1122, 1222, 1320}, // 1995{0, 219, 319, 418, 517, 616, 716, 814, 913, 1012, 1111, 1211, 1309}, // 1996{0, 207, 309, 407, 507, 605, 705, 803, 902, 1002, 1031, 1130, 1230}, // 1997{5, 128, 227, 328, 426, 526, 624, 723, 822, 921, 1020, 1119, 1219, 1317}, // 1998{0, 216, 318, 416, 515, 614, 713, 811, 910, 1009, 1108, 1208, 1307}, // 1999{0, 205, 306, 405, 504, 602, 702, 731, 829, 928, 1027, 1126, 1226}, // 2000{4, 124, 223, 325, 423, 523, 621, 721, 819, 917, 1017, 1115, 1215, 1313}, // 2001{0, 212, 314, 413, 512, 611, 710, 809, 907, 1006, 1105, 1204, 1303}, // 2002{0, 201, 303, 402, 501, 531, 630, 729, 828, 926, 1025, 1124, 1223}, // 2003{2, 122, 220, 321, 419, 519, 618, 717, 816, 914, 1014, 1112, 1212, 1310}, // 2004{0, 209, 310, 409, 508, 607, 706, 805, 904, 1003, 1102, 1201, 1231}, // 2005{7, 129, 228, 329, 428, 527, 626, 725, 824, 922, 1022, 1121, 1220, 1319}, // 2006{0, 218, 319, 417, 517, 615, 714, 813, 911, 1011, 1110, 1210, 1308}, // 2007{0, 207, 308, 406, 505, 604, 703, 801, 831, 929, 1029, 1128, 1227}, // 2008{5, 126, 225, 327, 425, 524, 623, 722, 820, 919, 1018, 1117, 1216, 1315}, // 2009{0, 214, 316, 414, 514, 612, 712, 810, 908, 1008, 1106, 1206, 1304}, // 2010{0, 203, 305, 403, 503, 602, 701, 731, 829, 927, 1027, 1125, 1225}, // 2011{4, 123, 222, 322, 421, 521, 619, 719, 817, 916, 1015, 1114, 1213, 1312}, // 2012{0, 210, 312, 410, 510, 608, 708, 807, 905, 1005, 1103, 1203, 1301}, // 2013{9, 131, 301, 331, 429, 529, 627, 727, 825, 924, 1024, 1122, 1222, 1320}, // 2014{0, 219, 320, 419, 518, 616, 716, 814, 913, 1013, 1112, 1211, 1310}, // 2015{0, 208, 309, 407, 507, 605, 704, 803, 901, 1001, 1031, 1129, 1229}, // 2016{6, 128, 226, 328, 426, 526, 624, 723, 822, 920, 1020, 1118, 1218, 1317}, // 2017{0, 216, 317, 416, 515, 614, 713, 811, 910, 1009, 1108, 1207, 1306}, // 2018{0, 205, 307, 405, 505, 603, 703, 801, 830, 929, 1028, 1126, 1226}, // 2019{4, 125, 223, 324, 423, 523, 621, 721, 819, 917, 1017, 1115, 1215, 1313}, // 2020{0, 212, 313, 412, 512, 610, 710, 808, 907, 1006, 1105, 1204, 1303}, // 2021{0, 201, 303, 401, 501, 530, 629, 729, 827, 926, 1025, 1124, 1223}, // 2022{2, 122, 220, 322, 420, 519, 618, 718, 816, 915, 1015, 1113, 1213, 1311}, // 2023{0, 210, 310, 409, 508, 606, 706, 804, 903, 1003, 1101, 1201, 1231}, // 2024{6, 129, 228, 329, 428, 527, 625, 725, 823, 922, 1021, 1120, 1220, 1319}, // 2025{0, 217, 319, 417, 517, 615, 714, 813, 911, 1010, 1109, 1209, 1308}, // 2026{0, 206, 308, 407, 506, 605, 704, 802, 901, 930, 1029, 1128, 1228}, // 2027{5, 126, 225, 326, 425, 524, 623, 722, 820, 919, 1018, 1116, 1216, 1315}, // 2028{0, 213, 315, 414, 513, 612, 711, 810, 908, 1008, 1106, 1205, 1304}, // 2029{0, 203, 304, 403, 502, 601, 701, 730, 829, 927, 1027, 1125, 1225}, // 2030{3, 123, 221, 323, 422, 521, 620, 719, 818, 917, 1016, 1115, 1214, 1313}, // 2031{0, 211, 312, 410, 509, 608, 707, 806, 905, 1004, 1103, 1203, 1301}, // 2032{11, 131, 301, 331, 429, 528, 627, 726, 825, 923, 1023, 1122, 1222, 1320}, // 2033{0, 219, 320, 419, 518, 616, 716, 814, 913, 1012, 1111, 1211, 1309}, // 2034{0, 208, 310, 408, 508, 606, 705, 804, 902, 1001, 1031, 1130, 1229}, // 2035{6, 128, 227, 328, 426, 526, 624, 723, 822, 920, 1019, 1118, 1217, 1316}, // 2036{0, 215, 317, 416, 515, 614, 713, 811, 910, 1009, 1107, 1207, 1305}, // 2037{0, 204, 306, 405, 504, 603, 702, 801, 830, 929, 1028, 1126, 1226}, // 2038{5, 124, 223, 325, 423, 523, 622, 721, 820, 918, 1018, 1116, 1216, 1314}, // 2039{0, 212, 313, 411, 511, 610, 709, 808, 906, 1006, 1105, 1204, 1303}, // 2040{0, 201, 302, 401, 430, 530, 628, 728, 827, 925, 1025, 1124, 1223}, // 2041{2, 122, 220, 322, 420, 519, 618, 717, 816, 914, 1014, 1113, 1212, 1311}, // 2042{0, 210, 311, 410, 509, 607, 707, 805, 903, 1003, 1102, 1201, 1231}, // 2043{7, 130, 229, 329, 428, 527, 625, 725, 823, 921, 1021, 1119, 1219, 1318}, // 2044{0, 217, 319, 417, 517, 615, 714, 813, 911, 1010, 1109, 1208, 1307}, // 2045{0, 206, 308, 406, 506, 604, 704, 802, 901, 930, 1029, 1128, 1227}, // 2046{5, 126, 225, 326, 425, 525, 623, 723, 821, 920, 1019, 1117, 1217, 1315}, // 2047{0, 214, 314, 413, 513, 611, 711, 810, 908, 1008, 1106, 1205, 1304}, // 2048{0, 202, 304, 402, 502, 531, 630, 730, 828, 927, 1027, 1125, 1225}, // 2049{3, 123, 221, 323, 421, 521, 619, 719, 817, 916, 1016, 1114, 1214, 1313}, // 2050{0, 211, 313, 411, 510, 609, 708, 806, 905, 1005, 1103, 1203, 1302}, // 2051{8, 201, 301, 331, 429, 528, 627, 726, 824, 923, 1022, 1121, 1221, 1320}, // 2052{0, 219, 320, 419, 518, 616, 716, 814, 912, 1012, 1110, 1210, 1309}, // 2053{0, 208, 309, 408, 508, 606, 705, 804, 902, 1001, 1031, 1129, 1229}, // 2054{6, 128, 226, 328, 427, 526, 625, 724, 823, 921, 1020, 1119, 1218, 1317}, // 2055{0, 215, 316, 415, 515, 613, 713, 811, 910, 1009, 1107, 1207, 1305}, // 2056{0, 204, 305, 404, 504, 602, 702, 731, 830, 928, 1028, 1126, 1226}, // 2057{4, 124, 223, 324, 423, 522, 621, 720, 819, 918, 1017, 1116, 1216, 1314}, // 2058{0, 212, 314, 412, 512, 610, 710, 808, 907, 1006, 1105, 1205, 1304}, // 2059{0, 202, 303, 401, 430, 530, 628, 727, 826, 924, 1024, 1123, 1223}, // 2060{3, 121, 220, 322, 420, 519, 618, 717, 815, 914, 1013, 1112, 1212, 1311}, // 2061{0, 209, 311, 410, 509, 607, 707, 805, 903, 1003, 1101, 1201, 1231}, // 2062{7, 129, 228, 330, 428, 528, 626, 726, 824, 922, 1022, 1120, 1220, 1318}, // 2063{0, 217, 318, 417, 516, 615, 714, 813, 911, 1010, 1109, 1208, 1307}, // 2064{0, 205, 307, 406, 505, 604, 704, 802, 901, 930, 1029, 1128, 1227}, // 2065{5, 126, 224, 326, 424, 524, 623, 722, 821, 919, 1019, 1117, 1217, 1315}, // 2066{0, 214, 315, 414, 513, 612, 711, 810, 909, 1008, 1107, 1206, 1305}, // 2067{0, 203, 304, 402, 502, 531, 629, 729, 828, 926, 1026, 1125, 1224}, // 2068{4, 123, 221, 323, 421, 521, 619, 718, 817, 915, 1015, 1114, 1214, 1312}, // 2069{0, 211, 312, 411, 510, 609, 708, 806, 905, 1004, 1103, 1203, 1301}, // 2070{8, 131, 302, 331, 430, 529, 628, 727, 825, 924, 1023, 1122, 1221, 1320}, // 2071{0, 219, 320, 418, 518, 616, 716, 814, 912, 1012, 1110, 1210, 1308}, // 2072{0, 207, 309, 407, 507, 606, 705, 804, 902, 1001, 1031, 1129, 1229}, // 2073{6, 127, 226, 327, 426, 526, 624, 724, 822, 921, 1020, 1119, 1218, 1317}, // 2074{0, 215, 317, 415, 515, 613, 713, 812, 910, 1010, 1108, 1208, 1306}, // 2075{0, 205, 305, 404, 503, 602, 701, 731, 829, 928, 1028, 1126, 1226}, // 2076{4, 124, 223, 324, 423, 522, 620, 720, 818, 917, 1017, 1116, 1215, 1314}, // 2077{0, 212, 314, 412, 512, 610, 709, 808, 906, 1006, 1105, 1204, 1303}, // 2078{0, 202, 303, 402, 501, 531, 629, 728, 827, 925, 1025, 1123, 1223}, // 2079{3, 122, 221, 321, 420, 519, 618, 717, 815, 914, 1013, 1111, 1211, 1310}, // 2080{0, 209, 310, 409, 509, 607, 707, 805, 903, 1003, 1101, 1130, 1230}, // 2081{7, 129, 227, 329, 428, 528, 626, 725, 824, 922, 1022, 1120, 1219, 1318}, // 2082{0, 217, 318, 417, 517, 615, 715, 813, 912, 1011, 1110, 1209, 1308}, // 2083{0, 206, 307, 405, 505, 603, 703, 802, 831, 930, 1029, 1128, 1227}, // 2084{5, 126, 224, 326, 424, 523, 622, 722, 820, 919, 1019, 1117, 1217, 1315}, // 2085{0, 214, 315, 414, 513, 611, 711, 809, 908, 1008, 1106, 1206, 1305}, // 2086{0, 203, 305, 403, 503, 601, 630, 730, 828, 927, 1026, 1125, 1225}, // 2087{4, 124, 222, 323, 421, 521, 619, 718, 817, 915, 1014, 1113, 1213, 1312}, // 2088{0, 210, 312, 411, 510, 609, 708, 806, 904, 1004, 1102, 1202, 1301}, // 2089{8, 130, 301, 331, 430, 529, 628, 727, 825, 924, 1023, 1121, 1221, 1320}, // 2090{0, 218, 320, 419, 518, 617, 716, 815, 913, 1013, 1111, 1210, 1309}, // 2091{0, 207, 308, 407, 506, 605, 705, 803, 902, 1001, 1031, 1129, 1229}, // 2092{6, 127, 225, 327, 426, 525, 624, 723, 822, 921, 1020, 1119, 1218, 1317}, // 2093{0, 215, 316, 415, 514, 613, 712, 811, 910, 1009, 1108, 1208, 1306}, // 2094{0, 205, 306, 405, 504, 602, 702, 731, 830, 928, 1028, 1127, 1227}, // 2095{4, 125, 224, 324, 423, 522, 620, 720, 818, 916, 1016, 1115, 1215, 1313}, // 2096{0, 212, 314, 412, 512, 610, 709, 807, 906, 1005, 1104, 1204, 1302}, // 2097{0, 201, 303, 402, 501, 531, 629, 728, 826, 925, 1024, 1123, 1222}, // 2098{2, 121, 220, 322, 420, 520, 619, 718, 816, 915, 1014, 1112, 1212, 1310}, // 2099{0, 209, 311, 410, 509, 608, 707, 806, 904, 1004, 1102, 1201, 1231}, // 2010{7, 129, 228, 330, 428, 528, 626, 726, 825, 923, 1023, 1121, 1220, 1319}, //2101{0, 217, 319, 417, 517, 616, 715, 814, 912, 1012, 1111, 1210, 1309}, //2102{0, 207, 308, 407, 506, 605, 704, 803, 901, 1001, 1031, 1130, 1229}, //2103{5, 128, 226, 327, 425, 524, 623, 722, 821, 919, 1019, 1118, 1217, 1316}, //2104{0, 215, 316, 415, 514, 612, 712, 810, 908, 1008, 1107, 1206, 1305}, //2105{0, 204, 306, 404, 504, 602, 701, 731, 829, 927, 1027, 1125, 1225}, //2106{4, 124, 223, 325, 423, 523, 621, 720, 819, 917, 1016, 1115, 1214, 1313}, //2107{0, 212, 313, 411, 511, 609, 709, 807, 906, 1005, 1103, 1203, 1301}, //2108{9, 131, 302, 331, 430, 530, 628, 728, 826, 925, 1024, 1122, 1222, 1320}, //2109{0, 219, 320, 419, 519, 617, 717, 816, 914, 1014, 1112, 1211, 1310}, //2110{0, 208, 310, 408, 508, 606, 706, 805, 903, 1003, 1101, 1201, 1231}, //2111{6, 129, 227, 328, 426, 526, 624, 724, 822, 921, 1021, 1119, 1219, 1318}, //2112{0, 216, 318, 416, 515, 614, 713, 811, 910, 1010, 1108, 1208, 1307}, //2113{0, 206, 307, 406, 505, 603, 703, 801, 830, 929, 1028, 1127, 1227}, //2114{4, 126, 225, 326, 425, 524, 622, 722, 820, 918, 1018, 1116, 1216, 1315}, //2115{0, 214, 314, 413, 512, 611, 710, 809, 907, 1006, 1105, 1204, 1303}, //2116{0, 202, 303, 402, 502, 531, 630, 729, 828, 926, 1025, 1124, 1223}, //2117{3, 122, 220, 322, 421, 520, 619, 719, 817, 916, 1015, 1113, 1213, 1311}, //2118{0, 210, 311, 410, 509, 608, 708, 806, 905, 1004, 1103, 1202, 1301}, //2119{7, 130, 229, 329, 428, 527, 626, 725, 824, 923, 1022, 1121, 1220, 1319}, //2120{0, 217, 319, 417, 517, 615, 715, 813, 912, 1011, 1110, 1210, 1309}, //2121{0, 207, 308, 407, 506, 605, 704, 802, 901, 930, 1030, 1129, 1229}, //2122{5, 127, 226, 328, 426, 525, 624, 723, 821, 920, 1019, 1118, 1218, 1317}, //2123{0, 215, 316, 414, 514, 612, 712, 810, 908, 1008, 1106, 1206, 1305}, //2124{0, 203, 305, 404, 503, 602, 701, 731, 829, 927, 1027, 1125, 1225}, //2125{4, 123, 222, 324, 423, 522, 621, 720, 819, 917, 1016, 1115, 1214, 1313}, //2126{0, 211, 313, 412, 511, 610, 710, 808, 906, 1006, 1104, 1204, 1302}, //2127{11, 201, 301, 331, 429, 529, 628, 727, 826, 924, 1024, 1122, 1222, 1320}, //2128{0, 219, 320, 419, 518, 617, 716, 815, 914, 1013, 1112, 1211, 1310}, //2129{0, 208, 310, 408, 508, 606, 705, 804, 903, 1002, 1101, 1201, 1230}, //2130{6, 129, 227, 329, 427, 527, 625, 724, 823, 921, 1021, 1120, 1220, 1318}, //2131{0, 217, 317, 416, 515, 614, 713, 811, 910, 1009, 1108, 1208, 1306}, //2132{0, 205, 307, 405, 505, 603, 703, 801, 830, 928, 1028, 1127, 1226}, //2133{5, 125, 224, 326, 424, 524, 622, 722, 820, 918, 1018, 1116, 1216, 1314}, //2134{0, 213, 315, 413, 513, 612, 711, 809, 908, 1007, 1106, 1205, 1304}, //2135{0, 202, 303, 401, 501, 531, 629, 729, 827, 926, 1025, 1124, 1223}, //2136{2, 122, 220, 322, 420, 520, 618, 718, 817, 915, 1015, 1113, 1213, 1311}, //2137{0, 210, 311, 410, 509, 608, 707, 806, 904, 1004, 1103, 1202, 1301}, //2138{7, 130, 301, 330, 429, 528, 626, 726, 824, 923, 1023, 1122, 1221, 1320}, //2139{0, 218, 319, 417, 517, 615, 714, 813, 911, 1011, 1110, 1209, 1308}, //2140{0, 207, 308, 407, 506, 605, 704, 802, 901, 930, 1030, 1128, 1228}, //2141{5, 127, 226, 327, 426, 525, 624, 723, 821, 919, 1019, 1117, 1217, 1316}, //2142{0, 215, 316, 415, 515, 613, 713, 811, 909, 1008, 1107, 1206, 1305}, //2143{0, 204, 304, 403, 503, 602, 701, 730, 829, 927, 1027, 1125, 1224}, //2144{4, 123, 222, 323, 422, 522, 620, 720, 818, 917, 1016, 1115, 1214, 1313}, //2145{0, 211, 312, 411, 511, 609, 709, 807, 906, 1006, 1104, 1204, 1302}, //2146{0, 201, 302, 331, 430, 529, 628, 728, 826, 925, 1025, 1123, 1223}, //2147{1, 121, 220, 320, 419, 518, 616, 716, 814, 913, 1013, 1111, 1211, 1310}, //2148{0, 208, 310, 408, 508, 606, 705, 804, 902, 1002, 1031, 1130, 1230}, //2149{6, 129, 227, 329, 427, 527, 625, 724, 822, 921, 1020, 1119, 1219, 1318}, //2150};/*** 获取农历日的表示** @param lunarDay  农历日数值表示* @return 农历日传统字符表示*/public static String getDayName(int lunarDay) {return LunarDayName[lunarDay - 1];}/*** 获取农历月份** @param lunarMonth  农历月数值表示* @return 农历月传统字符表示*/public static char getMonthName(int lunarMonth) {return LunarMonthName[lunarMonth - 1];}/*** 获取农历年份** @param lunarYear  农历年数值表示* @return 农历年传统字符表示*/public static String getYearName(int lunarYear) {StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();sb.append(LunarYearName[lunarYear / 1000]);sb.append(LunarYearName[lunarYear % 1000 / 100]);sb.append(LunarYearName[lunarYear % 100 / 10]);sb.append(LunarYearName[lunarYear % 10]);return sb.toString();}/*** 返回传统天干地支年名称** @param y 农历年* @return 传统农历年份的表示*/public static String getTraditionalYearName(int y) {// 1804年是甲子年y = y - 1804;return ("" + LunarGan[y % 10] + LunarZhi[y % 12] + "年");}/*** 获取生肖名** @param y  农历年* @return 生肖名*/public static char getAnimalYearName(int y) {return LunarAnimalName[(y - 4) % 12];}

package com.github.heqiao2010.lunar;import java.util.Calendar;public class LunarUtils {/*** 计算两个农历日期之差** @param lc1    农历1* @param lc2    农历2* @param field  计算的维度,比如按月,天等* @return 具体的差值*/public static long luanrDiff(LunarCalendar lc1, LunarCalendar lc2, int field) {return solarDiff(lc1, lc2, field);}/*** 求两个公历日期之差,field可以为年月日,时分秒<br>* 一年按365天计算,一个月按30天计算<br>** @param solar1  历日期* @param solar2  历日期* @param field  差值单位* @return 差值*/public static long solarDiff(Calendar solar1, Calendar solar2, int field) {long t1 = solar1.getTimeInMillis();long t2 = solar2.getTimeInMillis();switch (field) {case Calendar.SECOND:return (long) Math.rint((t1 - t2) / 1000.0);case Calendar.MINUTE:return (long) Math.rint((t1 - t2) / 60000.0); // 60 * 1000case Calendar.HOUR:return (long) Math.rint((t1 - t2) / 3600000.0); //3600 * 1000case Calendar.DATE:return (long) Math.rint((t1 - t2) / 86400000.0); // 24 * 3600 * 1000case Calendar.MONTH:return (long) Math.rint((t1 - t2) / 2592000000.0); // 30 * 24 * 3600 * 1000case Calendar.YEAR:return (long) Math.rint((t1 - t2) / 31536000000.0); // 365 * 24 * 3600 * 1000default:return -1;}}/*** 农历月的天数** @param lunarYear   农历年* @param month       农历月* @param isLeapMonth 闰月* @return 天数,29或者30*/public static long lengthOfMonth(int lunarYear, int month, boolean isLeapMonth) {short[] codes = LunarCodes.monthCodes(lunarYear);int i = isLeapMonth ? month + 1 : month;if (codes[0] > 0 && month > codes[0]) i++;return LunarCodes.lengthOfMonth(lunarYear, month, codes[i]);}/*** 一个简单的二分查找,返回查找到的元素坐标,用于查找农历二维数组信息** @param array  数组* @param n      待查询数字* @return 查到的坐标*/public static int binSearch(int[] array, int n) {if (null == array || array.length == 0) {return -1;}int min = 0, max = array.length - 1;if (n <= array[min]) {return min;} else if (n >= array[max]) {return max;}while (max - min > 1) {int newIndex = (max + min) / 2; // 二分if (array[newIndex] > n) { // 取小区间max = newIndex;} else if (array[newIndex] < n) {// 取大区间min = newIndex;} else { // 相等,直接返回下标return newIndex;}}if (array[max] == n) {return max;} else if (array[min] == n) {return min;} else {return min; // 返回 较小的一个}}



springboot 加载本地jar到maven的实现方法

《springboot加载本地jar到maven的实现方法》如何在SpringBoot项目中加载本地jar到Maven本地仓库,使用Maven的install-file目标来实现,本文结合实例代码给... 在Spring Boothttp://www.chinasem.cn项目中,如果你想要加载一个本地的ja

maven 编译构建可以执行的jar包

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原文: IKIKAnalyzer3.2.8.jar // 分词器 ant-junit4.jar // ant junit antlr-2.7.6.jar // 没有此包,hibernate不会执行hql语句。并且会报NoClassDefFoundError: antlr


自己新建 project...不用easeui的包,太不友好了..全部自己解封.自己写 个是在要Android studio 3.3.2版本中测试有效在android7和8(API24,25,26,27)四个个版本中有效. 如果到了Adnroid9(API28,Q)会有so报错.在AndroidMaifest.xml有两处用☆标出来 注意三点. 1:复制两个文件夹文件 libs.av 是


这两天我在纠结这个问题,为啥我maven打包放在jmeter路径下后,jmeter的bean Shell 就是找不到这个类。纠结很久解开了。我记录下,留给后来的朋友。   Error invoking bsh method: eval Sourced file: inline evaluation of: ``import org.apache.jmeter.protocol.http.s


首先新建一个文件夹,文件名自定,为了使没有安装jre的用户,也可以运行这个exe文件,先把安装的java下面的jre复制到这文件夹中, 1.先用MyEclipse生成jar文件,步骤如下: 右击项目名——选择Export——java——JAR file——点击“Next”——填一下地址(JAR file,存放在刚才新建的文件夹里面,路径就是这个)——点击“Next”——在点击“Next”——点


由于现在学习java web,java工程导入jar包都忘记了。 在此想记录一下:工程项目名:右击 -- Build Path --add External Archives 点击会弹出一个框 ,选择你要导入的jar路径就可以了。


BMS 解决方法: 当我们发布web项目到tomcat时,访问地址时会报一个classnotfound的错误,但是eclipse中的项目中都已经添加了相应的类,有一种比较容易犯的错误是,你没有把额外所需的jar包加到tomcat中的lib文件夹中,在这里介绍一种在项目中直接添加jar包到lib目录下:  右键已创建的web项目——properties属性——点击Deployment Assem

Android studio 生成aar包或jar包

在build.gradle文件中添加 apply plugin: ''def releaseTime() {def date = new Date()def formattedDate = date.format('yyyyMMddHHmm')return formattedDate}android {compileSdkVersion 25default

Android studio jar包多层嵌套,Add library '__local_aars__:...@jar' to classpath问题

在添加jar包,早app下的build.gradle中的 implementation files('libs/jar包的名字.jar') 修改为 api files('libs/jar包的名字.jar') implementation 单层引用,只引用当前jar包层, api 多层引用,应用当前jar包层,已经jar包引用的jar包层