IPQ6010+QCN9074|QCN9074-6E Throughput Test Report in DR6018

2023-10-25 09:45

本文主要是介绍IPQ6010+QCN9074|QCN9074-6E Throughput Test Report in DR6018,希望对大家解决编程问题提供一定的参考价值,需要的开发者们随着小编来一起学习吧!

IPQ6010+QCN9074|QCN9074-6E Throughput Test Report in DR6018

Are you curious about the performance capabilities of the QCN9074-6E network card in the DR6018? Look no further! In this blog, we'll walk you through the hardware you'll need, how to set up one board as an Access Point (AP) and the other as a Station (STA), and perform a throughput test. Plus, we'll share our exciting conclusions.

Hardware Required:

DR6018 x2

DR9074-6E x2

Setting Up the Test:

Board Configuration: Install two DR6018 boards and two DR9074-6E network cards.

Role Assignment: Set one board as the Access Point (AP) and the other as the Station (STA).

Network Connection: Utilize the onboard 2.5G Ethernet port for connectivity.

Performing the Throughput Test:

Once the radios are linked, it's time to assess the performance:


The results are nothing short of impressive. On average, the QCN9074-6E network card in the DR6018 achieves a remarkable speed of up to 1500 Mbps. Keep in mind that this speed can be even faster in better environments or when used with the IPQ8072/8074 platform.

In summary, the QCN9074-6E in the DR6018 proves to be a high-performance choice for wireless connectivity. These results showcase the potential of our products, and we're thrilled to provide you with reliable and speedy wireless solutions. Thank you for choosing Wallys wireless products!

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