语言大师 Anders Hejlsberg

2023-10-25 04:48
文章标签 语言 大师 anders hejlsberg

本文主要是介绍语言大师 Anders Hejlsberg,希望对大家解决编程问题提供一定的参考价值,需要的开发者们随着小编来一起学习吧!

语言大师Anders Hejlsberg介绍


Anders Hejlsberg,是丹麦人,曾在丹麦科技大学学习工程学。1981年前,Anders Hejlsberg 在丹麦有个公司叫Poly Data,他编写了Pascal编译器核心,最初叫Compass Pascal,后来叫Poly Pascal。1981年,Anders把该编译器核心授权给了Borland。Anders作为雇员加入公司,并且是后来所有Pascal版本与Delphi前3个版本的架构师。作为 Borland 的首席体系结构设计师,Hejlsberg 秘密地将 Turbo Pascal 变成一种面向对象的、拥有真正可视化的环境和卓越的数据库访问特性的应用程序开发语言Delphi。

1996年,Anders Hejlsberg在Delphi3发布前离开Borland去了MS。

在此之前,MS曾多次企图挖走Anders, 但都没有成功。据信anders去MS(主要)不是钱的问题,虽然MS的开价也相当有吸引力: 130万美元年薪外加股票期权和分红,总计超过300万美元。主要原因是Anders和Delphi开发组的其他成员在修改编译器的问题上发生了争执;还有,据Borland内部人讲,Anders认为自己不再是“不可缺少的人”。

Anders在Delphi3中几乎没有做什么工作,Chuck Jazdzewski扮演了一个更重要的角色。(--Anders Ohlsson) Anders在Borland时把所有精力都放在了Pascal产品上,也需要新的挑战,由于Bill Gates的亲自邀请,并许诺挑战的机会,Anders加入了Microsoft。果然,在Microsoft,Anders 在Visual J++开发中扮演了一个重要的角色,然后是C#的设计者,主要的架构设计师,以及.Net的架构设计师之一。(--Marco Menardi)

Microsoft 用丰厚的薪水、股票认购权和巨额的加盟奖金雇请了 Hejlsberg 之后,Borland 曾提出通过不正当手段吸收新成员的控告。Borland 还曾声称 — 提供了很少的细节来支持指控 — Hejlsberg 正在开发“Delphi for Java”。这场诉讼最终以 Borland 的胜利而收场;但是从那时起,Microsoft 已在让 Hejlsberg 工作了。


2001年4月12日,Anders获得Dr. Dobb杂志2000年度编程杰出奖。
Dr. Dobb's Journal Excellence in Programming Award

1995年以来的获得DDJ EPA大奖的著名开发者列表  每年只评选1位


 Pascal AdAnders在BorCon 2002上的主题演讲中展示的Turbo Pascal第一次在Byte杂志上做的广告。
 Delphi 1 About对话框彩蛋中的Anders Hejlsberg。Delphi的编译器特征是闪电编译,其快无比。
 离开Borland之后在离开Borland后,一次Borland大会上Anders遇见John Kaster
 2002-02-13 Bill Gates在旧金山VSLive!大会上正式发布VS.Net Bill Gates Launches VS.NET
 Bill Gates Video

Part 1: Bill Gates

Bill Gates kicked off the Visual Studio .NET launch with a Web Services-centered keynote.

Click the image to watch the video

 Anders Hejlsberg VideoPart 2: Anders Hejlsberg

Hejlsberg focused on the benefits of Web Services using VS.NET, as well as the productivity gains developers get by using the .NET Framework.

Click the image to watch the video

 Anders Hejlsberg 在微软Visual studio.NET 发布大会上的演讲稿  

Deep Inside C#: An Interview with Microsoft Chief Architect Anders Hejlsberg (2000)

C#内幕:采访微软架构设计师 Anders (中文翻译)

VSLive!采访AndersInterview with Anders Hejlsberg (2002-02-14)
.NetDJ 采访AndersThe Talk with the Father of C#: Discusses the Origins and the Future of C#  

A Conversation with Anders Hejlsberg (2003-08-04)
Part I: The C# Design Process
Part II: The Trouble with Checked Exceptions

Anders谈C#的设计过程 8个部分




Goodbye Anders Hejlsberg! We'll miss you...

As you may have heard, I will be leaving Borland by the end
of the month to take a job at Microsoft. This has not been an easy decision
to make, but I have now been with Borland for 13 years, and I feel
that it is time for me to try some new challenges.

For those of you worried about Delphi's future, I want to assure you
that the product is in the hands of an incredibly competent team of
people for whom I harbor the deepest respect. Back in the old Turbo
Pascal days it was possible for one person to write and maintain an
entire product. This is no longer the case. Delphi was built by a
team, and I have full confidence in the team's ability to develop and
deliver new versions of Delphi. In fact, the Delphi team at this point
is almost twice the size it was when we shipped 1.0 in early '95. And
Delphi97 is going to be a great product which solves a number of the
problems you've been asking us about, such as multi-tier database
access and COM/ActiveX support.

When you build a product like Turbo Pascal or Delphi, it is incredibly
rewarding to see the enthusiasm of developers and the great
applications it's been used to create. I can't tell you how much I
appreciate all of the support you've given over the years.


From: Lance Devin (Borland) 75674,1251

We have the brightest people in the industry. One of the reasons to
moving to a C++ backend was to create less reliance on Anders in
critical areas like this. While Anders will surely be missed for his
intelligence, architectural insights, companionship, and leadership,
we have many other guys that have already stepped up to the plate to
make Delphi 97 the best product in the market. We in Borland have the
resources and the technology to put the customer at the center of our
business and to meet your needs.

While your concerns are warranted, we have known about this for quite
some time and it does not affect the way we focus or produce product.


From: Zack Urlocker (Borland) 76217,1053

As Lance has indicated, we're cautious about pre-announcing our
products, but we do have quite a few interesting products under
development. We'll start showing a bit more of these this month and
next at Software Development East as well as at Comdex. I think folks
will be pleased to see the improvements that we'll be making
available. In fact, you'll see that Delphi fits into a whole family of
interoperable development tools that includes client/server and
Internet development. Strictly from a point of view of how much
innovation there is in the box, I think Delph97 is actually more
innovative than Delphi 1.0 or 2.0 by tackling some pretty tough
problems for all developers.


From: Charlie Calvert 76711,533

Delphi 97 is in great shape. It will ship on time and will be by far
the best Delphi tool to hit the market yet. The new COM and
distributed Application support will make this version more than a
worthy succsor to previous versions of Delphi. There is simply no
reason for concern here. Delphi 97 will be an outstanding tool. More
than a match for its competition.

Borland itself has a much stronger future than you suggest. For one
thing, we have plenty of cash. The company is in very strong shape
financially. Furthermore we have greate Delphi, C++ and Java products
in the pipeline, with all of them scheduled to ship in the next few

I don't mean to paint too rosy a picture here. Obviously losing Anders
is a bad break, and clearly we are looking forward to the day when our
new products will increase our revenue stream. Nevertheless, Delphi is
the best tool of its kind in the field today, and it will remain so
for the forseeable future. With strong C++ and Java products coming
out in the future, there is reason for even the most pragmatic people
to keep an eye on Borland.

Sure these are tough times, but there are lots of reasons to look
forward to a good future for Borland and its outstanding technology.

- Charlie

From: Zack Urlocker (Borland) 76217,1053

As many of you have read, yes, Anders is leaving next month and he'll
be going to Microsoft. We're certainly sad to see Anders leave. But it
was a personal decision on his front. After being here 13 years, he's
decided to try something different. The architectural work that Anders
covers is complete for Delphi 97 and we're in beta. Anders departure
won't affect the ship date or features going forward. Chuck
Jazdzewski, who some of you probably know, will be moving up from
co-architect on Delphi to taking over the full architectural duties.
Chuck has been here longer than I have and worked closely with Anders
for many years especially on VCL, the UI builder etc. He's also played
an important role on Java and other products here.

So again, even though we'll miss I think the Delphi team is in very
good shape to ship a very impressive release. There is a whole crew of
folks working on Delphi 97 many of whom have been involved since the
very beginning of the project and have a strong vision for where we
are taking it in this next release and beyond. (In fact, I've been
pleased to see some new features being worked on that I have been
asking for for about 3 years now!)

The other thing worth noting is that even though we've had our
weaknesses from a sales point of view, particularly in the US, we
don't have a problem with products and technology. In fact, beginning
with IntraBuilder last month, we've got the strongest product pipeline
we've had in 6 years with IntraBuilder C/S, new versions of Delphi and
C++ and Latte coming that will make folks take another look at
Borland, just like when we shipped Delphi 1.0. In addition, with the
acquisition of Open Environment completing in November that will
enable us to add a higher degree of scalability to our development
tools so that they can be used in applications with tens of thousands
of users. That's an important part of our overall "golden gate"
strategy to bridge between the client server architecture and the
Internet architecture for corporate customers.

Fixing the sales situation is not trivial and it won't happen over
night, but its a heckuva lot easier than if we had the opposite
situation and had no new products coming. Then I'd be worried. Whitney
Lynn who has joined the company as interim and acting CEO and
President is a very smart guy and is going to be spending a lot of his
time focused on rebuilding the sales organization so that we can be
profitable. That, coupled with the new products is what will get the
company turned around. You'll begin to see more positive news in the
coming weeks and we'll be showing some of the technologies in the fall
at SD East in washington as well as Comdex in vegas.

--Zack Urlocker
Director of product management




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